


Most Wi-Fi cams require that you plug them into an outlet to keep them powered on, but advancements in batteries and energy savings over the last couple of years have led to the popularity of battery-powered Wi-Fi cams. The big question is: are they worth it?

大多数Wi-Fi凸轮要求您将其插入电源插座以保持它们的电源,但是最近几年电池技术的进步和节能的发展导致了电池供电的Wi-Fi凸轮的普及。 最大的问题是:他们值得吗?

There are several battery-powered options available on the market. We’ve personally tested out Netgear’s Arlo Pro system, but there’s also the Blink, Canary FlexRing Stick Up Cam, and the Logitech Circle (although the Circle’s battery is merely a backup option). There are a host of pros and cons to these wire-free options compared to plug-in cams like the Nest Cam, so here are some things you should know about battery-powered Wi-Fi cams and whether or not they’re worth investing in.

市场上有几种电池供电的选件。 我们已经对Netgear的Arlo Pro系统进行了亲自测试,但是还有BlinkCanary FlexRing Stick Up CamLogitech Circle (尽管Circle的电池只是备用)。 与Nest Cam之类的插入式凸轮相比,这些无线选项有很多优点和缺点,因此,关于电池供电的Wi-Fi凸轮,以及是否值得投资,您应该了解以下几点在。

每隔几个月就要给它们充电 (They Need to Be Recharged Every Few Months)

Unsurprisingly, battery-powered cameras will eventually run out of juice, and they need recharged every so often, which is perhaps one of their biggest downsides.


Granted, many true battery-powered Wi-Fi cams can last several months at least, so you’re not going to be recharging them as regularly as your phone. However, it’s definitely not something that you can just set up and forget about.

当然,许多真正的电池供电的Wi-Fi摄像头至少可以使用几个月,因此您不会像手机那样定期对其进行充电。 但是,绝对不是您可以设置并忘记的东西。

The biggest issue here is that they have be taken offline for a couple of hours while they recharge, which adds some risk as far as your house not being surveilled for a brief period of time. The chances of something happening during a recharge are pretty slim, but the risk is still there.

这里最大的问题是,在充电时,它们已经离线了几个小时,这可能会增加您的房屋在短时间内未受到监视的风险。 充电过程中发生某些事情的机会很小,但是风险仍然存在。

它们可以轻松放置在任何地方 (They Can Easily Be Placed Anywhere)

Since battery-powered cameras don’t need to be tethered to an outlet, the biggest advantage of these wire-free cameras is that you can place them pretty much anywhere that you want, just as long as it’s within your home Wi-Fi network’s range.


This gives you a lot more freedom as far as where you can place these cameras and potentially give you a better angle of your front door or back patio that you wouldn’t normally be able to accomplish with a wired camera.


Not only that, but battery-powered cameras are a lot easier to install in the first place, especially in locations where running a power cable would be a bit messy.


视频质量可能会受到打击 (Video Quality Can Take a Hit)

While battery-powered cameras don’t offer significantly less video quality by any means, the fact that they’re battery powered can have an effect on the video quality, and 1080p isn’t guaranteed.

虽然电池供电的相机不以任何方式提供显著少的视频质量,他们是电池供电的事实, 可以对视频质量的影响,以及1080p不能保证。

Some wire-free cameras do claim to offer 1080p resolution, but most of them are capped at 720p, including Netgear’s Arlo Pro system. This isn’t a huge deal, but with 1080p being the standard these days, 720p can be seen as a disadvantage to some users.

某些无线摄像机确实声称可提供1080p分辨率,但其中大多数都包括Netgear的Arlo Pro系统,但最高不超过720p。 这是不是一个问题,但随着1080是标准的这些日子里,720P可以被看作是一个不利的一些用户。

However, with our experience with the Arlo Pro, the 720p video quality is good enough; you can clearly see what’s going on in the frame and make out faces if the lighting is right, but with any battery-powered camera, you usually can only choose between the best video quality or the best battery life—not both. So you’ll definitely be making some compromises.

但是,根据我们在Arlo Pro上的经验,720p视频质量已经足够好了。 您可以清楚地看到框架中正在发生的事情,如果照明正确,则可以辨别脸Kong,但是使用任何电池供电的相机,通常只能在最佳视频质量或最佳电池寿命之间进行选择,而不能两者兼而有之。 因此,您一定会做出一些让步。

电池不会永远持续下去 (Batteries Don’t Last Forever)

Unfortunately, all batteries go to heaven one day. The camera’s batteries themselves will likely give out before the camera’s hardware does. This happens with smartphones and laptops fairly often; usually the battery needs replaced long before the entire device does, simply because batteries have shorter lifespans.

不幸的是,所有的电池有一天都会上天堂。 相机的电池本身可能会先于相机的硬件耗尽。 智能手机和笔记本电脑经常发生这种情况。 通常,因为电池使用寿命较短,所以需要在整个设备使用之前很久就更换电池。

It’s entirely possible that the battery in a wire-free camera will give out in just a few years time, most likely by slow degradation until the battery can no longer hold a charge.


Some battery-powered cameras, like the Arlo Pro, have user-replaceable batteries, which is great to have if the battery itself ever gives out—you can just buy a new battery and you’re good to go. However, for some other wire-free cams, the battery isn’t replaceable.

一些电池供电的相机(例如Arlo Pro)具有用户可更换的电池,如果电池本身用完了,那么这非常好-您只需购买新电池,就可以使用了。 但是,对于其他一些无线摄像头,则无法更换电池。

它们比有线摄像机更昂贵 (They Aren’t Any More Expensive Than Wired Cameras)

Perhaps the good news with battery-powered Wi-Fi cams is that they don’t cost any more than traditional wired cameras, so you won’t be paying more for the privilege and convenience of a battery-powered model.


The Canary Flex, Blink, and the Ring Stick Up Cam are all priced under $200, and are competitive with wired cameras like the Nest Cam. The big exception is the Arlo Pro system, which starts at $240 because of the required base station.

Canary Flex,Blink和Ring Stick Up Cam的价格都在200美元以下,并且与Nest Cam等有线摄像头相比具有竞争力。 最大的例外是Arlo Pro系统,由于需要基站,起价为240美元。

So battery or no battery, you won’t be paying significantly more or less for a battery-powered camera than a wired camera, making the former all that more appealing.


最后,仅在需要时使用它们 (In the End, Use Them Only When Needed)

When it comes down to it, it’s best to have a Wi-Fi cam that you can plug into an outlet if at all possible, but battery-powered cameras can be great for certain situations.


The biggest reason to get a battery-powered camera is if you want to mount one outside, but don’t want to hassle with running wires through walls. In that case, a wire-free camera is a great option. However, if you’re just going to be placing the camera somewhere indoors, more than likely there’s an outlet nearby that you can just plug it into and be done with it.

使用电池供电的摄像机的最大原因是,如果您想将摄像机安装在室外,但又不想麻烦地穿墙穿线。 在这种情况下,无线摄像机是一个不错的选择。 但是,如果您只是要将相机放置在室内某个地方,那么很有可能在附近有一个插座,您可以将其插入并使用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310399/should-you-buy-a-battery-powered-wi-fi-cam/


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