SQL Server向数字化转型挑战的演进

In a data-driven world, where every second see a transfer of billions of pieces of data, enterprises are focused on making the access to data fluid and capable of being accessed on demand on a myriad of devices. Leveraging these capabilities to deliver better business results is now the prime focus. Information Technology is no more what it has been. What the web saw during the dot-com boom is what enterprise data is seeing now. Social, mobile, analytics, cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things… They’ve been enabling organizations to scale.

在数据驱动的世界中,每一秒钟都能看到数十亿条数据的传输,企业专注于使对数据的访问变得流畅,并能够按需在众多设备上进行访问。 现在,将重点放在利用这些功能来提供更好的业务成果上。 信息技术已不复存在。 在互联网泡沫时期,网络所看到的就是企业数据所看到的。 社交,移动,分析,云,大数据,物联网……它们使组织能够扩展。

Does the SQL Server 2017 umbrella have all or some of these core components? Let’s take a look at whether SQL Server 2017 can scale to satisfy the requirements of today’s emerging technologies.

SQL Server 2017伞是否具有全部或部分这些核心组件? 让我们看一下SQL Server 2017是否可以扩展以满足当今新兴技术的要求。

Now that Microsoft has released SQL Server 2017, customers will be able to port to SQL Server 2017 production workloads running on Windows, Linux, and Docker containers.

现在,Microsoft已发布SQL Server 2017,客户将能够移植到Windows,Linux和Docker容器上运行SQL Server 2017生产工作负载。

The most recent leap in the evolution of SQL Server has been the most significant one in the last two decades. And the commercial partners have had a major role to play in making SQL Server 2016 the most technically successful upgrade. Microsoft introduced several new capabilities, enhanced the existing ones and managed to minimize downtime and maximize performance and data protection. It has emerged as one of the best relational database players over the last two decades on Windows platforms. As a result, database administrators (DBAs) have a number of options to choose from to help them ensure continuous access to mission-critical data while meeting availability levels according to service level agreements (SLAs). Carrying the same spirit, we will discuss a wide range of information about the footsteps in the arenas of SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud), in this article.

SQL Server发展的最新飞跃是过去二十年来最重要的飞跃。 商业伙伴在使SQL Server 2016成为技术上最成功的升级中起着重要作用。 Microsoft引入了几项新功能,增强了现有功能,并设法最大程度地减少了停机时间并最大化了性能和数据保护。 在过去的二十年中,它已成为Windows平台上最佳的关系数据库播放器之一。 因此,数据库管理员(DBA)有许多选项可供选择,以帮助他们确保连续访问关键任务数据,同时根据服务级别协议(SLA)满足可用性级别。 秉承同样的精神,我们将在本文中讨论有关SMAC(社交,移动,分析和云)领域足迹的广泛信息。

Social, mobile, analytics and cloud are now the prime focus of several enterprises. Businesses are seeing a paradigm shift, as we already saw. And it’s no flash news. Enterprises are now able to drive huge amounts of data. Crunching this data enables businesses to make wiser decisions, which are real-time, and data-based. And following are some data points that show us the kind of paradigm shift SMAC have brought.

社交,移动,分析和云现在是几家企业的主要关注点。 正如我们已经看到的,企业正在看到一种范式转变。 而且这不是即时新闻。 企业现在可以驱动大量数据。 处理这些数据使企业能够基于数据实时地做出更明智的决策。 以下是一些数据点,向我们展示了SMAC带来的范式转变。

  1. Huge Big Data investments

  2. 81% of companies understand the importance of data for improving efficiency and business performance.

  3. The growth of the NoSQL market

  4. The humongous volume of structured and unstructured data generation


Let’s see how the evolution of the SQL Server has helped address some of these complex challenges.

让我们看看SQL Server的发展如何帮助解决了一些复杂的挑战。

The last eighteen months has been a great journey for Microsoft. The level at which its really transforming its product as a real game changer is the key and success of Microsoft.

过去的18个月对于Microsoft来说是一段伟大的旅程。 微软将其产品真正转变为真正的游戏规则改变者的水平和成功是微软的关键和成功。

And Microsoft did not leave any stone unturned to ensure that they ride the wave well. They made some unexpected and even revolutionary decisions such introducing SQL Server for Linux. More such examples would be the adoption of R and Python, going all out and diving into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Cortana. And the fact that Cortana is one of the most progressive and efficient the world has ever seen is no secret. It’s constantly improved on Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing and has spread its wings to cover the company’s cloud services, business software offerings, and consumer products.

微软并没有竭尽全力确保他们顺风顺水。 他们做出了一些意想不到的甚至是革命性的决定,例如引入了SQL Server for Linux。 更多此类示例将是R和Python的采用,全力以赴,并通过Cortana深入研究人工智能和机器学习。 而且,Cortana是世界上有史以来最先进,最高效的公司之一,这已不是什么秘密。 它在机器学习和认知计算方面不断改进,并扩展了其业务范围,涵盖了公司的云服务,商业软件产品和消费类产品。

And now, it’s SQL Server’s turn. The way the SQL Server 2017 is evolving as an independent platform to serve as a core enterprise solution by covering the various pieces of technology such as Big Data, Data Science, Cloud, Mobility and Social platforms is great.

现在,轮到SQL Server了。 通过覆盖大数据,数据科学,云,移动性和社交平台等各种技术,SQL Server 2017作为独立平台发展为核心企业解决方案的方式非常出色。

After working with SQL Server for 12 years, I can see that SQL Server now has various built-in capabilities to handle a huge volume of data. The features such as In-Memory OLTP, a memory optimized technology, provides a platform to combine the data with the right data analytical tool in order to generate real-time reports. It ensures that almost near-real-time operational analytical data processing can be seamlessly handled.

在使用SQL Server十二年之后,我可以看到SQL Server现在具有各种内置功能来处理大量数据。 内存中的OLTP(一种内存优化技术)等功能提供了一个平台,可将数据与正确的数据分析工具进行组合,以生成实时报告。 它确保可以无缝处理几乎实时的操作分析数据处理。

Big Data


SQL Server PolyBase is a feature that aligns with Big Data. It’s a fantastic piece of technology that allows users to seamlessly integrate relational and non-relational data. It acts as a bridge between SQL and Hadoop. PolyBase supports most of the currently available Hadoop clusters. This feature has been available for Analytics Platform System (APS) and SQL Data Warehouse (SQL DW) for some time, and fortunately, it has finally made its way to SQL Server 2016.

SQL Server PolyBase是与大数据保持一致的功能。 这是一项了不起的技术,它允许用户无缝集成关系数据和非关系数据。 它充当SQL和Hadoop之间的桥梁。 PolyBase支持大多数当前可用的Hadoop群集。 一段时间以来,此功能已可用于Analytics Platform System(APS)和SQL Data Warehouse(SQL DW),而且幸运的是,它终于进入了SQL Server 2016。



Today, when the traditional relational database systems like SQL and non-traditional database systems like NoSQL can very easily coexist, and even complement each other, enterprises need to focus on building an expertise in the Big Data space, while keeping in mind the database systems available to us. They’ve already had decades of practice designing and managing SQL databases that emphasize on storage efficiency and referential integrity. However, fast data access has not been among their primary strengths. Quick data access is important in building cloud-based applications that deliver real-time value to the users. Therefore, query-optimized modeling is the new watchword when it comes to supporting today’s fast delivery, iterative, and real-time applications.

如今,当像SQL这样的传统关系数据库系统与像NoSQL这样的非传统数据库系统可以很容易地共存甚至互补时,企业需要在关注数据库系统的同时专注于在大数据领域建立专业知识。提供给我们。 他们已经进行了数十年的设计和管理SQL数据库的实践,这些数据库着重于存储效率和参照完整性。 但是,快速数据访问并不是它们的主要优势。 快速数据访问对于构建可为用户提供实时价值的基于云的应用程序非常重要。 因此,在支持当今的快速交付,迭代和实时应用程序时,查询优化的建模成为新的口号。

SQL on Linux


SQL Server’s portability on third party clouds and using Docker store is now seamless. The Microsoft SQL Server Docker image can be mounted and used, just by starting a container; we don’t even have to have SQL Server installed on our machines anymore.

SQL Server在第三方云上和使用Docker存储库的可移植性现在是无缝的。 只需启动一个容器即可安装和使用Microsoft SQL Server Docker映像。 我们甚至不必再在计算机上安装SQL Server。

SQL server on Linux has various advantages. Microsoft was pretty late to enter the open source market. But that was a step in the right direction. This gives platform independence; choice of platform and language. The migration of SQL Server instance from Windows to Linux saves costs such as hardware cost and migration costs.

Linux上SQL Server具有各种优点。 微软进入开源市场还很晚。 但这是朝正确方向迈出的一步。 这提供了平台独立性; 平台和语言的选择。 SQL Server实例从Windows到Linux的迁移节省了成本,例如硬件成本和迁移成本。

Machine Learning


The integration of R and Python opens the door … wide, to data science. R and Python have had access SQL Server, sure, but only if running externally, by transferring data queried from the SQL Server to the machine running the code. Running the code natively on SQL Server avoids such data movement, allowing for the creation and training of predictive ML models on the server itself, over large volumes of data, analyzed in-place.

R和Python的集成为数据科学打开了广阔的大门。 当然,R和Python可以访问SQL Server,但前提是仅在外部运行时才能通过将查询到的数据从SQL Server传输到运行代码的计算机上。 在SQL Server上本地运行代码可避免此类数据移动,从而允许在服务器本身上对就地分析的大量数据进行创建和训练预测ML模型。

The Graph database is a language, unlike traditional database systems that have “Rows” and “Columns”, contain “nodes” and “edges”. The node represents an entity and the edge represents the relationship between the nodes. The data is best described in terms of nodes. And this model is a natural choice for Social media data.

Graph数据库是一种语言,与具有“行”和“列”的传统数据库系统不同,它包含“节点”和“边缘”。 节点表示实体,边缘表示节点之间的关系。 最好用节点来描述数据。 这种模型是社交媒体数据的自然选择。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

SQL Server on Linux boosts the database market for Microsoft. Support of PolyBase (a feature to work with Big Data providers), In-Memory Optimized SQL Server, Real-time Operational Analytics, the scaling of Python and R Services for Data analytics, Graph database for NoSQL data, JSON support for transparent data interchange format between traditional and non-traditional database systems, Azure Cosmos DB from Document database to distribution database… All this helps leverage SQL Server to almost every extent, in day-to-day activities.

Linux上SQL Server促进了Microsoft的数据库市场。 支持PolyBase(与大数据提供程序配合使用的功能),内存中优化SQL Server,实时操作分析,用于数据分析的Python和R服务扩展,用于NoSQL数据的Graph数据库,用于透明数据交换的JSON支持在传统数据库系统和非传统数据库系统之间(从文档数据库到分发数据库)Azure Cosmos DB进行格式化,这一切都有助于在日常活动中几乎在所有程度上利用SQL Server。

The shift in technology is being driven by increased expectations. The time-to-market is lower when it comes to applications; the competition is fierce. Also, there’s a lot of unstructured data floating in the ether, such as videos, images, audio, etc., which are more prevalent and problematic for traditional databases. And SQL Server 2017 has emerged, attempting to answer these calls.

期望的提高推动了技术的转变。 应用程序的上市时间更短。 竞争很激烈。 同样,在以太网中还有很多非结构化数据,例如视频,图像,音频等,这对于传统数据库来说更加普遍和成问题。 SQL Server 2017已经出现,试图接听这些电话。

It does, though, seem to have the potential to be seen as a powerhouse of a number of desirable features. It is a little early to say whether SQL Server 2017 would become an answer to the myriad of requirements we have; it may also require a lot of fine tuning and improvisation. But it is perhaps safe to say that Microsoft does seem to be taking it seriously and taking the necessary steps.

不过,它似乎确实有潜力被视为具有许多理想功能的强大力量。 现在说SQL Server 2017是否将成为对我们众多需求的答案还为时过早。 它可能还需要大量的微调和即兴创作。 但是可以肯定地说,微软似乎确实在认真对待并采取了必要的措施。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/evolution-sql-server-towards-digital-transformation-challenges/





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