azure云数据库_Microsoft Azure SQL数据库-分步创建教程


Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a managed cloud database for programmers/developers to develop their products easier due to less involvement in maintenance allowing the customer to concentrate on their products, because, most of the data maintenance or infrastructure is taken care by the cloud service providers.

Microsoft Azure SQL数据库是一个托管的云数据库,程序员/开发人员可以更轻松地开发产品,这是因为维护工作较少,使客户可以专注于他们的产品,因为大多数数据维护或基础架构都由云服务提供商来处理。

云数据库的优点: ( Advantages of a cloud database: )

  1. Elastic in nature – increase or decrease your server capacity instantly.

  2. Availability – Geo replication becomes too easier. This makes the backup strategy very easy two or three clicks.

    可用性–地理复制变得太容易了。 这使备份策略非常容易,只需单击两次或单击三下即可。
  3. Business scenario and justification:


    SQL Server 2016 Licensing costs:

    SQL Server 2016许可费用:

    SQL Server
    2016 editions
    Description or suitability of the product Licensing Details Channel availability Cost of the product (US$)
    Enterprise Comprehensive, Projects with high critical database and business intelligence requirements. The software provides high reliability and handles huge performance levels for Tier-1 workloads. Per core** Volume licensing, hosting $14,256***
    Standard Core database management functionalities and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources. Per core** Volume licensing, hosting $3,717***
    Standard Core database management functionalities and business intelligence capabilities for non-critical workloads with minimal IT resources. Server + CAL****
    (CAL – Client Access License)
    Volume licensing, hosting, retail FPP $931***
    Developer Full-featured version of SQL Server software that allows developers to cost-effectively build, test, and demonstrate applications based on SQL Server software. Per user Free download Free
    Web Secure, cost effective and highly scalable data platform for public web sites. Available to third party software service providers only. Hosting only See your hosting partner for pricing
    Express Free entry-level database that’s ideal for learning, as well as building desktop and small server data-driven applications of up to 10 GB. Free download Free
    SQL Azure Costs:
    产品说明或适用性 许可详细信息 频道可用性 产品成本(美元)
    企业 具有高关键数据库和商业智能要求的综合项目。 该软件具有很高的可靠性,并可以处理1级工作负载的巨大性能水平。 每核心** 批量许可,托管 $ 14,256 ***
    标准 核心数据库管理功能和商业智能功能,可利用最少的IT资源处理非关键工作负载。 每核心** 批量许可,托管 $ 3,717 ***
    标准 核心数据库管理功能和商业智能功能,可利用最少的IT资源处理非关键工作负载。 服务器+ CAL ****
    (CAL –客户端访问许可证)
    批量许可,托管,零售FPP 931美元***
    开发者 SQL Server软件的功能齐全的版本,使开发人员可以经济高效地构建,测试和演示基于SQL Server软件的应用程序。 每位使用者 免费下载 自由
    网页 适用于公共网站的安全,经济高效且高度可扩展的数据平台。 仅适用于第三方软件服务提供商。 仅托管 咨询您的托管合作伙伴以获取价格
    表达 免费入门级数据库,非常适合学习以及构建高达10 GB的桌面和小型服务器数据驱动的应用程序。 免费下载 自由
    SQL Azure成本:

    For basic level of SQL Azure is $4.99 per month.

    SQL Azure的基本级别为每月4.99美元。

    Business Calculations:


    For a small critical project, which lasts for 3 months of time,


    Dedicated database A user needs to buy the Standard version which costs $3,717 (USD)
    Microsoft AzureSQL Database A user can opt any other Azure model for storing the data 3 * 4.99$ = 14.97$
    Cost Savings $ 3702.03 (USD)
    专用数据库 用户需要购买收费标准版 $ 3,717(美元)
    Microsoft AzureSQL数据库 用户可以选择任何其他Azure模型来存储数据 3 * 4.99 $ = 14.97 $
    节约成本 $ 3702.03(美元)

    After 3 months, I finished my project and no need for SQL Server. If we think above the cost savings, it is really huge.

    3个月后,我完成了项目,不需要SQL Server。 如果我们认为节省成本以上,那确实是巨大的。

    Final Result : The above calculations demonstrates the advantages of Azure Computing in the modern era.


  4. The above justification clears an option of Pay as you go. How much you’ve used, pay for that.

    以上证明清除了“随用随付”选项。 您用了多少钱,为此付费。
  5. Easy firewall options to control, who can access the databases.

  6. SQL access with Virtual machines provides huge cost saving for the customers.

  7. Security patches – No need to think about updating the software’s, the cloud providers will take care of these things.

  8. Disk space – Maintaining the machine is the core part of the cloud providers. In case of disk filling, an automatic switch over of servers and everything is taken care by Microsoft.

    磁盘空间–维护计算机是云提供商的核心部分。 在磁盘填充的情况下,Microsoft将自动切换服务器和所有内容。
  9. Moving databases between different servers to handle increased load – Everything is on simple clicks and the provider will take care of rest.


SQL Azure历史记录: ( SQL Azure History: )

SQL Azure was originally announced in 2009 and released in 2010.

SQL Azure最初于2009年宣布,于2010年发布。

SQL Azure分步创建: ( SQL Azure Step by Step creation: )

Step 1 : To access or create your Azure services or database. Go to -> Microsoft Azure

步骤1:访问或创建您的Azure服务或数据库。 转到-> Microsoft Azure

Step 2 : You need a Microsoft account to login. Use your credit card for initial registration. You’ve got 3 months of free access to Azure portal and afterwards, they will charge for your usage.

步骤2:您需要一个Microsoft帐户才能登录。 使用您的信用卡进行初始注册。 您有3个月的免费访问Azure门户的权限,此后,它们将向您收取使用费。

Step 3: Once you’ve registered and your account will get activated and you can see the initial portal of your Azure platform as below.


Step 4: You are able to see the dashboard of your Azure portal as below. Some of the important portions to note down.

步骤4:可以看到如下所示的Azure门户的仪表板。 需要注意的一些重要部分。

  1. Option to create your new services

  2. List of already created available services

  3. List of datacenters in the globe for Microsoft Azure

    全球Microsoft Azure数据中心列表
  4. Support console to contact support team – You can raise your problems as tickets and the support team will respond with clear solutions – personally, I love their service

  5. Your logged in account details with logout option.

  6. Searching option for the objects and also help files.

  7. Indications near to search option. In case of any over usage of billing details everything.

    搜索选项附近的指示。 万一帐单明细化了,一切都在。
  8. Billing summary information’s.


Step 5: Click “New” and Select “Databases” and you can click “SQL Database” to create your SQL Azure database.

步骤5:单击“新建”并选择“数据库”,然后单击“ SQL数据库”以创建SQL Azure数据库。

Step 6: Once you click the SQL Database, a SQL Database blade will appear in metro style with the below list:


  1. Database Name : Name of your SQL Azure database.

    数据库名称:SQL Azure数据库的名称。
  2. Subscription Type : Under which subscription(payment model) you are trying to access or create database.

    1. Creating new resource groups

    2. Amend to the existing resource groups


    The option is yours to decide.


    List of key points to note under resource group.


    1. resource – An easily manageable item that is available through Azure. Some of the common resources are: 资源 –可通过Azure获得的易于管理的项目。 一些常见的资源是:
      • virtual machine,

      • storage account

      • web app

      • database

      • virtual network

    2. Makes our life easier, we can deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for your solution as a group instead of handling them individually.

    3. Consistency maintenance – We can repeatedly deploy solutions throughout the project lifecycle with much more confidence on our deployment which is in consistent state.

    4. We can manage our infrastructure through declarative templates rather than scripts.

    1. Whether you want to create a blank database – No tables in it.

    2. Want to create a sample database – you can see AdventureworkLT. All the tables will be placed in your database. This will be used to work out some samples or quick check on your SQL databases.

      想要创建一个示例数据库–您可以看到AdventureworkLT。 所有表都将放置在您的数据库中。 这将用于计算一些样本或快速检查您SQL数据库。
    3. Backup – Whether this database is a backup database for already created databases (if any)

    1. On selecting this option, a new blade comes right to the existing windows asking for creating a new server or you need to put it in the existing server (if any).

      • Server name

      • Server admin login

      • Password to access the server

      • Confirm password

        • Location of the server you want. (List of available data centers will be provided in the drop down. You can select the server location based on your preference)

          您想要的服务器的位置。 (可用数据中心列表将在下拉列表中提供。您可以根据自己的喜好选择服务器位置)
        • An additional option is available like, allow Azure services to access server. If you want your Azure service to access, click and enable it.

          可以使用其他选项,例如允许Azure服务访问服务器。 如果要访问您的Azure服务,请单击并启用它。
        • Click select button in the below window and finalize your option.


  • I’ve selected an option of Basic level for my SQL Azure database.

    我为我SQL Azure数据库选择了基本级别的选项。

  • Collation indicates the way, how you are going to store the data and it is bounded by a set of rules. This is really important to store a varchar or char data type or nchar or nvarchar data type. The reason is we are able to specify 归类指示方式,存储数据的方式以及受一组规则限制的数据。 这对于存储varchar或char数据类型或nchar或nvarchar数据类型非常重要。 原因是我们能够指定
    1. case-sensitivity,

    2. accent marks

    3. kana character types and

  • After selecting the collation type, If you want you can pin the database in to the dashboard for quicker access.

  • Click “Create” button. Now you SQL Azure database is ready to go.

    点击“创建”按钮。 现在,您可以使用SQL Azure数据库了。
  • Step 7: Below is the database creation blade for your reference.


    Step 8: You are able to see the database SQLShack database is created in the server sqlshackvenkat server. It is displayed in your dashboard as below,

    步骤8:您可以看到数据库SQLShack数据库是在服务器sqlshackvenkat服务器中创建的。 它显示在您的仪表板中,如下所示,

    Step 9: On clicking the newly created SQL Server “sqlshackvenkat” you are able to see all the internal details as below.

    步骤9:在单击新创建SQL Server“ sqlshackvenkat”时,您可以看到如下所有内部详细信息。

    Final Step 10: Below is the overall features and details of our SQL Azure database created.

    最终步骤10:以下是我们创建SQL Azure数据库的总体功能和详细信息。







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