

In the first article I wrote on how to create a SCRUM-based, sprint burn down in Excel, How to create an advanced sprint burn down chart in Excel, I showed how to easily set up a conventional burn-down with effort points as a percent, to create a pretty nice looking burn down chart, just by entering the IDs of each completed PBI on the date that it was finished.

在第一篇文章中,我写了关于如何在Excel中创建基于SCRUM的sprint精简, 如何在Excel 中创建高级sprint精简图的文章 ,我展示了如何轻松地将传统的精简设置与努力点结合在一起。百分比,只需在完成日期输入每个完成的PBI的ID,就可以创建一个外观漂亮的燃尽图。

In this spreadsheet, though, we’ll look at another kind of sprint. Think of a goal to go to the gym for an hour every day, or to burn 500 calories a day, or to complete your daily deliverable task every day. In this spread sheet, we’ll track adherence to that goal, whether it is a variable amount like 400 or 450 calories or a Boolean, “yes” I completed my task today or “no” I didn’t.

不过,在此电子表格中,我们将研究另一种冲刺。 想想一个目标,每天去健身房一个小时,或者每天燃烧500卡路里,或者每天完成您的日常可交付任务。 在此电子表格中,我们将跟踪遵守该目标的情况,无论是可变量(例如400或450卡卡路里)还是布尔值,“是”我今天完成任务或“否”我没有完成。

卡路里燃烧 (Calorie burn)

In the first case, we’ll set up a sprint where you commit yourself to go to the gym and burn off 500 calories a day on the elliptical machine.


Let’s set some basic parameters of this sprint


  • Units per day is the daily goal, in this case 500 calories

  • th

Now, each day enter in the number of calories burned and your progress will be tracked on the burn down graph


With this type of sprint, in theory, you can make up for lost calories by burning more on a subsequent day and try to “catch up” as shown in the graph below


每日可交付成果 (Daily deliverables)

Now let’s look at a scenario where you simply want to track if you have done your daily deliverable or not. The unit would be “1”. Then each day, you would enter “1” if you did it and “0” if you didn’t.

现在,让我们看一个场景,您只想跟踪是否已完成日常交付。 单位为“ 1”。 然后每天,如果输入,则输入“ 1”,否则输入“ 0”。

A daily deliverable is the one, and only one task, that you need to do every day. It is the frog you must eat

每日可交付成果是您每天需要完成的一项任务,也是唯一一项任务。 这是你必须吃青蛙

You can “cheat” and do two daily deliverables in a day, if you missed doing one on a previous day, but this isn’t a good practice. The goal is to do one every day. Don’t think you can miss one and then catch up later as they key is consistency. As such, the best you can do is match your projected graph. In this sprint below, we fell a little short. Here is what our input data looks like

如果您错过了前一天的一项工作,则可以每天“作弊”并每天进行两次交付,但这不是一个好习惯。 目标是每天做一次。 不要以为你会错过一个,然后再追赶,因为它们的关键是一致性。 因此,您所能做的最好就是匹配您的投影图。 在下面的此冲刺中,我们有所欠缺。 这是我们的输入数据的样子

… and here is the burn down graph itself


周末 (Weekends)

The spreadsheet is smart enough to skip weekends but it does assume you will be doing the activity Monday – Friday. If not, you may need to modify the dates manually

该电子表格足够聪明,可以跳过周末,但是它确实假设您将在星期一至星期五进行这项活动。 如果没有,您可能需要手动修改日期

Clean burndown graphs


If you want to have a clean burn-down graph with no flat-lines that go to the end, that looks like this


Not this


… you will need to only have data in the actual column for days that have been entered. All other cells should be empty. Each time you enter in a data value, just copy down one cell formula in the “Actual” column. This is an extra step but will make your burndown look nicer

…您只需要在实际列中输入已输入天的数据。 所有其他单元格应为空。 每次输入数据值时,只需在“实际”列中复制一个单元格公式即可。 这是一个额外的步骤,但会使您的燃尽看起来更好

缩短或延长冲刺 (Shortening or lengthening the sprint)

If you want to add days to your sprint, highlight the last full row


Then drag it down to the number of days you want to add


Then click on the graph and all of the data regions will be selected automatically


Then drag down the right bottom corner of the right-most region to cover your new data rows


To shorten the sprint, just reverse the process


摘要 (Summary)

I hope you find this spread-sheet useful. I use it on a daily basis to track my personal sprints for exercise and frog eating, and it always keeps me on target

我希望您发现此电子表格有用。 我每天使用它来跟踪我的个人冲刺,以进行运动和吃青蛙,它始终使我保持目标

下载 (Download)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/eating-the-frog-how-to-create-a-daily-deliverable-sprint-burn-down-graph-in-excel/






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