数据文件shrink_SQL Server中的Shrink TempDB数据库概述

本文深入探讨了SQL Server的TempDB数据库的用途,包括其在数据库中的核心作用,如临时表、排序和内部操作。文章详细介绍了如何在不同情况下收缩TempDB数据库,包括使用DBCC SHRINKFILE、DBCC SHRINKDATABASE命令,以及在单用户模式下进行收缩的方法。此外,还讨论了在尝试收缩TempDB时遇到空间未释放的问题及其解决方案。


This article explores the usage of TempDB and different ways to shrink the TempDB database in SQL Server

本文探讨了TempDB的用法以及在SQL Server中缩小TempDB数据库的不同方法

Each instance of Microsoft SQL Server has a system database TempDB. It is a backbone for the SQL Server instance. Let’s review the TempDB database and its usage with ways to shrink the TempDB database in the further sections of this article.

Microsoft SQL Server的每个实例都有一个系统数据库TempDB 。 它是SQL Server实例的骨干。 让我们在本文的其他部分中回顾一下TempDB数据库及其用法,以及如何缩小TempDB数据库的方法。

关于TempDB的一些要点 (Few important points about TempDB)

  • TempDB is a global resource (available for all connected user) system database

  • SQL Server recreates the TempDB database each time SQL Service restarts. During restart, it takes a copy of MDF and LDF from the model database. The size and number of MDF and LDF files reset to preconfigured size

    每次重新启动SQL Service时,SQL Server都会重新创建TempDB数据库。 重新启动期间,它将从模型数据库中获取MDF和LDF的副本。 MDF和LDF文件的大小和数量重置为预配置的大小
  • SQL Server does not perform recovery on the TempDB, and previous data is lost

    SQL Server不会在TempDB上执行恢复,并且以前的数据会丢失
  • TempDB database is always in the Simple recovery model, and we cannot take database backup for it

  • We cannot roll back transactions in the TempDB because it minimally logs the transactions


TempDB使用情况摘要 (TempDB Usage Summary)

  • Usually, we create local temporary tables (# naming conventions) and global temporary tables (## naming conventions) to prepare intermediate tables. SQL Server creates those temporary tables in the TempDB database

    通常,我们创建本地临时表(#命名约定)和全局临时表(##命名约定)以准备中间表。 SQL Server在TempDB数据库中创建这些临时表
  • We can create or rebuild an index in TempDB using the SORT_IN_TEMPDB= ON clause. SQL Server performs all sorting calculations in the TempDB instead of the database on which the object belongs

    我们可以使用SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON子句在TempDB中创建或重建索引。 SQL Server在TempDB中而不是对象所属的数据库中执行所有排序计算
  • SQL Server uses the TempDB for the Read COMMITTED SNAPSHOT isolation level. SQL Server uses the row versioning for each record. The old version also gets an additional 14 bytes in the TempDB to track the row versioning

    SQL Server将TempDB用于读取已提交快照隔离级别。 SQL Server对每条记录使用行版本控制。 旧版本还在TempDB中获得额外的14个字节来跟踪行版本控制
  • Internal objects such as Cursor work tables, Spool operations, Intermediate sorts operations such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, UNION, DBCC CHECKDB, Temporary large object storage, Service broker event notification

    内部对象,例如游标工作表,假脱机操作,中间排序操作,例如GROUP BY,ORDER BY,UNION,DBCC CHECKDB,临时大对象存储,Service Broker事件通知
  • In the Multiple Active Result Sets (using MultipleActiveResultSets=True), SQL Server uses the versioning and stores that in the TempDB

    在多个活动结果集中(使用MultipleActiveResultSets = True),SQL Server使用版本控制并将其存储在TempDB中

You can go through these articles, Configuration, operations and restrictions of the TempDB SQL Server system database and How to monitor the SQL Server TempDB database to get more details on the TempDB database.

您可以阅读以下文章, TempDB SQL Server系统数据库的配置,操作和限制以及如何监视SQL Server TempDB数据库以获取有关TempDB数据库的更多详细信息。

收缩TempDB活动概述 (Overview of Shrink TempDB activity)

Starting from SQL Server 2016, the installation wizard automatically detects the CPU cores and creates the necessary number of database files for the TempDB. It also sets the maximum growth of individual files to 64 MB.

从SQL Server 2016开始,安装向导将自动检测CPU内核并为TempDB创建所需数量的数据库文件。 它还将单个文件的最大增长设置为64 MB。

In the following screenshot, you can see the TempDB configuration for my demo SQL instance.






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