


If you’re a fan of movie trailers, pre-rolls, and the build up of anticipation leading up to the cinematic experience, then we’ve got a treat for you: Plex Media Server makes it dead simple to recreate that theater magic right at home with both trailers from your own movie collection as well as those of upcoming releases.

如果您是电影预告片,预告片和对电影体验的期待的忠实拥护者,那么我们为您提供了一种享受:Plex Media Server使重现影院魔力变得非常简单在家中,既有自己电影收藏的预告片,也有即将上映的电影的预告片。

You may already be aware that Plex supports trailers, but not many people know that you can leverage trailers into something much cooler than something you manually load up now and then. Tucked away in the settings of your Plex Media Server is a neat little bonus feature that can add a little cinema magic and authenticity to your movie night experience. With a little bit of prep work and a few small changes, Plex can do the following things:

您可能已经知道Plex支持预告片,但是没有多少人知道您可以利用预告片来构建比现在不时手动加载的东西更酷的东西。 Plex Media Server的设置中隐藏了一个巧妙的小奖励功能,可以为您的电影之夜体验增加一点电影魔力和真实性。 通过一些准备工作和一些小的更改,Plex可以执行以下操作:

  • Play trailers for movies from your personal movie collection (including trailers for all movies or just your unwatched films).

  • Play trailers for new and upcoming theater releases (Plex Pass premium users only).

    播放预告片,用于新的和即将上映的影院(仅限Plex Pass高级用户)。
  • Play trailers for new and upcoming Blu-ray releases (Plex Pass premium users only).

    播放新的和即将发行的Blu-ray的预告片(仅适用于Plex Pass高级用户)。
  • Play a custom video pre-roll (a video clip that will play right before the feature film starts—like the THX loto or an old-timey “Welcome to the movies!” clip).

    播放自定义的视频前片(将在长片开始之前播放的视频剪辑,例如THX乐透或老式的“ Welcome to the movie!”剪辑)。

By taking advantage of these features, you can get a gentle nudge to check out great movies already in your collection, or see what’s new in theaters and about to come out on Blu-ray. Plus it’ll feel like you’re actually at the movies.

通过利用这些功能,您可以轻拍一下以查看收藏中已有的精彩电影,或者查看影院中的最新消息以及即将在Blu-ray上推出的消息。 另外,感觉就像您真的在看电影。

如何下载预告片和预卷 (How to Download Your Trailers and Pre-Roll)

Of the four potential features we outlined above, there are only two that require you to do any prep work: trailers from your own movie collection and custom movie pre-rolls. Trailers for upcoming theater and Blu-ray releases are downloaded automatically for Plex Pass subscribers and, if that’s all your interested in, you can skip this entire section and jump down to “Enable Trailers, Previews, and Pre-Rolls”.

在上面概述的四个潜在功能中,只有两个需要您进行任何准备工作:您自己的电影收藏中的预告片和自定义电影中的预卷。 将为Plex Pass订户自动下载即将上映的剧院和Blu-ray发行的预告片,如果您对此感兴趣,则可以跳过整个部分,然后跳至“启用预告片,预览和预卷”。

Here are the three ways you can add trailers to  your movie collection (with their respective benefits and shortcomings):


  • Manually: Labor intensive, but you get the exact files you want and they are stored locally with the movie file in your media directory.

  • Third Party Media Managers: Automated, and stores trailers with movies. Requires additional software and setup.

    第三方媒体管理器:自动化,并存储带有电影的预告片。 需要其他软件和设置。
  • Third Party Plugins: Automated, but stores trailers hidden away in the Plex database, not in your media directory.


If you’re a media purist who wants control over which trailers you have and where they are stored, you’re stuck with the extra work of the first two options. If you just want trailers and couldn’t care less where they’re stored, pick option three and let the plugin do the heavy lifting for you.

如果您是一位媒体纯粹主义者,希望控制您拥有的预告片以及它们的存储位置,那么前两个选项将使您无所适从。 如果您只想要预告片而又不在乎它们的存储位置,请选择选项三,让该插件为您完成繁重的工作。

手动添加电影预告片 (Adding Movie Trailers Manually)

To manually set a trailer for a movie you simply need to download that trailer video from some source and then placing it in the folder where the movie is located, with the filename set to descriptivename-trailer.ext, where “descriptivename” is the a clear description of what the file is and .ext is simply whatever the existing extension of the movie is.

要手动设置电影的预告片,您只需从某个来源下载该预告片视频,然后将其放置在电影所在的文件夹中,文件名设置为descriptivename-trailer.ext ,其中“ descriptivename”是文件是什么的清晰描述,.ext就是电影的现有扩展名。

Let’s say we wanted to manually add a trailer to the 2012 cinematic masterpiece, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. We have the trailer in MP4 format, so we simply browse to the location of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in our collection, paste the downloaded trailer into the directory, and rename it to match the file name of the movie file, like so:

假设我们想手动向2012年电影巨著《 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人》中添加预告片。 我们拥有MP4格式的预告片,因此我们只需浏览到我们收藏中的Abraham Lincoln:Vampire Hunter的位置,将下载的预告片粘贴到目录中,然后将其重命名以匹配电影文件的文件名,如下所示:

Simply repeat this process for as many movie trailers as you wish to add to your collection.


使用媒体管理器添加电影预告片 (Adding Movie Trailers with a Media Manager)

Manually adding a movie trailer here or there is one thing, but if you want to add trailers to hundreds of movies, that’ll get old really fast. If you want the trailers stored with your movie files but you don’t want to manually download and rename them all, you need to use third party tools like Ember Media Manager or Media Companion.

在此处手动添加电影预告片或只有一件事,但是如果您想在数百部电影中添加预告片,那将会很快老化。 如果您想将预告片与电影文件一起存储,但又不想手动下载并重命名它们,则需要使用第三方工具,例如Ember Media ManagerMedia Companion

For our purposes today, we’ll be using Media Companion. The interface is cluttered to the point of being almost overwhelming, but if you know which switches to flip, it makes short work of downloading trailers for even a Library of Congress size collection.

就我们今天的目的而言,我们将使用Media Companion。 界面杂乱无章,几乎让人难以接受, 但是如果您知道要翻转的开关,那么即使是为国会图书馆的馆藏收藏下载预告片也很容易。

Once you’ve downloaded and installed Media Companion, launch the application.  First, make sure “Movies” is selected in the control bar (it should be selected by default) and then click on the “Folders” tab in the GUI, located towards the right hand side of the tab list, as seen below:

下载并安装Media Companion后,启动应用程序。 首先,确保在控制栏中选择了“电影”(默认情况下应选中它),然后单击位于选项卡列表右侧的GUI中的“文件夹”选项卡,如下所示:

Next, look at the bottom of the Folders tab for the entry “Manually Add path to Movie Root Folder”. Put the full directory path to your movie collection here (e.g. C:\Media\Movies\,  \\homeserver\movies\, or wherever your movies are located). Click “Add”.

接下来,在“文件夹”选项卡的底部查找“手动向电影根文件夹添加路径”条目。 将完整目录路径放入电影收藏集的此处(例如C:\ Media \ Movies \,\\ homeserver \ movies \或电影所在的任何位置)。 点击“添加”。

Once you’ve added the directory, Media Companion will scan the folder and populate the file browser. Go to the file browser now by selecting the first tab “Main Browser”. You’ll see a list of movies on the left-hand side. Let’s download the trailer for a single movie now to demonstrate the process. Select a movie and right click on it.

添加目录后,Media Companion将扫描该文件夹并填充文件浏览器。 现在通过选择第一个标签“ Main Browser”进入文件浏览器。 您会在左侧看到电影列表。 现在,我们为一部电影下载预告片以演示该过程。 选择电影,然后右键单击它。

In the right-click context menu, you have two tasks. First, head to Rescrape Specific > Trailer. This will scrape IMDB for the URL of the movie trailer and save it to the Media Companion database. Second, return to that same sub-menu and choose Rescrape Specific > Download Trailer. This will instruct Media Companion to follow that URL and download the trailer to the matching movie directory.

在右键单击上下文菜单中,您有两个任务。 首先,转到“重新抓取特定对象”>“预告片”。 这将为影片预告片的URL刮取IMDB并将其保存到Media Companion数据库。 其次,返回到同一子菜单,然后选择“特定于重新抓取”>“下载预告片”。 这将指示Media Companion遵循该URL,并将预告片下载到匹配的电影目录。

After you select “Download Trailer”, you’ll see a progress bar and the trailer will be saved to your movie directory in the format moviename-trailer.ext. Confirm, by browsing to the directory, that this has occurred. If everything went smoothly, then all you need to do is return to Media Companion, select all the movies you want to scrape trailers for, and then repeat the same process in bulk with multiple movies selected.

选择“下载预告片”后,您将看到一个进度条,预告片将以moviename-trailer.ext格式保存到您的电影目录中。 通过浏览到目录确认发生了这种情况。 如果一切顺利,那么您需要做的就是返回Media Companion,选择要为其抓取预告片的所有电影,然后批量选择多个电影,然后重复相同的过程。

Adding Movie Trailers with a Plugin


If you don’t care about where the trailers are stored, using an automatic plugin is definitely the fastest and easiest way to get trailers for your movies. To get started with this method, visit the website for the Trailer Addict Plex plugin (which pulls trailers from the Trailer Addict website) and click the green “Clone or download” button.

如果您不关心预告片的存储位置,那么使用自动插件无疑是获取电影预告片的最快,最简单的方法。 要开始使用此方法,请访问Trailer Addict Plex插件的网站(可从Trailer Addict网站提取拖车),然后单击绿色的“克隆或下载”按钮。

Save the resulting .zip file to your computer and open it. Inside you’ll find a folder labeled “TrailerAddict.bundle-master”.  Extract that folder to the plugins directory of your Plex Media Server. The location of the plugin directory varies by operating system:

将生成的.zip文件保存到计算机并打开。 在其中,您会找到一个标有“ TrailerAddict.bundle-master”的文件夹。 将该文件夹解压缩到Plex Media Server的plugins目录。 插件目录的位置因操作系统而异:

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\

    Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\ Plex Media Server \插件\

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    macOS: 〜/ Library / Application Support / Plex Media Server /插件

  • Linux: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    Linux: $ PLEX_HOME /库/应用程序支持/ Plex Media Server /插件

Once you have copied the bundle, rename it to “TrailerAddict.bundle” by removing the “-master” suffix. Restart your Plex Media Server. After you’ve restarted the server, open up the web interface and navigate to settings by clicking on the  and click on the tool icon in the upper right corner.

复制捆绑软件后,通过删除“ -master”后缀将其重命名为“ TrailerAddict.bundle”。 重新启动Plex Media Server 。 重新启动服务器后,打开Web界面并通过单击并单击右上角的工具图标来导航至设置。

Select “Server” and then “Agents”.


Within the “Movies” tab, select “The Movie Database” and check “Trailer Addict”. Repeat this process for “Plex Movie”. The location of “Trailer Addict” in the list is not important.

在“电影”选项卡中,选择“电影数据库”并选中“预告片”。 对“ Plex Movie”重复此过程。 列表中“ Trailer Addict”的位置并不重要。

To get the trailers, you need to refresh your movie library. To do so, return to the main menu of the Plex web interface and click on the menu icon beside your movie library. Select “Refresh All”. If you have multiple movie libraries you want to add trailers to, repeat this process for each of them.

要获取预告片,您需要刷新电影库。 为此,请返回Plex Web界面的主菜单,然后单击电影库旁边的菜单图标。 选择“全部刷新”。 如果要向其中添加预告片的多个电影库,请对每个预告片重复此过程。

In the background, the TrailerAddict plugin will download all the trailers for your current movies and, in the future, will automatically add trailers for new movies added to your library. Note that they won’t be stored with your movies, like the above two methods—they’ll be stored in the Plex database somewhere.

在后台,TrailerAddict插件将下载当前电影的所有预告片,并在将来自动为添加到库中的新电影添加预告片。 请注意,它们不会像上面的两种方法一样与电影一起存储-它们将存储在Plex数据库中的某个位置。

选择和添加预卷 (Selecting and Adding a Pre-Roll)

With the trailer situation all squared away, we have one final consideration before we jump into setting it all up: selecting a pre-roll video and adding it to our Plex library. What you use as a pre-roll is totally up to you: as long as it can play in Plex it’s fair game.

由于预告片的情况全都摆平了,在进入全部设置之前,我们有最后一个考虑:选择前置视频并将其添加到我们的Plex库中。 用作预卷的完全取决于您:只要可以在Plex中播放,它就是公平的游戏。

If you want a more traditional pre-roll (like the THX sound check), we highly recommend checking out the extensive collection of pre-roll clips at Demo World. With hundreds of high definition clips to choose from, there’s bound to be something that entices you.

如果您想要更传统的预卷(例如THX声音检查),我们强烈建议您在Demo World上查看大量的预卷片段。 有数百种高清剪辑可供选择,一定会吸引您。

If you want something a bit more unique, you can always search the web for old drive-in theater pre-rolls, countdowns, or movie theater public announcements and download those instead.


Once you have the clip in hand, it’s time to add it to your Plex Media Server. Rather than dump the file into the same folder where you store your movies, you need to make a separate folder for the pre-roll videos. Where this folder is doesn’t matter as long as it is accessible to the Plex Media Server software and not a subdirectory of an existing folder used by one of your existing Plex libraries. The purpose of this is to avoid confusion and clutter in your primary movie library (where “THX Sound Check” doesn’t need to be its own unique entry beside real movies).

拥有剪辑后,就可以将其添加到Plex Media Server中了。 您无需将文件转储到存储电影的相同文件夹中,而是需要为前置视频创建一个单独的文件夹。 只要该文件夹可以由Plex Media Server软件访问,而不是由您现有的Plex库之一使用的现有文件夹的子目录访问,则该文件夹的位置无关紧要。 这样做的目的是避免在主电影库中造成混乱和混乱(在“ THX Sound Check”中,除真实电影外,“ THX Sound Check”不需要是其自己的唯一条目)。

In the web interface, click on the “+” symbol next to “Libraries” in the left-hand navigation column.

在Web界面中,单击左侧导航栏中“库”旁边的“ +”符号。

In the library creation wizard, select “Other Videos” and then name the folder “Extras” or something similar. Click “Next”.

在库创建向导中,选择“其他视频”,然后将文件夹命名为“其他”或类似名称。 点击下一步”。

Click “Browse for Media Folder” and select your new media folder with the pre-roll video in it. Click “Add Library”.

单击“浏览媒体文件夹”,然后选择其中包含前置视频的新媒体文件夹。 点击“添加库”。

Confirm, by selecting your “Extras” library that the video is present.


Now that we have our trailers and pre-roll videos in place, it’s time for the easy part: turning everything on.


启用预告片,预览和预卷 (Enable Trailers, Previews, and Pre-Rolls)

The prep work of actually getting the trailers and/or configuring the plugin was the hard part, we promise! All we need to do now if flip a few toggles inside our Plex Media Server and then turn on  the trailer function in our individual Plex clients.

我们保证,实际获得预告片和/或配置插件的准备工作是艰巨的工作! 现在,只要在Plex Media Server中进行一些切换,然后打开各个Plex客户端中的预告片功能,我们现在需要做的所有事情。

在服务器上启用预告片 (Enabling Trailers on the Server)

To turn on the trailer and pre-roll features, all you need to do is jump into your Plex control panel again, navigate to Settings > Server once more, and select “Extras” left hand navigation bar.


There you’ll find the four options (if you don’t see the bottom entry for “pre-roll video” click the “Show Advanced” button near the upper right of the screen control panel).


For the most part, the settings here are very self-explanatory. To control what trailers you see from your personal movie collection, you can check and uncheck “Include Cinema Trailers from movies in my library” and then toggle the “Choose Cinema Trailers” between “Only unwatched movies” and “All movies”.

在大多数情况下,此处的设置非常不言自明。 要控制从个人电影收藏中看到的预告片,可以选中和取消选中“包括我库中电影的电影预告片”,然后在“仅未观看的电影”和“所有电影”之间切换“选择电影预告片”。

Plex Pass subscribers can toggle “Include Cinema Trailers from new and upcoming movies in theaters” and “movies on Blu-ray” on to enable those features. New and up-to-date trailers will be streamed each time you launch a movie.

Plex Pass订户可以启用“包括电影院中新电影和即将上映电影的电影预告片”和“蓝光电影”以启用这些功能。 每次启动电影时,都会流式传输新的和最新的预告片。

Finally, both standard and Plex Pass subscribers can select a video for the pre-roll. In order to do this you need the URL (from within the Plex Media control center panel) for the detailed view of the the particular video you wish to use. Simply locate that video and click on it to see the detailed view. Copy the URL of that detailed view as it appears in your browser’s address bar, as seen below, and paste it into the “Cinema Trailers pre-roll video” box.

最后,标准订户和Plex Pass订户都可以选择视频作为预片。 为此,您需要URL(来自Plex Media控制中心面板内)以获取想要使用的特定视频的详细视图。 只需找到该视频,然后单击它即可查看详细视图。 复制该详细视图的URL,如下图所示,它出现在浏览器的地址栏中,然后将其粘贴到“ Cinema Trailers预卷视频”框中。

Here’s what the Extras menu looks like with all the settings toggled on and the URL in place:


With the boxes checked and the pre-roll URL in place, click “Save Changes”. That’s it: we’re done with everything server-side at this point.

选中相应的复选框,并放置预贴网址,然后点击“保存更改”。 就是这样:现在,我们已经完成了服务器端的所有工作。

在Plex客户端上启用预告片 (Enabling Trailers on Your Plex Clients)

The absolute final step of the whole process is to tell your Plex clients to load the trailers (and how many you want loaded). While we were initially annoyed at this extra step, we actually appreciate it now: it gives you granular control over which of your Plex clients will load the trailers, which won’t, and how many trailers they’ll load. You may, for example, want the Plex client in your home theater to always play five trailers. You might not want Plex for Windows, installed on your laptop, to play any trailers at all though, because you don’t want to deal with the buffering and waiting while you’re using your laptop to watch movies on a business trip.

整个过程的绝对最后一步是告诉您的Plex客户端加载预告片(以及要加载的预告片数量)。 当我们最初对这个额外的步骤感到烦恼时,我们现在实际上很感激:它使您可以精确控制哪些Plex客户端将加载预告片,哪些将不加载,以及将加载多少个预告片。 例如,您可能希望家庭影院中的Plex客户端始终播放五个预告片。 您可能根本不希望笔记本电脑上安装的Windows版Plex完全播放任何预告片,因为您不想在使用笔记本电脑出差看电影时处理缓冲和等待。

To enable the trailers on the client side, you just have to pop into the settings menu. While the location of the setting varies slightly (it’s under Preferences > Playback > Extras in Plex Home Theater, for example, but Settings > Media in Plex for Windows), it’ll always look more or less like the screenshot below when you find it:

要在客户端启用预告片,您只需弹出设置菜单。 尽管设置的位置略有不同(例如,位于Plex Home Theater中的“偏好设置”>“播放”>“其他”下,但是位于Windows的Plex中为“设置”>“媒体”下),但找到它时,它看起来总是与下面的屏幕截图差不多:

Just select between 0-5, start a movie from your library, and boom:


That familiar green ratings screen pops up, a trailer starts playing, and it feels like you’re sitting in a cinema proper, anticipating the movie to come.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/305607/how-to-add-trailers-to-your-plex-movies-for-a-true-movie-theater-experience/


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