apple tv 开发_为什么您永远不需要让Apple TV(或其他现代设备)进入睡眠状态

apple tv 开发

apple tv 开发

We get a lot of questions here at How-To Geek about energy consumption and whether or not you should put your devices to sleep or unplug them. We’re here to tell you definitely: no, no you shouldn’t. Unconvinced? Read on.

在How-To Geek上,我们在能源消耗以及是否应该使设备进入睡眠状态或拔出电源方面有很多疑问。 我们在这里绝对要告诉您:不,不,您不应该。 不服气? 继续阅读。

Hibernate,关闭电源或拔出设备不方便 (Sleeping, Powering Down, or Unplugging Devices Is Inconvenient)

When it comes to conserving energy with a host of modern devices like the Apple TV, Chromecasts, modems, routers, smarthome bridges, and the like not only are you not actually conserving all that much energy by turning them off or using the sleep functionality but you’re actually making the device more inconvenient to use and potentially insecure.

在使用Apple TV,Chromecast,调制解调器,路由器,智能家居网桥等一系列现代设备进行节能时,您实际上并没有通过关闭它们或使用睡眠功能来节约所有能源。您实际上是在使设备使用起来更加不便,并且可能不安全。

When your devices are unplugged or asleep you need to power them up or wake them to use them. In the case of devices like the Chromecast or the Apple TV that means you need to sit through the boot process, let the device reconnect to the network, download any potential updates, and so on, before you can even begin to use it. With most modern devices all that downloading and updating would have happened while you were asleep and you’d have been none the wiser (and never irritated by an update delaying your Netflix binge).

当您的设备拔出电源或进入睡眠状态时,您需要打开设备电源或唤醒它们以使用它们。 对于Chromecast或Apple TV之类的设备,这意味着您需要坐在引导过程中,让该设备重新连接到网络,下载所有可能的更新等,然后才能开始使用它。 对于大多数现代设备,所有这些下载和更新都将在您入睡时发生,而且您再也不明智了(而且永远不会因延迟Netflix狂欢而受到更新的刺激)。

节约能源很重要(除非您不在) (Conserving Energy Is Important (Except When You’re Not))

Despite the good feeling we might get when we unplug our media center device or turn it off, it turns out how good we feel about saving energy is actually disproportionate to the amount of energy we’re saving.


To put this theory to the test we plugged in all sorts of small home electronics and tested their power consumption when idle, when in use, and when, if applicable, they were put into sleep mode. (By the way if you want to conduct all these experiments on your own appliances big and small, read our guide here to do so).

为了验证该理论,我们插入了各种小型家用电子设备,并测试了它们在空闲,使用中以及何时(如果适用)处于睡眠模式时的功耗。 (顺便说一句,如果您想在自己的电器上进行所有这些实验,无论大小,请阅读此处的指南以进行操作 )。

It costs approximately $2 to leave a Chromecast plugged in twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year at the average U.S. energy price of 12.5 cents per kWh. If you unplug your Chromecast (or similar devices like the Amazon Fire TV Stick) when they aren’t in use (which is the only way to turn the power off on most streaming sticks) you’ll save less than a cup of coffee a year and you’ll be forever plugging and unplugging things to watch TV.

每天24小时,一年365天,每天平均插电成本为2美元,而美国平均能源价格为每千瓦时12.5美分。 如果您在不使用Chromecast(或类似的设备,例如Amazon Fire TV Stick)时拔出它们的电源(这是关闭大多数流媒体棒电源的唯一方法),则节省下来的钱少于一杯咖啡。年,您将永远插拔电视的东西。

Sure, sure, you say. The Chromecast is so tiny! The bigger devices like the Apple TV and the Amazon Fire must consume way more power right? After all they have legitimate power cables and options in the menus for sleep mode!

当然可以,您说。 Chromecast 太小了 ! 像Apple TV和Amazon Fire这样的大型设备必须消耗更多的功率,对吗? 毕竟,它们在睡眠模式菜单中都有合法的电源线和选项!

Even though they look like they should consume a lot of power (given their size, their cabling, and the fact that they do so much) they’re built very efficiently using low-power chips that have way more in common with smartphones than desktop computers.


When we ran power tests on the Apple TV, for example, we found that when it was on and idle (be it just sitting there on the home screen, in a menu, or displaying the Aerial screensaver) it only consumed 2.1 watts of power. When actually watching a video or playing a game it would fluctuate but would never exceed 5 watts of power. When in sleep mode it would only draw 0.3 watts of power.

例如,当我们在Apple TV上进行功率测试时,我们发现当它处于打开和空闲状态时(无论是坐在主屏幕上,菜单中还是显示天线屏幕保护程序),它仅消耗2.1瓦功率。 实际观看视频或玩游戏时,它会波动,但永远不会超过5瓦。 在睡眠模式下,它将仅消耗0.3瓦的功率。

So in practical cold-hard-cash terms, that means the if you leave the Apple TV on 24/7 it will consume about $2.25 worth of electricity (and if you ran the thing playing videos all day and night for a whole year you’d burn less than five bucks). In sleep mode and unplugged, obviously, you can reduce your power consumption to roughly 25 cents or nothing, respectively, for the time you’re not using the device over the course of the year. The Amazon Fire TV? Same story. It idles a bit higher at 5.1 watts but that still only translates to approximately $4.50 for a whole year.

因此,以实际的冷现金形式来说,这意味着如果您以24/7的速度离开Apple TV,则将消耗约2.25美元的电费(如果您整日整夜运行视频播放一年, d燃烧不到五美元)。 显然,在睡眠模式和不插电的情况下,一年中不使用设备时,您可以分别将功耗降低到大约25美分或什么都不用。 亚马逊消防电视? 相同的故事。 它的闲置功率更高,为5.1瓦,但全年仅折合4.5美元左右。

担心大泄漏(不是小家伙) (Worry About the Big Leaks (Not the Little Guys))

At this point you might be thinking “Geez guys, every little bit counts” and wondering why we’d encourage people just to just waste energy. Let’s be clear: we’re not encouraging you or anyone else to just wantonly waste energy.

在这一点上,您可能会想“伙计们,每一点都很重要”,并且想知道为什么我们鼓励人们只是浪费能量。 明确一点:我们不鼓励您或其他任何人大肆浪费能源。

Leaving your very energy efficient media center devices, home networking devices, and such on so that they are always ready to use and up to date is a good trade off (considering you’d save less than a dozen kWh per year and less than $20 by unplugging them).


Instead of worrying that your Apple TV is wasteful, fix the things that we know for a fact are wasteful. Take advantage of utility rebates to switch to LED bulbs. Complain to your cable company about their ridiculously inefficient cable boxes and/or put them on appliance timers. Turn your thermostat down when you’re not home (or if you always forget, get a smart thermostat to do it for you). Don’t leave your hulking gaming rig PC running 24/7 if you’re not doing anything on it. There are big energy wasters in your home and you should absolutely do things to plug the big leaks first. (Literally, even! Check around your windows and doors for drafts and caulk the frames.)

不用担心您的Apple TV会浪费,而是解决我们实际上知道是浪费的事情。 利用公用事业回扣转换为LED灯泡 。 向电缆公司投诉其电缆盒效率低下和/或将它们放在设备计时器上 。 当您不在家时,请将调温器调低(或者,如果您总是忘记了,请找一个智能调温器来帮您做 )。 如果您不做任何操作,不要让笨拙的游戏装备PC每天24/7运行。 您家中有大量的能源浪费者,您绝对应该做些事情来首先堵塞大的泄漏。 (从字面上看,甚至!检查您的门窗周围是否有吃水并填塞框架。)

You’ll save more energy per year replacing a single frequently used 60w incandescent light bulb with an LED bulb than you would unplugging your streaming box every night for a decade.


Have a pressing question about energy vampires, upgrading your home tech to be more efficient, or any of the curiosities that plague tech forward 21st century homeowners? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to answer them.

对于能源吸血鬼,将您的家庭技术升级到更高的效率,或者困扰着技术使21世纪的房主困扰的任何问题,有一个紧迫的问题吗? 请通过ask@howtogeek.com向我们发送电子邮件,我们将尽力答复他们。


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