SQL Server Management Studio 2016的新功能–滚动条

One of the new enhancements in SQL Server Management Studio 2016 (SSMS) is the Scroll Bars tab, in which can be set various of settings for vertical scroll bar.

SQL Server Management Studio 2016(SSMS)的新增强功能之一是“ 滚动条”选项卡,在其中可以设置垂直滚动条的各种设置。

In the older versions of SSMS the only scroll bar settings that can be set is to turn on/off the horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar. These options were located in the General tab under the Text Editor node in the Options window:

在旧版本的SSMS中,唯一可以设置的滚动条设置是打开/关闭水平和/或垂直滚动​​条。 这些选项位于“ 选项”窗口中“ 文本编辑器”节点下的“ 常规”选项卡中:

SSMS 2016 provides many more options related to the vertical scroll bar:

SSMS 2016提供了更多与垂直滚动条相关的选项:

To open the Scroll Bars tab, go to the Tools menu, choose the Options command. In the Options window that appears, select the All Languages node, which is under the Text Editor node. In the All Languages node among others tabs will appear the Scroll Bars tab:

要打开“ 滚动条”选项卡,请转到“ 工具”菜单,选择“ 选项”命令。 在出现的“ 选项”窗口中,选择“ 文本编辑器”节点下的“ 所有语言 节点。 在“ 所有语言”节点的其他选项卡中,将出现“ 滚动条”选项卡:

Another way to open the Scroll Bars tab is via vertical scroll bar in the query window. Right-click on the vertical scroll bar and from the popup menu, choose the Scroll Bar Options:

打开“ 滚动条”选项卡的另一种方法是通过查询窗口中的垂直滚动条。 右键单击垂直滚动条,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ 滚动条选项”:

The first two options in the Scroll Bars tab are for turning on/off the horizontal/vertical scroll bars in the query window. By default, these two options are turned on:

滚动条”选项卡中的前两个选项用于打开/关闭查询窗口中的水平/垂直滚动条。 默认情况下,这两个选项是打开的:

显示 (Display)

The Display section allows turning on/off annotations, which will be shown throughout the entire script within the vertical scroll bar:


There are four annotations that can occur on the vertical scroll bar:


Every annotation has its own color with which appears on the vertical scroll bar.


The Show changes annotation tracks all changes in the script. The Show changes annotation has two color yellow and the green for tracking changes. The green color indicates that none changes were made in the script:

显示更改注释可跟踪脚本中的所有更改。 显示更改注解有两种颜色,黄色和绿色用于跟踪更改。 绿色表示脚本中未进行任何更改:

If some changes were made in the script a yellow color will appear on the vertical scroll bar indicates where the changes occur:


The Show marks shows locations of the breakpoints in the script and purple square will appear on the vertical bar:


The Show errors shows locations in the script where syntax errors occur and in the vertical scroll bar will be shown as a red square:


The Show caret position displays the current location of the cursor in relation to the entire script. The Show caret position is displayed as a blue horizontal line in the vertical scroll bar:

显示插入符位置显示光标相对于整个脚本的当前位置。 显示插入符位置在垂直滚动条中显示为蓝色水平线:

The vertical scroll bar has two modes which are located in the Behavior section:

垂直滚动条有两个模式,位于“ 行为”部分:

By default, the Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar is enabled when SSMS is installed. The bar mode displays annotation on the scroll bar as shown in the images above. To preview code with the vertical scroll bar, the mode must be changed to Use map mode for vertical scroll bar:

默认情况下,在安装SSMS时启用“ 垂直滚动条使用条模式” 。 条形模式在滚动条上显示注释,如上图所示。 要使用垂直滚动条预览代码,必须将模式更改为“ 将地图模式用于垂直滚动条”

There are four options to control the width of the scroll bar and are located under the Source Overview combo box:

有四个选项可控制滚动条的宽度,它们位于“ 源概述”组合框下方:

Here how the vertical scroll bar looks like when choose one of the options from the Source Overview:

从“ 源代码概述”中选择以下选项之一时,垂直滚动条的外观如下:

When the Use map mode for vertical scroll bar is active, the annotations will be displayed as well.

启用将地图模式用于垂直滚动条时 ,也会显示注释。

With the Show Preview Tooltip option under the Behavior section:

使用“ 行为”部分下的“ 显示预览工具提示”选项:

The code preview that appears when hover over the portion of the vertical scroll bar can be turned off/on:


Another improvement is the Scroll Here option. Right click on the desired location in the vertical scroll bar and from the popup menu choose the Scroll Here option:

另一个改进是“在此处滚动”选项。 右键单击垂直滚动条中的所需位置,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ 滚动此处”选项:

The chosen location will be displayed:


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/new-feature-in-sql-server-management-studio-2016-scroll-bar/





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