excel取消保存微软_如何在Microsoft Excel中组合或分组饼图



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Pie charts are popular in Excel, but they are limited. You’ll have to decide for yourself between using multiple pie charts or giving up some flexibility in favor of readability by combining them. If you do want to combine them, here’s how.

饼图在Excel中很流行,但有其局限性。 您必须自己决定是使用多个饼图,还是通过结合使用这些饼图来放弃一些灵活性以利于可读性。 如果您确实想将它们结合起来,请按以下步骤操作。

For example, the pie chart below shows the answers of people to a question.


A basic pie chart

This is fine, but it can be complicated if you have multiple Pie charts.


Pie charts can only show one series of values. So if you have multiple series, and you want to present data with pie charts, you need multiple pie charts.

饼图只能显示一系列值。 因此,如果您有多个系列,并且希望用饼图显示数据,则需要多个饼图。

The image below shows the contribution to total revenues of five products across three different cities. We have a pie chart for each city with the data ranges shown above them.

下图显示了三个不同城市的五种产品对总收入的贡献。 我们为每个城市都有一个饼图,数据范围显示在它们上方。

Three pie charts

This enables us to compare the sales of products across different cities. But there are complications when we want to change them all consistently, or view them as a single figure.

这使我们能够比较不同城市之间的产品销售。 但是,当我们要一致地更改所有内容或将它们视为一个单一的数字时,会遇到一些复杂情况。

In this article, we will look at three different approaches to combine the pie charts.


合并多个图表中的数据 (Consolidate Data from Multiple Charts)

The first approach looks at combining the data used by the pie charts.


It makes sense to show one pie chart instead of three. This would create more space on the report and mean less ‘eye tennis’ from the reader.

显示一个饼图而不是三个饼图是有意义的。 这将在报告上创建更多的空间,并减少读者的“眼网球”。

In this example, it will come at the sacrifice of the city comparison though.


The easiest and quickest way to combine the data from the three pie charts is to use the Consolidate tool in Excel.


Let’s consolidate the data shown below.


Consolidate data for a pie chart

Click a cell on the sheet where you the consolidated data to be placed. Click Data > Consolidate on the Ribbon.

单击工作表上您要放置合并数据的单元格。 单击功能区上的数据>合并。

The Consolidate window opens.


The Consolidate tool window

We’ll use the Sum function to total the sales from all three cities.


Next, we have to gather all of the references which we want to consolidate. Click in the “Reference” box, select the first range, and then click “Add.”

接下来,我们必须收集我们要合并的所有参考。 单击“参考”框中,选择第一个范围,然后单击“添加”。

Repeat this step for the other references.


Gathering the references to consolidate

Check the “Left column” box as the name of the product is to the left of the values in our data. Click “OK.”

选中“左列”框,因为产品名称位于我们数据中值的左侧。 点击“确定”。

The Consolidate tool in Excel

We now have a consolidated range from which to create our pie chart.


This pie chart makes it easier to see the contribution of each product type to the total revenue, but we lose the comparison between each city that we had with three different charts.


Pie chart of the combined data

将饼图合并为单个图形 (Combine Pie Chart into a Single Figure)

Another reason that you may want to combine the pie charts is so that you can move and resize them as one.


Click on the first chart and then hold the Ctrl key as you click on each of the other charts to select them all.


Click Format > Group > Group.


Group button on the Format tab

All pie charts are now combined as one figure. They will move and resize as one image.

现在将所有饼图合并为一个图。 它们将移动并调整为一张图像。

Resizing pie charts as one

选择不同的图表以查看数据 (Choose Different Charts to View your Data)

Although this article is about combining pie charts, another option would be to opt for a different chart type. Pie charts are not the only way to visualize parts of a whole.

尽管本文是关于组合饼图的,但另一个选择是选择其他图表类型。 饼图不是可视化整个部分的唯一方法。

A good alternative would be the stacked column chart.


Take the example data below. This is the data used in this article but now combined into one table.

请看下面的示例数据。 这是本文中使用的数据,但现在已合并到一个表中。

Data for the stacked column charts

Select the range of cells and click Insert > Column chart.


Insert column chart

There are two types of Stacked Column to choose from. The first one will present your data as below.

有两种类型的堆积柱可供选择。 第一个将显示您的数据,如下所示。

Stacked column chart

This is like having three pie charts in one chart.


It does an excellent job of both showing the contribution of values in each city, while also allowing us to compare the costs across cities.


For example, we can see that Manchester produced the lowest revenue and that sales of tea and fruit were low compared to the other stores.


The second Stacked Column chart option would present your data as below.


Comparing sales with the stacked percentage column

This uses a percentage in the axis.


So we lose the ability to see that Manchester produced the lowest revenue, but it can give us a better focus on the relative contribution. For example, most of the sales from the Manchester store were from biscuits.

因此,我们失去了看到曼彻斯特收入最低的能力,但可以使我们更好地关注相对贡献。 例如,曼彻斯特商店的大部分销售额来自饼干。

You can click the “Switch Row/Column” button on the Design tab to switch the data between the axis and the legend.


Row and column data reversed in a stacked column

Depending on your reasons, there are different ways to combine pie charts into a single figure. This article explored three techniques as solutions to three different presentation scenarios.

根据您的原因,有多种方法可以将饼图组合成一个图形。 本文探讨了三种技术来解决三种不同的演示方案。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/416048/how-to-combine-or-group-pie-charts-in-microsoft-excel/






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