SQL Server Junior Database Administrator方案相关的访谈问答

In this article, we will discuss a number of questions that you may be asked when applying to a junior SQL Server database administrator (DBA) position.

在本文中,我们将讨论在申请初级SQL Server数据库管理员(DBA)职位时可能会遇到的许多问题。

Q1: Working as a SQL Server database administrator, A SQL Server developer asked you to allow him to view the code definition of the stored procedures in one database. Which permission should you grant him?

问题1:作为SQL Server数据库管理员,一名SQL Server开发人员要求您允许他查看一个数据库中存储过程的代码定义。 您应该授予他哪种许可?

View definition.


Q2: During your absence, you ask one of your colleagues to terminate a specific session if it takes more than one hour. To which Fixed Server-Level role should you add his account to perform that task?

问题2:在您缺席期间,如果您的会议花费了一个多小时,您会要求一位同事终止特定的会议。 您应该将他的帐户添加到哪个固定服务器级别角色来执行该任务?



Q3: A SQL development engineer claims that each time he tries to run a BULK INSERT statement, the query failed with permission related error. To which Fixed Server-Level role should you add that engineer to allow him to execute the BULK INSERT statement?

问题3:SQL开发工程师声称,每次尝试运行BULK INSERT语句时,查询都会失败,并显示与权限相关的错误。 您应该为该工程师添加哪个固定服务器级别角色,以允许他执行BULK INSERT语句?



Q4: While trying to assign tasks to the new database administration team engineers, you ask one of the engineers to run a DBCC CHECKDB command to check the consistency of a user database. What server scoped permissions should you grants to that engineer in order to perform that task?

Q4:在尝试向新的数据库管理团队工程师分配任务时,您要求其中一位工程师运行DBCC CHECKDB命令来检查用户数据库的一致性。 您应授予该工程师什么服务器范围权限才能执行该任务?

Alter Server State


Q5: A request received from the development team to grant permission for a specific service account that will create a new database in the SQL Server instance at the first application launch. Which permission should be granted to the service account to achieve that?

Q5:从开发团队收到的授予特定服务帐户权限的请求,该请求将在首次启动应用程序时在SQL Server实例中创建一个新数据库。 应该为服务帐户授予哪个权限以实现此目的?



Q6: As a SQL Server database administrator, you are planning to perform the multiple tasks with the minimum effort performed by your team. These tasks involve scheduling a backup plan for all user databases, checking the databases consistency once a week, and maintaining the indexes during the weekend. How could you achieve that?

Q6:作为一名SQL Server数据库管理员,您计划以最少的工作量执行多项任务。 这些任务涉及为所有用户数据库安排备份计划,每周检查一次数据库一致性以及在周末维护索引。 你怎么能做到?

Creating Maintenance plans.


Q7: After creating a list of linked servers, you need to leave and ask one of your colleagues to test and reconfigure these linked servers in case there is anything incorrect. Which permission should you grant the engineer to perform that task?

问题7:在创建链接服务器列表之后,您需要离开并请一位同事测试并重新配置这些链接服务器,以防万一有任何不正确的地方。 您应授予工程师执行该任务的权限?



Q8: You are managing the permission of the new database administration team. To which fixed server role should you add the SQL Server database administrators in order to be able to perform any action on the server?

Q8:您正在管理新的数据库管理团队的许可。 您应该向哪个固定服务器角色添加SQL Server数据库管理员,以便能够在服务器上执行任何操作?



Q9: You asked one of your colleagues from the database administration team to execute a script that checks the blocking chain by querying a number of dynamic management objects. Which server scoped permissions should you grant that engineer to be able to execute this script?

Q9:您要求数据库管理团队的一位同事执行脚本,该脚本通过查询许多动态管理对象来检查阻塞链。 您应授予该工程师哪个服务器范围的权限,使其能够执行此脚本?

View Server State


Q10: Working as a SQL Server database administrator, you are planning to track and audit all logon operations at your SQL Server. Which type of triggers can you take advantage of to achieve that?

Q10:作为SQL Server数据库管理员,您计划跟踪和审核SQL Server上的所有登录操作。 您可以利用哪种触发器来实现这一目标?

LOGON trigger


Q11: Which tool can you use to check the performance-related information about CPU times, logins and Disk I/O on your SQL Server instance?

Q11:您可以使用哪个工具来检查与SQL Server实例上的CPU时间,登录名和磁盘I / O有关的性能相关信息?

Activity Monitor from the SQL Server Management Studio.

SQL Server Management Studio中的活动监视器。

Q12: As a SQL Server database administrator you are responsible for securing your SQL Server environment. Part of this task, you need to choose the security protocol that will be used to manage the security policies such as strong passwords, account locking, and password expiration. Which authentication protocol will you use?

问题12:作为SQL Server数据库管理员,您负责保护SQL Server环境。 此任务的一部分,您需要选择将用于管理安全策略的安全协议,例如强密码,帐户锁定和密码到期。 您将使用哪种身份验证协议?

Kerberos Authentication protocol.


Q13: The managed codes are .NET codes that are used to write any complex procedure or function that cannot be performed using the T-SQL language. After building that code, which permission should be granted to that assembly in order to allow the code to access local and network resources, registry and environment variables?

Q13:托管代码是.NET代码,用于编写无法使用T-SQL语言执行的任何复杂过程或函数。 构建该代码后,应授予该程序集哪个权限,以允许该代码访问本地和网络资源,注册表和环境变量?



Q14: During the backup job configuration, it is recommended to ensure that the backup file is valid and will be successfully restored without any errors. Which backup option should be used to achieve that?

Q14:在备份作业配置过程中,建议确保备份文件有效并且可以成功还原而没有任何错误。 应该使用哪个备份选项来实现?



Q15: Working as SQL Server database administrator, you are planning to recover a user database to the Tuesday 7:15 AM point in time, before the database becomes corrupted.

Q15:作为SQL Server数据库管理员,您计划将用户数据库恢复到星期二上午7:15的时间点,即数据库损坏之前。

The full backup is taken every Friday.


The Differential backup is taken every day at 12 AM.


The Transaction Log backup is taken every one hour. And the last log backup file has taken at 7 AM on Tuesday.

每隔一小时进行一次事务日志备份。 最后一个日志备份文件是在星期二的上午7点。

How could you restore that database?


  1. Take a tail-log backup to cover the changes on Tuesday between 7 AM and 7:15 AM

  2. Restore the Full backup using the NORECOVERY option

  3. Restore the differential backup taken on Tuesday using the NORECOVERY option

  4. Restore the Transaction Log backups starting from the file taken Tuesday 12 AM till 7 AM and the tail log backup file, where all files will be restored with NORECOVERY except for the last file that will be restored with RECOVERY


Q16: You are working as a SQL Server database administrator on a company. After restarting one of the SQL Servers, the SQL service cannot be brought online as the driver where the tempdb database is stored fails. How could you start the SQL Server service?

问题16:您正在公司中担任SQL Server数据库管理员。 重新启动其中一台SQL Server之后,由于存储tempdb数据库的驱动程序发生故障,因此SQL服务无法联机。 您如何启动SQL Server服务?

Start SQL Server in minimal configuration mode

以最小配置模式启动SQL Server

Q17: You are a SQL Server database administrator in a company. One of your tasks is adding another disk drive to your FCI for the SQL Server cluster site.

Q17:您是公司中SQL Server数据库管理员。 您的任务之一是向SQL Server群集站点的FCI添加另一个磁盘驱动器。

Which windows tool should you use to perform that?


Failover Cluster Manager


Q18: Assume that you have a data warehouse database that contains 15 large database data files. Which Backup operation should you use to take a backup from that database, taking into consideration that they are writing to 3 database data files only?

Q18:假设您有一个包含15个大型数据库数据文件的数据仓库数据库。 考虑到它们仅写入3个数据库数据文件,应使用哪个备份操作从该数据库进行备份?

File Backup operation


Q19: While trying to take backup for a database, you need to ensure that all backup sets will be overwritten. Which backup option should you use to achieve that?

问题19:在尝试备份数据库时,需要确保所有备份集都将被覆盖。 您应该使用哪个备份选项来实现?



Q20: You are using the Always Encrypted technique for encryption of your critical data and prevent the SQL Server database administrators from viewing it. Always Encrypted supports both Deterministic and Randomized encryption types. Which encryption option is more secure?

Q20:您正在使用始终加密的技术来加密您的关键数据,并阻止SQL Server数据库管理员查看它。 始终加密支持确定性和随机加密类型。 哪个加密选项更安全?

Randomized Encryption


翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-junior-database-administrator-scenario-related-interview-questions-and-answers/





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