sling_如何充分利用您的Sling TV服务




Sling TV has been a huge catalyst in allowing users to let go of traditional cable companies and move forward with an all-streaming-all-the-time model. If you’re one of the millions who have made the switch—or are one of the millions who are considering making said switch—then you’ll want to make the most of your new streaming service.

Sling TV在允许用户放开传统有线电视公司并以全流媒体全时模式向前发展方面一直是巨大的催化剂。 如果您是进行切换的数百万用户之一,或者正在考虑进行上述切换的数百万用户之一,那么您将需要充分利用新的流媒体服务。

On the other hand, if you’re not familiar with Sling, we’ve got you covered. To put it in a nutshell, however, it’s basically a streaming-only replacement for your cable service. It has most of your favorite channels, including locals, live sports, and access to premium movie channels like HBO. And best of all, it can be more affordable that what you pay for traditional service.

另一方面,如果您不熟悉Sling,我们将助您一臂之力。 简而言之,它基本上是电缆服务的仅流传输的替代品 。 它拥有您最喜欢的频道,包括当地人,现场体育节目,并可以访问HBO等高级电影频道。 最重要的是,与传统服务相比,价格更实惠。

Once you’ve jumped on board, there are a few things you’ll want to know about it. These are tweaks that work across the board, regardless of the platform that you use Sling’s service on. Let’s do this thing.

一旦您跳上船,就需要了解几件事。 无论您使用Sling服务的平台如何,这些都是可以全面使用的调整。 让我们做这件事。

设置您喜欢的频道以快速访问 (Set Your Favorite Channels for Quick Access)

We all have our favorite channels. I’m a huge Walking Dead fan, so AMC is always on the top of my list—even if it’s a rerun, I’m always in the mood for some Dead. As a result, I like AMC to be front-and-center when I fire up Sling.

我们都有我们最喜欢的频道。 我是《行尸走肉》的忠实粉丝,所以AMC始终是我的榜首-即使是重播,我总是很想死掉。 结果,当我启动Sling时,我希望AMC处于领先地位。

The main page, which is called “My TV,” houses this sort of information, with your favorite channels at the very top. You can add or remove channels by clicking the Edit button—if you already have favorites in your list, this option is at the very end.

主页(称为“我的电视”)中包含此类信息,您最喜欢的频道位于顶部。 您可以通过单击“编辑”按钮来添加或删除频道-如果列表中已有收藏夹,则此选项将在最后。


This page is very simple: just select your favorite channels, then hit “Done” at the bottom. Nothing to it.

该页面非常简单:只需选择您喜欢的频道,然后点击底部的“完成”即可。 没什么


Now, as soon as you land on Sling’s home page, all your favorites will be one click away.


您最喜欢的节目的“心脏”显示何时开启 (“Heart” Your Favorite Shows to See When They’re On)

You can do something similar with favorite shows for an even more granular experience. Since there are too many shows to list on one screen, setting this one up works a bit differently, however—and unfortunately, it’s a bit more confusing.

您可以对喜欢的节目进行类似的操作,以获得更细腻的体验。 由于在一个屏幕上列出的节目太多,因此将其设置为另一种方法的工作方式有所不同-不幸的是,这更加令人困惑。

It appears that you can’t actually favorite—or “heart”—live shows, which is kind of weird. Instead, this only works with shows that are available for streaming, which you can access a couple of different ways: by either checking the “Available Now” section for a specific channel on the Guide, or by searching for specific shows.

看来您实际上无法喜欢或“欣赏”现场表演,这很奇怪。 相反,这仅适用于可用于流媒体播放的节目,您可以通过以下两种不同方式访问它们:检查“指南”中特定频道的“ Available Now”部分,或搜索特定节目。


Once you find a show you’d like to favorite, click on it, then tick the heart box.



Unfortunately, this still won’t show when favorited shows are currently airing, but rather just let you watch the streaming content that’s available. It’s sort of a half-baked solution, but I supposed it’s better than nothing.

不幸的是,当收藏的节目当前正在播放时,它仍然不会显示,而只是让您观看可用的流媒体内容。 这是一个半生半熟的解决方案,但我认为总比没有好。

You can see your favorited shows at the bottom of the My TV page once they’ve been selected.



将节目和电影直接投射到电视上 (Cast Shows and Movies Directly to Your TV)

The easiest way to stream Sling TV is arguably with a streaming box of some sort—Android TV, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, or even an Xbox One. But you can also use your phone or tablet as a remote of sorts, then send your show to the TV over Chromecast.

流传输Sling TV的最简单方法是使用某种类型的流传输盒-Android TV,Apple TV,Roku,Fire TV甚至Xbox One。 但是,您也可以将手机或平板电脑用作遥控器,然后通过Chromecast将节目发送到电视。

To get started, simply tap the Cast icon in the upper-right corner of the Sling interface on your phone, then choose your cast device. From that point forward, everything you watch will show up on your TV instead of your mobile device.

要开始使用,只需点击手机Sling界面右上角的Cast图标,然后选择您的投射设备。 从那时起,您观看的所有内容都会显示在电视上,而不是移动设备上。


It’s also worth mentioning that this is probably the most affordable way to get started with Sling if you don’t have a streaming box, since you can easily pick up a Chromecast for around $35.


Alternatively, if you’re not yet a Sling customer, you can keep an eye on Sling’s website: the company will often offer some sort of free streaming device if you pay for a month upfront.


设置家长控制 (Set Parental Controls)

The next few tips all take place in the Settings menu, which can be accessed by clicking the last option in the left-hand navigation pane.


If you have kids, you probably want to limit what they can watch—after all, if something is rated TV-MA-LSV (Mature Audiences for Language, Sex, Violence), that’s probably not something you want little Timmy cramming his fragile four-year-old mind with.


To set up Parental Controls, click the second option in the settings menu, which is aptly named “Parental Controls.” Almost like that makes sense.

要设置家长控制,请在设置菜单中单击第二个选项,该选项恰好命名为“家长控制”。 几乎那样是有道理的。

It will initially ask you to set up a PIN, but if you’re just exploring this menu, you can just click or tap outside of this box to close it and expose the options hiding below.



Things are kept simple here, with options to block specific content, including (but not limited to) Unrated/Not rated, R/NC-17/TV-MA, PG-13/TV-14, and the like. For some reason, you can even block G content—maybe for some sort of reverse parenting thing, where you only want goody-two-shoes Kathy to watch “R” content? I’m not sure. Either way, there are options. Do your thing, Super Mom or Dad.

这里的内容保持简单,并提供阻止特定内容的选项,包括(但不限于)未分级/未分级,R / NC-17 / TV-MA,PG-13 / TV-14等。 出于某种原因,您甚至可以阻止G内容-也许是出于某种反向育儿的目的,您只想让“两双鞋子” Kathy观看“ R”内容? 我不确定。 无论哪种方式,都有选择。 做你的事,超级妈妈或爸爸。


启用和修改隐藏式字幕 (Enable and Modify Closed Captions)

If you or someone in your house is hard of hearing, closed captions are something you’ll likely want to play with. Fortunately, Sling has options aplenty here, so you can set things up in a way that works best for you. (Note: This option is not, for some reason, available in the Windows application.)

如果您或您家中的某个人听不清声音,则可能需要使用隐藏式字幕。 幸运的是,Sling在这里有很多选择,因此您可以采用最适合自己的方式进行设置。 (注意:由于某些原因,该选项在Windows应用程序中不可用。)

Jump into the Settings menu. If available, the “Closed Caption” option should be the fourth one in the list.

跳到“设置”菜单。 如果可用,“隐藏式字幕”选项应该是列表中的第四个选项。


From here, there are an absolute slew of options: everything from Service Channels to Text Style, Color, Size, and Opacity are available, as well as various options for background and window color. Have fun!

从这里开始,绝对有很多选择:从服务通道到文本样式,颜色,大小和不透明度的所有选项都可用,还有背景和窗口颜色的各种选项。 玩得开心!


限制(或取消限制)您的流媒体带宽 (Limit (or Unlimit) Your Streaming Bandwidth)

With any streaming service, bandwidth is key—you need enough to get a good picture. But at the same time, if you’re on some sort of limited plan (or just don’t want Sling taking bandwidth from other devices), you’ll want to control how much the app is allowed to use.

对于任何流服务,带宽都是关键-您需要足够的资源来获得良好的画面。 但是同时,如果您采用某种有限的计划(或者只是不想让Sling占用其他设备的带宽),则需要控制允许使用该应用程序的数量。

You can do this by heading into the Settings menu and choosing “Connection.”


There are a handful of options here: Low (0.8 Mbps), Medium (1.2 Mbps), High (2.8 Mbps), and Best (no limit). You’ll have to play with this to find the best balance between the amount of data used and a picture you’re not completely dissatisfied with.

这里有一些选项:低(0.8 Mbps),中(1.2 Mbps),高(2.8 Mbps)和最佳(无限制)。 您必须使用它来在使用的数据量和您不完全不满意的图片之间找到最佳平衡。


It’s also worth mentioning that “No limit” is slightly misleading, because Sling actually tops out around 3.7-3.8 Mbps for most channels. It can, however, reach up to 5 Mbps on occasion—most notably on ESPN. But it isn’t truly unlimited—you won’t be getting Blu-ray level bitrates with Sling.

还值得一提的是,“无限制”在某种程度上会引起误解,因为对于大多数频道,Sling实际上最高可达3.7-3.8 Mbps。 但是,有时它可以达到5 Mbps,尤其是在ESPN上。 但这并不是真正无限的-Sling不会让您获得Blu-ray级别的比特率。

添加HBO和其他高级频道(或更改您的当前计划) (Add HBO and Other Premium Channels (or Change Your Current Plan))

Game of Thrones. Westworld. These are shows you should be watching. And you can on Sling—you just have to sign up for HBO, which is an additional $15 a month. Sling actually makes this incredibly easy: just log in to your account on the web, then click the “Add HBO” button, then confirm your purchase. So simple.

权力的游戏。 西部世界。 这些是您应该注意的节目。 您可以在Sling上使用,只需注册HBO,即每月额外支付15美元。 Sling实际上使这一操作变得异常简单:只需在网络上登录您的帐户,然后单击“添加HBO”按钮,然后确认购买即可。 很简单。


But you can also add other premium movie channels, like Cinemax and Starz, to your Sling package. It’s not quite a simple as adding HBO, but still pretty easy.

但是,您也可以将其他高级电影频道(例如Cinemax和Starz)添加到Sling程序包中。 添加HBO并不是一件简单的事,但仍然很容易。

First, log in to your Sling account, then click “Change Subscription.”


On this page, click the down arrow next to “Orange + Blue Extras.” This will display all the other available packages.

在此页面上,单击“橙色+蓝色附加项目”旁边的向下箭头。 这将显示所有其他可用的软件包。


From here, click the “add” button beside the channels or packages you’d like to add, then click “review” at the bottom.



Confirm that everything is correct on the following page, then click “Submit Order.” Now, go binge watch the first season of Westworld. It’s amazing.

在下一页上确认一切正确,然后单击“提交订单”。 现在,去狂欢观看西方世界的第一季。 太奇妙了。


Sling is an excellent alternative to traditional cable, with far more benefits available. For example, you can take Sling with you—just load it on your phone or tablet and watch from anywhere. Doing that with a traditional cable company is significantly more annoying, as you generally need to have specific channels’ apps installed, then log in an verify your cable subscription. None of that is necessary with Sling. Dig it.

吊索是传统电缆的绝佳替代品,具有更多的优势。 例如,您可以随身携带Sling-只需将其加载到手机或平板电脑上,即可在任何地方观看。 对于传统的有线电视公司而言,这样做会更加烦人,因为您通常需要安装特定频道的应用,然后登录以验证您的有线电视订阅。 Sling不需要这些。 数字。



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