Windows 10为什么说您的Wi-Fi网络“不安全”

Windows 10 now warns you that a Wi-Fi network “isn’t secure” when it’s using “an older security standard that’s being phased out.” Windows 10 is warning you about WEP and TKIP. Here’s what that message means—and how to fix it.

Windows 10现在警告您,当Wi-Fi网络使用“正在淘汰的较旧的安全标准”时,它“并不安全”。 Windows 10向您警告有关WEP和TKIP。 这是该消息的含义以及如何解决。

Starting with the May 2019 update, Windows may show you a message stating your network isn’t secure, even if you know you use a password. If you see this message, then you’re likely using either Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) or Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) encryption. These encryptions aren’t safe to use, and you should switch to a newer protocol or replace your router as soon as possible.

2019年5月更新开始,即使您知道使用密码,Windows也会向您显示一条消息,指出您的网络不安全。 如果看到此消息,则可能是使用了有线等效保密(WEP)或临时密钥完整性协议(TKIP)加密。 使用这些加密方法并不安全,因此您应切换到较新的协议或尽快更换路由器。

为什么Windows 10警告您 (Why Windows 10 Is Warning You)

Westell router admin page, showing WEP encryption settings.

You probably know you should password protect your Wi-Fi network. Whether it’s to keep the neighbors or roaming bad actors out of your system, it’s just best practice to secure your wireless network. But, when you add a password to your Wi-Fi router, you aren’t just keeping people off your network. The security protocol encrypts your data to prevent anyone in the area from listening in on what you’re doing.

您可能知道应该使用密码保护您的Wi-Fi网络。 无论是将邻居阻止还是在系统中漫游不良行为者,都是保护无线网络的最佳实践。 但是,当您向Wi-Fi路由器添加密码时,您不仅使人们远离了网络。 安全协议对您的数据进行加密,以防止该地区的任何人监听您的操作。

Several methods of encrypting your Wi-Fi exist: WEP, WPA, and WPA2. WPA3 is on the way, too. WEP is the oldest and least secure at this point. Look at this way; the Wi-Fi Alliance ratified WEP in 1999, which makes the standard older than Windows XP, YouTube, and the original iPod. WPA-TKIP was endorsed back in 2002.

存在几种加密Wi-Fi的方法: WEP,WPA和WPA2WPA3也在进行中。 目前,WEP是最古老且最不安全的。 看这边 Wi-Fi联盟在1999年批准了WEP,使该标准比Windows XP,YouTube和原始iPod更为古老。 WPA-TKIP于2002年获得认可。

That’s why Windows warns you about these networks with the following warning:

这就是Windows Windows通过以下警告警告您有关这些网络的原因:

[Network Name] isn’t secure


This Wi-Fi network uses an older security standard that’s being phased out. We recommend connecting to a different network.

此Wi-Fi网络使用的旧安全标准已被淘汰。 我们建议连接到其他网络。

为什么WEP和TKIP危险 (Why WEP and TKIP Are Dangerous)

Unfortunately, despite (or because of) its age, WEP and WPA-TKIP are still fairly widespread. We found WEP was still in use on a relative’s ISP-provided router. We didn’t have to change anything, or enable WEP; they were already using it. WEP is a notoriously lousy encryption option. It has been from the beginning, and it never got much better.

不幸的是,尽管(或由于它的)年代久远,WEP和WPA-TKIP仍然相当普遍。 我们发现WEP仍在亲戚的ISP提供的路由器上使用。 我们不必进行任何更改或启用WEP。 他们已经在使用它。 WEP是一个臭名昭著的加密选项 。 它从一开始就一直存在,并且从未变得更好。

When the encryption protocol first released, most devices restricted WEP to 64-bit encryption due to U.S. regulations. That improved, but as you can see above the router, we tried still used 64-bit encryption. WPA, by comparison, uses 256-bit encryption. Worse yet, several flaws in the protocol were found over time, making the encryption easier to break. In 2005, the FBI demonstrated its ability to crack WEP encryption in mere minutes.

首次发布加密协议时,根据美国法规,大多数设备将WEP限制为64位加密。 情况有所改善,但是正如您在路由器上方看到的那样,我们尝试仍使用64位加密。 相比之下,WPA使用256位加密。 更糟糕的是,随着时间的推移,该协议中发现了一些缺陷,使加密更容易破解。 在2005年,FBI 展示了其在短短几分钟内破解WEP加密的能力。

The Wi-Fi alliance intended to replace WEP with WPA-TKIP, but unfortunately, the newer protocol uses many of the same mechanisms. Due to that choice, the two protocols also share many of the same vulnerabilities. A method to break through one typically works equally well with the other. Thus, TKIP is no safer to use than WEP.

Wi-Fi联盟打算用WPA-TKIP替代WEP,但是不幸的是,较新的协议使用了许多相同的机制 。 由于这种选择,这两个协议还共享许多相同的漏洞。 突破一个方法通常与另一个方法同样有效。 因此,使用TKIP不会比WEP更安全。

Knowing all that, Microsoft wants to warn you if you’re using WEP or TKIP so you can fix the problem. Doing so now is especially important because eventually, Microsoft plans to phase out—or “deprecate”—support for the protocols. When that happens, the latest versions of Windows 10 won’t be able to connect to these networks.

了解所有这些信息之后,Microsoft会警告您是否正在使用WEP或TKIP,以便您可以解决此问题。 现在这样做尤其重要,因为Microsoft最终计划逐步淘汰或“弃用”对协议的支持。 发生这种情况时,最新版本的Windows 10将无法​​连接到这些网络。

如何在您的Wi-FI上修复此错误 (How to Fix This Error on Your Wi-FI)

Router setting security options, showing several different encryption options.

If you see this message when connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, you can’t fix it. The owner of the router needs to fix it. That’s why Windows recommends connecting to a different network.

如果在连接到公共Wi-Fi网络时看到此消息,则无法修复它。 路由器的所有者需要对其进行修复。 这就是Windows建议连接到其他网络的原因。

If you see this message when connecting to your Wi-Fi network, you should enable stronger Wi-Fi encryption. If your router is relatively new, it will have other options like WPA2 with AES, and you should switch to these. Unfortunately, nearly every router’s administration page is different, so giving directions for making that change is difficult. You may want to look up instructions for configuring your specific model of router or consult its manual.

如果在连接到Wi-Fi网络时看到此消息,则应启用更强的Wi-Fi加密。 如果您的路由器相对较新,它将具有其他选项,例如带AES的WPA2,您应该切换到这些选项。 不幸的是,几乎每个路由器的管理页面都是不同的,因此很难给出进行更改的指导。 您可能需要查找有关配置路由器特定型号的说明,或查阅其手册。

You’ll want to find your router’s IP and enter it in your browser. Then look for your Wi-Fi security settings. Keep an eye out for sections about WEP or passwords. If you’re wondering what to select, our recommendation is to pick WPA2 + AES first if it’s available and failing that choose WPA + AES.

您需要找到路由器的IP并将其输入浏览器。 然后查找您的Wi-Fi安全设置。 请留意有关WEP或密码的部分。 如果您想选择什么,我们建议您首先选择WPA2 + AES(如果可用),否则请选择WPA + AES。

The wording in your router’s dialog may be slightly different, but all those letters should be there. WPA2+AES might look like “WPA2-PSK (AES)” for instance. You’ll need to update the password on all your devices (even if you use the same password as before) after you make the change.

路由器对话框中的措词可能略有不同,但是所有这些字母都应在其中。 例如,WPA2 + AES可能看起来像“ WPA2-PSK(AES)”。 进行更改后,您需要在所有设备上更新密码(即使您使用的密码与以前相同)。

如果无法加强加密,请更新路由器 (Update Your Router If You Can’t Boost Encryption)

Router, chain and lock. Password protected Wi-Fi network
Igor Nikushin/Shutterstock 伊戈尔·尼古申/ Shutterstock

If you don’t see any options better than WEP or TKIP you should replace your router as soon as possible. If you’re using an ISP-provided router, you could contact them to see if they’ll offer a newer model.

如果您看不到任何比WEP或TKIP更好的选择,则应尽快更换路由器。 如果您使用的是ISP提供的路由器,则可以与他们联系以查看他们是否会提供较新的型号。

But a better option might be to buy one and return the old router to your ISP. They may be charging you a monthly fee to have it and depending on how long you have had the router you could have paid for it several times over already.

但是更好的选择可能是购买一个并将旧路由器退还给您的ISP。 他们可能会向您收取月租费,具体取决于您拥有路由器的时间,您可能已经为路由器支付了数倍的费用。

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a router. If you have a medium sized house with a moderate (20 or less) number of Wi-Fi devices, TP-Link’s AC1750 is relatively inexpensive at $56.99 and easy to set up. You can even control it from an app if you’d like.

您不必在路由器上花费很多钱。 如果您的房子中等大小,且带有中等数量(不超过20个)Wi-Fi设备,则TP-Link的AC1750相对便宜,价格为56.99美元,易于安装。 如果愿意,您甚至可以从应用程序控制它。

Regardless of how you stop using WEP or TKIP, the sooner you take care of the problem, the better. Not only are you in a vulnerable position by relying on outdated security protocol, eventually your Windows devices will stop connecting altogether. It’s better to avoid that scenario and protect your network now.

无论您如何停止使用WEP或TKIP,越早解决问题越好。 依靠过期的安全协议,您不仅处于脆弱的位置,最终您的Windows设备也将完全停止连接。 最好避免这种情况并立即保护您的网络。






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