


What’s the point of having a house of the future if your family members, roommates, or guests can’t take advantage of all its features? Share the future-is-now vibe by allowing their iCloud account to control your smart lights, thermostat, and more.

如果您的家人,室友或客人不能充分利用其所有功能,那么拥有一所未来的房子有什么意义? 通过允许他们的iCloud帐户控制您的智能灯,恒温器等来分享“未来就是现在”的氛围。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

HomeKit is the framework that links together all of the diverse HomeKit accessories in the growing stable of Apple-approved smarthome products. If you’ve upgraded parts of your home to take advantage of HomeKit-enabled accessories like smart bulbs, a smart thermostat, smart locks, or the like, then it’s only natural you’d want family members, roommates, or guests to get full use out of them too.

HomeKit是将苹果批准的不断增长的稳定智能家居产品中的所有各种HomeKit配件链接在一起的框架。 如果您已升级房屋的一部分以利用支持HomeKit的配件(例如智能灯泡智能恒温器智能锁等),那么您自然希望家人,室友或客人吃饱了也用光它们。

By default, however, the only person who can control all the HomeKit accessories is the person who set the system up; the administrative control is linked to their iCloud login. As such, if you want to grant access to anyone else in your home, you’ll need to invite them and authorize their iCloud account. The process of both adding and removing guest users is, thankfully, quite simple if you know where to look.

但是,默认情况下,唯一可以控制所有HomeKit附件的人是设置系统的人; 管理控件链接到他们的iCloud登录名。 因此,如果您想授予家中其他任何人访问权限,则需要邀请他们并授权他们的iCloud帐户。 幸好,如果您知道要查找的位置,添加和删除来宾用户的过程都非常简单。

Once you’ve authorized their iCloud account they can use apps and Siri to control your home’s smart devices just like you can, issuing commands like “Hey Siri, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.”, “Set the scene to movie night”, or using any other commands or apps your accessories support.


If you’re here because you’ve previously used HomeKit and shared your HomeKit system but everything seems out of place, don’t worry–you’re not losing your mind. Between iOS 9 and iOS 10, Apple moved the majority of HomeKit settings from iOS’ Settings menu into the brand new Home application.

如果您是因为以前使用过HomeKit并共享了HomeKit系统而来这里的,但一切似乎都不正常,请不要担心-您不会失去理智。 在iOS 9和iOS 10之间,Apple将大多数HomeKit设置从iOS的“设置”菜单移到了全新的Home应用程序中。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Before we jump into the actual setup process, take a moment to ensure that you have everything ready to go. You’ll need at least one installed and configured HomeKit accessory (if you’re in the shopping mood, we can’t say enough good things about the new HomeKit-compatible Philips Hue system).

在我们进入实际的设置过程之前,请花一点时间来确保您准备就绪。 您至少需要安装和配置一个HomeKit配件(如果您购物的时候,对于兼容HomeKit的新型Philips Hue系统 ,我们不能说太多好话了 )。

Other than that, you’ll need the iCloud ID of the person you wish to add, and they’ll need an iPhone or iPad running iOS 10. In addition, if they want more granular control over the smarthome accessories, they’ll need copies of all the relevant apps used to control them (like the Philips Hue app, to stick with our example). We’ll touch on that more in the section “How Guests Can Use Your HomeKit House” below.

除此之外,您还需要添加人员的iCloud ID,他们需要运行iOS 10的iPhone或iPad。此外,如果他们希望对智能家居配件进行更精细的控制,则需要用于控制它们的所有相关应用程序的副本(例如Philips Hue应用程序 ,以遵循我们的示例)。 我们将在下面的“客人如何使用HomeKit House”部分中对此进行详细说明。

Finally, the only real hiccup you’re likely to run into is if you’ve accidentally set someone else up as the administrator (e.g. you set up your HomeKit gear on your kid’s iPad and now it is linked to their iCloud account). In such instances, you’ll need to reset your HomeKit configuration and reconfigure it from your device so you’re the administrator.

最后,您可能遇到的唯一真正麻烦是,如果您不小心将其他人设置为管理员(例如,在孩子的iPad上设置了HomeKit设备,现在它已链接到他们的iCloud帐户)。 在这种情况下,您需要重置HomeKit配置 ,然后从设备重新配置它,以便您成为管理员。

如何邀请某人到您的HomeKit Home (How to Invite Someone to Your HomeKit Home)

Once you’ve checked off the list in the previous section, adding someone to your HomeKit system is easy. For the sake of brevity and clarity from this point forward, we’ll refer to any person you are adding to your HomeKit system as a guest user.

选中上一部分中的列表后,将某人添加到HomeKit系统就很容易了。 为了简洁起见,从现在开始,我们将以访客用户身份指代您添加到HomeKit系统中的任何人。

Grab an iOS device logged into the HomeKit administrator’s iCloud account and open up the Home app.


Inside the Home app, tap on the small arrow icon in the upper left corner of the screen to access your HomeKit settings.


If you only have one HomeKit home, you’ll be in the default “Home” view (or whatever you named your house). If you have multiple HomeKit-enabled homes, take a moment to select the one you wish to share access to. Once you’re looking at the correct home, look for the “People” entry and select “Invite”.

如果只有一个HomeKit房屋,则将处于默认的“房屋”视图(或您命名的房屋)中。 如果您有多个启用HomeKit的房屋,请花一点时间选择您希望共享访问权的房屋。 找到正确的房屋后,查找“人物”条目并选择“邀请”。

In the following “Add People” screen, you’ll be able to browse your contact list, manually enter an email address, or, as seen below, conveniently pick from people that are already a member of your Apple Family Sharing plan. Select as many people as you wish (you can invite more than one person at once) and then select “Send Invite” in the upper right corner.

在下面的“添加人员”屏幕中,您将能够浏览您的联系人列表,手动输入电子邮件地址,或者如下图所示,方便地从已经是Apple Family Sharing计划成员的人员中进行选择 。 选择任意数量的人(一次可以邀请多个人),然后在右上角选择“发送邀请”。

Back on the main home settings page, you’ll see your pending invitation.


There are a few minor settings we need to tweak for our invited users, but they need to accept their invitation before we can toggle them. Let’s look at that step now.

我们需要对受邀用户进行一些次要设置,但在我们切换用户之前,他们需要接受他们的邀请。 现在让我们看一下这一步。

如何接受HomeKit邀请 (How to Accept a HomeKit Invitation)

On the guest user’s iOS device, they will receive a notification alerting them to the invitation.


Don’t worry if they miss the notification, they can just as easily open the Home app and tap on the same Settings icon that we used to send the invitation in the first place. Once they click on the notification or on the settings icon, they’ll be prompted to accept the invitation.

不用担心他们错过了通知,他们可以轻松地打开“主页”应用并点击我们最初用于发送邀请的相同“设置”图标。 他们点击通知或设置图标后,将被提示接受邀请。

Once the invitation is accepted, the user has full access to the shared HomeKit home. Before we dive into using the HomeKit home as a guest though, there’s a little bit of tidying in order.

一旦邀请被接受,用户就可以完全访问共享的HomeKit主页。 但是,在我们开始以HomeKit Home的身份来宾使用之前,需要进行一些整理。

整理房屋清单 (Tidying Up the Homes List)

There’s a small quirk that your guest users will surely immediately notice. All iOS 10 devices have a default “Home” set in the Home app–even if the user has never used HomeKit before and signing on as a guest in your home is their first and only experience. This can lead to confusion because they will then have two entries for “Home”: their default “Home” and then the “Home (Guest)” for your home (or whatever you’ve named your home, like “Brentwood (Guest)”.

您的访客用户一定会立即注意到一个小怪癖。 所有iOS 10设备都在Home应用程序中设置了默认的“ Home”,即使用户以前从未使用过HomeKit,并且以访客身份登录是他们的首次也是唯一的体验。 这可能会引起混乱,因为他们将为“ Home”输入两个条目:默认的“ Home”,然后是您的房屋(或您命名的任何房屋,例如“ Brentwood(Guest)”的“ Home(来宾)” ”。

Further, the Home app wants to default to what it thinks is your “real” HomeKit house, which means your guest users will find themselves frequently switching from the phantom default “Home” to the Home they’re a guest in.

此外,Home应用程序希望默认为您认为“真实”的HomeKit房子,这意味着您的来宾用户会发现自己经常从虚拟的默认“ Home”切换为来宾的家。

Obviously, if your guest user is a temporary house guest who actually has their own HomeKit home to return to, don’t mess around with their settings or suggest they delete anything. If your “guests”, however, are your spouse and kids who live in your home full time, then it makes sense to tidy up.

显然,如果您的来宾用户是临时住所的来宾,而实际上他们有自己的HomeKit住所可以返回,则不要乱搞他们的设置或建议他们删除任何内容。 但是,如果您的“客人”是您的配偶和孩子,他们全时住在家里,那么收拾东西就很有意义。

In the Settings menu of the guest user’s device, head to “Homes” and then select the entry for the phantom default “Home”. After selecting it, scroll to the bottom and tap “Remove Home”.

在访客用户设备的“设置”菜单中,转到“家庭”,然后选择幻像默认“家庭”的条目。 选择后,滚动到底部,然后点击“ Remove Home”。

The simple act of purging the phantom home will make life much easier for your more permanent guest users.


访客如何使用您的HomeKit House (How Guests Can Use Your HomeKit House)

HomeKit functionality has, thankfully, come a long way since it was introduced, and the changes in iOS 10 make HomeKit more user-friendly for everyone–especially guests.

令人欣慰的是,自推出以来,HomeKit功能已经走了很长一段路,iOS 10中的更改使HomeKit对所有人(尤其是来宾)更加人性化。

Historically, you had to download every smarthome application for your smarthome gear and install it on the guest user’s phone. This meant if you used the Philips Hue app to control the lights, then they needed to do the same (along with every other smarthome app you used). While they can still do so if they wish, they don’t need to.

从历史上看,您必须下载用于智能家居设备的每个智能家居应用程序,并将其安装在访客用户的电话上。 这意味着,如果您使用Philips Hue应用程序来控制灯光,那么他们需要做同样的事情   (以及您使用的所有其他智能家居应用程序)。 尽管他们仍然可以根据需要这样做,但并不需要这样做。

Now, every iOS 10 device comes with the Home app, which can function as an all-in-one smarthome dashboard.

现在,每台iOS 10设备都带有Home应用程序,该应用程序可以用作多合一的智能家居仪表板。

Even if the guest user hasn’t installed any of the same smarthome apps you’re using, they can still access the dashboard to toggle on and off devices, trigger scenes (that you, the HomeKit administrator created), and otherwise interact with the HomeKit home the way you do. Simple, huh?

即使访客用户未安装与您使用的相同的智能家居应用程序,他们仍然可以访问仪表板以打开和关闭设备,触发场景(由HomeKit管理员创建的场景),或者与HomeKit以您的方式回家。 简单吧?

如何限制和删除HomeKit Home中的访客 (How to Restrict and Remove Guests from Your HomeKit Home)

In most cases, such as granting access to a spouse or child, you likely won’t ever need to revoke someone’s access. But you may wish to restrict it so they can’t edit the HomeKit system. In addition, you may wish to restrict remote access in the case of house guests (why would they need to control your home when they aren’t there?) or remove them entirely when they leave.

在大多数情况下,例如授予对配偶或孩子的访问权限,您可能将永远不需要撤销某人的访问权限。 但是您可能希望对其进行限制,以使他们无法编辑HomeKit系统。 此外,您可能希望限制房客的远程访问权限(为什么他们不在时需要控制您的房屋?)或在他们离开时将其完全删除。

You can do all this by returning the screen where you originally invited them (by opening the Home app, tapping on the settings arrow, and looking at your “People” list) and selecting them.


There you can toggle remote access on and off (you, of course, need remote access enabled for the whole HomeKit system for this to work), toggle editing on and off (which allows the user to edit the names of your HomeKit accessories, the rooms, and other HomeKit settings), and finally you can remove the person from your HomeKit system altogether.

在那里,您可以打开和关闭远程访问(当然,您需要为整个HomeKit系统启用远程访问才能正常工作 ),打开和关闭编辑(允许用户编辑HomeKit附件的名称,房间和其他HomeKit设置),最后您可以将其从HomeKit系统中完全删除。

That’s all there is to it: with trip into the HomeKit settings and some basic application setup on your guest’s iOS device you can share your awesome home-of-the-future gear with everyone in your household.








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