SQL Server数据挖掘简介

本文介绍了数据挖掘的概念,强调其在业务预测中的重要性。SQL Server提供了数据挖掘平台,用于预测分析和指示性分析。文章以创建数据挖掘项目为例,详细讲解了SQL Server中的数据挖掘过程,包括数据源、数据源视图、数据挖掘结构和模型处理等步骤,旨在帮助读者理解如何在实际场景中应用数据挖掘解决方案。

Prediction, is it a new thing for you? You won’t believe you are predicting from the bed to the office and to back to the bed. Just imagine, you have a meeting at 9 AM at the office. If you are using public transport, you need to predict at what time you have to leave so that you can reach the office for the meeting on time. Time may vary by considering the time and the day of the week, and the traffic condition etc. Before you leave your home, you might predict whether it will rain today and you might want to take an umbrella or necessary clothes with you. If you are using your vehicle then the prediction time would be different. If so, you don’t need to worry about the rain but you need to consider the fuel level you need to have to reach to the office. By looking at this simple example, you will understand how critical it is to predict and you understand that all these predictions are done with your experience but not by any scientific method.

预测,对您来说这是新事物吗? 您不会相信您正在预测从床上到办公室再回到床上。 试想一下,您上午9点在办公室开会。 如果您使用的是公共交通工具,则需要预测必须离开的时间,以便可以准时到达办公室开会。 时间可能会因考虑时间和星期几以及交通状况等因素而有所不同。出门前,您可以预测今天是否会下雨,并且可能想带伞或必要的衣服。 如果您使用的是车辆,则预测时间会有所不同。 如果是这样,您不必担心下雨,但您需要考虑必须达到办公室的燃油水平。 通过查看这个简单的示例,您将了解预测的重要性,并且您了解所有这些预测都是根据您的经验完成的,而不是通过任何科学方法完成的。

The next question would be how to implement any data mining solution in a real-world scenario. Well, you might have heard of the famous story of Beer-Nappy at the popular supermarket chain. That is just a simple example of data mining implementation. So let’s see how we define data mining.

下一个问题是如何在实际场景中实现任何数据挖掘解决方案。 好吧,您可能已经在流行的连锁超市听说了比尔-纳皮的著名故事。 那只是数据挖掘实现的一个简单示例。 因此,让我们看看如何定义数据挖掘。

什么是数据挖掘? (What is Data Mining?)

There are several definitions for data mining with respect to business as well as for academics. Data mining is a practice that will automatically search a large volume of data to discover behaviors, patterns, and trends that are not possible with the simple analysis. Data Mining should allow businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions that will make the place better ahead of their competitors.

关于业务以及学者的数据挖掘有几种定义。 数据挖掘是一种将自动搜索大量数据以发现简单分析无法实现的行为,模式和趋势的实践。 数据挖掘应使企业能够做出主动的,以知识为导向的决策,从而使企业在竞争者面前更胜一筹。

Data warehouse, from its mandate to store a large volume of data including the last years of data. The data warehouse is used for descriptive analysis (What happened) and diagnostic analysis (Why it happened). However, business needs to do analysis beyond that. Data mining can be utilized for Predictive Analysis (What will happen) and Prescriptive Analysis (How can we make it happen).

数据仓库,从其授权来存储大量数据,包括最近几年的数据。 数据仓库用于描述性分析(发生了什么)和诊断分析(为什么发生了)。 但是,企业还需要进行分析。 数据挖掘可用于预测分析(将会发生什么)和指示性分析(我们如何使它发生)。

SQL Server中的数据挖掘 (Data Mining in SQL Server)

SQL Server is mainly used as a storage tool in many organizations. However, with the increase of many businesses’ needs people are looking to different features of SQL Server. People are looking at data warehousing with SQL Server. SQL Server is providing a Data Mining platform which can be utilized for the prediction of data.

SQL Server在许多组织中主要用作存储工具。 但是,随着许多企业需求的增长,人们正在寻找SQL Server的不同功能。 人们正在考虑使用SQL Server进行数据仓库。 SQL Server提供了可用于数据预测的数据挖掘平台。

There are a few tasks used to solve business problems. Those tasks are Classify, Estimate, Cluster, forecast, Sequence, and Associate. SQL Server Data Mining has nine data mining algorithms that can be used to solve the aforementioned business problems. The following are the list of algorithms that are categorized into different problems.

有一些任务可用于解决业务问题。 这些任务是分类,估计,聚类,预测,顺序和关联。 SQL Server数据挖掘具有九种数据挖掘算法,可用于解决上述业务问题。 以下是归类为不同问题的算法列表。

Classify: Categorized depending on the various attributes. For example, whether a customer is a prospect customer depending on other data such as Age, Gender, Marital Status, Occupation, Education Qualification, etc.

分类:根据各种属性进行分类。 例如,客户是否是潜在客户取决于其他数据,例如年龄,性别,婚姻状况,职业,学历等。

Estimate: Estimation will be done using the parameters. For example, house prices will be predicted depending on the house location, house size, etc.

估计:将使用参数进行估计。 例如,将根据房屋位置,房屋大小等预测房价。

Cluster: also named as segmentation. Depending on the various attribute natural grouping is done. Customer Segmentation is the classical business example for the clustering.






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