


Whether you’re a mega modder, someone looking to keep your Minecraft versions and their accompanying worlds in a nice orderly fashion, or you want to totally silo your kids’ Minecraft experience to keep their worlds separate and cut down on the fighting, MultiMC is the solution to your problems.


我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

One thing every Minecraft modder quickly realizes is that keeping all the worlds and all their companion mods straight is a huge hassle. Further, many times you find mods that only work with 1.6.x or early version of 1.7.x, and where does that leave you? It’s another big hassle to set up separate profiles for not only your bundles of mods but also for your bundles of mods and your unique Minecraft versions. In short order, things go from your original vanilla installation of Minecraft to a rat’s nest of profiles, shuffled around files and an overall mess.

每个Minecraft Modder都会很快意识到,将所有世界及其所有同伴Mod保持直立是一个巨大的麻烦。 此外,很多时候,您会发现仅适用于1.6.x或1.7.x早期版本的mod,那又会如何呢? 不仅为您的mod捆绑包而且为您的mod捆绑包和独特的Minecraft版本设置单独的配置文件是另一个麻烦。 很快,事情就从原始的Minecraft原始安装安装到了老鼠的巢状配置文件,文件周围乱七八糟的东西以及整个混乱之中。

Worse yet, if you don’t do the careful organizing required to keep your worlds separated and only loaded with the proper mods then you risk corrupting those worlds. As we emphasized in our Minecraft modding guide if you load a world without the proper mods/assets then everything in that world created with those mods/assets typically vanishes and the world can become corrupted.

更糟糕的是,如果您没有进行必要的精心组织以保持世界分离,并且仅加载了适当的Mod,那么您就有可能破坏这些世界。 正如我们在《我的世界》改装指南中所强调的那样,如果您加载的世界没有适当的mod /资产,那么使用这些mod /资产创建的世界中的所有东西通常都会消失,世界可能会变得腐败。

If you want to further compound the issue, throw in multiple players on the same machine and you’ve got a big mess on your hands. Not to mention a few tears and screams if your multiple players happen to be young siblings prone to accidentally (or not so accidentally) messing with each other’s worlds.

如果您想进一步加剧该问题,请在同一台计算机上投入多个玩家,这样您的手上就会一团糟。 如果您的多个玩家都是年轻的兄弟姐妹,并且容易(或者不是那么偶然地)弄乱彼此的世界,更不用说几滴眼泪了。

There has to be a better way and there is a better way: MultiMC. In earlier articles we taught you how mods worked and how to manually install them. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to show you how to streamline the entire experience in a way that keeps all your worlds, mods, and profiles separate, well organized, and with no risk that you’ll load a world with the wrong mods and completely wreck your hard work.

必须有一个更好的办法, 一个更好的办法:MultiMC。 在较早的文章中,我们教了您mod的工作原理以及如何手动安装。 现在,我们已经解决了这个问题,现在该向您展示如何简化整个体验,以使您的所有世界,mod和个人资料保持独立,组织良好且没有加载风险一个错误模组的世界,彻底破坏了您的辛勤工作。

什么是MultiMC? (What Is MultiMC?)

MultiMC is a free and open-source launcher for Minecraft (it will completely replace the regular Mojang supplied launcher) that does an absolutely spectacular job of managing your Minecraft experience. MultiMC is a huge improvement over the vanilla Minecraft launcher and it makes setting up profiles and managing your play experience very simple.

MultiMC是Minecraft的免费开源启动器(它将完全替代常规的Mojang提供的启动器),在管理Minecraft体验方面做得非常出色。 MultiMC是对原始Minecraft启动器的巨大改进,它使设置个人资料和管理游戏体验变得非常简单。

For those players who are heavily into modding, MultiMC is practically a necessity as it decreases the fuss factor of messing around with mods by many fold and makes creating discrete profiles and mod checklists for individual play instances as simple as clicking a few times with your mouse.


Not only does MultiMC do all that, but it also cuts down on bloat by using shared libraries and minimizing how many copies of Minecraft and auxiliary files need to exist in order for your individual instances to run. It’s a veritable Minecraft Swiss Army Knife, and we can’t say enough good things about.

MultiMC不仅可以做所有这些事情,而且还可以通过使用共享库并最大程度地减少Minecraft和辅助文件的副本数量来运行单个实例,从而减少工作量。 这是名副其实的Minecraft瑞士军刀,我们不能说太多好话。

Although we’ll be using the Windows version of MultiMC, it’s also available in the same portable open-source goodness for OS X and Linux.

尽管我们将使用Windows版本的MultiMC ,但它也具有与OS X和Linux相同的可移植开源特性。

安装MultiMC并练习良好的Mod组织 (Installing MultiMC and Practicing Good Mod Organization)






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