如何设置和使用Samsung Gear VR


So you’ve got your Samsung Galaxy device and the company’s accompanying virtual reality headset, Gear VR. That’s awesome! Gear VR provides a great, inexpensive taste of what virtual reality has to offer. Let’s show you how to get that thing all set up and running so you can strap it your face and travel to far away lands. Get hype.

因此,您拥有三星Galaxy设备和公司随附的虚拟现实耳机Gear VR 。 棒极了! Gear VR提供了虚拟现实必须提供的优质廉价体验。 让我们向您展示如何设置并运行该东西,以便您可以将其绑紧并前往遥远的土地。 大肆宣传。

第一步:将手机放入Gear VR (Step One: Put the Phone in the Gear VR)

This may seem like a no-brainer, but putting the phone in the headset can be a bit confusing the first time you do it. Unlike some other VR headsets, Gear VR actually requires a physical USB connection to the phone. And since it’s designed to fit snugly, it doesn’t work with a case on the phone.

这看起来似乎很容易,但是第一次将手机戴在耳机中可能会使您感到困惑。 与其他一些VR耳机不同,Gear VR实际上需要与手机建立物理USB连接。 而且,由于它设计得很贴合,因此不适用于手机壳。

When you take the cover plate off of the Gear VR, you’ll notice a pair of latches flanking either side of the unit. When facing it, the one on the left is where the USB plug is found—it’s on a hinge, which makes it incredibly easy to insert the phone.

当您从Gear VR上取下盖板时,您会注意到在设备两侧的一对闩锁。 面对它时,左边的一个是USB插头所在的位置-它位于铰链上,这使插入电话变得异常容易。


Go ahead and flip it out and plug the phone in, with the screen facing the lenses.



From there, just click the top of the phone into the right latch. Boom, you’re in.

从那里,只需将手机顶部单击到右侧闩锁中即可。 oom,你进去了。


第二步:设置软件 (Step Two: Set Up the Software)

With the phone in place, a voice should prompt you to install the required software—you’ll have to pop the phone back out, which is kind of silly. But it’s still easier than installing everything manually, because it essentially automates the process. Agree to the terms, tap “Next,” then “Install.” Let it do its thing.

将手机放在适当的位置时,声音会提示您安装所需的软件-您必须将手机弹出,这很愚蠢。 但是,它比手动安装所有工具要容易得多,因为它实质上可以自动完成该过程。 同意条款,点击“下一步”,然后点击“安装”。 让它做自己的事。


Next, you’ll need to log in to or create your Oculus account. This is required to use Gear VR.

接下来,您需要登录或创建您的Oculus帐户。 这是使用Gear VR所必需的。


Once you’re logged in, the Gear Store will launch. You can go ahead and put the phone back into the Gear VR.

登录后,Gear Store将启动。 您可以继续将手机放回Gear VR。

The first thing that will show up is some text telling you to use the dial on the top of the unit to get proper focus. After you get that dialed in and accept the warning by looking at it for a few seconds, it should tell you to log in to Oculus. You’ll have to take the phone out to do this.

首先要显示的是一些文字,告诉您使用设备顶部的拨盘获得正确的聚焦。 拨通该电话并通过查看警告几秒钟来接受警告后,它应该告诉您登录Oculus。 您必须将电话拿出才能执行此操作。


A quick tutorial will show up here that tells you how to navigate the Gear VR interface.

这里将显示一个快速教程,告诉您如何导航Gear VR界面。

第三步:了解和浏览Gear VR界面 (Step Three: Understanding and Navigating the Gear VR Interface)

Now that you’ve gone through the tutorial, you’re basically ready to download apps and use Gear VR. There are a few things worth noting, however:

现在,您已经完成了教程,基本上可以下载应用程序并使用Gear VR了。 但是,有几件事值得注意:

  • To get to the menu, long-press the back button (located above the D-Pad on the headset). This is where you can see notifications, disable Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, and access other profile information.

    要进入菜单,请长按后退按钮(位于耳机D-Pad上方)。 在这里,您可以查看通知,禁用Wi-Fi /蓝牙以及访问其他配置文件信息。
  • To take a screenshot or record a video, jump into the menu and select “Utilities,” which is on the right side. You can also access the camera passthrough feature here, so you can see your surroundings through your phone’s camera.

    要拍摄屏幕截图或录制视频,请跳入菜单并选择右侧的“实用程序”。 您还可以在此处访问相机通过功能,以便可以通过手机的相机查看周围的环境。
  • All other navigation—Home, Library, Store, and Voice Search—can be located at the bottom of home screen. As an aside, I really wish someone would straighten that rug.

    所有其他导航(主页,图书馆,商店和语音搜索)可以位于主屏幕的底部。 顺便说一句,我真的希望有人能拉直地毯。
  • To exit an app, just tap the back button.

  • When you’re finished with Gear VR, simply take the phone out.

    完成Gear VR后,只需将手机取出即可。

That’s pretty much all you need to know—it’s fairly intuitive, but can still be a bit daunting for users unfamiliar with VR. Have fun with it!

这几乎是您需要知道的所有内容-这是相当直观的,但是对于不熟悉VR的用户来说仍然有些令人生畏。 玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/293338/how-to-set-up-and-use-samsung-gear-vr/





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