SQL Server下载指南

介绍 (Introduction)

This article serves as a SQL Server Download guide for both beginners and beyond. Some years ago, it was pretty simple to download the installer because you had all the components installed. Now, it is harder because you need to install several components, there are several versions and editions. This guide will help you to understand which version and edition needs to be downloaded.

本文是面向初学者和其他地区SQL Server下载指南。 几年前,下载安装程序非常简单,因为您已经安装了所有组件。 现在,变得更加困难,因为您需要安装多个组件,并且有多个版本。 本指南将帮助您了解需要下载的版本。

入门 (Getting started)

First of all, you will need to select which SQL Server version you want to install. We will focus on SQL Server 2017 now. The SQL Server 2019 will be released at the end of the year and the current version is a Release Candidate.

首先,您需要选择要安装SQL Server版本。 我们现在将重点介绍SQL Server 2017。 SQL Server 2019将于今年年底发布,当前版本为Release Candidate。

我应该下载哪个SQL Server? (Which SQL Server should I download?)

Choosing a SQL version is a difficult decision.


The download page is here:


The first question that comes our way is to use the Cloud or not?


我应该使用Azure SQL版本还是本地下载SQL Server? (Should I use the Azure SQL version or download SQL Server on-premises?)

SQL Server on-premises or SQL Cloud

To use the cloud or not use it, that is the question:


Decide whether we should stay in a comfortable SQL Server on-premises similar to previous versions,

确定我们是否应该像以前的版本那样在舒适SQL Server内部部署,

Or change to a new world and start a new world in the Cloud?


If you move to the cloud you do not need a SQL Server download. You may only need the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to connect and administer your Database in the Cloud. You can download SSMS here:

如果移至云,则无需下载SQL Server。 您可能只需要SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)来连接和管理云中的数据库。 您可以在此处下载SSMS:

You could administer your Azure SQL Database without SSMS, using the cloud tool using your smartphone or your tablet.

您可以使用智能手机或平板电脑上的云工具,在没有SSMS的情况下管理Azure SQL数据库。

If you download SQL Server on-premises installer, you will also require installing SSMS. In the previous versions, it was included with the SQL Server installer.

如果下载SQL Server本地安装程序,则还需要安装SSMS。 在以前的版本中,它包含在SQL Server安装程序中。

The version on-premises is a trial version available for 180 days. If you are a developer or a tester, I would recommend the Developer version, it is free, it includes all the features included in the Enterprise edition.

本地版本是试用版,可使用180天。 如果您是开发人员或测试人员,我会推荐开发人员版本,它是免费的,它包含企业版中包含的所有功能。

If your database is local and you do not need to publish the SQL Server data on the internet, maybe it is a good choice to stay on-premises. If you already have several applications in Azure and you need your data on the internet for public use, maybe the Azure Cloud is a good option.

如果您的数据库是本地数据库,并且您不需要在Internet上发布SQL Server数据,那么保留本地存储可能是一个不错的选择。 如果您在Azure中已经有多个应用程序,并且需要Internet上的数据供公众使用,则Azure云可能是一个不错的选择。

For more information about installing SQL Server on-premises, refer to this link:

有关在本地安装SQL Server的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

Azure SQL价格 (Azure SQL Prices)

Azure SQL has prices for all the needs. Here you have more information about the prices:

Azure SQL具有满足所有需求的价格。 在这里,您可以了解有关价格的更多信息:

在SQL Server下载过程中应该使用哪个版本? (Which edition should I use in the SQL Server Download process?)

The SQL Server Download process is complex because you need to choose the edition. If you are new in the SQL Server world, it is a very complex decision. Let’s talk about prices first. The following table shows the prices:

SQL Server下载过程很复杂,因为您需要选择版本。 如果您是SQL Server领域的新手,这是一个非常复杂的决定。 让我们先谈谈价格。 下表显示了价格:



Enterprise per core


Standard per core


Standard Server + CAL





Please ask your hosting partner





$ 14,254


$ 3,717

标准服务器+ CAL

$ 931







For more information about SQL Server Editions prices, refer to this link:

有关SQL Server Editions价格的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

每个SQL Server版本的功能是什么? (What is the functionality of each SQL Server edition?)

The Enterprise Edition and the Developer editions have full functionality. However, the Developer edition is not for production environments as the name indicates, it is for development purposes.

企业版和开发人员版具有全部功能。 但是,Developer Edition不适用于顾名思义的生产环境,而是用于开发目的。

The following link provides the difference between each SQL Server edition:

以下链接提供了每个SQL Server版本之间的区别:

什么是最佳SQL Server下载版本,SQL Express或SQL Developer版本? (What is the best SQL Server to download, SQL Express or SQL Developer edition?)

SQL Server free edition

Both SQL Express and Developer editions are free, however which edition to go for the SQL Server download is not obvious. If you only need a small database for development to store data in tables, the SQL Express will be enough. If you do not have too much disk space, the SQL Express will be the best option.

SQL Express和Developer版本都是免费的,但是下载SQL Server的版本不明确。 如果您只需要一个小的数据库就可以将数据存储在表中,那么SQL Express就足够了。 如果您没有太多的磁盘空间,SQL Express将是最佳选择。

If you need to test advanced functionality of SQL Server, the Developer edition is your best choice. The Developer edition has the same functionality as the enterprise edition, so, it will accomplish all your needs.

如果您需要测试SQL Server的高级功能,则开发人员版是您的最佳选择。 开发人员版具有与企业版相同的功能,因此,它将满足您的所有需求。

In order to check the difference between both editions, check the supported features of SQL Server:

为了检查两个版本之间的差异,请检查SQL Server支持的功能:

Linux,Windows或Docker上SQL Server? ( SQL Server on Linux or Windows or Docker? )

SQL Server on Linux, docker

Another question in the SQL Server download process is if we want to have the installer for Windows or Linux or use Docker?

SQL Server下载过程中的另一个问题是我们是否要安装Windows或Linux安装程序或使用Docker?

For testing, QA, development and learning purposes, I would use Docker. And for the production environment, it depends on what you have. If you have Linux Servers, it is a good idea to try and test SQL Server for Linux. If you already have SQL Server experience on Windows, I do not see a reason to change. It has a lot of support and it is working fine for decades. On the other hand, SQL Server for Linux is newer, and it may have more errors and less documentation, forums and people to help you.

为了进行测试,QA,开发和学习,我将使用Docker。 对于生产环境,这取决于您拥有什么。 如果您有Linux服务器,最好尝试测试LinuxSQL Server。 如果您已经在Windows上拥有SQL Server的经验,则看不到需要更改的理由。 它有很多支持,并且可以正常工作数十年。 另一方面,用于LinuxSQL Server是较新的,它可能会有更多的错误,并且文档,论坛和帮助您的人员更少。

For more information about the Docker and Linux editions, refer to these links:


我应该下载哪个SQL Server版本,SQL Server 2017、2019、2016、2014、2012、2008? (Which SQL Server version should I download, SQL Server 2017, 2019, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008?)

The SQL Server download process also implies to choose the right version. The end of support of SQL Server 2008 R2 is 7/9/2019.

SQL Server下载过程还意味着选择正确的版本。 SQL Server 2008 R2的支持终止于7/9/2019。

SQL Server 2019 is not released yet, so I would only recommend using it for testing purposes and to know the new functionality in testing environments.

SQL Server 2019尚未发布,因此我只建议将其用于测试目的并了解测试环境中的新功能。

The best choice would be SQL Server 2017 which is a robust, stable version. For more information about the features of each version, refer to the following links:

最好的选择是SQL Server 2017,它是一个强大,稳定的版本。 有关每个版本的功能的更多信息,请参考以下链接:

If you are nostalgic about the history of SQL Server and the different versions, I would suggest going through the below link:

如果您对SQL Server的历史和不同版本怀有怀旧之情,建议您浏览以下链接:

在哪里可以下载SQL Server AdventureWorks数据库? ( Where can I download the SQL Server AdventureWorks database? )

Another term often talked about in the SQL Server download process is the AdventureWorks database! If you are learning SQL Server, this sample data is very useful to test queries, test features and check the documentation. This is a fictitious database used for learning purposes. There are several AdventureWorks databases available. One is the OLTP transactional database, another is used as a Data Warehouse, there is also a lighter version. In earlier versions, this database was included in the installer, then it was moved to the CodePlex site. Now it is in GitHub and the Microsoft web site. You can get the AdventureWorks database here:

在SQL Server下载过程中经常谈论的另一个术语是AdventureWorks数据库! 如果您正在学习SQL Server,则此样本数据对于测试查询,测试功能和检查文档非常有用。 这是用于学习目的的虚拟数据库。 有几个AdventureWorks数据库可用。 一个是OLTP事务数据库,另一个是用作数据仓库,还有一个更简单的版本。 在早期版本中,此数据库包含在安装程序中,然后将其移至CodePlex站点。 现在在GitHub和Microsoft网站上。 您可以在此处获取AdventureWorks数据库:

SQL Server安装程序中的BIDS或SSDT在哪里? ( Where are the BIDS or the SSDT in SQL Server installer? )

Another common question in the SQL Server download process is Where is the SSDT? This tool is SQL Server Data Tools. It includes tools for Business Intelligence and other applications.

SQL Server下载过程中的另一个常见问题是SSDT在哪里? 该工具是SQL Server数据工具。 它包括用于商业智能和其他应用程序的工具。

In Business intelligence, the BIDS was used in previous SQL Server versions. The Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) was replaced by the SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and it is now installed separately for SSAS, SSIS, SSRS and other projects. You can get the installer here:

在商业智能中,BIDS用于以前SQL Server版本。 SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)代替了Business Intelligence Development Studio(BIDS),并且现在为SSAS,SSIS,SSRS和其他项目单独安装了该软件。 您可以在此处获取安装程序:

结论 ( Conclusion )

In this article, we learned about how to download SQL Server versions, editions, sample database installation, Azure SQL and more.

在本文中,我们了解了如何下载SQL Server版本,版本,示例数据库安装,Azure SQL等。

Depending on your needs the SQL Server download process will be different. Sometimes you may need the version in Azure, sometimes the standard, sometimes the developer edition. According to your needs, there is an appropriate SQL Server version or edition available.

根据您的需求,SQL Server下载过程将有所不同。 有时您可能需要Azure中的版本,有时是标准版本,有时是开发人员版本。 根据您的需要,有适当SQL Server版本。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-download-guide/





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