
Steam game library

Steam shows every game you’ve ever purchased or received as a gift in its library. It remembers some free games you’ve installed, too. But you can hide a game from your library—or even permanently delete it from your account.

Steam会在其资料库中显示您曾经购买或收到的所有游戏作为礼物。 它还会记住您已安装的一些免费游戏。 但是,您可以从库中隐藏游戏,甚至可以将其从帐户中永久删除。

隐藏和删除游戏之间的区别 (The Difference Between Hiding and Removing Games)

Hiding is reversible. When you hide a Steam game, it’s hidden from the standard library views. Someone can still see the game with a few clicks, and you can unhide the game in the future. You can even play a hidden game. It’s just a way of sweeping a game under the rug for the moment.

隐藏是可逆的。 隐藏Steam游戏时,它在标准库视图中是隐藏的。 只需单击几下,仍然可以看到游戏,您以后可以取消隐藏游戏。 您甚至可以玩隐藏游戏。 这只是暂时扫除游戏的一种方式。

Removing is permanent. When you remove a game from your Steam account, it’s permanently deleted. The game won’t appear in your library. You previously had to contact Steam customer support and ask for this, but there’s now a standard way you can delete games in a few clicks. Beware: To play the game again in the future, you’ll have to repurchase it.

移除是永久的。 当您从Steam帐户中删除游戏时,该游戏将被永久删除。 游戏将不会出现在您的书架中。 您以前必须联系Steam客户支持并提出要求,但是现在有了一种标准的方法,只需单击几下即可删除游戏。 注意:将来要再次玩游戏,您必须重新购买。

如何隐藏Steam游戏 (How to Hide a Steam Game)

To hide a Steam game, locate it in your library, right-click it, and then click “Set Categories.”


Set Categories menu on Steam game

Check the “Hide this game in my library” option and then click “OK.”


Option to hide a game in Steam

如何查找或取消隐藏隐藏的Steam游戏 (How to Find or Unhide a Hidden Steam Game)

To view your hidden Steam games, click the category box at the right side of the search box in your game library and then select “Hidden.”


Steam library view menu

To unhide a hidden game, right-click it here and then select “Remove From Hidden.”


Option to unhide a game in Steam

如何从您的Steam帐户中删除游戏 (How to Remove a Game From Your Steam Account)

Before removing a Steam game from your library, you should uninstall it from your computer. If you remove a game from your account first, you won’t be able to uninstall it normally—you’ll have to hunt down its files on your hard drive or SSD and remove them manually.

从您的媒体库中删除Steam游戏之前,您应该从计算机上将其卸载。 如果您首先从帐户中删除游戏,则将无法正常卸载该游戏-您必须在硬盘或SSD上查找其文件,然后手动将其删除。

To permanently delete a game from your library, click Help > Steam Support.

要从您的媒体库中永久删除游戏,请单击帮助> Steam支持。

Steam Support option in Help menu

Click the game you want to delete. If you’ve played it recently, it will appear at the top of the list. If you haven’t, you can use the search box at the bottom of this page to search for the game by name.

单击您要删除的游戏。 如果您最近玩过它,它将出现在列表顶部。 如果没有,您可以使用此页面底部的搜索框按名称搜索游戏。

Get support for a game in Steam

Click “I want to permanently remove this game from my account.” (If you purchased the game in the past two weeks and have played it for less than two hours, you can also return the game for a refund from here.)

点击“我想从我的帐户中永久删除此游戏。” (如果您在过去的两周内购买了游戏,并且玩了不到两个小时,则也可以从此处退还游戏,以获得退款 。)

Option to permanently remove a game from a Steam account

Steam will give you more information about this process. If the game were purchased or activated as part of a bundle, Steam would show related games that will also be removed.

Steam将为您提供有关此过程的更多信息。 如果游戏是捆绑购买或激活的,Steam会显示相关游戏,这些游戏也将被删除。

Click “OK, remove the listed games from my account permanently.” You’ll have to repurchase the game if you ever want to play it again.

单击“确定,从我的帐户中永久删除列出的游戏。” 如果您想再次玩游戏,则必须重新购买游戏。

Confirmation for removal of a Steam game

This won’t remove information about your playtime and achievements in the game, which will remain tied to your Steam profile.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/413055/how-to-hide-or-remove-a-game-from-your-steam-library/

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