caps lock_启用Caps Lock或Num Lock时如何获取任务栏通知

caps lock

caps lock


All of us, at one point, have accidentally pressed the Caps Lock key or Num Lock key. Then, you type a password and wonder why it doesn’t work. Wouldn’t it be nice to know at a glance the status of your Caps Lock and Num Lock keys?

我们所有人都有一次不小心按下了Caps Lock键或Num Lock键。 然后,您键入一个密码,想知道为什么它不起作用。 知道一下Caps Lock和Num Lock键的状态不是很好吗?

You can make Windows play a sound when you press the Caps Lock key or Num Lock key. However, if that starts to drive you nuts, you can install a very small freeware program, called TrayStatus, that notifies you visually of the status of your Caps Lock and Num Lock keys, as well as other keys and even hard drive activity in real time.

当您按下Caps Lock键或Num Lock键时,可以使Windows播放声音 。 但是,如果这开始使您发疯,则可以安装一个名为TrayStatus的非常小的免费软件,该程序以可视方式通知您Caps Lock和Num Lock键以及其他键的状态,甚至是实际的硬盘驱动器活动。时间。

Download TrayStatus, double-click the .exe file, and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program. You’re asked during the installation whether you want to launch TrayStatus at Windows startup. If you want TrayStatus available automatically when Windows starts, select this box and click “Next”.

下载TrayStatus ,双击.exe文件,然后按照屏幕上的说明安装程序。 在安装过程中会询问您是否要在Windows启动时启动TrayStatus。 如果希望Windows启动时TrayStatus自动可用,请选中此框,然后单击“下一步”。


On the final installation screen, select the “Launch Now” button to start TrayStatus automatically when you close the setup wizard. Click “Finish”.

在最终安装屏幕上,选择“立即启动”按钮,以在关闭设置向导时自动启动TrayStatus。 点击“完成”。


TrayStatus displays a separate icon for each key for which you can view the status. By default, the Caps Lock and Num Lock icons display in the system tray, but you can enable more status icons by right-clicking on either the Caps Lock icon or the Num Lock icon in the system tray and selecting “TrayStatus Settings” from the popup menu.

TrayStatus为每个键显示一个单独的图标,您可以查看其状态。 默认情况下,Caps Lock和Num Lock图标显示在系统托盘中,但是您可以通过右键单击系统托盘中的Caps Lock图标或Num Lock图标并从菜单栏中选择“ TrayStatus Settings”来启用更多状态图标。弹出菜单。


On the Settings dialog box, make sure the Options tab is active. In the Options section on the right, you can choose whether TrayStatus starts with Windows.

在“设置”对话框上,确保“选项”选项卡处于活动状态。 在右侧的“选项”部分中,您可以选择TrayStatus是否以Windows开头。

To add more status icons to the system tray, select the check boxes for the icons you want to see in the Default Icons section. Any icons with a check mark in its check box will display in the system tray and show you the status of that item in real time.

要将更多状态图标添加到系统托盘,请选中要在“默认图标”部分中看到的图标的复选框。 复选框中带有复选标记的所有图标都将显示在系统托盘中,并实时显示该项目的状态。


Click “OK” to accept your changes and close the Settings dialog box.



The default icons you chose on the Settings dialog box all display in the system tray as shown below.



There’s only one problem: By default, on most computers, these icons show up in your popup System Tray, not on the taskbar itself. If you want to have them visible all the time, just click them and drag them onto the taskbar. (Note that there’s a separate icon for each item you check in TrayStatus’ settings.)

仅有一个问题:默认情况下,在大多数计算机上,这些图标显示在弹出的系统托盘中,而不显示在任务栏上。 如果您想让它们始终可见,只需单击它们并将它们拖到任务栏上 。 (请注意,您在TrayStatus的设置中选中的每个项目都有一个单独的图标。)


Now, we see all the icons on the Taskbar and can monitor the status of each key and the hard drive activity. For the hard drive, read activity shows in green on the left side of the icon and write activity shows in red on the right. When you move your mouse over the hard drive activity icon, the current speed of the read and write activity displays in a tooltip.

现在,我们在任务栏上看到了所有图标,并可以监视每个键的状态和硬盘驱动器活动。 对于硬盘驱动器,读活动在图标左侧以绿色显示,写活动在右侧以红色显示。 将鼠标移到硬盘活动图标上时,读和写活动的当前速度将显示在工具提示中。

Now that you can monitor the status of the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys, as well as the Caps Lock and Num Lock, you might want to make the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys toggle like the Caps Lock and Num Lock keys. This can be handy if you select a lot of files often or do other tasks involving heavy use of these keys. You can toggle the keys on with a single press and not have to hold the keys down while pressing other keys.

现在,您可以监视Shift,Ctrl和Alt键以及Caps Lock和Num Lock的状态,您可能想要使Shift,Ctrl和Alt键像Caps Lock和Num Lock键一样切换 。 如果您经常选择许多文件或执行其他涉及大量使用这些键的任务,则这会很方便。 只需按一下即可打开按键,而不必在按下其他按键的同时按住按键。


caps lock





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