

大纲 (Outline)

In this article, you’ll see how to simulate production loads on a test server with a “record and replay” type situation using the transaction log, batch scripting, PowerShell and a SQL Server agent job.

在本文中,您将看到如何使用事务日志,批处理脚本,PowerShell和SQL Server代理作业以“记录并重放”类型的情况模拟测试服务器上的生产负载。

We’ll be walking through the scenario in the following steps


  1. Record the production load and write the transactions to disk by generating a timestamped replay script

  2. Create a batch file to automate the task at an interval of every 1 minute

  3. Create a SQL Server agent job to schedule the batch file

    创建一个SQL Server代理作业以计划批处理文件
  4. Replay the production workload to the target/test database by running a PowerShell script to open and execute the scripts at the same interval as they were created, every 1 minute

  5. Validate the data between the source and the target databases to make sure our job works

  6. Monitor the load with a monitoring tool, solution of your choice


介绍 (Introduction)

In short, transactional replication is a process to transfer uni-directional data from the source (Publisher) database to the target (Subscriber) database. This particular example uses a log reader agent to examine the associated transaction entries in the log files and then those changes can be synchronized immediately with the target database or the synchronization can also be scheduled. The production load can be re-run on the same test database multiple times and run on multiple other test databases as well.

简而言之,事务复制是将单向数据从源(发布者)数据库传输到目标(订阅者)数据库的过程。 此特定示例使用日志读取器代理检查日志文件中的关联事务条目,然后可以将这些更改立即与目标数据库同步,或者也可以安排同步。 生产负载可以在同一测试数据库上多次运行,也可以在其他多个测试数据库上运行。

In this article, you’re going to see how to record production loads on a production database and persisting to file, then replaying later on a test database


You can then monitor the performance of the test server, with a tool like Spotlight, to see how it handles the production load


In this method, using ApexSQL Log tool, the batch file is created. The batch file is invoked to generate the redo_<*datetimestamp*>.sql at a frequency of 1 minute and those files archived so they can be consumed and replayed later, perhaps multiple times on multiple servers. Finally, we’ll iterate through the files and process them against the target server, at the same cadence.

在这种方法中,使用ApexSQL日志工具创建了批处理文件。 批处理文件将以1分钟的频率被调用以生成redo _ <* datetimestamp *>。sql,并且已归档这些文件,以便以后可以使用它们并在多个服务器上重播这些文件。 最后,我们将以相同的节奏遍历文件并针对目标服务器对其进行处理。

初始要求 (Initial requirements)

If you followed the previous article and performed all the steps mentioned in them, you should be good to go and it’s going to be really that simple.


  1. Install ApexSQL Log

  2. Select the source database aka Publisher and the target database aka Subscriber. If a copy of the source database hasn’t been provisioned, do so now

    选择源数据库(即发布者)和目标数据库(即订阅者)。 如果尚未配置源数据库的副本,请立即进行配置
  3. Review the basic concepts of batch scripting as needed

  4. Run the PowerShell console with an elevated permission (Run as Administrator)


配置我们的复制代理 (Configuring our replication agent)

Our principal technology is ApexSQL Log, which will do most of the work recording, persisting and even replaying the production load.

我们的主要技术是ApexSQL Log,它将完成大部分工作记录,持久化甚至重播生产负载。

What we initially need is a replay script that is the recorded transactions from production.


To generate the redo script, run through the following screens


  1. Open the ApexSQL Log

  2. Click New


  3. Server and 服务器Database details and click 数据库的详细信息,然后单击Next 下一步。
  4. In the Select data sources, the online transaction log is enabled by default. Click Next

    在“ 选择数据源”中 ,默认情况下启用了在线事务日志。 点击下一步

  5. Select Undo/Redo,


  6. Click Continuous auditing, and click Next

    单击“ 连续审核” ,然后单击“ 下一步”。

  7. Copy or Save the generated script to the replication.bat file


自动化复制代理 (Automating the replication agent)

To automate the job is as simple as using the Batch script feature to save the Windows Shell script to a batch (.BAT) file. That will allow us to rerun this job manually, at will, or schedule it to run unattended.

自动化作业就像使用批处理脚本功能将Windows Shell脚本保存到批处理(.BAT)文件一样简单。 这样一来,我们便可以手动重新运行此作业,或安排它在无人看管的情况下运行。

We’ve created a batch file directly from ApexSQL Log’s Batch script feature, but we’ll want to make a tweak to name the files, dynamically, just as we want them named

我们已经直接通过ApexSQL Log的Batch脚本功能创建了一个批处理文件,但是我们要进行调整以动态命名文件,就像我们希望它们被命名一样。

  1. First, prepare the dynamic file, the name should be in the format <directory path> followed by redo_yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss then the SQL extension. For example, g:\DBA\redo_2018-08-10_162233.sql. In this case, the files are created in “g:\DBA” directory with the name “redo_2018-08-10_162233.sql”

    首先,准备动态文件,名称的格式应为<目录路径>,后跟redo_yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss,然后是SQL扩展名。 例如,g:\ DBA \ redo_2018-08-10_162233.sql。 在这种情况下,将在名称为“ redo_2018-08-10_162233.sql”的“ g:\ DBA”目录中创建文件。
  2. To edit the replication.bat batch file, Select the file, right-click, and open in notepad.

  3. The first statement is to assign the redo filename to a variable and pass its value to the /redo switch of ApexSQL Log executable.

    第一条语句是将重做文件名分配给变量,并将其值传递给ApexSQL Log可执行文件的/ redo开关。
  4. Replication.bat file is given below Replication.bat文件的内容

Note that carriage returns have been added for readability


set redofile=G:\DBA\redo_%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.sql
"E:\Program Files\ApexSQL\ApexSQL Log\ApexSQLLog.com" 
/server:HQDBT01 /database:WideWorldImporters /trusted 
/operations:DMLALL /transactions:COMMIT BEGIN UNKNOWN 

安排复制任务 (Schedule the replication task)

Now let us go over the steps to create a SQL job. The SQL job is run every minute to capture the production load into the redo_<datetimestamp>.sql scripts and persist them to file

现在,让我们回顾创建SQL作业的步骤。 SQL作业每分钟运行一次,以将生产负载捕获到redo_ <datetimestamp> .sql脚本中并将其持久保存到文件中

      1. Browse Jobs

      2. Right-click and create a new job


      3. In Steps, type in the Step name, choose Operating system as its type and enter the batch file full name in the command section. In this case, the batch file is created under G:\DBA\.

        在“步骤”中,键入“步骤名称”,选择“操作系统”作为其类型,然后在命令部分中输入批处理文件的全名。 在这种情况下,批处理文件将在G:\ DBA \下创建。

      4. In Schedules, Enter the schedule name. Select Daily as its frequency of occurrence and run at every 1 minute.

        在计划中,输入计划名称。 选择“每日”作为其发生频率并每1分钟运行一次。

      5. Now, the job is created.

      6. Let us take a look at the redo*.sql path

        让我们看一下redo * .sql路径

重播先前记录的交易负载 (Replay the previously recorded transaction load)

In this section, I’ll take you through the PowerShell script (Replication.ps1) that is used.


It will read through all of our SQL files in the sorted order and execute those files sequentially one after the other with a delay of 60 seconds. In this way, we will simulate the production load on the test database This ensure and preserves the consistency between the transactions.

它将按排序顺序读取我们所有SQL文件,并以60秒的延迟依次依次执行这些文件。 这样,我们将在测试数据库上模拟生产负载。这确保并保留了事务之间的一致性。

Prepare the replication


  1. Load the SQL Server module

    加载SQL Server模块
  2. Get a list of the generated files, run the following command.


    PS C:\> Get-ChildItem g:\DBA\redo*.sql| Group-Object {$_.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString()},{$_.LastWriteTime.Hour}
  3. The files are listed based on the time of its creation.

  4. Now, sequentially execute the sql files in the order in which they were created with a delay of 60 seconds using Invoke-SQLCMD and Start-Sleep cmdlets. Save the below content in the Powershell script and run the script

    现在,使用Invoke-SQLCMD和Start-Sleep cmdlet按创建顺序依次执行sql文件,延迟60秒。 将以下内容保存在Powershell脚本中并运行该脚本

    Import-Module -Name SqlServer -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 
    $files=Get-ChildItem g:\DBA\redo*.sql
    Foreach ($file in $files) {
        Invoke-SQLcmd -inputfile $file.FullName -serverinstance "hqdbt01\sql2017" -database "worldwideimporters" 
    	Start-Sleep –seconds 60  

验证中 (Verifying)

Let us verify the data using the following SQL. In this case, the Application.cities table is the used data comparison. Open SSMS, then browse query pane, select SQLCMD mode and run the following SQL.

让我们使用以下SQL验证数据。 在这种情况下,Application.cities表是使用的数据比较。 打开SSMS,然后浏览查询窗格,选择SQLCMD模式并运行以下SQL。

:CONNECT <SourceServer>
USE  WideWorldImporters
SELECT COUNT(*) No_Of_Rows FROM Application.Cities
:CONNECT <TargetServer>
USE  WideWorldImporters
SELECT COUNT(*) No_Of_Rows FROM Application.Cities

In the first run, the below sample output gives an overview of the initial data set


Next, manually run the PowerShell Replication.ps1

接下来,手动运行PowerShell Replication.ps1

Now, verify the output. You can see production data on the target database instance because the row counts are the same.

现在,验证输出。 您可以在目标数据库实例上看到生产数据,因为行数是相同的。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

In this article, we looked at a method to implement transactional replication for simulating production loads for stress testing a target database. This method will allow you to record once and replay many times, even on different staging servers.

在本文中,我们研究了一种实现事务复制的方法,该方法用于模拟生产负载以对目标数据库进行压力测试。 即使在不同的登台服务器上,该方法也允许您记录一次并重播多次。

The automation allows for fast and easy integration into any continuous integration pipeline where newly created or provisioned databases can be automatically tested with production loads, simulating real world use. If the load causes the server to fail or generates an excessive number of alerts, when you are monitoring it, that can be an early indicator that the build may have broken something and save you from dealing with problems in production.

自动化允许快速轻松地将其集成到任何连续的集成管道中,在该管道中,可以使用生产负载自动测试新创建或置备的数据库,从而模拟实际使用情况。 如果负载导致服务器发生故障或生成过多警报,则在监视服务器时,这可能是早期指示,表明该构建可能损坏了某些东西,从而使您不必处理生产中的问题。

目录 (Table of contents)

SQL Server replication: Overview of components and topography
SQL Replication: Basic setup and configuration
How to Add/Drop articles from existing publications in SQL Server
How to do a quick estimated compare of data in two large SQL Server databases to see if they are equal
SQL Server transactional replication: How to reinitialize a subscription using a SQL Server database backup
How to setup a custom SQL Server transaction replication model with a Central Subscriber and Multiple Publisher databases
How to setup custom SQL Server transactional replication with a central publisher and multiple subscriber databases
How to set up a DDL and DML SQL Server database transactional replication solution
How to setup cross-platform transactional SQL Server replication for database reporting on Linux
SQL Server database migrations with zero data loss and zero downtime
Using transactional data replication to replay and test production loads on a staging server
How to setup SQL Server database replication for a reporting server
SQL Server transactional replication: How to reinitialize a subscription using a “Replication support only” –TBA
SQL Server Replication Monitoring and setting alerts using PowerShell –TBA
SQL Server复制:组件和拓扑概述
如何从SQL Server中的现有出版物中添加/删除文章
如何对两个大型SQL Server数据库中的数据进行快速估计比较,以查看它们是否相等
SQL Server事务复制:如何使用SQL Server数据库备份重新初始化订阅
如何使用中央订阅服务器和多个发布者数据库设置自定义SQL Server事务复制模型
如何使用中央发布者和多个订阅者数据库设置自定义SQL Server事务复制
如何设置DDL和DML SQL Server数据库事务复制解决方案
如何在Linux上为数据库报告设置跨平台事务SQL Server复制
SQL Server数据库迁移,数据丢失为零,停机时间为零
如何为报表服务器设置SQL Server数据库复制
SQL Server事务复制:如何使用“仅复制支持” –TBA重新初始化订阅
使用PowerShell –TBASQL Server复制监视和设置警报

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/using-transaction-data-replication-to-replay-production-loads-on-a-test-server/


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