devops server_开始使用SQL Server DevOps工具构建应用程序

devops server

This article is part of the SQL Server Tools series, aimed at giving you an idea of the available tools and techniques to build applications using SQL Server tools. The first article of the series covers the rudimentary DevOps concepts and discusses on a high level, the overview of SQL Server tools that can be piped for DevOps operations.

本文是SQL Server工具系列的一部分,旨在向您提供使用SQL Server工具构建应用程序的可用工具和技术的概念。 该系列的第一篇文章介绍了基本的DevOps概念,并在较高级别上讨论了可用于DevOps操作SQL Server工具概述。

In this article, I will explore various SQL tools. I will be discussing in detail about each of the following tools in the upcoming articles:

在本文中,我将探索各种SQL工具。 在接下来的文章中,我将详细讨论以下每个工具:

  1. Sqlcmd

  2. Bcp

  3. SqlPackage

  4. MSSQL-Scripter

  5. Azure Data Studio


For the first installment of this new series I will give you an overview of DevOps and highlight how SQL Server tools helps.

在这个新系列的第一部分中,我将为您提供DevOps的概述,并重点介绍SQL Server工具如何提供帮助。

The recent trends under the umbrella of DevOps (Development and Operations) led to the birth of various new techniques to fulfill the complexities of today’s needs through Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) over a wide range of diverse enterprise applications. DevOps is a combination of two teams — development as well as operations — and it’s a whole new value stream for delivery. There is a direct correlation between automation of software delivery processes and success with customers.

在DevOps(开发和运营)的保护下,最近的趋势催生了各种新技术的诞生,这些新技术通过在各种企业应用程序中进行持续集成(CI)和持续部署(CD)来满足当今需求的复杂性。 DevOps由两个团队(开发和运营)组成,是交付的全新价值流。 软件交付流程的自动化与客户的成功之间有着直接的联系。

In today’s world, various technologies and complex applications, a myriad of database systems, and several underlying data virtualization platforms require continuous effort in adopting a well-defined process of release management. Having the right tools and practices in place enables you to make the most of your DevOps automation process.

在当今世界,各种技术和复杂的应用程序,无数的数据库系统以及几个基础的数据虚拟化平台都需要不断努力以采用定义明确的发布管理过程。 有了正确的工具和实践,您可以充分利用DevOps自动化流程。

DevOps is the probably the most popular solution which has now become a cultural shift on how the Development and Operations teams can work together in order to meet the paradigm shift. DevOps is one of the most viable options to improve the Time to Market and cope with a large number of release cycles. Cross-coupling development and operations with agile processes or methods simplify the process of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. It increases the efficiency and reduces (and sometimes eliminates) the risk factors involved in the process.

DevOps可能是最受欢迎的解决方案,现已成为发展和运营团队如何协同工作以应对范式转变的文化转变。 DevOps是缩短上市时间并应对大量发布周期的最可行选择之一。 敏捷流程或方法之间的交叉开发和操作简化了持续集成和持续部署的过程。 它提高了效率并减少(有时消除了)过程中涉及的风险因素。

In a nutshell, DevOps is the process by which you deliver value to your client or your customers by ensuring that you continuously collaborate with all the connected teams, extending the potential of being agile. In other words, it is a process by which you meet, decide what you want, develop the application, build it, test it, receive feedback, decide on what expectations you want to meet, develop the capability, build it, test it, deploy it, then receive feedback

简而言之,DevOps是确保您与所有连接的团队持续协作,扩展敏捷潜力的过程,可为您的客户或客户提供价值。 换句话说,这是一个您满足,决定想要的东西,开发应用程序,构建,测试,接收反馈,决定要满足的期望,开发能力,构建,测试,部署它,然后接收反馈

This process improves the value delivered by decreasing the cycle time, finding out potential issues and fixing them early. Databases are an integral part of most enterprise-grade applications. And ensuring that our databases are DevOps capable is an important aspect of delivering a good product. The one thing that we have learnt is that going cross-platform is very important in order to make DevOps a success — Microsoft realizes this as well.

该过程通过减少周期时间,发现潜在问题并及早解决这些问题来提高交付的价值。 数据库是大多数企业级应用程序不可或缺的一部分。 确保我们的数据库支持DevOps是交付优质产品的重要方面。 我们了解到的一件事是,跨平台对于使DevOps取得成功非常重要-微软也意识到这一点。

In the market, already there are many cross-platform tools available to manage SQL Server databases, such as:

在市场上,已经有许多可用于管理SQL Server数据库的跨平台工具,例如:

  1. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

    SQL Server管理Studio(SSMS)
  2. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

    SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)
  3. PowerShell

  4. Sqlcmd

  5. Bcp

  6. Sqlpackage

  7. Mssql-conf

  8. Mssql-scripter

  9. DMV Tool

  10. Azure Data Studio (ADS)

  11. Visual Studio


Among above SQL tools, the following tools also fall into the DevOps Category — these tools have DevOps capabilities:


  1. Sqlcmd

  2. Bcp

  3. Sqlpackage

  4. Mssql-scripter

  5. Azure Data Studio


We’ll introduce ourselves to these tools in this article, and dive deeper into each of them in upcoming articles.


Sqlcmd (Sqlcmd )

sqlcmd.exe is a powerful SQL Server command line utility for ad-hoc query execution. It’s an interactive tool which allows the user to enter T-SQL, call Stored Procedures, and execute script files in one of the following modes:

sqlcmd.exe是用于临时查询执行的功能强大SQL Server命令行实用工具。 它是一个交互式工具,允许用户以下列方式之一输入T-SQL,调用存储过程并执行脚本文件:

  1. Execute sqlcmd at the command prompt

  2. Use SQLCMD query editor in SSMS

  3. Integrate sqlcmd in dynamic SQL and execute it using SSMS

  4. As a Windows Batch script file

  5. In the SQL Server agent job step as an operating system command, cmd.exe

    在作为操作系统命令SQL Server代理作业步骤中,cmd.exe

Sqlcmd is a now-cross-platform tool available for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It comes in handy for SQL administrators, developers and DevOps specialists in handling several SQL-related tasks. It provides us with an interface to run ad-hoc queries on multiple instances of the SQL Server, creating output for T-SQL statements or creating automation scripts for repetitive tasks. This utility can be leveraged to schedule database jobs like backup and restore operations through the use of T-SQL scripts. This will simplify database management in a DevOps pipeline.

Sqlcmd是现在可用于Linux,Windows和MacOS的跨平台工具。 它对SQL管理员,开发人员和DevOps专家非常有用,可以处理一些与SQL有关的任务。 它为我们提供了一个接口,可在SQL Server的多个实例上运行即席查询,为T-SQL语句创建输出,或为重复性任务创建自动化脚本。 通过使用T-SQL脚本,可以利用此实用程序来计划数据库作业,例如备份和还原操作。 这将简化DevOps管道中的数据库管理。

执行程序 (BCP.EXE)

This tool is used to copy data between SQL instances in a specified format or using a SQL query. It is also available on Linux, Windows and MacOS, since it is installed with SQLCMD. The BCP utility can be used to import large of rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files, which makes DevOps data movement operations seamless. The process can be automated through the command line and can handle schema changes using a format file.

该工具用于以指定格式或使用SQL查询在SQL实例之间复制数据。 由于它与SQLCMD一起安装,因此在Linux,Windows和MacOS上也可用。 BCP实用程序可用于将大量行导入到SQL Server表中,或将数据从表中导出到数据文件中,从而使DevOps数据移动操作无缝进行。 该过程可以通过命令行自动执行,并且可以使用格式文件处理架构更改。

SqlPackage.exe (SqlPackage.exe)

The SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) in-houses the SqlPackage, a cross-platform SQL tool for continuous integration and deployment. Continuous integration and deployment have become a platform for the modern day application development.

SQL Server数据工具(SSDT)内置了SqlPackage,这是一种用于持续集成和部署的跨平台SQL工具。 持续的集成和部署已成为现代应用程序开发的平台。

This tool is powerful enough to handle a development environment comprising of SQL Server, Azure SQL database and Azure SQL Data warehouse.

此工具功能强大,足以处理由SQL Server,Azure SQL数据库和Azure SQL数据仓库组成的开发环境。

MSSQL脚本 (MSSQL-Scripter)

The mssql-scripter is an open source cross-platform command line tool. This command-line tool is used for scripting SQL Server database objects and data. It’s very similar to the Generate Scripts Wizard in SSMS with a wide range of options.

mssql-scripter是一个开放源代码的跨平台命令行工具。 此命令行工具用于为SQL Server数据库对象和数据编写脚本。 它与SSMS中的“生成脚本向导”非常相似,具有多种选择。

The one of the major challenges faced nowadays in SDLC lifecycle is development and deployment. As the applications are deployed by moving various pieces of the SQL code between several versions, configurations, editions, and sometimes even different platforms, the process becomes a daunting task. I feel that scripting is the best way to address many of such scenarios.

SDLC生命周期中当今面临的主要挑战之一是开发和部署。 在通过在多个版本,配置,版本以及有时甚至在不同平台之间移动各种SQL代码来部署应用程序时,该过程成为一项艰巨的任务。 我认为脚本是解决许多此类情况的最佳方法。

Azure数据工作室 (Azure Data Studio)

Microsoft Azure Data Studio is a new GUI-based lightweight tool for developing and managing your modern SQL databases. The tool resembles Microsoft’s lightweight code editor — the open source Visual Studio Code — in terms of functionalities and the UI in general. If you’ve used Visual Studio Code (or VS Code), you’d feel at home with Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio also integrates really well other products like Azure SQL Database and Data Warehouse. The Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform tool available for Linux, Windows, and Mac to manage the SQL Server databases. You can go ahead and download the Microsoft Azure Data Studio to try it out!

Microsoft Azure Data Studio是一个新的基于GUI的轻量级工具,用于开发和管理现代SQL数据库。 就功能和UI而言,该工具类似于Microsoft的轻量级代码编辑器(开源的Visual Studio Code) 。 如果您使用过Visual Studio Code(或VS Code),那么Azure Data Studio会让您感到宾至如归。 Azure Data Studio还可以很好地集成其他产品,例如Azure SQL数据库和数据仓库。 Azure Data Studio是可用于Linux,Windows和Mac来管理SQL Server数据库的跨平台工具。 您可以继续下载Microsoft Azure Data Studio进行尝试!

摘要 (Summary)

Microsoft has provided a platform and tools to manage modern data applications. The focus of this series are to help the DBAs to give the glimpse of currently available SQL Server DevOps tools.

Microsoft提供了一个平台和工具来管理现代数据应用程序。 本系列的重点是帮助DBA简要了解当前可用SQL Server DevOps工具。

  1. Sqlcmd – Overview of SQLCMD utility in SQL Server

    Sqlcmd – SQL Server中SQLCMD实用工具概述
  2. Bcp – BCP (Bulk Copy Program) in Action

    Bcp –实施中的BCP(大容量复制程序)
  3. SqlPackage – Continuous Deployment using SQL Server Tools SqlPackage.exe

    SqlPackage –使用SQL Server工具SqlPackage.exe进行连续部署
  4. MSSQL-Scripter – SQL Server cross-platform MSSQL-Scripter scripting Tool

    MSSQL-Scripter – SQL Server跨平台MSSQL-Scripter脚本编写工具
  5. Azure Data Studio – Getting started with Azure Data Studio (ADS)

    Azure Data Studio – Azure Data Studio(ADS)入门

目录 (Table of contents)

Getting started building applications using SQL Server DevOps Tools
Overview of SQLCMD utility in SQL Server
The BCP (Bulk Copy Program) command in action
Continuous Database Delivery (CD) using SQL Server Tools SqlPackage.exe
All about MSSQL-Scripter, the SQL Server cross-platform scripting Tool
Getting started with Azure Data Studio (ADS); initial installation and configuration
开始使用SQL Server DevOps工具构建应用程序
SQL Server中SQLCMD实用工具概述
使用SQL Server工具SqlPackage.exe的连续数据库传递(CD)
有关MSSQL-Scripter(SQL Server跨平台脚本工具)的全部信息
Azure Data Studio(ADS)入门; 初始安装和配置


devops server





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