桌面应用程序 azure_如何在Azure中连接我们的C#应用​​程序

桌面应用程序 azure

Azure is a simple and cheap way to have a Database. You can rent your Azure Database of 2 GB per 5 USD per month. That is a very cheap price. You can also administer your Database from your Android or your iPhone, which is very interesting.

Azure是拥有数据库的一种简单且便宜的方法。 您可以每月每5 USD租用2 GB的Azure数据库。 那是非常便宜的价格。 您也可以从Android或iPhone管理数据库,这非常有趣。

It is also possible to create your Windows Application using Visual Studio and connect to SQL Azure. In this new chapter, we are going to create Windows application in C# and connect to a SQL Azure database. We are going to retrieve the information of a table stored in Azure in our Windows application.

也可以使用Visual Studio创建Windows应用程序并连接到SQL Azure。 在这一新的章节中,我们将使用C#创建Windows应用程序并连接到SQL Azure数据库。 我们将在Windows应用程序中检索存储在Azure中的表的信息。

要求 ( Requirements )

入门 ( Getting started )

  1. Open the Visual Studio, go to the Server Explorer pane and open the SQL Server Object Explorer for the database created (see the requirements if you do not have a SQL Azure installed):

    打开Visual Studio,转到“服务器资源管理器”窗格,然后为创建的数据库打开“ SQL Server对象资源管理器”(如果未安装SQL Azure,请参阅要求):

    Figure 1. The Server Explorer 图1.服务器资源管理器
  2. In the SQL Server Object explorer go to the Server>Databases>the database created>Tables and right click and select the Add New Table option:

    在SQL Server对象资源管理器中,转到“ 服务器”>“数据库”>“创建的数据库”>“表”,然后右键单击并选择“ 添加新表”选项:

    Figure 2. The SQL Server Object Explorer 图2. SQL Server对象资源管理器
  3. Create a table and press the Update button. In this sample, we will create a table named Employees. There are few steps after pressing the update icon that were already explained in the previous chapter. Also, insert some data in the table:

    创建一个表,然后按更新按钮。 在此示例中,我们将创建一个名为Employees的表。 按下更新图标后,只需执行上一章中介绍的几个步骤 另外,在表中插入一些数据:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees] (
        [Id]        INT        NOT NULL,
        [Firstname] NCHAR (20) NULL,
        [Lastname]  NCHAR (20) NULL,
        [Phone]     NCHAR (15) NULL,

    Figure 3. Creating a new table in SQL Azure 图3.在SQL Azure中创建一个新表
  4. To create the Project go to File>New>Project and select Windows Forms Application. You can create Console applications, Web applications, WPF applications, etc. In this example, we will create a Windows Application:

    要创建项目,请转到文件>新建>项目,然后选择Windows窗体应用程序 您可以创建控制台应用程序,Web应用程序,WPF应用程序等。在此示例中,我们将创建Windows应用程序:

    Figure 4. Creating a New Project 图4.创建一个新项目

    Figure 5 . The Windows Forms Application
    图5 Windows窗体应用程序
  5. In the Toolbox, drag and drop a Button and a Data Grid View:


    Figure 6 . The Toolbox
    图6 工具箱
  6. Your application will be similar to the following one:


    Figure 7 . The Windows Form
    图7 Windows表格
  7. Now, change the text of the Form and the text and also change the DataGridView name:


    Button1.Text= Fill with Azure Data

    Form1.Text = 带有SQLURESQLSHACK示例
    Button1.Text = 用Azure数据填充
    DataGridView.Name = dgv

  8. The form will now look like as follows:


    Figure 8 . The Windows Form changed
    图8 Windows窗体已更改
  9. Now, we are going to create the connection information in the App.config file. The App.config file is a XML file used to store configuration. In this example, we will store the connection string. Go to the App.config in the solution explorer and double click it.

    现在,我们将在App.config文件中创建连接信息。 App.config文件是用于存储配置的XML文件。 在此示例中,我们将存储连接字符串。 在解决方案资源管理器中转到App.config,然后双击它。

    Figure 9. The 图9. App.config App.config
  10. In the App.config, write this code in order to add the SQL Azure connection information:

    在App.config中,编写以下代码以添加SQL Azure连接信息:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />
        <clear />
        <add name="MyConnection"
        connectionString="Server=tcp:myservertested.database.windows.net,1433;Database=sqlshack;User ID=daniel@myservertested;Password=ThisIsmyPwd123;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;" />

    The most important part of this code is the name specified (add name=”MyConnection”) because we will call this connection using that name.

    此代码最重要的部分是指定的名称(添加名称=“ MyConnection”),因为我们将使用该名称来调用此连接。

    The rest is the connection string. We are using a TCP connection to a server named myservertested.database.windows.net. The port used is the 1433 and the name of the database is sqlschack. The User used to connect is specified when the azure database was created. In this example, the user name is daniel@myservertested, the password is ThisIsmyPwed123 and the encryption is set to true and the Trust Server Certificate is set to false. The Timeout is 30 seconds.

    其余的是连接字符串。 我们正在使用TCP连接到名为myservertested.database.windows.net的服务器。 使用的端口是1433,数据库的名称是sqlschack。 创建Azure数据库时指定用于连接的用户。 在此示例中,用户名是daniel @ myservertested,密码是ThisIsmyPwed123,加密设置为true,而信任服务器证书设置为false。 超时为30秒。

  11. Now let’s add code to the button. Double click on the button to add some code:

    现在让我们向按钮添加代码。 双击按钮以添加一些代码:

    Figure 10. Adding code to the button 图10.将代码添加到按钮
  12. Write this code in order to fill the datagridview with the SQL Azure information:

    编写以下代码,以便用SQL Azure信息填充datagridview:

            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Create a connection calling the App.config
    string conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;
                //The query to use
                SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conn);
                //Create a Data Adapter
                SqlDataAdapter dadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connection);
                //Create the dataset
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                //Open the connection
      //Fill the DatSet with the adapter information                  dadapter.Fill(ds, "employees");
                //Bind the datagridview with the data set
                dgv.DataSource = ds;
                dgv.DataMember = "employees";

    Let’s analyze the code:


    string conn = 

    This line creates a string with the connection of the app.config file created on step 10. Note that the name MyConnection must match with the name of the app.config file.


    string query = &quot;SELECT * FROM employees&quot;;

    We are storing the query in a string variable.


     SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conn);

    This line is just creating a connection using the string created before.


    SqlDataAdapter dadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connection);

    The SqlDataAdapter is the bridge between SQL Server and a DataSet. We need to specify the query and connection for the SqlDataAdapter.

    SqlDataAdapter是SQL Server和数据集之间的桥梁。 我们需要为SqlDataAdapter指定查询和连接。

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();

    We are creating a DataSet here. The dataset is an in-memory cache of data retrieved from a data source

    我们在这里创建一个数据集。 数据集是从数据源检索的数据的内存中缓存

    dadapter.Fill(ds, "employees");

    In these 3 lines we are opening the connection and filling the dataset with data of the employees table.


    dgv.DataSource = ds;
    dgv.DataMember = &quot;employees&quot;;

    In these two last lines, we are assigning the dataset to the Data Grid view dgv and assigning the employees as the data members


  13. At the top of the code add these lines:


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Configuration;

    By default, only these two lines should be missing:


    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Configuration;

    These lines are used to connect to SQL Server (SQL Azure in this case) and the Configuration is used to retrieve information from the app.config file.

    这些行用于连接到SQL Server(在这种情况下为SQL Azure),并且配置用于从app.config文件中检索信息。

  14. The complete code should be like this:


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Configuration;
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            public Form1()
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Create a connection calling the App.config
                string conn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;
                //The query to use
                string query = "SELECT * FROM employees";
                SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conn);
                //Create a Data Adapter
                SqlDataAdapter dadapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, connection);
                //Create the dataset
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                //Open the connection
                //Fill the Data Adapter
                dadapter.Fill(ds, "employees");
                //Bind the datagridview with the data set
                dgv.DataSource = ds;
                dgv.DataMember = "employees";
  15. Finally, if it was not added the System.Configuration. In the Solution Explorer, go to references:

    最后,如果未添加System.Configuration。 在解决方案资源管理器中,转到参考

  16. Right click on references and select Add Reference:


  17. Select the System Configuration. This is necessary to retrieve information from the App.config file:

    选择系统配置。 这是从App.config文件中检索信息所必需的:

  18. Once you have the code done, you can start the application:


  19. Press the Fill with Azure Data and you will be able to see the SQL Azure Data:

    按“填充Azure数据”,您将能够看到SQL Azure数据:

结论 ( Conclusion )

In this new article, we created a Windows Application in a local machine that access to the Azure information. You can create applications in C#, Visual Basic J# or any other language to connect to Azure. The process is very simple once you are familiar the Azure Portal.

在这篇新文章中,我们在访问Azure信息的本地计算机上创建了Windows应用程序。 您可以使用C#,Visual Basic J#或任何其他语言创建应用程序以连接到Azure。 熟悉Azure门户后,此过程非常简单。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/how-to-connect-our-c-application-in-azure/

桌面应用程序 azure

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