mootools_书评:MooTools 1.2入门指南


MooTools Book

In the interest in full disclosure, I was sent this book by Packt Publishing in hopes that I would review it. I'm reviewing this book, however, in the interest of my audience.

为了充分公开,Packt Publishing向我发送了这本书,希望我能对其进行复习。 但是,为了读者的利益,我正在审核这本书。

Unless you live under a rock or simply check my site for Christina Ricci pics every morning, you know I'm a bit of a MooTools fanboy. I spend hours every day writing MooTools tutorials, getting in touch with the MooTools community and development team members, and oh yeah...coding a bit too. When it was brought to my attention that Jacob Gube and Garrick Cheung had written a MooTools book for beginners, I was really excited to check it out. The following are my thoughts on their book.

除非您每天生活在一块岩石上,或者每天早晨只是在我的网站上查看Christina Ricci的照片,否则您都知道我是MooTools的忠实粉丝。 我每天花费数小时编写MooTools教程,与MooTools社区和开发团队成员保持联系,是的,也编码了一些。 当我注意到Jacob Gube和Cheung Garrick为初学者写了一本MooTools的书时,我真的很高兴能检查出来。 以下是我对他们的书的看法。

作者 (The Authors)

Jacob Gube, Garrick Cheung


标语 (The Tagline)

Learn how to create dynamic, interactive, and responsive cross-browser web applications using this popular JavaScript framework.


从臀部射击 (Shooting From the Hip)

Instead of giving you this super long review that you wont read, I've decided to put my thoughts into bullet format. How clever!

除了给您提供您不会阅读的超长评论外,我还决定将我的想法变成项目符号形式。 多么聪明!

  • What I really love about this book is that it's not a bunch of "theory" information -- it's no-nonsense, code-based learning. I LOVE these style of books.

    我真正喜欢这本书的地方在于,它不是一堆“理论”信息,而是一门基于代码的,毫无意义的学习。 我喜欢这些风格的书。
  • The book is ~ 150 pages, which is about right for a beginner's guide. Making it too long would be a huge mistake.

    这本书约有150页,对于初学者来说是正确的。 使其时间太长将是一个巨大的错误。
  • The price point is $40. Reasonable.

    价格是40美元。 合理。
  • The book covers a large array of sample projects and code examples -- you aren't looking at the same code snippets everywhere. Awesome.

    本书涵盖了大量示例项目和代码示例-您不会在各处看到相同的代码段。 太棒了
  • One gripe is that I don't recall the book ever discussing the difference between MooTools and similar libraries like jQuery, Dojo, etc. MooTools' object-oriented architecture and the idea of modifying native object prototypes is core to the framework and differentiates MooTools from other libraries. That really should be included in a "version 2" book.

    令人不安的是,我从没有回想过这本书曾经讨论过MooTools与类似的库(如jQuery,Dojo等)之间的区别。MooTools的面向对象架构和修改本机对象原型的思想是该框架的核心,并使MooTools与众不同其他图书馆。 那确实应该包括在“版本2”书中。
  • I was not included as a MooTools resource -- clearly an oversight. Hahaha.

    我没有被列为MooTools资源-显然是疏忽。 哈哈哈
  • The book *does* cover creating a unique build of MooTools Core and -More. This is very important as beginners should know that MooTools is built to be incredibly modular and Moo programmers should code with that same idea in mind.

    这本书*确实*涵盖了创建MooTools Core和-More的独特构建。 这点非常重要,因为初学者应该知道MooTools的构建是令人难以置信的模块化,而Moo程序员应该在编写代码时就牢记同样的想法。
  • The book flows very well and the progression of difficulty is perfect. Beginners will really appreciate the pace of the book.

    这本书流得很好,难度的进步是完美的。 初学者将非常欣赏本书的进度。
  • While Jacob isn't a member of the team, he co-authored with contributor Garrick Cheung and asked Christoph Pojer, a MooTools Core Developer, to be technical reviewer. Involving people very close to the team was a great idea; it helps the book's credibility and allows for all options to be considered. * I don't mean to say this to discredit Jacob -- he's done a great job with this book and you certainly don't need to be a team member/contributor to be a MooTools expert.

    尽管Jacob并非团队成员,但他与投稿人Garrick Cheung共同撰写并请MooTools核心开发人员Christoph Pojer担任技术评审。 让非常接近团队的人们参与进来是一个好主意。 它有助于提高本书的信誉,并考虑所有选项。 *我并不是要这样说来抹黑Jacob-他在这本书上做得很好,而且您当然不必成为MooTools专家的团队成员/撰稿人。

  • I know it's Packt's style, but the "Impact"-style heading fonts are ugly.

    我知道这是Packt的样式,但是“ Impact”样式的标题字体很难看。
  • The book doesn't try to explain or gloss over basic JavaScript. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    这本书并不试图解释或掩盖基本JavaScript。 谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你!

判决 (The Verdict)

I was very impressed with this book and I believe it's the perfect book for any developer looking to enter the MooTools pastures. My only major desire is that the book cover MooTools' native object prototype modification; beside that oversight, I'd recommend this book to both rookie and novice MooTools developers. MooTools 1.2 Beginner's Guide should be required reading for MooTools developers looking to master the basic of MooTools.

这本书给我留下了深刻的印象,我相信对于那些希望进入MooTools牧场的开发人员来说,这是一本完美的书。 我唯一的主要愿望是该书涵盖MooTools的原始对象原型修改; 除了这种监督之外,我还将本书推荐给新手和新手MooTools开发人员。 对于希望掌握MooTools基本知识的MooTools开发人员,应阅读《 MooTools 1.2入门指南》。



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