PowerShell SQL Server验证实用程序– DBAChecks

In this article, we will explore the DBAChecks PowerShell SQL Server Module. We can use the DBAChecks module to validate SQL Server instances using the various modules. We can also perform more than 100 configuration reviews using it.

在本文中,我们将探讨DBAChecks PowerShell SQL Server模块 。 我们可以使用DBAChecks模块来使用各种模块来验证SQL Server实例。 我们还可以使用它执行100多次配置审查。

DBA’s are responsible for maintaining SQL Server database instance, their availability and compliance with the policy specific to the environment. PowerShell loves SQL Server, and it gives you wings to perform SQL tasks effectively. We can easily do administrative checks using the PowerShell Module.

DBA负责维护SQL Server数据库实例,它们的可用性以及对特定于环境的策略的遵从性。 PowerShell喜欢SQL Server,它使您可以有效地执行SQ​​L任务。 我们可以使用PowerShell模块轻松进行管理检查。

Suppose you want to perform the following tasks in your environment


  • You want to validate last successful database validation as per defined policy

  • You want to know the time since the last backup

  • Monitor SQL Server Agent jobs

    监视SQL Server代理作业
  • Verify database files and their configuration options

  • We can also check Network latency compared with a defined threshold


We can perform these tasks using t-SQL as well. However, DBAChecks provides a better experience with minimum configuration. You need to pass the instance name along with parameters to validate, and you are ready with results.

我们也可以使用t-SQL执行这些任务。 但是,DBAChecks通过最少的配置提供了更好的体验。 您需要将实例名称和参数一起传递以进行验证,然后就可以准备好结果了。

要求: (Requirements:)
  • PowerShell V4 or higher

    PowerShell V4或更高版本
安装步骤 (Installation Steps)

Open Windows PowerShell with administrative rights and run the following command

以管理权限打开Windows PowerShell,然后运行以下命令

>Install-Module –Name DBAChecks

We are installing a custom PowerShell module DBAChecks. Enter Y to install this module from PSGallery.

我们正在安装自定义PowerShell模块DBAChecks。 输入Y从PSGallery安装此模块。

PowerShell SQL Server module DBAChecks

In the following screenshot, we get the error message that new module Pester conflicts with an old installs module. If you have already installed the Pester module, you need to receive this error message during the publisher check validation.

在以下屏幕截图中,我们收到错误消息,指出新模块Pester与旧的installs模块冲突。 如果您已经安装了Pester模块,则需要在发布者检查验证期间收到此错误消息。

PowerShell SQL Server module DBAChecks installation

We need to skip publication check using the following command.


>Install-Module –Name DBAChecks –skippublishercheck

We need to provide permission again by pressing Y, and it installs DBACheck PowerShell Module.

我们需要通过按Y再次提供权限,然后安装DBACheck PowerShell模块。

PowerShell SQL Server module DBAChecks - Skip publication check

We can check all supported DBAChecks using the following command.



In the following screenshot, we can see a vast range of checks against the SQL Server instance. We can divide the checks in the following group

在以下屏幕截图中,我们可以看到针对SQL Server实例的大量检查。 我们可以将支票分为以下几组





SQL Server Agent related validation

SQL Server Agent service account, Check failed jobs


Database related validations

Validate last database backup, database consistency validation, Database configuration validations such as Auto_Close, AutoClose, AutoShrink. .

Check for orphaned users


Cluster related validations

Cluster and Node health


SQL Server Instance related validation

Service account for SQL Services, Validate linked server, backup path, TempDB configurations, Instance memory configuration etc.


Log Shipping

Log Shipping primary and secondary


Server related validation

Disk space utilization, ping target


Database Maintenance tasks

Database Maintenance tasks for backup, integrity, index, job history purge etc.




SQL Server代理相关的验证

SQL Server代理服务帐户,检查失败的作业



验证上一次数据库备份,数据库一致性验证,数据库配置验证,例如Auto_Close,AutoClose,AutoShrink。 。






SQL Server实例相关的验证











PoweShell SQL Server module DBAChecks: Get-DBCCheck outout

In PowerShell, we can view results in a grid view for a user-friendly view. It enables to filter the events from the column we want.

在PowerShell中,我们可以在网格视图中查看结果,以提供用户友好的视图。 它使您能够从所需列中过滤事件。

Execute below command in PowerShell to get DBAChecks with GridView.


>Get-DBcCheck | Out-GridView

It opens another result window with search filter in it. We can see all validations along with type, group, Config and description.

它打开另一个带有搜索过滤器的结果窗口。 我们可以看到所有验证以及类型,组,配置和描述。

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Get-DBCCheck output in Grid view

Suppose, we want to view the results for keyword Backup present in the description column. Click on Add Criteria, select the filter column from the drop-down list and enter keyword as per the following image.

假设我们要查看描述列中存在的关键字“ 备份”的结果。 单击添加条件,从下拉列表中选择过滤器列,然后根据下图输入关键字。

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: search in Grid view PowerShell

In this article, we want to validate database consistency and get a timestamp for the last successful DBCC CHECKDB command in our SQL instance. We should also get a message if consistency check validations age is older than the defined window.

在本文中,我们要验证数据库的一致性,并获取SQL实例中最后一个成功的DBCC CHECKDB命令的时间戳。 如果一致性检查验证的年龄比定义的窗口还早,我们还将收到一条消息。

Note: We are using Azure Data Studio terminal to run the commands in the following sections. You can easily do formatting, copy\paste in this terminal window. You can run the command in the Windows PowerShell window as well.

注意: 我们正在使用Azure Data Studio终端运行以下部分中的命令。 您可以在此终端窗口中轻松进行格式化,复制\粘贴。 您也可以在Windows PowerShell窗口中运行命令。

We can get information about any particular command in DBAChecks using get-help. Following command gives detailed information about Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb command.

我们可以使用get-help获得有关DBAChecks中任何特定命令的信息。 以下命令提供有关Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb命令的详细信息。

>Get-help Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Get information about a particular command DBAChecks.

In this demo, we are using SQL instance kashish\SQL2019CTP. I will set up a variable to hold this server name. We do not have to specify the instance name with each command. We can call the variable in this case.

在此演示中,我们使用SQL实例kashish \ SQL2019CTP 。 我将设置一个变量来保存此服务器名称。 我们不必在每个命令中都指定实例名称。 在这种情况下,我们可以调用变量。

PS > $server = "kashish\SQL2019CTP"

In the following command, we want to check last successful DBCC CHECKDB for all databases present on instance kashish\SQL2019CTP.

在以下命令中,我们要检查实例kashish \ SQL2019CTP上存在的所有数据库的最后成功DBCC CHECKDB

PS > Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlInstance $server -Check Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb

We get the detailed logs as an output of this command.


Let us understand output for Master database as highlighted.


  • Last good integrity check for master on KASHISH\SQL2019 CTP should be less than 7 days old: By default, DBACheck policy is defined that consistency check age should be less than 7 days. ( We will cover in a later section of changing this policy) KASHISH \ SQL2019 CTP上对主服务器的最后一次良好完整性检查应小于7天:默认情况下,DBACheck策略定义为一致性检查寿命应小于7天。 (我们将在后面的更改政策部分中介绍)
  • Expected the actual value to be greater than 2019-03-06T09:16.50:75577334+5, because you should run a DBCC CheckDB inside that time but got $Null: In my test instance, I do not have any DBCC CHECKDB history for Master database; therefore, it returns a NULL value. In this message, it shows that actual last DBCC CHECKDB timestamp should be greater than mentioned timestamp 期望实际值大于2019-03-06T09:16.50:75577334 + 5,因为您应该在那段时间运行DBCC CheckDB但得到了$ Null:在我的测试实例中,我没有Master的任何DBCC CHECKDB历史记录数据库; 因此,它返回NULL值。 在此消息中,它表明实际最后一个DBCC CHECKDB时间戳应大于所提及的时间戳
  • It also checks for data purity in DBCC CHECKDB. Data Purity checks that column values are valid

    它还在DBCC CHECKDB中检查数据纯度。 数据纯度检查列值是否有效

vpowershell sql server module DBAChecks: iew the consistency validation check using DBACheck.

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: view the consistency validation check output using DBACheck.

We get a detailed error message for each database. If we are having a large number of databases in a SQL instance, it becomes difficult to interpret the results. We can check for a particular database using –Database parameter.

我们收到每个数据库的详细错误消息。 如果在SQL实例中有大量数据库,则很难解释结果。 我们可以使用–Database参数检查特定的数据库。

PS > Invoke-DbcCheck -SqlInstance $server -Check Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb –Database SQLShackDemo_ADR

In the output, it checks for the only specified database. Take a look at the following the message.

在输出中,它将检查唯一指定的数据库。 请看以下消息。

Test passed 1, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0, Pending: 0. Inconclusive: 0


We can interpret this result as following


  • Test passed 1: Data Purity check enabled

  • Failed 1: DBCC CheckDB age older than 7 days

    失败1:DBCC CheckDB年龄超过7天
  • Skipped 0: We did not skip any database; it checked for database mentioned in command

    跳过0:我们没有跳过任何数据库; 它检查了命令中提到的数据库

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Filter result for a particular database

We can get the output in a tabular format using the following DBAChecks command.


> Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $server | Format-Table –AutoSize

In the following screenshot, you can see all the details in a user-friendly way.


We get the following useful information in this format.


  • DatabaseCreated– Database creation date DatabaseCreated –数据库创建日期
  • DaysSinceDbCreated– Age of a particular database DaysSinceDbCreated –特定数据库的年龄
  • DaysSinceLastGoodCheckdb– If we have performed DBCC CheckDB on a database, we get r of days of last successful consistency check. In the following window, it is blank because we have not performed any consistency check on any database DaysSinceLastGoodCheckdb –如果我们在数据库上执行了DBCC CheckDB,我们将获得最近一次成功一致性检查的天数。 在以下窗口中,该字段为空,因为我们未对任何数据库执行任何一致性检查
  • Status– CheckDB should be performed 状态 –应该执行CheckDB

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Output in a tabular format

We can also get a result in GridView with the following command.


>Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $server | Out-GridView

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: DBAChecks Output in Grid View

Let us run the DBCC CHECKDB command on SQLShackDemo_ADR database. We do not have any allocation and consistency error in this database.

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: DBCC CHECKDB output

让我们在SQLShackDemo_ADR数据库上运行DBCC CHECKDB命令。 在此数据库中,我们没有任何分配和一致性错误。

Let us rerun the DBAChecks command. In the following query, we specified Out-GridView to get results in a grid format.

让我们重新运行DBAChecks命令。 在以下查询中,我们指定了Out-GridView以网格格式获取结果。

>Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $server  | Out-GridView

In the following screenshot, you can view the following for SQLShackDemo_ADR database.


  • DaysSinceLastGoodCheckdb – 0

    DaysSinceLastGoodCheckdb – 0
  • Status – Ok


We have performed DBCC CHECKDB on a single database. Therefore, status remains the same- CheckDB should be performed for all other databases.

我们已经在单个数据库上执行了DBCC CHECKDB。 因此,状态保持不变-应该对所有其他数据库执行CheckDB

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Validation check after performing DBCC CHECKDB on a database

Suppose we want to exclude any database from appearing in the output. We can do it using –excludedatabase parameter.

假设我们要排除任何数据库出现在输出中。 我们可以使用–excludedatabase参数来实现。

In the following query, we excluded tempdb for consistency check validations.


>Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $server -excludedatabase tempdb  | Out-GridView

In the output, we did not get any row for the excluded database.


powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Exclude database for consistency validation check

We did not specify any credentials to connect with SQL instance in previous queries. If we do not specify any credentials, it connects using Windows authentication. We can connect using SQL authentication with parameter SQLInstance.

在先前的查询中,我们没有指定任何凭据来连接SQL实例。 如果我们未指定任何凭据,则它将使用Windows身份验证进行连接。 我们可以使用带有参数SQLInstance的 SQL身份验证进行连接。

>Get-DbaLastGoodCheckDb -SqlInstance $server -SqlCredential rajendra   | Out-GridView

When we execute the command with –SqlCredential, it opens a pop-up to enter the credentials.


powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Connect using SQL authentication

Once authentication is completed, you get the required result.


powershell sql server module DBAChecks: View result after connecting with SQL user

修改DBAChecks的一致性检查策略 (Modifying a consistency check policy for DBAChecks)

In the earlier example, you can see if we have performed consistency check before 7 days, you get a message- CheckDB should be performed.


Suppose, in my environment; I want to check for consistency check for age 5 days. If we have performed a consistency check before 5 days, we should get a message for that.

假设在我的环境中; 我想检查年龄5天的一致性检查。 如果我们在5天之前执行了一致性检查,则应该收到一条消息。

We can do configuration changes using Get-DBcConfig command. You can get a complete list of configuration changes using Get-DbcConfig command. It gives the name of the configuration, description and current assigned value for a particular configuration.

我们可以使用Get-DBcConfig命令进行配置更改。 您可以使用Get-DbcConfig命令获取配置更改的完整列表。 它提供了配置的名称,描述和特定配置的当前分配值。

Execute below command in PowerShell to get a list of configuration options.


> Get-DbcConfig  | Format-Table –AutoSize

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: DbcConfig commands

Let us filter out the results for keyword DBCC in a grid view.


>Get-DBcConfig | Out-GridView

In the following output, you can see the highlighted configuration for DBCC.



Current Value




Difference between the last successful consistency check and current date should be greater than Policy.dbcc.maxdays for successful validation.







powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Modifying consistency check policy for DBAChecks

We can change the configuration using Set-DBcConfig command. In the following query, we changed the configuration for policy.dbcc.maxdays to 5.

我们可以使用Set-DBcConfig命令更改配置。 在以下查询中,我们将policy.dbcc.maxdays的配置更改为5。


Modified Value




Difference between the last successful consistency check and current date should be greater than Policy.dbcc.maxdays for successful validation.







>Set-DbcConfig -Name policy.dbcc.maxdays -Value 5

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: Modifying consistency check policy for DBAChecks

Rerun the DBAChecks for consistency check for a particular database to limit result. In the output, you can see the message.

重新运行DBAChecks进行特定数据库的一致性检查,以限制结果。 在输出中,您可以看到该消息。

Last good integrity check for SQLShackDemo on KASHISH\SQL2019CTP should be less than 5 days old.

KASHISH \ SQL2019CTP上对SQLShackDemo的最后一次良好完整性检查应少于5天

powershell sql server module DBAChecks: View conssitency check output

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we explored the PowerShell module DBAChecks to perform validation in SQL Server instances with a particular focus on database consistency check validation. We will continue to explore this technology more in future articles

在本文中,我们探索了PowerShell模块DBAChecks来在SQL Server实例中执行验证,尤其侧重于数据库一致性检查验证。 我们将在以后的文章中继续探索该技术

目录 (Table of contents)

DBATools PowerShell Module for SQL Server
PowerShell SQL Server Validation Utility – DBAChecks
SQL Database Backups using PowerShell Module – DBATools
IDENTITY columns threshold using PowerShell SQL Server DBATools
DBATools PowerShell SQL Server Database Backups commands
SQL Restore Database using DBATools
Validate backups with SQL restore database operations using DBATools
Fix Orphan users in SQL Server using DBATools PowerShell
Creating a SQL Server Database using DBATools
Get SQL Database details using DBATools
Get-DbaHelpIndex command in DBATools
适用于SQL Server的DBATools PowerShell模块
PowerShell SQL Server验证实用程序– DBAChecks
使用PowerShell模块SQL数据库备份– DBATools
使用PowerShell SQL Server DBATools的IDENTITY列阈值
DBATools PowerShell SQL Server数据库备份命令
使用DBAToolsSQL Restore Database
使用DBATools PowerShell修复SQL Server中的孤立用户
使用DBATools创建SQL Server数据库

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/powershell-sql-server-validation-utility-dbachecks/





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