win10 pc耳机没声音_为什么我的PC扬声器和耳机会发出奇怪的声音?

win10 pc耳机没声音

win10 pc耳机没声音

If you’re using a desktop PC, you might have heard odd noises coming from your speakers or headphones at times. It may sound like a buzzing or whining when doing basic tasks, sometimes escalating with more intense use like games or streaming movies. To solve the problem, you’ll need to figure out what’s causing it.

如果您使用的是台式机,则有时可能会听到扬声器或耳机发出奇怪的声音。 在执行基本任务时,听起来可能像是嗡嗡作响或抱怨,有时随着诸如游戏或流媒体电影之类的更频繁使用而升级。 要解决该问题,您需要弄清楚是什么原因造成的。

扬声器噪音可能来自何处 (Where Speaker Noise Can Come From)

There are dozens, maybe hundreds of explanations for unwanted sounds coming from your speakers. Luckily, the most common issues are fairly obvious. Broadly speaking, we can break them down into three categories: problems that originate from the physical speakers, the cable connection, and from the PC itself.

对于您的扬声器发出的有害声音,有数十种甚至数百种解释。 幸运的是,最常见的问题是显而易见的。 从广义上讲,我们可以将它们分为三类:问题来自物理扬声器,电缆连接以及PC本身。

It’s easy enough to nail down which part of your speaker setup is at fault. To see if the speakers are the problem, simply plug them into an audio source other than your PC—like a phone or an MP3 player. Note that it’s perfectly normal to hear pops and buzzes as you disconnect the audio jack and plug it into something else, but if you continue to hear electronic interference even after plugging it in, you can rule out your PC as the problem. You can perform the same test in reverse, too: get another set of speakers or headphones and plug them into your PC. If you still hear the unwanted noises, your PC is likely to blame.

轻松确定扬声器设置的哪一部分有问题。 要查看扬声器是否有问题,只需将其插入PC以外的音频源即可,例如电话或MP3播放器。 请注意,当您断开音频插Kong并将其插入其他插Kong时,听到pop啪声和嗡嗡声是完全正常的,但是如果即使插入后仍继续听到电子干扰,则可以排除PC带来的问题。 您也可以反向执行相同的测试:获取另一组扬声器或耳机并将其插入PC。 如果您仍然听到不想要的声音,则可能是PC造成的。

If the problems continue (and it’s possible to use another cable with your speakers or headphones), then try replacing the cable. If you hear clearer sound with no interference, then the cable was the likely culprit. Usually this means that either the connector on the end has some kind of physical defect causing a poor connection with the audio source, or the cable itself is poorly shielded. What you’re hearing is electromagnetic interference from your PC or other electrical devices in the room. The fix here is simple enough: just use a different cable, preferably one with a high-quality jack and better shielding.

如果问题仍然存在(并且可能在扬声器或耳机上使用另一根电缆),请尝试更换电缆。 如果您听到的声音清晰无干扰,则可能是电缆的罪魁祸首。 通常这意味着末端的连接器存在某种物理缺陷,导致与音频源的连接不良,或者电缆本身的屏蔽不良。 您所听到的是来自您的PC或房间中其他电气设备的电磁干扰。 修复方法很简单:只需使用另一根电缆,最好使用具有高质量插Kong和更好屏蔽性能的电缆。

If the speakers are the problem, it’s likely that they’re damaged. You might be able to isolate specifically which speaker is damaged by listening closely, especially if you have a subwoofer or an elaborate surround sound setup. At this point you need to replace it, either with a new set or a repair or RMA if you’re still within the speakers’ warranty period.

如果扬声器有问题,则很可能是扬声器已损坏。 您可以通过仔细聆听来特别隔离哪个扬声器受损,特别是如果您有低音炮或精心制作的环绕声设置。 此时,如果您仍在扬声器的保修期内,则需要用新套件或维修或RMA对其进行更换。

If the problem is in the cable and it’s not possible to swap it out, you may be able to repair it yourself, though this usually isn’t worth it for cheaper speakers.

如果问题出在电缆上,并且无法将其替换掉, 则可以自己维修 ,尽管对于便宜的扬声器而言通常不值得这样做。

If, however, you’ve narrowed the problem down to your PC you have a few potential solutions.


减少PC的电气干扰 (Reduce Electrical Interference From the PC)

If you’ve determined that your computer itself is the problem, you’re not alone. Most PCs sold today include an integrated sound card that’s directly attached to the motherboard. This makes things cheaper and less complex, but without proper electrical shielding, it leaves the audio jacks vulnerable to interference from the CPU, graphics card, memory, and just about every other component in your computer. This can cause a buzzing or whining sound in your speakers and headphones.

如果您确定计算机本身就是问题所在,那么并不孤单。 今天出售的大多数PC都包含一个直接连接到主板的集成声卡 。 这使事情变得更便宜,更简单,但是没有适当的电气屏蔽,音频插Kong容易受到CPU,图形卡,内存以及计算机中几乎所有其他组件的干扰。 这可能会导致扬声器和耳机的嗡嗡声或抱怨声。

There are a few things you can do to change this:


Switch to a different audio port. Most full-sized desktop computers have one headphone jack on the front of the case for convenience, and another on the back for those who prefer a cleaner look. Whichever you’re using, try the other to see if the unwanted sounds persist. (If multiple headphone jacks are present, plug it in to the green one.)

切换到其他音频端口 。 为了方便起见,大多数全尺寸台式计算机的外壳前部都有一个耳机插Kong,而对于那些更喜欢清洁外观的人来说,背面则有另一个耳机插Kong。 无论您使用的是哪种,都可以尝试另一种,以查看有害声音是否仍然存在。 (如果存在多个耳机插Kong,请将其插入绿色的插Kong。)

Install a full sound card. Discrete sound cards aren’t as widely used as they used to be, but their PCI connections are separate from the motherboard. They also use dedicated, high-quality components to output pure sound in digital and analog formats. Installing a sound card in a standard desktop is not difficult—it has basically the same steps as a graphics card installation—and there are many models available for $50 or less.

安装完整的声卡 。 离散声卡没有像以前那样被广泛使用,但是它们的PCI连接与主板是分开的。 他们还使用专用的高质量组件以数字和模拟格式输出纯净的声音。 在标准台式机上安装声卡并不困难-它的步骤与图形卡的安装基本相同-并且有许多型号的价格在50美元以下

Use a USB sound card. If you’d rather not open your computer case, or you have a a laptop that’s causing sound problems, you can get a USB-based sound card. Since these gadgets are pulling digital audio directly from the operating system instead of an electrical component on the motherboard, you shouldn’t hear any interference when you plug in your speakers or headphones to the audio jack on the external sound card. Like standard sound cards, USB models come in a variety of complexities and qualities, but versions with simple 1/8th-inch inputs and outputs can be had for as little as $10. There are nicer versions with extra features or higher-quality prodoucts, like the Audioengine D1 or JDS Labs Objective2+ODAC, that go into the hundreds of dollars.

使用USB声卡 。 如果您不想打开计算机机箱,或者有一台笔记本电脑引起声音问题,则可以获取基于USB的声卡。 由于这些小工具直接从操作系统而不是主板上的电气组件提取数字音频,因此,当您将扬声器或耳机插入外部声卡上的音频插Kong时,您应该不会听到任何干扰。 像标准声卡一样,USB型号具有多种复杂性和质量,但是带有简单1/8英寸输入和输出的版本的价格仅为10美元 。 有更好的版本,具有额外的功能或更高的质量,例如Audioengine D1JDS Labs Objective2 + ODAC ,其价格高达数百美元。

(Note: a USB sound card can’t improve the sound that comes from the speakers that are part of a laptop’s case.)


Switch to USB speakers or headphones. This solution is basically the same as the USB sound card, only the USB sound card is included in a new set of speakers or headphones. This is less elegant than the other options—speakers with a USB connection will only work with a computer, after all—but if you were only using your original set for your PC anyway, it shouldn’t be a problem. You can get basic stereo USB speakers for under $20, though obviously more expensive ones will sound better. USB-based headphones are usually more expensive, since they’re mostly marketed to gamers.

切换到USB扬声器或耳机 。 该解决方案与USB声卡基本相同,只是新的扬声器或耳机中包含USB声卡。 与其他选项相比,它不那么优雅(毕竟,具有USB连接的扬声器只能在计算机上使用),但是无论如何,如果您只是将原始设备用于PC,那应该不是问题。 您可以以不到20美元的价格获得基本的立体声USB扬声器,尽管显然更昂贵的扬声器听起来会更好。 基于USB的耳机通常更昂贵,因为它们主要销售给游戏玩家

Image credit: William Hook/Flickr

图片来源: William Hook / Flickr


win10 pc耳机没声音





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