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翻译 discuz完整迁移_完整的会议室迁移指南

discuz完整迁移In this article let’s examine a few situations you might face while you are developing your app using ROOM database. Sometimes there is a need to change our database schema by adding fields ...

2020-09-25 07:50:13 594

翻译 android获取所有组件_您需要了解的所有有关Android导航组件的信息

android获取所有组件Recently I was thinking about whether we have an alternative way to navigate in the app back and forth instead of Intents. It is because, in Android app development, we have many new libr...

2020-09-25 07:40:43 587

翻译 firebase_Firebase应用分发

firebaseI’ve been around Android development for so long now that my early app distributions were to root the device that wanted it installed and manually plug in the cable to install it via command l...

2020-09-25 07:29:55 801

翻译 将Firestore与Android和架构组件配合使用

Firebase Firestore and Android Architecture components seem to fit together perfectly. Yet there is little information on how to tie these tools together. Firebase Firestore和Android Architecture组件似乎完美...

2020-09-25 07:19:26 365

翻译 在Android中使用材质组件的快速指南

For this tutorial, we will be styling an App with Material Theme.The application basically fetches a list of items from [Imgur Api] and displays it via a Recycler. For this guide however, we will just...

2020-09-25 07:08:52 813

翻译 前20个android studio插件

Android Studio is a fully-featured development environment built by JetBrains that has everything you need to build awesome Android applications. With the power-packed features in the IntelliJ IDEA ba...

2020-09-25 06:58:52 767

翻译 安卓悬浮窗怎么盖在状态栏_引擎盖下的悬浮修饰符

安卓悬浮窗怎么盖在状态栏Kotlin coroutines introduced the suspend modifier in our daily life as Android developers. Are you curious to see what’s happening under the hood? How is the compiler transforming the code...

2020-09-25 06:48:02 530

翻译 http 提供者和消费者_颤抖的提供者和didChangeDependencies

http 提供者和消费者I am writing the Flutter app recently. Sometimes we need to provide values from parent widget to child widget, and the official solution is to use InheritedWidget. If we define the parent ...

2020-09-25 06:37:37 495

翻译 狼蛛收割者_制作狼蛛标识符

狼蛛收割者I recently released my first Android app Tarantula Identifier, a Flutter-based classifier for a small set of tarantula species, and wanted to share how I went about doing that. This post will foc...

2020-09-25 06:28:19 509

翻译 livedata_关于livedata应该了解的一切

livedata 重点 (Top highlight)Architecture components are common for Android developers these days. For a long time, everyone has been using one or other architecture components to meet their requirement...

2020-09-25 06:18:04 336

翻译 颤振稳定性叶瓣图_颤振测试让我们观察

颤振稳定性叶瓣图Flutter automated testing enables you to achieve higher responsiveness in your app because it helps to find bugs and other issues occurring in your app. It is also important in other perspecti...

2020-09-25 06:08:32 485

翻译 小程序 限制应用程序大小_管理应用程序大小

小程序 限制应用程序大小arun kumar阿伦·库马尔 Follow跟随 Apr 5 4月5 Reduce Application Size - Android 减少应用程序大小-Android Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash i yunmai在Unsplash上拍摄的照片 Google has been consistently in the process of ...

2020-09-25 05:58:41 572

翻译 android触摸手势_在Android中检测触摸手势

android触摸手势Mobile users interact with apps in many ways, a major one is through touch. Following motion guidelines and supporting common touch gestures goes a long way toward providing an intuitive ex...

2020-09-25 05:48:37 1017

翻译 android9深色模式_从appcompat到将深色主题应用于android part 1的材料组件

android9深色模式The Material Design library came with a big update which includes new UI elements(components), guidelines and a lot more. Today, I will show you how you can follow the newest Material Desi...

2020-09-25 05:38:02 821

翻译 有关android jetpacks导航组件的所有信息

In Android, we generally code the navigation logic using Intent to travel between activities and fragment transactions to navigate between fragments. Google’s Navigation Architecture Component simplif...

2020-09-25 05:27:54 461

翻译 android样式化通用主题属性

重点 (Top highlight)In the previous article in this series on Android styling, we looked at the difference between themes and styles and how themes allow you to write more flexible styles and layouts w...

2020-09-25 05:17:28 728

翻译 android adb连接_Android安全仔细检查您的adb连接

android adb连接We’ve got a saying in Portuguese that it can roughly be translated to: 我们有葡萄牙语谚语,它可以大致翻译为: The one who warns you, is your friend! 警告您的人是您的朋友! That is commonly translated to English: 通常将其...

2020-09-25 05:07:15 884

翻译 每个Android开发人员必须拥有的5个必备android studio插件

If you’re working from home, I hope that you’re trying your best to be productive. Being productive is not only about coding, but smart coding. 如果您在家工作,我希望您尽最大努力提高工作效率。 生产力不仅与编码有关,还与智能编码有关。 Android S...

2020-09-25 04:57:26 447

翻译 三思笔记_在使用buildconfig调试之前要三思

三思笔记Last week I was working on a feature that syncs data between phone and backend. That sync mechanism is triggered under certain conditions and we needed a way to bypass those conditions and force t...

2020-09-25 04:46:42 742

翻译 maps-api-v3_如何为Android配置Google Maps API密钥

maps-api-v3 介绍 (Introduction)After successfully publishing a couple of apps on Google Play, I have experienced an unusual thing: the day after releasing one of my apps, I noticed that the newly relea...

2020-09-25 04:37:23 353

翻译 kotlin 扩展类的功能_Kotlin中的扩展功能

kotlin 扩展类的功能Kotlin language supports the ability to extend a class with new functionality without implementing the inheritance concept by a class or using design pattern such as Decorator. This is ac...

2020-09-25 04:27:57 621

翻译 从头实现linux操作系统_实现自己的dependabot,从头开始

从头实现linux操作系统 2020年必须自动进行依赖关系升级 (Automated Dependency Upgrading Is a Must in 2020)In 2020, web, mobile, and machine learning development has become unbelievably modularized, meaning most projects dep...

2020-09-25 04:17:04 166

翻译 在3d对象上使用android native动画师插值器

We Android devs are quite familiar with using object animators on native android views to make subtle micro-interactions and animations. Let's try and extend it to 3D. 我们的 Android开发人员非常熟悉在原生android视图上...

2020-09-25 04:06:15 150

翻译 史蒂夫科恩_科特琳·科恩范围

史蒂夫科恩 学习Android开发 (Learning Android Development)If you are familiar with Dagger 2, you probably know that Scope an important part of Dependency Injection. It enables us to determine if we are getting...

2020-09-25 03:56:20 235

翻译 使用Kotlin构建YouTube播放器

In this article, we will learn how to integrate and play a video using YouTube API in Android with Kotlin. 在本文中,我们将学习如何在带有Kotlin的Android中使用YouTube API集成和播放视频。 The YouTube Android Player API enables y...

2020-09-25 03:47:05 603

翻译 github 移动文件_适用于移动开发人员的33个惊人的github存储库

github 移动文件In this article, we will explore 33 useful GitHub repositories for iOS, Android, and Flutter developers. 在本文中,我们将为iOS,Android和Flutter开发人员探索33个有用的GitHub存储库。 的iOS (iOS) 1.很棒的iOS (1. Awesom...

2020-09-25 03:37:40 268

翻译 android模块化组件化_模块化的android应用和动态交付

android模块化组件化Building a modular Android app plays an essential role in providing a clean and organised structures of apps particularly large size ones. Recently, after introducing app bundles and dyna...

2020-09-25 03:27:06 691

翻译 livedata 应用_创建一个在Java中使用livedata和viewmodel的应用程序

livedata 应用Among the wide range of tools that were released with Android Jetpack, Android Architecture Components, LiveData, and ViewModel are particularly useful. I’m creating this tutorial in respon...

2020-09-25 03:16:44 1020

翻译 跨平台开发 方法_扑跨平台方法

跨平台开发 方法Run one codebase but provide a multi-platform look! 运行一个代码库,但提供多平台外观! Possibly, like myself, when you began learning Flutter, you yourself went through the lab exercise called, Write your fir...

2020-09-25 03:05:49 394

翻译 kotlin java_我从Java到Kotlin的旅程

kotlin javaIn this piece, I’m going to tell you why and how I started moving from Java to Kotlin, and how to be productive and happy with Kotlin. Back in 2015, I started working on Android using the J...

2020-09-25 02:54:55 296

翻译 唯一的对象

重点 (Top highlight)In Java, the static keyword is used to denote methods and properties that belong to an object, not to an instance of an object. The static keyword is also used to create Singletons,...

2020-09-25 02:43:56 208

翻译 使用电容器为离子框架生成应用程序图标和启动屏幕图像

A handy script to help you generate app icon and splash screen images for your Ionic app using Capacitor. 一个方便的脚本,可帮助您使用Capacitor为Ionic应用程序生成应用程序图标和启动屏幕图像。 Ionic Framework is awesome for build hybrid...

2020-09-25 02:33:35 412

翻译 5g寻呼 5gc寻呼_使用视图寻呼机的带有指示器的刷卡视图

5g寻呼 5gc寻呼In this article, I am going to show you how to implement a dynamic swipeable card view with indicators below using view pager in Kotlin. I assume you have some basic knowledge in Kotlin and ...

2020-09-25 02:23:20 488

翻译 凌空的桨_在Android中使用凌空传输网络数据

凌空的桨By reading this article, you will learn to call REST API directly from an Android application. We will be using an HTTP library called Volley that is officially supported by Android. 通过阅读本文,您将学习直接...

2020-09-25 02:12:50 195

翻译 play开发工具_Play商店上的开发人员工具

play开发工具In this article you’ll read about how to quickly and securely share versions with testers and developers using the Google Play Store.I’ll also cover improvements we made such as accessing hist...

2020-09-25 02:02:55 1609

翻译 查看ios应用程序数据文件_通过文件设置ios和android应用程序版本

查看ios应用程序数据文件Whenever we want to upload a new version of our app, how many times do we have to manually do it by editing the version in build.gradle for Android or Info.plist for iOS? It’s such a daun...

2020-09-25 01:52:39 661

翻译 kotlin中的常用运算符_在Kotlin中实施标识符的类型安全

kotlin中的常用运算符For codebases with many different entities, most of us will at some point have hit a bug due to the wrong ID being assigned to a property or passed to a function. Why don’t we use the typ...

2020-09-25 01:43:04 113

翻译 android 组件化实现_用Android的材质组件实现运动系统

android 组件化实现Google recently released an alpha update(1.2.0-alpha05) of its material components library that includes the implementation of The motion system which is a set of guidance for transition ...

2020-09-25 01:32:53 405

翻译 android中释放适配器_android中适配器的演变

android中释放适配器 总览 (Overview)If you’ve been in Android development for a while, you may well have needed to implement a list of views at various points in your career. 如果您从事Android开发已有一段时间,那么您可能需要在职业生涯...

2020-09-25 01:22:32 428

翻译 firebase_Firebase认证一键式

firebaseGoogle has recently introduced One Tap sign-in and sign-up on Android. This service allows your app’s new users to create an account, securely with just a single tap on a beautiful dialog.User...

2020-09-25 01:13:18 929



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