libopus 回音_可以安装回音点的四种创新方式

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libopus 回音

Amazon’s Echo Dot is one of the cheapest ways to get Alexa into your home, but if you have it just sitting on an end table without much fanfare, there are better, creative ways that you can mount it.

亚马逊的Echo Dot是让Alexa进入您家中最便宜的方法之一,但是如果您只是将它放在床头柜上而没有大张旗鼓,则可以使用更好的创意方式来安装它。

Thanks to a ton of third-party accessory makers, there are a ton of cool ways that you can mount your Echo Dot, not only to get Alexa to hear you better, but to also keep it out of the way so that it doesn’t take up space on your counter or end table.

借助大量的第三方配件制造商,您可以采用许多很酷的方式来安装Echo Dot,不仅可以让Alexa更好地聆听您的声音,而且还可以使其不受干扰,从而避免不要占用柜台或茶几上的空间。

在插座上方安装一个小架子 (Install a Small Shelf Above an Outlet)

If you want to keep your Echo Dot off of counters so that it’s out of the way, a really easy solution is to install a small shelf that can be attached to an outlet.

如果您想让Echo Dot远离柜台,以免干扰,那么一个真正简单的解决方案是安装一个可以连接到插座的小架子。

Something like this $10 outlet plate with a shelf is cheap and works great for all sorts of small devices, and an Echo Dot would fit perfectly on it. Heck, you could even set your full-size Echo on it if you wanted to. You can also buy outlet mounts that hold your Echo Dot parallel to the wall, which would likely make it easier for the microphones to hear you.

像这样的带有架子的10美元插座板价格便宜,并且对各种小型设备都适用,并且Echo Dot可以完美地放在上面。 哎呀,如果您愿意的话,甚至可以在其上设置全尺寸的Echo。 您也可以购买使Echo Dot与墙壁平行的插座支架,这可能会使麦克风更容易听到您的声音。

If you’re feeling handy, you could also make your own shelf out of wood or use a 3D printer if you’re really handy, especially if you want to use your own custom design. Thingiverse has a ton of cool Echo Dot mounts that you can 3D print. And if you don’t have a 3D printer, there are services that’ll do the work for you.

如果您觉得方便,也可以用木头做自己的架子,或者如果真的很方便,也可以使用3D打印机,特别是如果您想使用自己的自定义设计。 Thingiverse拥有大量3D打印的超酷Echo Dot支架。 而且,如果您没有3D打印机, 则可以使用一些服务为您服务

将其粘贴在嵌入式照明罐中 (Stick It In a Recessed Lighting Can)

Recessed lights are great, and they make any room look classy. Got a light that doesn’t really need to be there, though? Mount your Echo Dot in one of those recessed lighting cans instead.

嵌入式灯很棒,它们可以使任何房间看起来优雅。 不过,有没有真的不需要的灯? 将您的Echo Dot安装在其中一个嵌入式照明罐中。

You can engineer one yourself using a light socket to outlet adapter and then retrofit a flush mount kit to make it fit in the recessed can. Obviously, this would require some handy skills, so if you’re not in the mood for that, you can use the Dock Socket ($32)—it’s specifically made to mount your Echo Dot inside of a recessed lighting can.

您可以使用电灯插座连接适配器来设计自己的产品,然后翻新嵌入式安装套件以使其适合于凹入式罐。 显然,这需要一些方便的技能,因此,如果您对此不感兴趣,则可以使用Dock Socket (32美元),它专门用于将Echo Dot安装在嵌入式照明罐中。

Keep in mind that you’ll need to keep the light switch that controls that bay of lights turned on all the time, so this is really only recommended if the other recessed light fixtures have smart bulbs already installed.


将其安装在墙壁或天花板上的任何位置 (Mount It Anywhere on the Wall or Ceiling)

If you want to mount your Echo Dot to the wall or ceiling, but have a very specific place that you want it, you can buy basic mounts that can screw in to the wall or ceiling just about anywhere you want.

如果您想将Echo Dot固定在墙壁或天花板上,但又有特定的位置,则可以购买基本的固定装置,将其固定在几乎任何您想要的墙壁或天花板上。

If you want it flush with the wall or ceiling, you can use that flush mount kit that we linked to above, or go with something even simpler like these holders that you can screw into the wall or ceiling.

如果您希望它与墙壁或天花板齐平,则可以使用我们上面链接的齐平安装套件 ,或者使用更简单的东西(例如这些固定器)拧入墙壁或天花板。

If you’re feeling really cheap, though, you can use 3M Command Strips and place them to the back of the Echo Dot. From there, just stick it anywhere you want it.

但是,如果您真的觉得很便宜,可以使用3M Command Strips并将其放置在Echo Dot的背面。 从那里,将其粘贴在您想要的任何地方。

Don’t forget that you still need to run a power cable to the Echo Dot, so be sure to think about how you’ll route the cable so that it’s out of the way and doesn’t look too unsightly.

不要忘记,您仍然需要将电源电缆连接至Echo Dot,因此请务必考虑如何布置电缆,以免干扰电缆,并且看起来也不难看。

将其隐藏 (Hide It In Plain Sight)

If you don’t want to deal with mounting your Echo Dot somewhere special and would rather just keep it sitting on the counter or end table, you can at least hide it in plain sight.

如果您不想将Echo Dot安装在特殊的地方,而只是将其放置在柜台或茶几上,则至少可以将其隐藏起来。

A great way to do this is by sticking it in an Echo Dot vase of sorts. This cute fox Echo Dot holder not only gives you a place to out your Echo Dot, but it can also be a great conversation piece. And there’s a lot more where that came from.

做到这一点的一种好方法是将其粘贴在各种Echo Dot花瓶中。 这个可爱的狐狸Echo Dot支架不仅为您提供了放置Echo Dot的地方,而且还可以成为很棒的对话对象。 而且还有很多在那里出来

Amazon even sells their own Echo Dot cases, like this fabric enclosure that at least makes your Echo Dot look a bit more homey and not stick out like a sore thumb.

亚马逊甚至出售自己的Echo Dot外壳,例如这种织物外壳 ,至少可使您的Echo Dot看起来更像家,而不像拇指酸痛地伸出来。


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