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翻译 sql:命名管道管道程序_学习SQL:命名约定

sql:命名管道管道程序 A naming convention is a set of unwritten rules you should use if you want to increase the readability of the whole data model. Today, I’ll try to explain how you should formulate your...

2020-07-29 15:13:24 1784

翻译 使用Diskspd测试SQL Server存储子系统

In this article, we will learn how to test our storage subsystems performance using Diskspd. The storage subsystem is one of the key performance factors for SQL Server because SQL Server storage...

2020-07-29 15:04:10 2393

翻译 mysql分页是物理分页_学习MySQL:什么是分页

mysql分页是物理分页 In this article, I am going to explain that in MySQL, what is pagination and how we can implement it. When we are populating a large dataset from the MySQL database, it is not easy to ...

2020-07-29 14:53:18 2310

翻译 了解SQL MERGE语句

In this article, I am going to give a detailed explanation of how to use the SQL MERGE statement in SQL Server. The MERGE statement in SQL is a very popular clause that can handle inserts, ...

2020-07-29 14:44:09 1294

翻译 Windows Server 2016上SQL Server Always On可用性组的全面指南

In this article, we will configure a SQL Server Always On Availability Group on the Windows Server 2016. We use SQL Server 2019 for configuration. 在本文中,我们将在Windows Server 2016上配置SQL Server Alway...

2020-07-29 14:34:52 843

翻译 sql数据库性能指标_SQL Server磁盘性能指标–第2部分–其他重要的磁盘性能指标

sql数据库性能指标previous part of the SQL Server performance metrics series, we presented the most important and useful disk performance metrics. Now, we’ll show other important disk performance measures前一...

2020-07-29 14:25:09 1253

翻译 sql azure 语法_将SQL工作负载迁移到Microsoft Azure:服务选择

sql azure 语法 In the previous article, Migrating SQL workloads to Microsoft Azure: Planning the jump, we discussed the main points that should be checked and considered while drawing your plan to ...

2020-07-29 14:16:04 361

翻译 在Windows Server 2016和SQL Server Always On可用性组上安装SQL Server 2019

In this article, we will proceed with configuring a SQL Server Always On Availability Groups and perform failover validations. 在本文中,我们将继续配置SQL Server Always On可用性组并执行故障转移验证。 You should go ...

2020-07-29 14:06:01 1944

翻译 ip跳转跟踪命令_在跟踪命令(-T272)的帮助下学习避免身份跳转问题(IDENTITY_CACHE)

ip跳转跟踪命令 In this article, we will examine the Identity Cache feature and the identity jump issue. Sometimes we see that identity jumps by some specific or random value in the auto-incremental colum...

2020-07-29 13:55:16 1698

翻译 sql server 内存_SQL Server内存性能指标–第1部分–内存页/秒和内存页故障/秒

sql server 内存SQL Server performance basics article, we explained why performance monitoring was important and what you should consider before you start monitoring SQL Server performanceSQL Server性能基...

2020-07-29 13:44:43 498

翻译 sql数据库性能指标_SQL Server磁盘性能指标–第1部分–最重要的磁盘性能指标

sql数据库性能指标memory and 内存和processor metrics. These metrics indicate system and SQL Server performance, and are useful for troubleshooting performance issues and bottlenecks. Besides memory and processor...

2020-07-29 13:34:07 782

翻译 sql简介_SQL表简介

sql简介 在本文中,我们将学习SQL表的概念,然后研究如何在SQL Server中使用不同的技术创建表。 关系数据库模型是用于存储和处理数据的最常用的数据模型之一。 表是数据库的基本元素。 在这种情况下,表是在关系数据库中保存数据的数据库对象。 数据库包含一个或多个表,并且这些表可以建模为关系表。 这些表是由列组成的,每列都必须具有名称和数据类型。 这些列根据定义的数据类型存储数据,这些数...

2020-07-29 13:23:57 2503

翻译 为SQL Server Always On可用性组配置域控制器和Active Directory

In this series for SQL Server Always On availability groups, we are covering end to end configurations for SQL Server 2019 on Windows Server 2016. In the article, A comprehensive guide to SQL Serv...

2020-07-29 13:14:20 470

翻译 t–sql pl–sql_SQL Server性能疑难解答的DBA指南–第1部分–问题和性能指标

t–sql pl–sqlIt doesn’t mean that every SQL Server slowdown is a performance problem. Some specific actions require many resources and put much stress on the server. If these actions are occasional, th...

2020-07-29 13:04:34 214

翻译 cte公用表表达式_SQL Server中的CTE; 使用公用表表达式解决重新编制标识符列的问题

cte公用表表达式 Since we know that the SQL CTE (common table expression) offers us a tool to group and order data in SQL Server, we will see an applied example of using common table expressions to solve ...

2020-07-29 12:55:19 301

翻译 sql库缓存命中率_SQL Server内存性能指标–第4部分–缓冲区高速缓存命中率和页面寿命期望

sql库缓存命中率In SQL Server performance metrics – part 3, we presented some of the SQL Server Buffer Manager metrics. As the SQL Server buffer pool manages data cache, it’s important to monitor various buf...

2020-07-29 12:46:12 1341

翻译 sql server 内存_SQL Server内存性能指标–第3部分– SQL Server Buffer Manager指标和内存计数器

sql server 内存previous parts of the SQL Server performance metrics series, we presented most important SQL Server memory metrics that indicate overall SQL Server memory pressure. The described metrics ...

2020-07-29 12:36:33 496

翻译 sql服务器内存不足_SQL Server内存性能指标–第2部分–可用字节,总服务器和目标服务器内存

sql服务器内存不足first part of this series, we started with most important SQL Server performance memory metrics. We described 第一部分 ,我们从最重要SQL Server性能内存指标开始。 我们描述了Pages/sec and Pages / sec和Page faults/sec, ...

2020-07-29 12:26:14 673

翻译 t–sql pl–sql_SQL Server处理器性能指标–第3部分–指示硬件组件问题的指标

t–sql pl–sqlPart 1 and 第1部分和Part 2 of the SQL Server processor performance metrics series, we described the most important processor performance metrics – 第2部分 ,我们描述了最重要的处理器性能指标- Processor: % Processo...

2020-07-29 12:16:53 212

翻译 cte公用表表达式_CTE SQL删除; 在SQL Server中删除具有公用表表达式的数据时的注意事项

cte公用表表达式 In this article, the latest in our series on Common table expressions, we’ll review CTE SQL Deletes including analyzing the operation before the delete, actually removing the data as well...

2020-07-29 12:07:00 426

翻译 为SQL Server Always On可用性组配置故障转移群集,存储控制器和仲裁配置

This article explores the configuration of Windows failover clusters, storage controllers and quorum configurations for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups. 本文探讨了SQL Server Always On...

2020-07-29 11:57:32 629

翻译 t–sql pl–sql_SQL Server处理器性能指标–第4部分–处理器指标有助于更深入的调查和故障排除

t–sql pl–sqlIn the previous part of this series, we presented the processor metrics that indicate hardware component problems that can affect SQL Server performanceIn this part, we will present proc...

2020-07-29 11:47:37 249

翻译 c统计多线程总时间_SQL Server处理器性能指标–第2部分–处理器:%用户时间,处理器:%特权时间,总时间和线程指标

c统计多线程总时间In SQL server processor performance metrics – Part 1 – The most important cpu metrics, we described the Processor Queue Length and two most important processor time counters – Processor % Pr...

2020-07-29 11:38:28 456

翻译 sql server 内存_SQL Server内存性能指标–第5部分–了解惰性写入,空闲列表停顿/秒和待批内存授予

sql server 内存SQL Server performance metrics series with the SQL Server memory metrics that should be monitored to indicate and help troubleshoot SQL Server performance issuesSQL Server性能指标系列和应监视SQL ...

2020-07-29 11:29:16 577

翻译 sql truncate_如何在SQL Delete和SQL Truncate语句后使用数据库备份恢复数据

sql truncate This article explores the recovery of data removed by SQL Delete and SQL Truncate statements using SQL database backups. 本文探讨了使用SQL数据库备份恢复由SQL Delete和SQL Truncate语句删除的数据的方法。 ...

2020-07-29 11:18:55 791

翻译 sql关于视图的sql_学习SQL:SQL视图

sql关于视图的sql SQL views are another powerful database object we have at our disposal. In the previous two articles of this series, we’ve talked about user-defined functions and user-defined procedure...

2020-07-29 11:08:18 878

翻译 SQL Server Junior Database Administrator方案相关的访谈问答

In this article, we will discuss a number of questions that you may be asked when applying to a junior SQL Server database administrator (DBA) position. 在本文中,我们将讨论在申请初级SQL Server数据库管理员(DBA)职位时可能...

2020-07-29 10:57:19 168

翻译 将事务日志应用于SQL Server Always On可用性组中的辅助副本

介绍 (Introduction) SQL Server Always On Availability Groups provides HADR solutions for the SQL databases. Here HA refers to high availability and DR refers to disaster recovery. The priority of t...

2020-07-29 10:46:28 1195

翻译 使用SQL Server扩展事件监视Power BI中“获取数据”功能的批处理语句

One shared characteristic among popular data visualization tools such as Power BI is the ease at which data can be extracted from a variety of disparate data sources, usually at a click of a butto...

2020-07-29 10:37:20 543

翻译 了解SQL Server事务日志备份和完整备份的日志序列号

This article explores the SQL Server Transaction log backups and log sequence number (LSN) in combination with the Full backups. 本文探讨了SQL Server事务日志备份和日志序列号(LSN)与完整备份的组合。 SQL Server备份简介 (SQL S...

2020-07-29 10:28:19 1825

翻译 SQL Server安全机制–如何控制用户能够在报告中查看哪些数据

介绍 (Introduction)A few years back, a client asked me to implement a quick and dirty “security mechanism” to control what data the myriad of users were able to view within their reports. There ...

2020-07-29 10:18:02 291

翻译 使用PSDatabaseClone PowerShell模块通过数据库克隆进行SQL数据库配置

With the complex SQL database development and production infrastructure there comes an issue with database provisioning. The issue implies that all development and testing instances should have pr...

2020-07-29 10:08:05 199

翻译 思科模拟器划分子网实验报告_模拟多子网群集以设置SQL Server Always On可用性组–实验设置

思科模拟器划分子网实验报告 In this article, we are going to see how to create a multi subnet cluster spanning across multiple subnets for lab purposes. Creating such an environment should help creating Availabi...

2020-07-29 09:57:34 1208

翻译 hbase记录日志wal_SQL Server事务日志–第1部分–日志结构和预写日志记录(WAL)算法

hbase记录日志wal SQL Server transaction log is one of the most critical and in the same time one of the most misinterpreted part. While being neglected, it can easily become a bottleneck to our SQL Ser...

2020-07-29 09:47:48 477

翻译 SQL Server商业智能功能– SQL Server数据工具–商业智能

介绍 (Introduction) 在上一篇有关introduction to SQL Server business intelligence we covered the general structure of an enterprise business intelligence solution. The tools needed to build these solutions we...

2020-07-29 09:37:22 918

翻译 SQL Server系统视图/表/功能。 现实生活中的常见问题和解决方案

介绍 (Introduction)In this new article, we will talk about the system views/tables/functions and how to solve common questions using them. 在这篇新文章中,我们将讨论系统视图/表/函数以及如何使用它们解决常见问题。 The system views are...

2020-07-29 09:27:53 735

翻译 基于SQL Server策略的管理–评估多个SQL Server实例上的策略

The SQL Server Policy Based Management feature provides an efficient way to declare certain rules and corresponding policies (e.g. to force Windows authentication mode on a SQL Server instance, to eva...

2020-07-29 09:17:59 216

翻译 SQL Server警报解决性能问题:如何创建和使用SQL Server警报

Before creating a SQL Server alert, make sure that Database Mail and SQL Server Agent properties are properly configured 在创建SQL Server警报之前,请确保正确配置了数据库邮件和SQL Server代理属性。 配置数据库邮件 (Configure Databa...

2020-07-29 09:08:49 923

翻译 SQL Server商业智能–在已建立的数据仓库中扩展事实表

介绍 (Introduction) 在生活中,听起来简单的事情并非总是最简单的事情。 在计算机科学中,情况更是如此。 实际上,信息技术工作中最具挑战性的事情之一通常是与老板之间的沟通,这些老板对技术知之甚少,并且需要为看似简单的任务花费的时间辩护。 但是,出于同样的原因,未经训练的人似乎不可能完成的任务通常非常简单,易于实施,并且可以使您容易受到尊重。 扩展事实表 (Expanding fac...

2020-07-29 08:57:55 274

翻译 SqlPackage.exe –使用bacpac和PowerShell或Batch技术自动执行SQL Server数据库还原

Data is the key to your organization’s future, but if it’s outdated, irrelevant, or hidden then it’s no good. Maintenance and administration of databases takes a lot of work. As database administr...

2020-07-29 08:47:06 682



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