谷歌fuchsia_Google是否用Fuchsia取代Android? 也许会,但不会持续很长时间



Today Bloomberg is reporting that Google’s new Project Fuchsia operating system might actually be a successor to Android. Since this will likely fuel speculation, we thought we’d weigh in with our completely uninformed educated guesses as well.

彭博社今天报道说, 谷歌的新Project Fuchsia操作系统实际上可能是Android的继任者。 由于这可能会刺激投机活动,因此我们认为我们也应该考虑完全不了解情况的猜测。

For those who haven’t read our previous explainer on Project Fuchsia (recommended reading), it’s a completely new operating system in the very early stages of development. It’s meant to be a universal operating system, capable of running on everything from smart speakers and smartphones to desktop computers. The idea would be an operating system that can literally run the same code on every single smart device—the holy grail of operating systems.

对于那些尚未阅读我们先前有关Project Fuchsia的解释器 (推荐阅读)的人,它是处于开发初期的全新操作系统。 它旨在成为一种通用操作系统,能够在从智能扬声器和智能手机到台式机的所有设备上运行。 这个想法是一个可以在每个智能设备上实际运行相同代码的操作系统,这是操作系统的圣杯。

According to Bloomberg, this is the plan for Fuchsia, which they say will potentially replace Android in the long term:

据彭博社报道 ,这是针对紫红色的计划,他们说,从长远来看,它将有可能取代Android:

According to one of the people, engineers have said they want to embed Fuchsia on connected home devices, such as voice-controlled speakers, within three years, then move on to larger machines such as laptops. Ultimately the team aspires to swap in their system for Android, the software that powers more than three quarters of the world’s smartphones, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing internal matters. The aim is for this to happen in the next half decade, one person said.

其中一位知情人士说,工程师曾表示,他们希望在三年内将紫红色嵌入到连接的家庭设备(如语音控制扬声器)中,然后再转移到更大的机器(如笔记本电脑)上。 知情人士说,该团队最终希望将其系统换成Android,该软件为全球四分之三以上的智能手机提供动力。 一位知情人士说,这样做的目的是在未来五年内实现。

The first thing to know is that we’re a long ways off from anything happening—the entire world of technology could change entirely in the next 5 years, and the plan for replacing Android hasn’t been officially signed off by Google executives. But Google has 100 people working on this new operating system, so it’s not just a project by a random engineer, and the reporter who wrote the story, Mark Gurman, is known for getting scoops on upcoming technology.

首先要知道的是,我们距离任何事情都还有很长的路要走-整个技术世界在未来5年内可能会发生完全变化,而且Google高管尚未正式签署更换Android的计划。 但是Google有100个人在开发这个新的操作系统,因此,这不仅仅是随机工程师的项目,而且撰写该故事的记者Mark Gurman 以其对即将推出的技术的独家报道而闻名

Both Android and Chrome OS are built on a modified version of the Linux kernel, but Fuchsia is built on a totally new micro-kernel named Zircon, which drops all of the extra baggage in favor of an efficient and flexible kernel that can run on smaller and more portable hardware. And since they’ve created the kernel themselves, they have complete control over everything.

Android和Chrome OS都基于Linux内核的修改版,而Fuchsia则基于名为Zircon的全新微内核,该内核放弃了所有额外的负担,而转向了可以在较小的内核上运行的高效灵活的内核。和更多的便携式硬件。 而且由于他们自己创建了内核,因此他们可以完全控制所有内容。

Fuchsia is also built around Google’s design principles, Material Design, and will allow porting of apps to Fuchsia using the Flutter SDK—although it’s also possible they enable a full Android-compatible runtime at some point.  Not only is the new OS built to handle any size of screen, from watches to TVs, they are working to enable voice as a standard input, as Fuchsia may be used to power smart speakers in the future.

Fuchsia也是基于Google的设计原则Material Design构建的,并且将允许使用Flutter SDK将应用程序移植到Fuchsia-尽管有时它们也可能启用完全兼容Android的运行时。 新的OS不仅可以处理从手表到电视的任何尺寸的屏幕,而且还致力于将语音作为标准输入,因为Fuchsia将来可能会用于为智能扬声器供电。

Google为什么不能在新的操作系统上工作? (Why Wouldn’t Google Work on a New Operating System?)

Here’s our take: Google would be crazy to not be working on a replacement for Android and Chrome OS. They have two completely separate operating systems for different devices—of course they are working on a project to consolidate and replace them with a single operating system.

这是我们的看法:如果为Android和Chrome OS进行替代,Google会发疯。 它们具有用于不同设备的两个完全独立的操作系统-当然,他们正在研究一个项目,以将其合并并替换为单个操作系统。

Building a replacement operating system isn’t surprising, and it’s happened many times in the past: Apple replaced the original MacOS with OS X, used the core of OS X to build iOS, and now there’s rampant speculation that they are going to eventually use iOS to replace macOS. Microsoft went from DOS to Windows 9x, and then built Windows NT on a completely different kernel to replace the mess they got themselves into.

构建替代操作系统不足为奇,并且过去已经发生过很多次:苹果用OS X取代了最初的MacOS,使用OS X的内核来构建iOS,现在人们普遍猜测最终将使用它们。 iOS取代macOS。 微软从DOS迁移到Windows 9x,然后在完全不同的内核上构建Windows NT,以取代他们陷入的混乱局面。

Were there pains during those transitions? Sure. But these days our devices only last a few years before we throw them out and replace them with something new, so as long as the new operating system supports the same apps, there’s no reason it couldn’t work. You wouldn’t even need to upgrade any devices with a new OS, just only offer it on a new phone instead, exactly the same thing they do with Android today.

在这些过渡过程中有痛苦吗? 当然。 但是如今,我们的设备仅使用了几年,然后才将它们扔掉并用新的东西替换,因此,只要新的操作系统支持相同的应用程序,就没有理由不起作用。 您甚至不需要升级任何具有新OS的设备,只需在新手机上提供它,就和今天使用Android完全一样。

And Google has every reason to want a do-over. They built out Android to be open, but the manufacturers screwed that up with crapware and failure to update, leading to crazy fragmentation. So then they tried to solve the update problem by moving everything into Google Play Services, but that causes other issues, especially with older devices that slow down over time. They’ve finally rebuilt the underlying framework with Project Treble to allow operating system updates to happen separately from vendor updates, but that’s only available on new phones. And all this doesn’t even factor in the new EU ruling that’s going to force them to allow other search engines to be set as default, which removes the entire point of Google giving away Android for free.

Google完全有理由要解决问题。 他们构建了开放的Android系统,但制造商利用垃圾软件和更新失败将其搞砸了 ,从而导致疯狂的碎片化。 因此,他们尝试通过将所有内容移至Google Play服务中来解决更新问题,但这会引起其他问题,尤其是随着时间推移而变慢的旧设备。 他们终于用Project Treble重建了基础框架,以允许操作系统更新与供应商更新分开进行,但这仅在新手机上可用。 所有这些甚至都没有考虑到新的欧盟裁决 ,该裁决将迫使它们允许将其他搜索引擎设置为默认设置,从而消除了Google免费提供Android的全部要诀。

And then there’s ChromeOS, which is a completely separate operating system that we’re definitely fans of—Chromebooks are more than just a browser, because Chrome has become our OS. They’ve got huge benefits over Macs and PCs, from amazing security to synced settings and instantly turning on. But despite Chromebooks being able to run Android apps, the operating system is just not built for touchscreen-only devices, and as much as we love Chrome OS, it wouldn’t work on a phone, much less a watch or smart speaker.

然后是ChromeOS,它是一个完全独立的操作系统,我们绝对是其中的拥护者-Chromebook 不仅仅是浏览器 ,因为Chrome已成为我们的操作系统与Mac和PC相比 ,它们具有巨大的优势 ,从惊人的安全性到同步设置并立即开启。 但是,尽管Chromebook能够运行Android应用程序 ,但该操作系统并非仅针对仅触摸屏的设备而构建,而且正如我们所爱的Chrome OS一样,它无法在手机上运行,​​更不能在手表或智能扬声器上运行。

那么会发生什么呢? (So What’s Going to Happen?)

Any company that sells a product is, or should be, working on the replacement to that product at the same time that they are pitching their new product to people as the best thing ever. When Apple’s announcing the new iPhone in September, what you don’t know is that they’ve already got the general roadmap planned for the iPhone coming next year.

任何销售产品的公司都正在或应该在替代产品的同时,将新产品推销给人们,这是有史以来最好的事情。 当苹果公司在9月份发布新款iPhone时,您不知道他们已经为明年的iPhone制定了总体路线图。

But this doesn’t mean it will actually happen—most of the time, these kind of projects spring to life and then die inside a lab at Google or Apple without anybody ever knowing that they existed. The main difference here is that much of the work is being done in the open, but the planning hasn’t been disclosed, so we’re forced to speculate.

但这并不意味着它会真正发生。在大多数情况下,这类项目会生机勃勃,然后在没有人知道它们存在的情况下在Google或Apple的实验室中死亡。 这里的主要区别在于,许多工作都是公开进行的,但是该计划尚未公开,因此我们不得不猜测。

There’s absolutely no way to know at this point what’s going to happen. If the Fuchsia team is able to pull it off, and build an amazing operating system that can run anywhere, it would be an amazing feat of engineering. And if anybody can pull that off, it’s the geniuses that work at Google.

在这一点上,绝对没有办法知道会发生什么。 如果Fuchsia团队能够实现这一目标,并且构建出可以在任何地方运行的出色操作系统,那么这将是一项了不起的工程壮举。 如果有人能实现这一目标,那么在Google工作的才华横溢。



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FuchsiaGoogle开发的一种新型操作系统,其前端开发涉及到开发用户界面(UI)以及用户体验(UX)。Fuchsia前端开发主要包括以下几个方面: 首先,Fuchsia前端开发需要熟悉Fuchsia操作系统的架构和设计理念。Fuchsia采用了微内核架构,前端开发者需要了解Fuchsia的组件和服务间的通信机制,以及如何使用Fuchsia的API进行开发。 其次,Fuchsia前端开发需要掌握谷歌的开发工具和技术。例如,Flutter是谷歌推出的用于开发跨平台应用的工具,Fuchsia前端开发可以使用Flutter来开发Fuchsia应用的用户界面。前端开发者需要熟悉Flutter的语法和组件库,以及如何使用Flutter进行布局、动画和交互等方面的开发。 另外,Fuchsia前端开发还需要关注用户体验(UX)的设计。前端开发者需要了解如何设计符合Fuchsia用户界面准则的界面,以提供流畅、一致且美观的用户体验。这包括对界面元素的布局、颜色和字体等方面的设计。 最后,Fuchsia前端开发需要进行测试和调试。前端开发者需要学使用调试工具来检查和修复应用中可能出现的问题,以确保应用的稳定性和性能。 总而言之,Fuchsia前端开发需要具备对Fuchsia操作系统的深入了解,掌握开发工具和技术,关注用户体验设计,并具备良好的测试和调试能力。只有熟练掌握这些要素,才能够开发出高质量的Fuchsia前端应用。


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