


iPhones and iPads go with Macs like peanut butter goes with jelly. If you use Windows however, you can still access your photos and videos on these devices with just a few quick steps.

iPhone和iPad与Mac搭配使用,就像花生酱与果冻搭配一样。 但是,如果您使用Windows,则仅需几个简单步骤,仍然可以在这些设备上访问照片和视频。

As popular as Apple products have become in recent years, there’s still a huge Windows user base. This often means that said users are left scratching their heads on how to make their iPhones and iPads get along with their PCs.

近年来,随着Apple产品的流行,Windows的用户基础仍然庞大。 这通常意味着,用户不得不为如何使iPhone和iPad与PC相处而left之以鼻。

One thing that we’ve discovered is that while it’s super easy to access your photos and videos from a Mac, using a Windows PC requires a bit more work. It’s not too terribly difficult, but it isn’t necessarily elegant either. That said, once you know how to import photos and videos on your iOS device, you can make quick work of it.

我们发现的一件事是,从Mac上访问照片和视频非常容易,而使用Windows PC则需要做更多的工作。 这不是很困难,但是也不一定优雅。 就是说,一旦您知道如何在iOS设备上导入照片和视频,就可以快速进行操作。

When you first plug your iOS device into your Windows computer, it will prompt you to allow your PC to access its photos and videos.


Before you can proceed with any import process on your PC, you will first need to allow it to access your iOS device.

If you tap “Allow” and you have a photo program installed, then you might get a prompt asking you if you want to import. In this example, our Windows 10 PC immediately pops up with a dialog asking us if we want to import items from our iPhone.

如果点击“允许”,并且安装了照片程序,则可能会提示您是否要导入。 在此示例中,我们的Windows 10 PC立即弹出一个对话框,询问我们是否要从iPhone导入项目。

Our Windows 10 PC automatically opens up the Photos app to import photos from our device (Apple iPhone).
我们的Windows 10 PC自动打开“照片”应用程序以从我们的设备(Apple iPhone)导入照片。

If you don’t have a photos application installed (this is unlikely but possible) or you don’t want to import all your photos onto your computer (you might have hundreds or even thousands), then you can do so manually.


First, open File Explorer and browse to your PC’s directory. Click on your iPhone or iPad and then open the folder titled “Internal Storage”. All your photos and videos will be saved in the DCIM folder.

首先,打开文件资源管理器并浏览到您的PC目录。 单击您的iPhone或iPad,然后打开标题为“内部存储”的文件夹。 您所有的照片和视频将保存在DCIM文件夹中

This is way too much to have to go through individually, so it’s best to try searching.

It gets a little tricky from here because it won’t be immediately apparent where the content you seek is located. You can either go through each folder one by one, which is going to be pretty tedious and time consuming, or you can try searching.

从这里开始,它变得有些棘手,因为您要查找的内容所在位置不会立即显而易见。 您可以一个一个地浏览每个文件夹,这将非常繁琐且耗时,也可以尝试搜索。

If you search, you might try listing all your photos by type, such that you use the search string “*.jpg” to list all the photos contained on your phone however, this will list all the files on your device ending in .jpg so that too will take a lot of time to go through.

如果您进行搜索,则可以尝试按类型列出所有照片,以便使用搜索字符串“ * .jpg”列出手机中包含的所有照片,但是,这将列出设备中所有以.jpg结尾的文件这样也将花费大量时间。

If you do search, you can first go through your photos by changing the view to large or extra large icons.

On the other hand, if you know about when the photo you’re looking for was taken, you can sort them out that way using the Details view.


Alternatively, you can try sorting by date, using the Details view.

How you choose to find and sort through your photos and videos is up to you and whether you want to use a photos program or simply import them onto your PC file by file.


If you would like further information on how to best search for photo files, then we recommend you read our Geek School series, which will explain the ins-and-outs of searching in far greater detail.

如果您想了解有关如何最好地搜索照片文件的更多信息,那么我们建议您阅读我们的Geek School系列文章 ,该系列将更详细地说明搜索的内容。

We hope this article was of some use to you and gives you the knowledge to use your iPhone or iPad easily alongside your Windows PC. If you have any questions or comments you would like to add, we encourage you to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并为您提供与Windows PC一起轻松使用iPhone或iPad的知识。 如果您有任何问题或意见要补充,我们鼓励您将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/235777/how-to-manually-import-photos-and-videos-from-an-iphone-or-ipad-into-windows/






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