virtualbox xp_极客周:VirtualBox XP Guest Edition中修复缓慢的Internet

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virtualbox xp

Have you ever had ridiculously slow network performance in your VirtualBox guest OS? The problem is usually solved by an extremely simple little trick.

您是否曾经在VirtualBox来宾OS中过分降低网络性能? 通常可以通过一个非常简单的小技巧解决该问题。

All you usually need to do is head into the settings (make sure the Virtual machine is turned off), and then changing the network adapter to a different adapter type. For the XP testing VM we were using, switching over to the PCnet-PCI II adapter fixed the issue.

您通常需要做的就是进入设置(确保虚拟机已关闭),然后将网络适配器更改为其他适配器类型。 对于我们正在使用的XP测试VM,切换到PCnet-PCI II适配器可以解决此问题。


After swapping out the adapter and turning on the VM, internet performance was nearly instant again. In another example, we had a Windows 7 VM running, and swapping out the adapter with one of the Intel ones made everything a lot faster over there. It’s worth a look, at least.

换出适配器并打开虚拟机后,Internet性能几乎又恢复了。 在另一个示例中,我们有一个运行Windows 7的VM,将适配器换成一个Intel适配器使那里的一切变得更快。 至少值得一看。

Never used VirtualBox? We’ve got some guides to help you get started:

从未使用过VirtualBox? 我们有一些指南可帮助您入门:

If you’ve ever wondered how we manage to test so much software all the time—it’s because we use VirtualBox to safely test things without risk of harming our main PCs. It’s free, and well worth checking out.

如果您曾经想知道我们如何一直在测试如此多的软件,那是因为我们使用VirtualBox安全地测试了事物,而又没有损害主PC的风险。 它是免费的,非常值得一试。

Bonus Tip! Access Guest via Host + Internet Access with VBox NAT

奖金提示! 使用VBox NAT通过主机+互联网访问来访问访客

This won’t actually help out performance, but if you want to  access your guest VM from the host PC, and also give the guest VM internet access via NAT (network address translation), you’ve got to use more than one adapter to accomplish this. Here’s why:

这实际上并不能提高性能,但是如果您想从主机PC访问来宾VM,并且还希望通过NAT(网络地址转换)为来宾VM提供Internet访问,则必须使用多个适配器来实现。完成这个。 原因如下:

  • The VirtualBox NAT adapter is great, especially for laptop users—the guest VM always has access to the internet regardless of where your laptop is connected to. The problem is that NAT users can’t access the guest from the host machine, which is rather annoying when you are testing out network software.

    VirtualBox NAT适配器非常有用,特别是对于便携式计算机用户而言,无论您的便携式计算机连接到哪里,来宾VM始终可以访问Internet。 问题在于NAT用户无法从主机访问来宾,当您测试网络软件时,这很烦人。
  • The VirtualBox Host-only adapter allows you to easily access the guest from the host (and vice versa), but doesn’t give the guest access to the internet.

  • The VirtualBox Bridge adapter works really well, connecting your virtual machine directly to the network, but doesn’t work for laptop users since each network has different settings.

    VirtualBox Bridge适配器可以很好地工作,可以将您的虚拟机直接连接到网络,但不适用于笔记本电脑用户,因为每个网络都有不同的设置。

The answer? Use two adapters—one NAT adapter, and one Host-only adapter. This way you can connect to the guest VM with the host-only adapter, and the guest will have internet access through the NAT adapter.

答案? 使用两个适配器-一个NAT适配器和一个仅主机适配器。 这样,您可以使用仅主机适配器连接到来宾VM,来宾将可以通过NAT适配器访问Internet。


The trick here is to use Adapter 1 as NAT, and Adapter 3 as Host-only. Make absolutely certain to use a different Adapter Type for each one, or else it doesn’t work terribly well.

这里的技巧是将适配器1用作NAT,将适配器3用作仅主机。 绝对要确保为每个适配器使用不同的适配器类型,否则将无法很好地工作。

Ask the Super Users


The week’s hottest threads over at our favorite Question/Answer site include some great questions, and loads of answers from all of the super users on the site.


Latest Software Reviews


You’ve probably noticed, we are now running the reviews as excerpts in the main RSS feed / email newsletter, which means there’s not really any good reason to include them in the weekly roundup.


Last Year in Geek


About 52 weeks ago, we were covering loads of good stuff that many of the newer subscribers might have missed. Here’s a quick recap of what we were writing back then:

大约52周前,我们涵盖了许多新订户可能会错过的好东西。 以下是我们当时所写内容的快速回顾:

The Geek’s Note


One of the customers at my job filed a bug report today (for the fourth time), asking us: “Please make it so your web site doesn’t close when I click the red X”.


Yeah. I’m serious.

是的 我是认真的。

Seems like they should make “geek” a required class in school, eh?



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