



Getting a smart thermostat to control the heating and cooling in your house can potentially save you money depending on how you use it, but a thermostat isn’t going to save you money all by itself. Your home also needs good airflow and insulation, and the attic is the biggest piece of the puzzle.

使用智能恒温器来控制房屋中的供暖和制冷功能, 可能会根据您的使用方式为您节省金钱 ,但是恒温器本身并不会节省全部金钱。 您的房屋还需要良好的通风和隔热功能 ,而阁楼是难题中最大的部分。

确保通风良好 (Make Sure It Has Proper Ventilation)

Air ventilation on top of a roof.

It might not make much sense, but in order for your house to stay cool during the summer and warm during the winter, the attic needs to have the proper ventilation, so that hot air can easily escape.


Your attic should have some kind of ventilation with both intake vents and exhaust vents–there are different kinds of vents for both. On most houses, you’ll usually have soffit vents (a.k.a. eave vents) for intake. Exhaust vents usually consist of ridge vents, gable vents, or general fan-operated vents (like the one pictured above). This ensures that hot air can escape during the summer and cold air can get in during the winter.

您的阁楼应该同时具有进气口和排气口的通风方式-两者都有不同的通风口。 在大多数房屋中,通常会使用拱腹式通风口 (又名屋檐通风口)来取水。 排气Kong通常由山脊形排气Kong山形排气Kong或一般的风扇排气Kong组成(如上图所示)。 这样可以确保夏季可以排出热空气,而冬季可以进入冷空气。

Wait, why would you want cold air coming into the attic during winter? Because if the attic is too warm, the water from melted snow will run off, and when it reaches the edge of the roof where it’s much colder, it will freeze and form an ice dam. From there, melted snow will puddle up behind the ice dam and possibly leak through the shingles, causing damage to your roof.

等等,冬天为什么要让冷空气进入阁楼? 因为如果阁楼温度过高,融化的雪中的水就会流走,而当它到达屋顶的边缘(那里的温度要低得多)时,它将结冰并形成冰坝。 从那里,融化的雪将在冰坝后面积聚,并可能通过木瓦泄漏,从而损坏屋顶。

However, a cold attic doesn’t mean your living space has to be cold. This is why insulation was invented, and it brings us to the next point of order.

但是,阁楼很冷并不意味着您的居住空间一定很冷。 这就是发明绝缘的原因,它使我们进入了下一个程序点。

有足够的绝缘吗? (Is There Enough Insulation?)


Your attic most likely has some form of insulation, but the question is whether or not you have enough of it–or if it’s even good insulation in the first place. The heat from your house can easily radiate into your attic, which is why insulation is pretty much a necessity.

您的阁楼极有可能具有某种形式的隔热性,但问题是您是否有足够的隔热性,或者首先是否具有良好的隔热性。 房子的热量很容易散发到阁楼上,这就是为什么绝热是必要的原因。

Make sure that your attic is completely covered in insulation and that there are no bare spots where you can see the floor of the attic (i.e. the drywall ceiling of the room below). If you see a lot of bare spots, it could mean that your attic doesn’t have enough insulation and you might need to add more, or it could also mean insulation is piling up somewhere and you may need to spread it out more.

确保阁楼完全被绝缘材料覆盖,并且没有裸露的地方可以看到阁楼的地板(即下面房间的石膏板天花板)。 如果您看到很多裸露的斑点,则可能意味着您的阁楼没有足够的隔热层,您可能需要添加更多的隔热层,或者也可能意味着隔热层堆积在某个地方,您可能需要将其扩展开来。

If you go up into your attic and see that you have insulation all around, you might think you’re good to go, but be sure to inspect it to see if it’s actually still good. Over time, insulation can get damaged or simply become old. Any insulation that’s compressed, moldy, or has water stains on it will need to be replaced. Plus, if you have an older house, your insulation might consist of vermiculite, which could contain asbestos and would need to be professionally discarded and replaced with safer insulation.

如果您进入阁楼并发现周围有隔热层,您可能会认为自己很好,但是一定要检查一下以查看它是否仍然有效。 随着时间的流逝,绝缘可能会损坏或仅会变旧。 任何被压缩,发霉或有水渍的绝缘材料都需要更换。 另外,如果您的房屋较旧,则绝缘材料可能由ver石组成,, 可能包含石棉,因此需要专业丢弃,并用更安全的绝缘材料代替。

There are two types of attic insulation that you’ll see in most homes: loose fill (a.k.a. blown-in) insulation and batt (a.k.a. blanket or roll-out) insulation. Batt insulation is great to use if you plan to DIY, but blow-in insulation requires a special machine to blow it around your attic, which usually requires a professional.

在大多数房屋中,您会看到两种类型的阁楼保温材料:松散填充(又称吹入式)保温材料和毛毡(又称橡皮布或卷起式)保温材料。 如果您打算自己动手做,棉毡隔热材料非常适合使用,但是吹入式隔热材料需要一台专用机器将其吹到阁楼周围,这通常需要专业人员进行。

检查挡板 (Inspect the Baffles)

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Attic baffles are pieces of plastic or foam that prevent insulation from blocking soffit vents, as well as create a distinct path for air to get into the attic from the outside. Sometimes they can become damaged or just fall off, allowing insulation to break through and cover up vents. Worse yet, some houses don’t even have baffles in the first place.

阁楼挡板是一块塑料或泡沫塑料,可防止隔热材料阻塞拱腹出口,并为空气从外部进入阁楼创造独特的路径。 有时它们可​​能会损坏或脱落,使绝缘层破裂并掩盖通风Kong。 更糟糕的是,有些房子一开始甚至没有挡板。

Without proper baffles, air can’t flow through the attic, meaning hot air can’t escape during the summer and cold air can’t get in during the winter, which can cause all sorts of problems year round.


确保浴室风扇正确通风 (Make Sure Bathroom Fans Ventilate Properly)


If you have a half-bathroom with just a sink and toilet, ventilating the bathroom fan straight into the attic isn’t really a problem, but bathrooms with tubs and showers where it can get really humid should be ventilated straight to the outside, and not into the attic. If you were to vent it straight into the attic, all that humid air would fill up the attic and cause mold to grow, especially around the spot where the vent hole is.

如果您的半浴室只有洗手池和卫生间,那么将风扇直接通风到阁楼并不是真正的问题,但是带浴缸和淋浴的浴室如果真的会潮湿,则应将其直接通风到外面,并且不要进入阁楼。 如果要直接将其排放到阁楼中,所有潮湿的空气将充满阁楼并导致霉菌生长,尤其是在通风Kong所在的位置附近。

Instead, it’s a good idea to bypass the attic and vent it straight outside. You can get insulated flexible ducts to reroute the ventilation if needed–the insulation prevents condensation from forming, which could then cause mold growth.

取而代之的是,绕开阁楼并将其直通室外是一个好主意。 如果需要,您可以使用绝缘的柔性管道来重新安排通风的路径-绝缘材料可以防止冷凝水的形成,而冷凝水可以导致霉菌的生长。

检查屋顶漏水 (Check for Roof Leaks)


It’s likely that you rarely take a visit into your attic–maybe a couple times per year, which is why you really don’t want leaks in your roof. By the time you do discover them, there’s probably mold growing from the moisture and possible damage that could require fixing.

您很可能很少去您的阁楼,也许每年几次,这就是为什么您真的不希望屋顶漏水。 当您发现它们时,可能是由于水分和可能需要修复的损坏而导致霉菌滋生。

This is why it’s always a good idea to check your rook for leaks whenever you do go into the attic, even if that’s not the main reason you’re heading up there–it’s always best to catch a leak early so that it doesn’t cause more damage later on.


Furthermore, check your roof for damaged or missing shingles, which are the main causes for most roof leaks. If you don’t feel comfortable getting onto your roof, call a capable friend who can do it for you, or hire a professional.

此外,检查屋顶是否有损坏或遗失的木瓦,这是导致大多数屋顶泄漏的主要原因。 如果您不习惯爬上屋顶,请打电话给有能力的朋友帮您,或者聘请专业人士。

In the end, if you want your house to be in tip-top shape and have the energy efficiency necessary to save money on your heating and cooling, then the attic is one of the most important factors to focus on. Many homeowners often forget about the attic, since it’s one of the most least-visited places in your entire house, but it’s also one of the most important.

最后,如果您想让房屋保持最佳状态,并拥有节省供暖和制冷费用所需的能源效率,那么阁楼就是您要关注的最重要因素之一。 许多房主通常会忘记阁楼,因为它是整个房屋中访问量最少的地方之一,但它也是最重要的地方之一。

Image Credits: ToddonFlickr/Flickr, tammykayphoto/Bigstock, Ryan McFarland/Flickr, Alisha Vergas/Flickr, Home Depot

图片来源: ToddonFlickr / Flickr, tammykayphoto / Bigstock, Ryan McFarland / Flickr, Alisha Vergas / Flickr, Home Depot

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/267196/how-to-properly-maintain-your-homes-attic/






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