


Overwatch is pretty great. As a multiplayer team shooter, it does almost everything right: plenty of variety, fast-paced gameplay, free hero and map updates, and unlike its spiritual ancestor Team Fortress 2, all players get immediate access to every weapon and technique.

守望先锋非常棒。 作为多人团队射击游戏,它几乎可以正确执行所有任务:多种多样,快节奏的游戏玩法, 免费的英雄和地图更新 ,并且不同于其精神祖先Team Fortress 2 ,所有玩家都可以立即使用每种武器和技术。

But if Overwatch has a dark side, it’s the long tail of monetization that Blizzard has imposed upon it: the cosmetic bonuses found in randomized loot boxes that make up more or less all of its progression system. That goes double for the limited time events, which crop up around holidays like Halloween, or this month’s Lunar New Year. The extra skins and other cosmetics in these events are only available for a few weeks at a time, forcing players to either pay up for expensive loot boxes, grind like maniacs, or simply go without the cool, semi-exclusive in-game items.

但是,如果《 守望先锋》有阴暗面,那就是暴雪强加于货币化的长尾巴 :在随机的战利品盒中发现的美化奖金构成了其全部进度系统。 在有限的时间事件中增加了两倍,这些事件在万圣节或本月的农历新年等假期前后出现。 这些事件中多余的皮肤和其他化妆品一次只能使用几周,从而迫使玩家要么付钱购买昂贵的战利品盒,像疯子一样磨碎,要么根本就没有酷炫的半独占游戏物品。

If you’re feeling the crunch of these limited events, there’s a fantastic tool created by some of Overwatch’s biggest fans. It can help you keep track of what you have, what you want, and how much grinding (or paying) it will take to get it before the event ends. Head on over to this Github project and bookmark it, then keep that tab open whenever you’re opening a new loot box.

如果您感到这些有限赛事的紧迫性,那么一些《 守望先锋》的忠实粉丝会创造出一种很棒的工具。 它可以帮助您跟踪自己拥有什么,想要什么以及在活动结束之前进行磨削(或支付)所需的费用。 转到Github项目并为其添加书签 ,然后在打开新的战利品箱时保持该选项卡处于打开状态。

The item tracker includes embedded video and audio previews.

The unofficial item tracker is a labor of love from a handful of players, mostly from the active Overwatch subreddit. It started off as a simple image checklist for players to keep locally, marking what they’d received and had yet to find from the semi-seasonal in-game events. A user going by the handle “Js41637” converted the slick graphic design into a website allowing for interactive checklists, and added the most crucial feature: automatic tracking of how much each item costs in in-game currency, and how much it would cost to finish out the most recent event. That’s information that Blizzard keeps hidden from players, the better to spur them on to less strategic spending on loot boxes.

非官方的物品追踪器是少数玩家(主要是活跃的守望先锋 subreddit)的热爱。 它起初只是一个简单的图像清单,供玩家留在本地使用,标记他们在半季节的游戏内事件中收到的和尚未找到的内容。 用户通过手柄“ Js41637 ”将光滑的图形设计转换为允许交互式清单的网站,并添加了最关键的功能:自动跟踪每件商品在游戏中的货币价值以及完成最近的活动。 这就是暴雪对玩家隐藏的信息,这会更好地刺激他们减少战利品盒上的战略性支出。

Over the last year, the item tracker has gradually evolved with more and more creature comforts. Now it covers every single cosmetic item in the game, even non-event stuff, and has dedicated pages for each event and character. The tracker is updated within a day or two of each new event coming out, and it features embedded images, video, and audio clips to make finding and viewing all the fun stuff even easier. You can disable previews if you’re not in the mood, select or deselect all items onscreen for faster management, and back up and import data to make sure you don’t have to worry about redoing all of your tally work. The latest update adds a Google Drive backup feature, and I’m sure more cloud options will be coming in the future. The site’s dynamic formatting even works on mobile, the better to use it if you’re playing on a console.

在过去的一年中,物品追踪器逐渐发展为具有越来越多的生物舒适性。 现在,它涵盖了游戏中的每个化妆品项目,甚至包括非事件性内容,并且具有用于每个事件和角色的专用页面。 跟踪器会在每个新事件出现后的一两天内进行更新,并且具有嵌入式图像,视频和音频剪辑,从而使查找和查看所有有趣的东西变得更加容易。 如果您不愿意,可以禁用预览,选择或取消选择屏幕上的所有项目以进行更快的管理,并备份和导入数据以确保您不必担心重做所有理货工作。 最新更新增加了Google云端硬盘备份功能,并且我相信将来还会有更多云选项。 该网站的动态格式甚至可以在移动设备上使用,如果您在控制台上播放,则最好使用它。

Best of all, the item tracker project is available as a full source code download, so you can host it locally and even modify it if you have the CSS chops. It’s one of the best user-made gaming tools I’ve ever seen, with enough polish and thoughtful design to literally outdo Blizzard at its own game. Anyone with a serious itch to scratch for Overwatch’s cosmetic system should make use of it.

最重要的是,item tracker项目可作为完整的源代码下载获得 ,因此您可以在本地托管它,甚至在拥有CSS印章的情况下对其进行修改。 它是我见过的最好的用户制作游戏工具之一,具有足够的润饰和周到的设计,在其自己的游戏中实际上超越了暴雪。 任何对《 守望先锋》的化妆系统有严重痒挠的人都应该使用它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342809/how-to-keep-track-of-cosmetic-and-event-items-in-overwatch/


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