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翻译 ai面向分析_2020年面向企业的顶级人工智能平台

ai面向分析“In the long term, artificial intelligence and automation are going to be taking over so much of what gives humans a feeling of purpose.” “从长远来看,人工智能和自动化将接管很多使人有目的感的东西。” -Matt Bellamy -马特·贝拉米 ...

2020-08-26 20:41:51 1285

翻译 回答问题人工智能源码_回答21个最受欢迎的人工智能问题

回答问题人工智能源码Artificial intelligence sets the stage for a new era of solutions to be made with computers. It allows us to solve problems that we could not have imagined in the past. It’s a technology wit...

2020-08-26 20:32:26 2315

翻译 人工智能药物设计_用AI革新药物安全

人工智能药物设计 介绍 (Introduction)Advances in the life sciences have brought about a transformative impact on healthcare, with life span and quality of life dramatically improving world-wide. Improvements in...

2020-08-26 20:21:48 2527

翻译 立法者在民权受到侵蚀时忽略了黑匣子算法

The detrimental effects of black box algorithms have taken their toll on unprivileged groups. Meanwhile, disconnected lawmakers have shown no concern for civil rights laws as they apply to artificial ...

2020-08-26 20:11:06 425

翻译 ai 文案_AI是UX文案的未来吗?

ai 文案We’ve already seen several industries shaken by the introduction of automated systems e.g., transportation with autonomous vehicles, and manufacturing with robotic assembly lines. In a lot of tho...

2020-08-26 20:00:22 529

翻译 误用检测_如何(不)在创业中误用人工智能

误用检测 重点 (Top highlight)As a technical founder, I’ve both built and managed the direction of ML in startups. 作为技术创始人,我已经建立和管理了初创企业中ML的方向。 I’ve also made a lot of mistakes. 我也犯了很多错误。 Many stem from tr...

2020-08-26 19:50:49 220

翻译 数据集分为训练验证测试_将数据集分为训练集,验证集和测试集

数据集分为训练验证测试 测试我们的模型 (Testing Our Model)Supervised machine learning algorithms are amazing tools capable of making predictions and classifications. However, it is important to ask yourself how accurat...

2020-08-26 19:40:30 8576

翻译 蓝牙hci主要作用是什么_我的“我”是您的“您”:为什么为HCI精调Deixis很困难

蓝牙hci主要作用是什么Sometimes, Siri can’t even… 有时候,Siri甚至无法…… What formal semantics tells us 形式语义告诉我们什么 There’s an unwavering discourse phenomenon in applied linguistics that always zips right over my head...

2020-08-26 19:31:13 1178

翻译 深度学习后向算法的直观理解_强化学习的直观介绍

深度学习后向算法的直观理解Reinforcement Learning is the type of learning that is closest to the way humans learn. 强化学习是最接近人类学习方式的学习类型。 Reinforcement Learning, as opposed to supervised and unsupervised learning tec...

2020-08-26 19:22:02 329

翻译 ai人工智能有哪些_AI有没有走到尽头?

ai人工智能有哪些 意见 (Opinion)There has been a lot of hype around artificial intelligence (AI) and its subfields (machine learning, deep learning, etc.) for quite some time now. Yet, we may be on the verge o...

2020-08-26 19:11:31 313

翻译 ai人工智能操控什么意思_为什么AI会(永远)接管

ai人工智能操控什么意思There’s a reason for putting the negation inside brackets. The truth is that I used to be like you, or at least some of you, especially those of you who have and/or are spending a lot of t...

2020-08-26 19:00:49 293

翻译 脓毒症观察实践

By Madeleine Clare Elish and Elizabeth Anne Watkins 玛德琳·克莱尔·埃利什(Madeleine Clare Elish)和伊丽莎白·安妮·沃特金斯(Elizabeth Anne Watkins) Portions of this post are drawn from a forthcoming Data & Society resea...

2020-08-26 18:50:38 413

翻译 matlab .fda文件_A. FDA现有的上市后角色

matlab .fda文件There is an elephant in the room. Tension in the air that we need to discuss. FDA is trying to convince artificial intelligence developers in healthcare to let the agency have much broade...

2020-08-26 18:40:01 683

翻译 jpl数据下载_火星上的AI:喷气推进实验室(JPL)的Tom Soderstrom访谈

jpl数据下载By Ron Schmelzer 罗恩·施梅泽(Ron Schmelzer) Humanity is putting its mark throughout the world, and now on other worlds and planets as well. For the past many decades, humans have sent spacecraft, r...

2020-08-26 18:30:54 901

翻译 ai/ml_您应该在本周(7月18日)阅读有趣的AI / ML文章

ai/ml 分析与意见 (ANALYSIS AND OPINION)AI tech and systems are developing at a rapid rate, new inventions and techniques are presented every week. And yet, people still aren’t satisfied with the level of ...

2020-08-26 18:21:17 540

翻译 如何为Twitter,Pinterest和Amazon构建AI

We caught up with Douglas Mason, data scientist and CEO of Koyote Science, where he is building machine learning models to predict COVID-19 outbreaks. He freely shared his wisdom and lessons he has le...

2020-08-26 18:10:23 247

翻译 机器学习 数据间的定义_定义数据科学,机器学习和人工智能

机器学习 数据间的定义 是否可以区分它们? (Is it possible to differentiate between them?)With the ever-increasing volume, variety, and velocity of available data, scientific disciplines have provided us with advanced ma...

2020-08-26 18:00:02 132

翻译 ai人工智能_相信AI?

ai人工智能 什么是信任? (What Is Trust?)As I was leaving for a three-month family leave, a Director assigned to temporarily support my team came to my office to wish me the best. 当我要休三个月的家事假时,被指派临时支持我的团队的主任来我办...

2020-08-26 17:50:04 446

翻译 openai-gpt_OpenAI的GPT-3:货物崇拜编程人员的终结

openai-gptCargo coding is a style of programming where the developer looks to copy-paste code snippets from somewhere else with the hope that it’ll work. The person at task generally doesn’t know much...

2020-08-26 17:39:05 350

翻译 联合国devnet_联合国人权可能会适用于人工智能,如果是这样,考虑一下自动驾驶汽车的奇怪案例

联合国devnetDr. Lance Eliot, AI Insider AI Insider的Lance Eliot博士 [Ed. Note: For reader’s interested in Dr. Eliot’s ongoing business analyses about the advent of self-driving cars, see his online Forbes ...

2020-08-26 17:29:09 353

翻译 提高excel生产力_1.提高员工生产力和工作满意度

提高excel生产力Today, many companies face a far-reaching and unexpected crisis. Entrepreneurs have had to pivot their plans and priorities to keep their start-ups competitive. Now more than ever, businesse...

2020-08-26 17:18:12 392

翻译 ai人工智能的本质和未来_人工智能简介:这就是未来

ai人工智能的本质和未来It is used in different fields such as in 1. Autonomous Vehicles 2. Speech Recognition. 3. Healthcare industry. 4. Machine Vision 5. Gaming industry. 6. Creating Chatbots. 7. Agriculture, ...

2020-08-26 17:09:09 1029

翻译 颜色 透明度 算法_通过问责制和透明度减少算法偏差

颜色 透明度 算法Despite being a mathematician’s dream word, algorithms — or sets of instructions that humans or, most commonly, computers execute — have cemented themselves as an integral part of our daily l...

2020-08-26 16:58:52 916

翻译 数据科学,人工智能和机器学习的无代码方法

In our age of intelligence, no-code approaches to doing certain things have sprout up and become so popular and essential to know. Using a no-code approach to doing something doesn’t necessarily imply...

2020-08-26 16:48:06 362

翻译 全球100ai顶尖科学家_如何为顶尖学校学习AI撰写成功的目标陈述

全球100ai顶尖科学家Around this time last year, I started preparing my graduate applications for universities in the US to pursue a Master’s program involving AI. Graduating from the first cohort of a brand n...

2020-08-26 16:38:33 185

翻译 ai人工智能_AI如何帮助截肢者?

ai人工智能AI makes things better, or improved. Retail stores better manage their stocks by using machine learning techniques. Netflix offer contents that better fit the users taste. Amazon is better predi...

2020-08-26 16:29:23 237

翻译 ai人工智能_我的人工智能周:第5部分

ai人工智能Welcome to My Week in AI! Each week this blog will have the following parts: 欢迎来到AI的我周! 每个星期,该博客将包含以下部分: What I have done this week in AI 我这周在AI所做的工作 An overview of an exciting and emerging pie...

2020-08-26 16:19:58 431

翻译 chatbot使用_使用Python设计ChatBot:一种改进的方法

chatbot使用In today’s time, ChatBots have become extremely popular. Highly developed ChatBots like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa have left people surprised with their intelligence and capabilities. A chatbot...

2020-08-26 16:10:48 1361

翻译 技术专家(ai/大数据)_``我们淹没在数据中'':在专家和AI时代如何思考自己

技术专家(ai/大数据) 重点 (Top highlight)Between 2011 and 2017, at least 259 people died while trying to frame the perfect selfie. They fell off cliffs or down waterfalls or out high-rise windows while trying t...

2020-08-26 16:00:31 390

翻译 加速器instagram_“类似Instagram过滤器”标记肿瘤图像中的分子细节

加速器instagramBy Hanae Armitage 由Hanae Armitage For any tumor that’s accessible by scalpel, physicians often take what’s called a biopsy, snipping away a tiny portion of the mass. 对于手术刀可触及的任何肿瘤,医生通常会进行...

2020-08-26 15:50:00 437

翻译 cnn初学者—从这入门_使用Tensorflow为初学者使用CNN进行简单图像分类

cnn初学者—从这入门Image classification is not a hard topic anymore. Tensorflow has all the inbuilt functionalities that take care of the complex mathematics for us. Without knowing the details of the neural ...

2020-08-26 15:39:02 528

翻译 在思想上

This is the sixth chapter in a series of pieces about our modern relationship with time and the future. Titled Hourglass, It’s an exploration into how our abstract view of time has changed in modernit...

2020-08-26 15:29:04 866

翻译 机器中的上帝-人工智能,冠状病毒,种族主义和宗教

By Jason Alan Snyder 杰森·艾伦·斯奈德(Jason Alan Snyder) “ Where is God?” “上帝在哪里?” I have been asking this question more than usual lately. It’s not a loaded question charged with doubt or accusation. It’s...

2020-08-26 15:18:15 567

翻译 计算机视觉 图像合成_合成数据如何促进计算机视觉

计算机视觉 图像合成This article originally appeared in Hacker Noon. 本文最初发表于 Hacker Noon 。 Signup for our newsletter here 在此处注册我们的新闻通讯 In the spring of 1993, a Harvard statistics professor named Donald Rubin ...

2020-08-26 15:08:21 735

翻译 若泽数据 巨人_面部识别巨人拒绝分享有关其算法数据集的详细信息

若泽数据 巨人 重点 (Top highlight) 通用情报 (General Intelligence)The South Wales Police have been using live facial recognition since 2017 and claim to be the first department to make an arrest in the United Ki...

2020-08-26 14:58:17 207

翻译 ai人工智能的数据服务_可解释的AI-它对数据科学家有何影响?

ai人工智能的数据服务 什么是可解释AI(XAI)? (What is Explainable AI (XAI)?)“My dog accidentally knocked down the trash and found old cheesy pasta in it, and is now convinced that trash cans provide an endless supply ...

2020-08-26 14:48:23 151

翻译 ai带来的革命_Covid-19将加速AI医疗保健革命

ai带来的革命Disease diagnosis, drug discovery, robot delivery — artificial intelligence is already powering change in the pandemic’s wake. That’s only the beginning. 疾病诊断,药物发现,机器人交付-人工智能已经推动了大流行的变化。 这仅仅是开始...

2020-08-26 14:37:34 1421

翻译 openai-gpt_GPT-3不会承担您的编程工作

openai-gptTL;DR; GPT-3 will not take your programming job (Unless you are a terrible programmer, in which case you would have lost your job anyway) TL; DR; GPT-3不会接任您的编程工作(除非您是一个糟糕的程序员,否则您将失去工作) Once...

2020-08-26 14:28:19 269

翻译 神码ai人工智能写作机器人_机器学习与医学:人工智能在医疗保健中的陷阱

神码ai人工智能写作机器人Bias in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most dangerous factor in the development of AI algorithms. Yes, even more important than that ubiquitous fear immortalized in movies — that rob...

2020-08-26 14:18:12 755

翻译 您实际上可以通过这些YouTube视频了解GPT-3

评论 (Review)GPT-3 is the current hot topic within the AI industry. Communities are amazed by its potential and application to solving text-based tasks; while others are others believe that this is ju...

2020-08-26 14:08:21 331



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