

With the release of version 12, Mozilla Firefox joins the Google Chrome ranks of silent browser updates.  This topic has gotten a lot of attention over the past few days due to Firefox's release and the fact that Mozilla the second vendor to implement said feature.  Microsoft has said they plan to implement silent updates as well.  I contend that automatic browser upgrading is a good practice.  Let me share my reasons for such, and propose a few ideas for improvement.

随着版本12的发布,Mozilla Firefox加入了Google Chrome浏览器无提示浏览器更新的行列。 由于Firefox的发布以及Mozilla第二个实施该功能的供应商,这一主题在过去几天中引起了很多关注。 微软已经表示,他们计划也实施无声更新。 我认为浏览器自动升级是一个好习惯。 让我分享我这样做的原因,并提出一些改进的想法。

Full disclosure:  I'm a Mozilla employee.  That has no bearing on my opinion, however.

全面披露:我是Mozilla员工。 但是,这与我的看法无关。

查看过去的专业知识 (See Past Your Expertise)

One thing many developers overlook is their own technical expertise.  It's sobering to me that none of my personal friends know what I do, much less name more than two browsers.  Realize that 99% of web users don't care which browser they're using -- they just expect websites to work.  My mother, my grandmother, my uncle don't know what "browser" means or which one they use;  they simply know that clicking the blue "e" opens the internet.  If they don't know what browser they use, what are the chances they know how to upgrade their browser, or choose a better vendor?  They don't.  Should the expect a great experience from our web applications?  Of course.  Silent browser upgrading solves the issue of helping those that can't help themselves.

许多开发人员忽略的一件事是他们自己的技术专长。 令我感到震惊的是,我的个人朋友都不知道我在做什么,更不用说两个浏览器了。 请注意,有99%的网络用户并不在乎他们使用的是哪种浏览器-他们只是希望网站能够正常工作。 我的母亲,我的祖母,我的叔叔不知道“浏览器”是什么意思,或者使用的是哪一个浏览器。 他们只是知道单击蓝色的“ e”会打开互联网。 如果他们不知道使用什么浏览器,他们有什么机会知道如何升级浏览器或选择更好的供应商? 他们没有。 期望从我们的Web应用程序中获得丰富的体验吗? 当然。 静默的浏览器升级解决了为无法帮助自己的人提供帮助的问题。

Internet Explorer示例 (The Internet Explorer Example)

The most obvious example of why automatic browser updating is important is Internet Explorer.  Think of how many years we've bitched about Internet Explorer 6.  Of course the true issue with IE6 is that Microsoft neglected the browser market, but when Microsoft resumed their commitment to IE, pushing IE6 users to a newer version proved all but impossible.  IE6 is still a consideration today.  Silent browser upgrades would have allowed IE to push browser upgrades and bypass the years of frustration we've gone through.

Internet Explorer是为什么自动更新浏览器很重要的最明显示例。 想想我们为Internet Explorer 6苦苦挣扎了多少年 。当然,IE6的真正问题是微软忽略了浏览器市场,但是当微软恢复对IE的承诺时,将IE6用户推向新版本几乎是不可能的。 IE6 今天仍然是一个考虑因素。 静默的浏览器升级将使IE能够推动浏览器升级,并绕过我们经历的多年挫折。

UA嗅闻已逝; 这里的特征检测 (UA Sniffs Gone; Feature Detection Here)

When the web and browsers were simpler, there were less features to detect and thus developers didn't give thought to feature detection, so much as simple user agent sniffing.  We're smarter now and there are better tools to allow us to detect what we need.  Of course there will always be developers who don't follow best practice, but with the proper techniques in place and known, sniffing (and thus browser version) is becoming less of an issue.

当网络和浏览器变得更简单时,要检测的功能就更少了,因此开发人员没有考虑到功能检测,就像简单的用户代理嗅探一样。 我们现在变得更聪明,并且有更好的工具可以让我们检测到我们需要的东西。 当然,总会有一些开发人员不遵循最佳实践,但是有了适当的技术并且众所周知,嗅探(以及浏览器版本)就不再那么重要了。

更新仍然是可选的 (Updates are Still Optional)

Firefox allows the web-conscious user to stop automatic updates;  silent updating is simply the default.  One thing we need to realize is that since we're the experts, we need to find a way to get browsers of a specific version;  it shouldn't be the user's responsibility to ensure upgrades;  see the reasons above to know why.  Users who don't know or care about updates wouldn't touch this setting and thus only knowledgeable persons would be effected.

Firefox允许具有网络意识的用户停止自动更新; 静默更新只是默认设置。 我们需要意识到的一件事是,由于我们是专家,因此我们需要找到一种获取特定版本浏览器的方法。 确保升级不是用户的责任; 请参阅上述原因,以了解原因。 不了解或不关心更新的用户不会触摸此设置,因此只会影响有知识的人员。

改善 (Improvement)

There's always room for improvement for us.  And by "us", I mean "developers", as we're the true connoisseurs of browsers.  We must have each browser version accessible to us by the vendor, and we should be provided the ability to prevent browser version upgrades.  Mozilla provides each version on their FTP site, and this script allows for Firefox installation of all versions without upgrade abilities;  an incredible script.  Browsers vendors also need a bulletproof strategy for ensuring popular extensions work with each browser upgrade, allowing users with little knowledge (just enough to get an extension installed).

我们总有改进的余地。 所谓“我们”,是指“开发人员”,因为我们是浏览器的真正鉴赏家。 我们必须使供应商可以访问每个浏览器版本,并且应该提供阻止浏览器版本升级的功能。 Mozilla在其FTP站点上提供了每个版本,并且该脚本允许Firefox安装所有版本而没有升级功能。 令人难以置信的脚本。 浏览器供应商还需要一种防弹策略,以确保流行的扩展程序可在每次浏览器升级时使用,从而使用户几乎不了解(足以安装扩展程序)。

简而言之... (In Short...)

  • Get over yourself: not everyone cares about what browser they use

  • Some don't know what a browser is; they just want stuff to work

    有些人不知道浏览器是什么。 他们只想工作
  • Be a better developer


This is where you can tell me I'm wrong.  Bring it.

在这里您可以告诉我我错了。 拿来







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