



While you expect to have an IPv4 address assigned to your location, you may be surprised to find an IPv6 address assigned to you as well. Why would both types be assigned to you at the same time though? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader’s question.

当您期望将IPv4地址分配给您的位置时,您可能会惊讶地发现也为您分配了IPv6地址。 为什么同时将两种类型分配给您? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Image courtesy of Ministerio TIC Colombia (Flickr).


问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader AJS14 wants to know why he has IPv4 and IPv6 public addresses assigned to his home network:


For my home network, my public IP address “displays” as IPv4 on some websites, yet as IPv6 on others. I have read this SuperUser thread and understand that it is possible for my Internet service provider to have assigned me one of each type.

对于我的家庭网络,我的公共IP地址在某些网站上显示为IPv4,在其他网站上显示为IPv6。 我已经阅读了该SuperUser线程,并且了解到我的Internet服务提供商可能为我分配了每种类型中的一种。

  • What is the purpose of assigning one of each type to me?

  • Can disabling IPv6 from within Windows on a local host guarantee that only an IPv4 address is used from that computer? I ask as I have read about security concerns in relation to certain VPN protocols used in combination with IPv6.

    可以从Windows本地主机上禁用IPv6来确保仅从该计算机使用IPv4地址吗? 当我阅读有关与IPv6结合使用的某些VPN协议的安全问题时,请问。

Why would IPv4 and IPv6 public addresses be assigned to the same home network?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Bob has the answer for us:


What is the purpose of assigning one of each type to me?


Ideally, we should be moving towards greater IPv6 rollout due to IPv4 exhaustion. However, a lot of servers still do not support IPv6. There are many workarounds, none particularly great, but they generally involve tunneling through an intermediate server that can translate between the two. Your ISP provides you with an IPv4 address for compatibility reasons.

理想情况下,由于IPv4耗尽 ,我们应该朝着更大的IPv6部署方向发展。 但是,许多服务器仍不支持IPv6。 有许多变通办法,虽然都不是特别出色,但是它们通常涉及通过可在两者之间转换的中间服务器建立隧道。 出于兼容性原因,您的ISP为您提供了一个IPv4地址。

What many ISPs do now is implement CGN, where many people share a single “public” IPv4 address. There are many reasons why this is a bad thing(1), but it is necessary simply because there are not enough IPv4 addresses to go around. This is why we need IPv6, and probably why your ISP provides it.

现在,许多ISP所做的就是实现CGN ,其中许多人共享一个“公共” IPv4地址。 这是一件坏事,原因有很多(1) ,但是仅由于没有足够的IPv4地址而必须这样做。 这就是为什么我们需要IPv6,也可能是您的ISP提供它的原因。

Can disabling IPv6 from within Windows on a local host guarantee that only an IPv4 address is used from that computer?


Yes, however, this is generally not a good idea. Alternatively, you can  disable IPv6 at the router level, which is a bit better, but again this is not a great idea. We cannot continue to use IPv4 forever.

是的,但是,这通常不是一个好主意。 另外,您可以在路由器级别禁用IPv6,这会更好一些,但这并不是一个好主意。 我们不能永远永远使用IPv4。

I ask as I have read about security concerns in relation to certain VPN protocols used in combination with IPv6.


That is typically due to broken VPN clients and configurations. It is getting better now, though. If you do not use VPNs, it will not affect you. If you do use one, you should do some research first to see if it supports IPv6 correctly (modern VPNs should by now). One of the biggest issues was with VPN clients ignoring IPv6 entirely, so IPv6 connections bypassed the VPN, but hopefully that has gotten better now that there is more attention focused on the issue (see also: IPv6 security vulnerability pokes holes in VPN providers’ claims).

这通常是由于VPN客户端和配置损坏。 不过现在情况正在好转。 如果您不使用VPN,它将不会对您造成影响。 如果您确实使用了IPv6,则应该先做一些研究,看看它是否正确支持IPv6(现代VPN现在应该如此)。 最大的问题之一是VPN客户端完全忽略了IPv6,因此IPv6连接绕过了VPN,但希望现在情况会变得更好,因为现在人们对此问题有了更多关注(另请参见: IPv6安全漏洞在VPN提供商的主张中造成了漏洞) )。

(1) For example, one of the consequences of CGN is that home users can no longer reliably host a server. Traditional NAT was bad enough (and again a consequence of the IPv4 shortage), but with CGN port-forwarding it is also no longer possible. There are techniques for working around it, such as NAT hole-punching, but they require external servers and will not always work depending on the service required. Having a unique IPv6 address works around this limitation.

(1)例如,CGN的后果之一是家庭用户无法再可靠地托管服务器。 传统的NAT已经足够糟糕了(这也是IPv4短缺的结果),但是使用CGN端口转发也不再可能。 有一些可解决此问题的技术,例如NAT穿Kong ,但它们需要外部服务器,并且不一定会根据所需的服务而工作。 拥有唯一的IPv6地址可解决此限制。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/242443/why-do-i-have-ipv4-and-ipv6-public-addresses-assigned-to-my-home-network/


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