
The PowerPoint logo.

Headers and footers in PowerPoint are ideal for displaying descriptive content, such as slide numbers, author info, the date and time, and more. We’ll show you how to easily insert or edit info in a header or footer in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint中的页眉和页脚非常适合显示描述性内容,例如幻灯片编号 ,作者信息,日期和时间等。 我们将向您展示如何在PowerPoint的页眉或页脚中轻松插入或编辑信息。

如何在PowerPoint中插入页眉和页脚 (How to Insert Headers and Footers in PowerPoint)

To insert headers and footers in PowerPoint, open your presentation, and then click “Insert.”


Click "Insert."

In the “Text” group, click “Header and Footer.”


Click "Header and Footer."

When the window opens, you’ll be in the “Slide” tab. You can select any of the following options to add them to your slides:

窗口打开后,您将进入“幻灯片”标签。 您可以选择以下任一选项将它们添加到幻灯片中:

  • Date and time

  • Slide number

  • Footer


You might notice that there isn’t an option for a header. This is because headers aren’t actually available on slides, but there’s a simple work-around for this we’ll cover below.

您可能会注意到,标题没有选项。 这是因为标题实际上在幻灯片上不可用,但是我们将在下面介绍一种简单的解决方法。

After you make your selections, you can see in the “Preview” on the right where they’ll appear on the slide.


You can see where your selections will appear on the slide in the "Preview."

Type the text you want to appear in the footer in the text box under “Footer.” You can select the “Don’t Show on Title Slide” option if you don’t want PowerPoint to add the text to the title slide of your presentation.

在“页脚”下的文本框中,键入要显示在页脚中的文本。 如果您不希望PowerPoint将文本添加到演示文稿的标题幻灯片中,则可以选择“在标题幻灯片上不显示”选项。

 Select the "Don't Show On Title Slide" option.

After you have everything the way you want it, click “Apply” to add your content to the currently selected slide. We clicked “Apply to All” to add our content to all slides in our presentation.

完成所需的所有操作后,单击“应用”将您的内容添加到当前选择的幻灯片中。 我们单击“应用于所有人”以将我们的内容添加到演示文稿中的所有幻灯片中。

Click "Apply to All" to add your content to all slides in your presentation.

The content now appears at the bottom of the PowerPoint presentation slides you selected.


Footer text on a slide.

This is difficult to see, though—let’s edit it!


如何在PowerPoint中编辑页眉和页脚 (How to Edit Headers and Footers in PowerPoint)

There are a couple of ways you can edit headers and footers in PowerPoint. Since each slide in your PowerPoint presentation is likely different, you might only need to edit something on a single slide. If that’s the case, just click the content and edit it as you would any other text in that slide.

您可以通过两种方法在PowerPoint中编辑页眉和页脚。 由于PowerPoint演示文稿中的每张幻灯片可能都不同,因此您可能只需要在一张幻灯片上进行编辑。 在这种情况下,只需单击内容并像在幻灯片中的其他任何文本一样对其进行编辑。

Animated GIF of footer text as it's edited.

You can edit the format of the text, too. Just click and drag your cursor over the text you want to edit to highlight it, and then use the formatting tools in the pop-up menu.

您也可以编辑文本格式。 只需在您要编辑的文本上单击并拖动光标以突出显示它,然后使用弹出菜单中的格式设置工具。

Edit the format of your text in a PowerPoint footer.

If you want to edit the footer on all of your slides, you can do so by going back to Insert > Header and Footer, but the formatting options aren’t available there.


If you want to change the font size and color of the footer text on all slides, select “Slide Master” in the “Master Views” section under the “View” tab.


Click "Slide Master."

Click the top slide in the left pane.


Click the top slide.

Then, highlight and edit the footer text in this slide. We changed our font size to 14 pt., and the color to red.

然后,突出显示并编辑此幻灯片中的页脚文本。 我们将字体大小更改为14点,颜色更改为红色。

Highlight and edit the footer text in the master slide.

When you switch back to View > Normal, your changes will appear on all slides.


如何在PowerPoint中添加标题 (How to Add a Header in PowerPoint)

Adding a header isn’t so much of a hack, as it is just adding a new text box to the top of your slide. You can do this in the Slide Master, so it will then appear on every slide in your presentation.

添加标头并不是很多技巧,因为它只是在幻灯片的顶部添加了一个新的文本框。 您可以在幻灯片母版中执行此操作,因此它将出现在演示文稿的每张幻灯片中。

To do this, navigate to View > Slide Master to open the Slide Master. Select the top slide, go to the “Text” group under the “Insert” tab, and then click “Text Box.”

为此,请导航至“视图”>“幻灯片母版”以打开“幻灯片母版”。 选择顶部的幻灯片,转到“插入”选项卡下的“文本”组,然后单击“文本框”。

Click "Text Box."

Click and dragging your cursor to draw a header text box in the appropriate location, and then type your text.


Animated GIF of a text box being drawn on a slide.

When you return to View > Normal, your new header box will appear at the top of each slide.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672556/how-to-edit-a-header-and-footer-in-powerpoint/





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