paperwhite3翻页_Kindle vs. Paperwhite vs. Voyage vs. Oasis:您应该购买哪种Kindle?




Amazon’s Kindle lineup has expanded: there are now four different models, with different features at different price points. That means deciding which one you want is more difficult than ever. Let’s look at what separates the four Kindles and how to work out which one is right for you.

亚马逊的Kindle产品线已经扩展:现在有四种不同的型号,以不同的价格提供不同的功能。 这意味着确定您想要的人比以往更加困难。 让我们看一下将这四个Kindle分开的原因,以及如何确定哪一个适合您。

Kindle (The Kindle)


The Kindle is Amazon’s barebones, entry level model. It has a 6 inch, 167ppi touch screen display, Wi-Fi, and…not much else. It’s $79.99 with “Special Offers”, Amazon’s transparent euphemism for home screen ads, and $99.99 without them—although you can pay the $20 at any time to remove them if you go with the cheaper model.

Kindle是亚马逊的准入门级模型。 它具有6英寸,167ppi触摸屏显示屏,Wi-Fi等。 带有“特别优惠”的价格为79.99美元,这是亚马逊用于主屏幕广告的透明委婉语,没有它们的价格为99.99美元-尽管如果您选择了更便宜的型号,则可以随时支付20美元来删除它们。

It’s still basically the same Kindle Amazon released five years ago, just with a slightly better screen and faster processor. It doesn’t have a lot of extra features, but for the price, it’s not a bad deal.

基本上与五年前发布的Kindle Amazon相同,只是屏幕略好,处理器更快。 它没有很多额外的功能,但是就价格而言,这并不是一件坏事。

Kindle Paperwhite (Kindle Paperwhite)


The Kindle Paperwhite was Amazon’s first premium Kindle model, and it’s stuck around in the middle of the lineup. For $119.99 (with special offers), you get a 6 inch, 300ppi side-lit touch screen display, Wi-Fi. Removing the Special Offers adds $20 to the price. You can also pay an extra $70 for a 3G version, if you want to download books on the go (no data plan required).

Kindle Paperwhite是亚马逊的首款高级Kindle机型,一直排在中间。 只需119.99美元(带有特价),您就可以得到6英寸,300ppi侧向触摸屏显示器,Wi-Fi。 取消特别优惠将使价格增加20美元。 如果您想随时随地下载书籍,则还可以额外支付70美元购买3G版本(无需数据计划)。

The sidelight is the stand out feature here. Four LEDs at the bottom of the display shine across the screen. A special plastic “Light Guide” makes sure everything is illuminated evenly. Unlike a backlit screen—such as the one on your laptop or smartphone—you can read a Paperwhite for hours without straining your eyes. It’s just like reading a book with a light over your shoulder.

侧灯是此处的突出功能。 显示屏底部的四个LED在整个屏幕上发光。 特殊的塑料“光导”可确保所有物体均被均匀照亮。 与背光屏幕(例如笔记本电脑或智能手机上的屏幕)不同,您可以数小时阅读Paperwhite,而不会疲劳到眼睛。 就像看书一样,肩膀上有灯。

While the Kindle Paperwhite costs $40 more than the regular Kindle, it’s well worth the extra money. It has a much nicer screen with sharper text and a sidelight. The Paperwhite is slightly bigger and heavier than the Kindle, but you don’t really notice the difference when you’re reading. If you’re considering spending $80 on a Kindle, you should almost definitely drop the extra $40 for the much better Paperwhite. The Kindle is a good ereader, but the Paperwhite is a great one.

尽管Kindle Paperwhite的价格比普通Kindle高40美元,但还是值得的。 它具有更好的屏幕,带有清晰的文字和侧光。 Paperwhite比Kindle更大,更重,但是您在阅读时并没有真正注意到它们之间的区别。 如果您正考虑在Kindle上花费80美元,那么您几乎应该肯定会花掉额外的40美元来购买更好的Paperwhite。 Kindle是一款出色的电子书阅读器,但Paperwhite是一款出色的电子书阅读器。

Kindle航行 (Kindle Voyage)


The Kindle Voyage is a smaller, lighter Paperwhite with six LEDs in the sidelight and a pressure sensitive bezel. You can turn the page in an ebook by squeezing the bezel—a feature Amazon calls PagePress—rather than tapping the screen.

Kindle Voyage是一种更小,更轻的Paperwhite,在侧面灯中带有六个LED和一个压敏边框。 您可以通过挤压挡板(而不是点击屏幕)来挤压电子书中的页面(亚马逊称其为PagePress)。

The Kindle Voyage starts at $199.99 and, like the Paperwhite, you can remove Special Offers for $20 and add 3G for $70.

Kindle Voyage的起价为199.99美元,与Paperwhite一样,您可以以20美元的价格删除特别优惠,并以70美元的价格添加3G。

The Kindle Voyage is a bit odd. It costs $80 more than the Paperwhite, and you get…not a lot, really. The sidelight is slightly more even, the PagePress buttons are slightly nicer than tapping the touch screen, and it’s slightly smaller and lighter. If you’ve got the extra cash burning a hole in your pocket…then maybe it’s the one for you? But for most people, the marginally better features aren’t worth the dramatically increased price.

Kindle Voyage有点奇怪。 它的价格比Paperwhite贵80美元,但您得到的……不多,真的。 侧光稍微均匀一些,PagePress按钮比轻按触摸屏更好,并且略小一些且更轻。 如果您有多余的现金在口袋里烧一个洞……那也许是您的最佳选择吗? 但是对于大多数人来说,略微更好的功能并不值得大幅度提高价格。

Kindle绿洲 (Kindle Oasis)


The Kindle Oasis is Amazon’s luxury Kindle. It starts at $289.99 with Special Offers and goes up to $379.99 if you remove the ads and get 3G.

Kindle Oasis是亚马逊的豪华Kindle。 它的特价起价为289.99美元,如果您删除广告并获得3G服务,则价格最高为379.99美元。

For the price, you get 10 LEDs in the sidelight and page turn buttons. The Oasis also comes in two parts: the smallest, lightest Kindle model and an included leather battery case. You can use the Kindle without the case, but the battery life is reduced dramatically.

对于价格,您在侧灯和翻页按钮中获得10个LED。 Oasis还分为两个部分:最小,最轻的Kindle型号和随附的皮革电池盒。 您可以在没有保护套的情况下使用Kindle,但是电池寿命会大大减少。

The Kindle Oasis is undoubtedly the premium Kindle. Everything about it is better than the other Kindles. Even with the cover, it’s incredibly light. In the hand, it’s perfectly balanced. The page turn buttons are responsive and way nicer than tapping a touch screen. Yes, it’s price tag is ludicrous for an ereader, but Amazon has gone all out.

Kindle Oasis无疑是优质的Kindle。 关于它的一切都比其他Kindle更好。 即使有盖子,它的重量也非常轻。 在手中,它是完美平衡的。 翻页按钮具有响应性,并且比点击触摸屏更好。 是的,它的价格标签对于电子阅读器来说是可笑的,但是亚马逊已经全力以赴。

If you have the money and want the ultimate Kindle, it’s the one to buy. For everyone else, just get the Paperwhite.

如果您有足够的钱并想要终极的Kindle,则可以购买。 对于其他所有人,只需获取Paperwhite。

To sum up, the Kindle Paperwhite is one of the best e-readers on the market, especially when you take price into account. The regular Kindle is good value but a little under featured. The Kindle Voyage is marginally better than the Paperwhite, but not $80 better. Finally, the Kindle Oasis is spectacular with a spectacularly high price tag.

总结起来,Kindle Paperwhite是市场上最好的电子阅读器之一,尤其是考虑到价格时。 普通的Kindle物有所值,但功能不足。 Kindle Voyage比Paperwhite稍好一些,但没有比其高出80美元。 最后,Kindle Oasis的价格高得惊人。



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