使用OStressSQL Server压力测试

本文介绍了SQL Server压力测试的重要性,并详细讲解了OStress工具,这是一个用于性能压力测试T-SQL查询和例行程序的免费工具。通过OStress,开发人员和DBA可以评估查询在负载下的性能,以及对服务器产生的资源压力,同时帮助识别存储过程中的等待和阻塞问题。

什么是SQL Server压力测试? (What is SQL Server Stress Testing?)

Implementing a new database consists of various aspects like creating indexes, tuning stored procedures or installing new RAM etc. But among all of these items, performance stress testing plays a prominent role.


Numerous organizations rely on the basic testing of store procedure performance, which includes implementing threshold settings or concurrent executions. This leads to identifying performance issues which might emerge after the release of an application. It becomes crucial to overcome such obstacles and with that view, a solution is given below to mitigate the requirement.

许多组织都依赖于存储过程性能的基本测试,其中包括实现阈值设置或并发执行。 这导致确定在应用程序发布后可能出现的性能问题。 克服这些障碍变得至关重要,鉴于这种观点,下面给出解决方案以减轻需求。

查询压力工具? (Query Stress tools?)

A performance stress tool plays a significant role for information system developer or QA department’s employee in order to make sure the quality testing of a product, which is under development, to ensure that it can work with a large number of simultaneous connections and concurring queries and transactions. This utility can also be useful for the database administrators to evaluate the current performance of a query and to make plans about improving performance.

性能压力工具对于信息系统开发人员或质量保证部门的员工至关重要,它可以确保正在开发的产品的质量测试,以确保它可以与大量同时连接和并发查询以及交易。 该实用程序对于数据库管理员评估查询的当前性能以及制定提高性能的计划也很有用。

There are many tools available for stress testing but they can be expensive and complicated. To work around this, I have come up with a rudimentary solution which will help to do more thorough job of stressing the database application than having half a dozen developers hammering their keyboards for an hour or so.

有许多工具可用于压力测试,但它们可能昂贵且复杂。 为解决此问题,我提出了一个基本的解决方案,与使六名开发人员敲击键盘一个小时左右相比,它将有助于更全面地处理数据库应用程序。

OStress (OStress )

OStress is a Microsoft tool comes with RML utilities package and it uses to stress SQL Server. This is especially useful when you want to troubleshoot SQL Server while SQL Server is under heavy load.

OStress是RML实用工具包附带的Microsoft工具,用于强调SQL Server。 当您要在SQL Server负载过重的情况下对SQL Server进行故障排除时,此功能特别有用。

It is a free tool for SQL Server developers and DBAs. It is designed to assist with performance stress testing of T-SQL queries and routines. The tool automatically collects metrics to help you determine whether your queries will perform under load, and what kind of resource strain they put on a server. In short, it also allows putting a serious load on your database.

它是SQL Server开发人员和DBA的免费工具。 它旨在帮助对T-SQL查询和例程进行性能压力测试。 该工具自动收集指标,以帮助您确定查询是否将在负载下执行,以及查询对服务器造成的资源紧张程度。 简而言之,它还使您的数据库承受了沉重的负担。

使用OStress实用程序 (Use of OStress utilities)

  1. Stress: Most applications have application response time targets. Developers, DBAs, and architects need to be confident that once a platform is commissioned and servicing live users, the database platform will be capable of handling the vo





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