aws rds监控慢sql
This article gives you an overview of configuring AWS RDS SQL Server with AWS Glue service that is used in AWS for cataloging and ETL operations.
本文概述了如何使用AWS Glue服务配置AWS RDS SQL Server,该服务在AWS中用于分类和ETL操作。
介绍 (Introduction)
AWS Cloud offers a variety of data repositories like AWS RDS, AWS DynamoDB, AWS Redshift and many others. AWS RDS supports six different types of databases namely Aurora, MariaDB, SQL Server, Postgres, MySQL and Oracle. With a variety of data repositories on the cloud, there is often a need to hold inventory of all the data repositories and database objects held in those repositories in a central location. This central inventory is also known as the data catalog. AWS Glue is a serverless managed service that supports metadata cataloging and ETL (Extract Transform Load) on the AWS cloud. To perform these operations on AWS RDS for SQL Server, one needs to integrate AWS Glue with AWS RDS for SQL Server instance. We will learn how to enable this integration in this article.
AWS Cloud提供了各种数据存储库,例如AWS RDS,AWS DynamoDB,AWS Redshift等。 AWS RDS支持六种不同类型的数据库,即Aurora,MariaDB,SQL Server,Postgres,MySQL和Oracle。 在云上有各种数据存储库时,通常需要将所有数据存储库和这些存储库中保存的数据库对象的清单保存在中央位置。 此中央清单也称为数据目录。 AWS Glue是一种无服务器托管服务,支持AWS云上的元数据分类和ETL(提取转换负载)。 要在适用于SQL Server的AWS RDS上执行这些操作,需要将AWS Glue与适用于SQL Server的AWS RDS实例集成。 我们将在本文中学习如何启用此集成。
AWS RDS SQL Server实例 (AWS RDS SQL Server Instance)
The first thing we need to have in place to perform this exercise is a working Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance. For those who are new to AWS RDS for SQL Server, they can read this article, Getting started with AWS RDS SQL Server, to create a new instance. Once you have a working instance, it would look as shown below. You can create the AWS RDS SQL Server instance using any edition of SQL Server supported by the RDS service. Ensure that you have the required privileges to connect and access data from the instance.
要执行此练习,我们需要具备的第一件事是针对SQL Server实例的有效Amazon RDS。 对于那些不熟悉 SQL Server的AWS RDS的用户,他们可以阅读本文“ AWS RDS SQL Server入门”以创建一个新实例。 一旦有了工作实例,它的外观将如下所示。 您可以使用RDS服务支持的任何版本SQL Server创建AWS RDS SQL Server实例。 确保您具有连接和访问实例数据所需的特权。
AWS Glue简介 (Introduction to AWS Glue)
AWS Glue is a serverless service offering from AWS for metadata crawling, metadata cataloging, ETL, data workflows and other related operations. AWS Glue can be used to connect to different types of data repositories, crawl the database objects to create a metadata catalog, which can be used as a source and targets for transporting and transforming data from one point to another. AWS Glue supports workflows to enable complex data load operations. Usually, the first step for any operation is connecting to the data source of interest by creating a new connection. To learn the required configurations for creating a new connection, navigate to the AWS Glue home page from the AWS Search console by searching for the Glue service as shown below.
AWS Glue是AWS提供的无服务器服务,用于元数据爬网,元数据编目,ETL,数据工作流和其他相关操作。 AWS Glue可用于连接到不同类型的数据存储库,对数据库对象进行爬网以创建元数据目录,该元数据目录可用作将数据从一个点传输到另一个点和将其转换为另一点的源和目标。 AWS Glue支持工作流以启用复杂的数据加载操作。 通常,任何操作的第一步都是通过创建新连接来连接到感兴趣的数据源。 要学习创建新连接所需的配置,请通过如下图所示搜索Glue服务,从AWS Search控制台导航至AWS Glue主页。
The left pane contains different options which are categorized majorly into Data catalog, ETL and Security. Once you are on the home page of AWS Glue service, click on the Connection tab on the left pane and you would be presented with a screen as shown below.
左窗格包含不同的选项,这些选项主要分为数据目录,ETL和安全性。 进入AWS Glue服务的主页后,单击左窗格上的“连接”选项卡,将显示如下屏幕。
Now it’s time to create a new connection to our AWS RDS SQL Server instance. Click on the Add connection button to start creating a new connection. A new wizard screen would appear which will have multiple steps to collect details regarding the data source to which we intend to create a connection. The first step is to provide a connection name. Provide a relevant name for the connection.
现在该创建到我们的AWS RDS SQL Server实例的新连接了。 单击添加连接按钮以开始创建新连接。 将出现一个新的向导屏幕,其中将包含多个步骤,以收集有关我们要创建连接的数据源的详细信息。 第一步是提供连接名称。 提供连接的相关名称。
Next, we must select the type of connection. In the Connection type dropdown, you can find the options as shown below. Of all the supported options, we need to select Amazon RDS as it’s the service that holds our AWS RDS SQL Server instance.
接下来,我们必须选择连接类型。 在“ 连接类型”下拉列表中,您可以找到如下所示的选项。 在所有受支持的选项中,我们需要选择Amazon RDS,因为它是保存我们的AWS RDS SQL Server实例的服务。
Once you select it, the next option of Database engine type would appear, as AWS RDS supports six different types of database mentioned above. Of all the supported databases, we need to select SQL Server. If the AWS RDS SQL Server instance is configured to allow only SSL enabled connections, then select the checkbox titled “Requires SSL Connection”, and then click on Next.
一旦选择它,将显示数据库引擎类型的下一个选项,因为AWS RDS支持上述六种不同类型的数据库。 在所有受支持的数据库中,我们需要选择SQL Server。 如果将AWS RDS SQL Server实例配置为仅允许启用SSL的连接,则选择标题为“需要SSL连接”的复选框,然后单击“下一步”。
Provided the AWS RDS SQL Server instance is configured with public accessibility or with the network configuration such that the instance is visible to other services, you would be able to find the instance name listed in the instance dropdown. If the instance is not visible, it’s highly probable that either you do not have sufficient privileges to access the instance or the network configuration is blocking AWS Glue to access the instance. Assuming that you can access the instance, select this instance name from the instance list.
如果AWS RDS SQL Server实例配置为具有公共可访问性或网络配置,使得该实例对其他服务可见,则您将能够找到实例下拉列表中列出的实例名称。 如果该实例不可见,则很可能是您没有足够的特权来访问该实例,或者网络配置阻止了AWS Glue来访问该实例。 假设您可以访问该实例,请从实例列表中选择该实例名称。
After selecting the instance name, provide the database name and database connection credentials (user id and password). In a brand-new AWS RDS SQL Server instance, you may not have new databases created. But every SQL Server database would have some system databases, which is sufficient to just create a connection and test the connectivity. Once you have custom or user databases created in the instance, you can edit this connection and point the connection to the desired database. For the purpose of this exercise, we can mention the database name as master, and provide the user name and password that allows access to the Amazon RDS for SQL Server instance as well as database as shown below and click Next.
选择实例名称后,提供数据库名称和数据库连接凭据(用户ID和密码)。 在全新的AWS RDS SQL Server实例中,您可能未创建新数据库。 但是每个SQL Server数据库都会有一些系统数据库,这些数据库足以创建一个连接并测试连接。 在实例中创建了自定义数据库或用户数据库后,就可以编辑此连接并将该连接指向所需的数据库。 在本练习中,我们可以将数据库名称称为master,并提供用户名和密码,以允许访问SQL Server实例的Amazon RDS以及数据库,如下所示,然后单击Next。
The next step just requires reviewing the details that we have provided in these two steps and confirm the creating of a new connection. Review the details and create a new connection. Once the connection is created, it would appear in the connections list as shown below.
下一步只需要查看我们在这两个步骤中提供的详细信息,并确认创建新连接。 查看详细信息并创建新的连接。 创建连接后,它将显示在连接列表中,如下所示。
Now that the connection is created, it’s time to test the connection. Select the newly created connection and you would find that the Test connection button gets activated. Click on the Test Connection button and it would start opening an active connection to the AWS RDS SQL Server instance. You may find an error message as shown below and the connection would fail. The reason for the same can be network configuration that blocks AWS Glue from accessing JDBC enables data repositories or a missing VPC endpoint if the service is configured to access AWS S3 as well. You can read more about these configuration requirements from here.
现在已经创建了连接,是时候测试连接了。 选择新创建的连接,您会发现“测试连接”按钮被激活。 单击“测试连接”按钮,它将开始打开与AWS RDS SQL Server实例的活动连接。 您可能会发现如下所示的错误消息,并且连接将失败。 造成这种情况的原因可能是网络配置阻止了AWS Glue访问JDBC,从而启用了数据存储库或缺少了VPC端点(如果该服务也配置为访问AWS S3)。 您可以从此处阅读有关这些配置要求的更多信息。
Assuming the correct network configuration is in place, when you test the connection, it would succeed as shown below.
Once the connection is created and tested, you can click on the Actions menu to edit the connection, delete the connection, or view the details of the connection. It should be noted that connections in AWS Glue do not support tags which allows adding metadata to the objects. So, the name of the connection is the only mechanism to identify the purpose of the connection. Hence it is important to follow a naming convention that clearly identifies the purpose or repository of the connection, which would reduce or eliminate the need of viewing the details of each connection every time to know the target of the connection.
创建并测试连接后,可以单击“ 操作”菜单来编辑连接,删除连接或查看连接的详细信息。 应该注意的是,AWS Glue中的连接不支持允许将元数据添加到对象的标签。 因此,连接的名称是识别连接目的的唯一机制。 因此,重要的是要遵循一个清楚地标识连接的目的或存储库的命名约定,这将减少或消除每次都需要查看每个连接的详细信息以了解连接目标的需求。
AWS Glue connection properties and details differ for each type of connection and data source selected in the connection. Consider reading this article to understand more details regarding AWS Glue connection properties.
对于每种连接类型和在连接中选择的数据源,AWS Glue连接属性和详细信息都不同。 考虑阅读本文以了解有关AWS Glue连接属性的更多详细信息。
Once the connection is in place, the same can be used in ETL Jobs and Workflows. An excerpt of how the connection would get listed when defining ETL Jobs is as shown above. There can be numerous ETL jobs that share the same connection. The benefit of this centralized connection approach is that just by changing the connection detail, all the ETL jobs start pointing dynamically to the updated target location, which eliminates the need to edit each ETL job individually.
连接到位后,可以在ETL作业和工作流中使用相同的连接。 如上所示,是在定义ETL Jobs时如何列出连接的摘录。 可以有许多共享相同连接的ETL作业。 这种集中式连接方法的好处是,仅通过更改连接详细信息,所有ETL作业就开始动态指向更新后的目标位置,从而无需单独编辑每个ETL作业。
结论 (Conclusion)
In this article, we learned how to use the AWS Glue service to create connections to AWS RDS SQL Server instance. We configured the details required to connect to the instance and successfully tested the connection to the AWS RDS SQL Server instance and learned about the configuration we may need as well as errors we may face while establishing a new connection.
在本文中,我们学习了如何使用AWS Glue服务创建与AWS RDS SQL Server实例的连接。 我们配置了连接到实例所需的详细信息,并成功测试了与AWS RDS SQL Server实例的连接,并了解了我们可能需要的配置以及在建立新连接时可能遇到的错误。
aws rds监控慢sql