SQL Server着眼于非数字数据类型

介绍 (Introduction)

In the article, Multiple Options to Transposing Rows into Columns, I covered various options available in SQL Server to rotating a given row into columns. One of the options included the use of a PIVOT relational operator. The mandatory requirement of the operator is that you must supply the aggregate function with only a numeric data type. Such a mandatory requirement is usually not an issue as most aggregations and subsequent pivoting is performed against fields of numeric data type. However, sometimes the nature of business reporting requests may be such that you are required to cater for pivoting against non-numeric data types. In this article we take a look at how you can deal with such requirements by introducing a workaround to pivoting on non-numeric fields.

在文章“ 将行转换为列的多个选项”中 ,我介绍了SQL Server中将给定的行旋转为列的各种选项。 选项之一包括使用PIVOT关系运算符。 操作员的强制性要求是,必须仅向聚合函数提供数字数据类型 。 这种强制性要求通常不会成为问题,因为大多数聚合和随后的数据透视都是针对数字数据类型的字段执行的。 但是,有时业务报告请求的性质可能会要求您满足针对非数字数据类型的需求。 在本文中,我们介绍了如何通过解决非数字字段的变通方法来满足这些要求。

Similarly to the aforementioned article, a denormalized relational representation of our case study looks as shown in Table 1:


RecKey Policy PolType Effective Date DocID DocName Submitted Outstanding Submitted Date Captured By ID
1 Pol002 Hospital Cover 2007/10/01 1 Doc A NULL 1 NULL NULL
2 Pol002 Hospital Cover 2007/10/01 4 Doc B NULL 1 NULL NULL
3 Pol002 Hospital Cover 2007/10/01 5 Doc C 1 NULL 2016/01/13 1
4 Pol002 Hospital Cover 2007/10/01 7 Doc D 1 NULL 2016/01/14 2
5 Pol002 Hospital Cover 2007/10/01 10 Doc E 1 NULL 2016/01/15 1
记录键 政策 类型 生效日期 DocID 文件名 已提交 优秀 提交日期 被ID捕获
1个 Pol002 医院保险 2007/10/01 1个 文件A 空值 1个 空值 空值
2 Pol002 医院保险 2007/10/01 4 文件B 空值 1个 空值 空值
3 Pol002 医院保险 2007/10/01 5 文件C 1个 空值 2016/01/13 1个
4 Pol002 医院保险 2007/10/01 7 文件D 1个 空值 2016/01/14 2
5 Pol002 医院保险 2007/10/01 10 文件E 1个 空值 2016/01/15 1个

解决方法#1:日期透视 (Workaround #1: Pivot on Dates)

A simple business case that can be used to address this workaround is that business may be trying to determine a breakdown of documents captured by date. Ultimately, the aim of such a business case would to have a view of data that looks as shown in Table 2:

一个可以用来解决此变通办法的简单业务案例是,企业可能正在尝试确定按日期捕获的文档明细。 最终,这种业务案例的目的是对数据进行查看,如表2所示:

Policy PolType Effective Date Doc A Doc B Doc C Doc D Doc E
Pol002 Hospital Cover 01-Oct-07 0 0 13 Jan 2016 14 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016
政策 类型 生效日期 文件A 文件B 文件C 文件D 文件E
Pol002 医院保险 2007年10月1日 0 0 2016年1月13日 2016年1月14日 2016年1月15日

The first step to pivoting on date fields is to convert your date field to an integer value. Figure 1 shows how we have achieved this through a derived integer field, [Submitted Date INT], which is based off the [Submitted Date] field.

透视日期字段的第一步是将日期字段转换为整数值。 图1显示了我们如何通过基于[Submitted Date]字段的派生整数字段[Submitted Date INT]实现此目的。

The complete pivot script is depicted in Figure 2:


The execution of the script in Figure 3 result into the data shown in Table 3:


Policy PolType Effective Date Doc A Doc B Doc C Doc D Doc E
Pol002 Hospital Cover 01-Oct-07 0 0 20160113 20160114 20160115
政策 类型 生效日期 文件A 文件B 文件C 文件D 文件E
Pol002 医院保险 2007年10月1日 0 0 20160113 20160114 20160115

However, often business people prefer to view data related dates in a familiar format (i.e. dd/mm/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy etc.). So we can further extend our script to format the dates according to business friendly format.

但是,通常商务人士倾向于以熟悉的格式(例如dd / mm / yyyydd-mm-yyyy等)查看与数据相关的日期。 因此,我们可以进一步扩展脚本以根据业务友好格式格式化日期。

There are two ways to achieve this:


1. Formatting SQL Server Date Using Date Dimension

1.使用日期维格式化SQL Server日期

If you write your scripts within a data warehouse or have access to a data warehouse or have a database environment that has a date dimension, then you can make use of the dimension to format the date. Date dimension is a database object that is setup according to a Ralph Kimball’s Data Warehouse design methodology. The dimension usually contain attributes such as date name, quarter, year, and calendar months. Date dimension allows for the breakdown of report data by period over time.

如果您在数据仓库中编写脚本或可以访问数据仓库或具有日期维度的数据库环境,则可以使用该维度来格式化日期。 日期维度是根据Ralph Kimball的数据仓库设计方法设置的数据库对象。 该维通常包含诸如日期名称,季度,年份和日历月之类的属性。 日期维度允许按时间段细分报告数据。

Figure 3 shows some of the content contained in a date dimension.


One of the common ways to lookup data in the date dimension is to use a numeric date key. In our case, we already have derived date column ([Submitted Date INT]) which is in an integer format. Figure 4, shows our revised pivoted script joined to the date dimension.

在日期维度中查找数据的常用方法之一是使用数字日期键。 在我们的例子中,我们已经获得了整数格式的派生日期列( [Submitted Date INT] )。 图4显示了修改后的透视脚本,该脚本已加入日期维度。

As it can be seen there are several instances of the dim date to the fields that we are using as pivots. For instance, the first condition is to join dim date to doc a and so on. As argued in the aforementioned article, this way of doing this only suffer from one thing: it is not dynamic – meaning, if business later introduce Doc F as a document that should be submitted in order to process a claim, than a developer would have to refactor the script to include the new doc column and another join condition to dim date to display a custom date format for the newly added column.

可以看出,有几个实例将日期设为我们用作透视的日期。 例如,第一个条件是将暗淡的日期加入到doc a中,依此类推。 如前文所述,这样做的方法只有一件事:它不是动态的-意味着,如果企业后来将Doc F引入为处理索赔而应提交的文档,那么开发人员就不会这样做。重构脚本以包括新的doc列和另一个加入条件以暗化日期以显示新添加的列的自定义日期格式。

The results of the script depicted in Figure 4 are shown in Table 4:


Policy PolType

Effective Date

Doc A Doc B Doc C Doc D Doc E
Pol002 Hospital Cover 01 Oct 2007 0 0 13 Jan 2016 14 Jan 2016 15 Jan 2016
政策 类型


文件A 文件B 文件C 文件D 文件E
Pol002 医院保险 2007年10月1日 0 0 2016年1月13日 2016年1月14日 2016年1月15日

2. Convert Integer to SQL Server Date

2.将整数转换为SQL Server日期

An alternative to converting a SQL Server date is not to use a join to date dimension instead you convert the numeric values back to business friendly date using T-SQL Convert function. This is done through a nested convert function in which you first convert the numeric value to variable character (varchar), then convert varchar value to date (which is usually in the format yyyy-mm-dd) and finally convert the format of the date to dd mmm yyyy. The complete syntax looks as shown in Figure 5:

转换SQL Server日期的一种替代方法是不使用联接日期维度,而是使用T-SQL转换函数将数值转换回业务友好日期。 这是通过嵌套的转换函数完成的,在该函数中,您首先将数字值转换为变量字符(varchar),然后将varchar值转换为日期(通常为yyyy-mm-dd格式),最后转换为日期格式到dd mmm yyyy 。 完整的语法如图5所示:

The complete script is shown in Figure 6.


解决方法2:对Varchar数据类型进行数据透视 (Workaround #2: Pivot on Varchar Data Types)

In my experience working within an insurance industry, I have noticed that there are often business users whose job is solely to receive and capture claim documents submitted by clients. Thus, another fitting business case would be to have a breakdown of claim documents captured by users as shown in Table 5.

根据我在保险业工作的经验,我注意到经常有一些业务用户仅负责接收和捕获客户提交的索赔文件。 因此,另一个合适的商业案例是对用户捕获的索赔文件进行细分,如表5所示。

Policy PolType Effective Date Doc A Doc B Doc C Doc D Doc E
Pol002 Hospital Cover 01 Oct 2007 0 0 Jane Doe John Doe Jane Doe
策略 PolType 生效日期 Doc A Doc B Doc C Doc D Doc E
Pol002 医院保险 2007年10月1日 0 0 简·多伊 约翰·杜 简·多伊

Similar to pivoting on date data types, the key to pivoting on varchar is identifying a field that can be used as an input parameter in the aggregate function. In our case, every user is assigned a numeric user ID as shown in Figure 7 (this user id can then be used to look-up user full name).

与透视日期数据类型相似,透视varchar的关键是识别可用作聚合函数中输入参数的字段。 在我们的例子中,为每个用户分配了一个数字用户ID, 如图7所示(然后可以使用该用户ID查找用户全名)。

The revised script that now pivots on captured by ID is shown in Figure 8. It can also be seen that after the pivoting of data, we then join back on user id to the User dimension to retrieve associated user full name.

现在,以ID捕获为基础的修订脚本如图8所示。 还可以看到,在数据透视之后,我们然后将用户ID重新加入到“用户”维度以检索关联的用户全名。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article we’ve had a look at available workarounds to pivoting using non-numeric fields. The key to pivoting using non-numeric fields is that you need to find a way to trick the aggregate function as it strictly takes in numeric values. Thus you ought to find a way to either find a numeric surrogate field (i.e. corresponding user id of user field) or derive such a field (i.e. converting date to integer) to be used as input parameters in the aggregate function.

在本文中,我们研究了使用非数字字段进行数据透视的可用解决方法。 使用非数字字段进行数据透视的关键是,您需要找到一种方法来欺骗聚合函数,因为它严格采用数字值。 因此,您应该找到一种方法来找到数字替代字段(即,用户字段的相应用户ID)或派生此类字段(即,将日期转换为整数)以用作聚合函数中的输入参数。

参考 ( Reference )

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-pivoting-on-non-numeric-data-types/





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