


Apple’s HomePod is an amazing speaker, but it comes at a price. Not just a dollar amount, but also the toll it could take on your finished wooden furniture. If you’ve discovered white rings appearing on your furniture (or have heard about this phenomenon and want to prevent it), here’s what you can do.

苹果的HomePod是一款出色的扬声器,但价格不菲。 不仅是一美元的金额,还可能是成品木制家具所遭受的损失。 如果您发现家具上出现了白色的环(或听说过这种现象并希望防止这种现象发生),可以采取以下措施。

等一下,出什么问题了? (Wait, What’s the Problem?)

Many HomePod owners have witnessed their new smart speakers leaving weird cloudy white ring marks on their wooden furniture—specifically, wooden furniture finished with some type of oil.


According to Apple’s support page, the company says it’s “not unusual” for the base of the HomePod to leave ring marks on some wooden surfaces, which is due to the oils in the finish diffusing when the silicone base of the HomePod sits on the surface for any length of time.

根据Apple的支持页面 ,该公司表示,HomePod的底座在某些木质表面上留下环印是“正常现象”,这是由于当HomePod的硅胶底座落在表面上时,饰面中的油会扩散任何时间长度。

This issue can also happen with other objects, including other speakers, so it’s certainly not a specific problem with the HomePod—but rather how the wood finish reacts to silicone and other materials in general. In any case, you’re not completely out of luck and there are some ways to fix it.

这个问题也可能发生在其他物体上, 包括其他扬声器 ,因此HomePod当然不是一个特殊的问题,而是木材的光洁度通常会对硅酮和其他材料产生React。 无论如何,您都不是完全不走运,并且有一些方法可以解决它。

如何摆脱指环 (How to Get Rid of the Rings)

Apple says the ring marks “will often go away after several days” when you take the HomePod off of the surface, but if not, using a soft damp cloth to wipe away the marks might also work.


If the marks still won’t go away after a quick wipe, there are a few things you can try, most of which are the same tricks you’d use for water stains left behind by beverages (which is a common occurrence).

如果在快速擦拭后这些标记仍然无法消失,则可以尝试以下几种方法 ,其中大多数都是与饮料残留的水渍相同的技巧(这是常见的现象)。

You can try using a clothing iron or a hair dryer to gently apply low heat to the area and draw out the stain. If you use an iron, be sure to set a towel or cloth on top of the surface first. Then check every 10 seconds or so to see if the ring is coming out.

您可以尝试使用熨斗或吹风机在该区域轻轻加热,并清除污渍。 如果使用熨斗,请务必先在表面上放置毛巾或布。 然后每隔约10秒钟检查一次,看看铃声是否消失。

You can also try other home remedies like wiping down some toothpaste, mayonnaise, or salt, but be sure not to go at it aggressively or you’ll likely damage the finished surface even more.


如何防止形成环 (How to Prevent Rings from Forming)

Unfortunately, wooden surfaces that are finished with any kind of oil must be treated with care. And while you wouldn’t think the HomePod would damage your furniture, it’s actually not too difficult to damage a wooden finish, HomePod or otherwise. However, here are some things you can do with your HomePod to prevent this from happening in the future.

不幸的是,必须小心处理涂有任何油类的木质表面。 虽然您不会认为HomePod会损坏您的家具,但实际上也不难损坏HomePod或其他木制饰面。 但是,您可以对HomePod进行以下操作,以防止将来发生这种情况。

使用超大杯垫 (Use an Oversized Coaster)

Those cloudy white rings are precisely the reason why drink coasters exist. So if anything, your HomePod needs its own coaster as well if you plan on placing it on a finished wooden surface.

那些浑浊的白色圆环恰好是存在杯垫的原因。 因此,如果您打算将HomePod放置在完成的木质表面上,则还需要它自己的杯垫。

Luckily, oversized coasters are a thing, and you can get them in all different shapes and sizes to match your tastes. Ikea even sells some basic cork coasters for super cheap. Or you could just take the easy way out and use anything lying around your house, like the notepad pictured above.

幸运的是,超大杯垫是一件大事,您可以根据自己的口味选择各种形状和大小的杯子。 宜家甚至以超便宜的价格出售一些基本的软木杯垫 。 或者,您也可以轻松出门,并使用房子周围的任何物品,例如上面的记事本。

坚持一些橡胶保险杠 (Stick On Some Rubber Bumpers)

If coasters aren’t your thing, you can go with something a bit more discreet in the form of small rubber bumpers that you can stick onto the bottom of the HomePod.


I have these all around the house for various purposes, so you can buy a big pack of them and use them on other things as well, like drawers and cabinets, as well as objects that you want to prevent from sliding around.


将HomePod固定在墙上 (Mount Your HomePod to the Wall)

If you want your HomePod off all surfaces to begin with, you can install a wall mount and stick your HomePod in it to have it in a place up high.


Of course, this does require a bit more work to accomplish, since you’ll have to bust out your tools and and get your hands a little dirty with some DIY work. But it’s easy enough if you don’t want your HomePod taking up any extra real estate on your end tables or countertops, and it looks nice to boot.

当然,这确实需要更多的工作才能完成,因为您必须精疲力尽,并进行一些DIY工作,使您的手有点脏。 但是,如果您不希望HomePod在床头柜或台面上占用任何额外的空间,这很容易,而且启动起来也很不错。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/343040/how-to-prevent-your-homepod-from-creating-white-rings-on-your-wooden-furniture/


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