Device Doctor是一个完全免费的驱动程序更新扫描仪

Installing the latest device drivers is an essential task for keeping your system running at peak performance, but almost all of the driver update solutions out there aren’t actually free. Thankfully, Device Doctor is absolutely, completely free to use.

安装最新的设备驱动程序是使您的系统保持最佳性能的一项重要任务,但是几乎所有的驱动程序更新解决方案实际上都不是免费的。 值得庆幸的是,Device Doctor是绝对免费的。

更新: (UPDATE:)

We have had a few readers point out that the software is no longer totally free, and tries to get you to install some junkware as well. We will have to remove our recommendation.

我们有一些读者指出,该软件不再完全免费,并尝试让您安装一些垃圾软件。 我们将不得不删除我们的建议。

Device Doctor comes in two flavors—the regular installable version, and a portable executable that you can throw on a flash drive and use anywhere. Let’s dive right in…

Device Doctor有两种版本-常规的可安装版本和可移植的可执行文件,您可以将其放在闪存驱动器上并在任何地方使用。 让我们潜入……

Using Device Doctor

使用Device Doctor

This is one piece of software that couldn’t be simpler—there’s just one screen, and after clicking the Begin Scan button you should see a list of drivers that need updating. You can then click the Download update on each one to actually grab that driver.

这是一件简单的软件,只有一个屏幕,单击“开始扫描”按钮后,您应该看到需要更新的驱动程序列表。 然后,您可以单击每个更新上的下载更新以实际获取该驱动程序。


On the download page, you’re prompted to download the driver installer and install it manually. It’s not as slick and automated as solutions from other vendors, but that’s actually one of the things we like about Device Doctor—it puts you in control of your drivers. Did we mention free?

在下载页面上,提示您下载驱动程序安装程序并手动安装。 它不像其他供应商的解决方案那样精巧和自动化,但这实际上是我们喜欢Device Doctor的一件事-它使您可以控制驱动程序。 我们有提到免费吗?


Because there are just so many devices and drivers out there for PCs, you might find that Device Doctor points you to the wrong driver, or an outdated version—and if that happens you should make sure to report an incorrect driver with the link on the driver download page:

由于PC上有太多设备和驱动程序,因此您可能会发现Device Doctor将您指向错误的驱动程序或版本已过时的软件,如果发生这种情况,则应确保报告的驱动程序不正确,并带有链接。驱动下载页面:


Since Device Doctor is still a very young software, feedback from users is very helpful, and over time the kinks will be worked out.

由于Device Doctor仍是一个非常年轻的软件,因此用户的反馈非常有帮助,随着时间的流逝,这些问题将得到解决。

STOP! Before You Install Drivers!

停! 在安装驱动程序之前!

You should always take a time-out before you install a new driver and create a System Restore point, which will enable you to quickly roll back in the case of a failure. We simply cannot state this more strongly! Here’s some walk-through articles explaining how to do so:

在安装新驱动程序并创建系统还原点之前,应始终保持超时,这将使您能够在发生故障的情况下快速回滚。 我们根本无法更明确地说出这一点! 以下是一些演练文章,介绍如何操作:

Now that you’ve done that, we can proceed.


Actually Installing the Drivers


For the actual driver installation, in some cases Device Doctor sent us to a nice, easily installable executable—just run through the wizard and you’re done…

对于实际的驱动程序安装,在某些情况下,Device Doctor将我们发送到一个易于安装的不错的可执行文件中-只需通过向导运行就可以完成……


In other cases, however, the driver was a zip file that needs to be installed manually.



We’ve already covered how to install or update a driver in Part 4 of our series about how to build a new computer, but it’s a topic we should probably cover in greater depth down the line.


To install new drivers manually, just right-click the device in Device Manager, choose “Update Driver Software” from the menu, and then pick the “Browse my computer for driver software” on the first wizard page.



The rest is pretty self-explanatory—browse to the folder you extracted the drivers, and run through the rest of the wizard.


So, How Well Does It Work?


In our testing, Device Doctor worked really well for our Windows XP test system—it found 9 drivers that needed updating, and we verified that they were indeed the correct drivers. The actual scan takes only a couple of seconds, and since you don’t even need to install the portable version, it’s not going to clutter up your system with extra nonsense.

在我们的测试中,Device Doctor在我们的Windows XP测试系统上运行得非常好-找到了9个需要更新的驱动程序,并且我们验证了它们确实是正确的驱动程序。 实际的扫描仅需几秒钟,并且由于您甚至不需要安装便携式版本,因此不会造成不必要的混乱。

For our Windows 7 x64 test systems, it didn’t fare quite as well, with a couple of drivers that were not correct, like this PS/2 keyboard driver, which is obviously for XP:

对于我们的Windows 7 x64测试系统,它的表现也不尽如人意,其中有一些不正确的驱动程序,例如PS / 2键盘驱动程序,显然适用于XP:


Since this software is still essentially in “beta”, we can forgive a few mistakes here or there, but we hope the driver checking process becomes a lot more accurate in future versions. Drivers are an essential part of Windows, and you don’t want to go with the wrong ones.

由于该软件本质上仍处于“测试版”中,因此我们可以原谅此处或此处的一些错误,但我们希望在将来的版本中,驱动程序检查过程变得更加准确。 驱动程序是Windows的重要组成部分,您不想选择错误的驱动程序。

The Device Doctor people assure me that they are adding thousands of new Windows 7 drivers each week, so the problem should work itself out.

Device Doctor的人员向我保证,他们每周都会添加数千个新的Windows 7驱动程序,因此问题应该可以解决。

What Drivers Should I Update?


This brings up a good point—you don’t need to worry about updating every single driver on your system all the time, like that PS/2 keyboard driver we just mentioned. Here’s the drivers that we do recommend keeping updated:

这带来了一个好处-您不必担心一直在更新系统上的每个驱动程序,就像我们刚才提到的PS / 2键盘驱动程序一样。 我们建议您继续更新以下驱动程序:

  • Network Card Drivers – Especially as time goes on, wireless network card drivers need to be updated for better support and reliability.


  • Video Card Drivers – Every gamer knows that having updated video card drivers can be the difference between 100 and 500 nerd points. Also, better drivers make your system faster.

    显卡驱动程序–每个游戏玩家都知道,更新显卡驱动程序可能会导致100到500书呆子积分之间的差异。 而且,更好的驱动程序会使您的系统更快。

  • Chipset Drivers – You’ll be surprised how much difference the proper SATA drivers make on system performance, or the latest motherboard drivers make when dealing with system sleep issues. Personally I grab these from the manufacturer site.

    芯片组驱动程序–您会惊讶的是,正确的SATA驱动程序对系统性能或最新的主板驱动程序在处理系统睡眠问题时有多大的影响。 我个人是从制造商网站上获取这些的。

  • Sound Cards – Keep them updated!


How to Check the Version of Your Installed Drivers


Updating your system drivers is all fine and good, but how do you know what version of the driver you already have installed? If you don’t want to install any more software, you can open up Device Manager, find the device in the list, and choose Properties from the right-click menu.

更新系统驱动程序很好,但是如何知道已经安装的驱动程序版本? 如果您不想安装其他软件,则可以打开“设备管理器”,在列表中找到该设备,然后从右键单击菜单中选择“属性”。

We’ve already explained how you can view the installed list of drivers the easy way, but it’s good to know the manual method as well.



You’ll note that on the context menu you can choose to “Update Driver Software”, which will pull down the latest Microsoft-certified drivers from Windows Update. Unfortunately, Windows Update is often way behind when it comes to driver updates, and doesn’t always carry the manufacturer drivers that sometimes add extra functionality.

您会注意到,在上下文菜单上可以选择“更新驱动程序软件”,这将从Windows Update下拉最新的Microsoft认证的驱动程序。 不幸的是,Windows Update在驱动程序更新方面常常落后于其他人,并且并不总是带有制造商驱动程序,这些驱动程序有时会添加额外的功能。


On the Driver tab you’ll see the driver maker, date, and version. What you should keep in mind is that Microsoft makes their own drivers for some popular devices, but you can switch to the manufacturer driver instead, which usually is updated more frequently. This means that the current driver version won’t always have the same version numbering sequence as the manufacturer driver.

在“驱动程序”选项卡上,您将看到驱动程序制造商,日期和版本。 您应该牢记的是,Microsoft为某些流行的设备制作了自己的驱动程序,但是您可以改为使用制造商驱动程序,通常更新频率更高。 这意味着当前的驱动程序版本不一定总是与制造商驱动程序具有相同的版本编号顺序。

More About Device Doctor


We spoke to the guys that actually make Device Doctor, and they assured us that Device Doctor is completely free, and will continue to always be completely free. In order to pay the bills (we’re talking about a lot of bandwidth required to run their service), they have advertisements on the driver download page, but they also accept donations.

我们与实际制作Device Doctor的人员进行了交谈,他们向我们保证Device Doctor是完全免费的,并且将继续始终完全免费。 为了支付账单(我们正在谈论运行其服务所需的大量带宽),他们在驱动程序下载页面上有广告,但他们也接受捐赠。

They welcome your feedback—it’s only with feedback that they can make the software better and provide a great, free service to everybody. You can report incorrect drivers on the download page, or leave suggestions on their forum—the more that everybody reports mistakes, the more accurate the detection will be in the future.

他们欢迎您提供反馈,只有反馈才能使软件更好,并为每个人提供出色的免费服务。 您可以在下载页面上报告错误的驱动程序,或者在他们的论坛上留下建议-每个人报告的错误越多,以后的检测就越准确。


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软件介绍: 安装说明:1、解压后打开SSDTOOL_3.1.0.8_WIN.exe安装软件。2、启动软件后,会弹出一个需要注册的对话框,在1.和2.中间有一行蓝色的网址,点击它,会自动打开一个网页,将打开后的网页地址复制下来,运行keygen.exe注册机,将网址复制到注册机的Activation URL中,会自动计算出激活码。复制生成的激活码到2.中点击现在激活即可。官方自带的中文界面并非简体版,使用起来多少有些不便。你可以将zh_cn.lng文件复制到C:\Program Files\Solid State Doctor\lng目录下面,即可实现完美简体中文显示。Solid State Doctor是一款SSD固态硬盘优化工具。驱动器资讯功能:驱动器资源显示系统可用信息,包括驱动器的容量、型号和序号,以及驱动器的固件版本,还会为你提供支持的驱动器特征清单和驱动器上可以获得的安全。S.M.A.R.T信息能够显示全部的SMART状态,以及驱动器单个SMART属性的状态。红色图示代表失败,绿色图示代表通过。蓝色图示代表仅供参考,并且与驱动器故障无关,黄色图示表明之前已经失败的一种属性。SSD优化工具告诉SSD哪些资源块不再使用,例如哪些已删除档留下的资料块,定期使用将保持SSD的最佳性能。过量供应工具使你能够将一部分SSD空间分配给SSD控制器使用。这就使得你的SSD控制器能够帮助延长你SSD的使用寿命并提高性能。硬盘克隆将选中驱动器上的内容拷贝到选中的目标驱动器,注意,目标驱动器的内容将会被永久擦除。安全擦除工具使你能够安全擦除整个驱动器的内容,注意,运行这一工具后,资料将不可被恢复,在运行该工具前,请务必确保你想永久擦除数据。
DriverStudio 3.2是迄今为止最完备的驱动开发工具套件,它所提供的工具覆盖了 驱动开发的方方面面。DriverStudio套件中的所有工具都与Visual Studio IDE环 境集成在一起。开发人员可以在Visual Studio .NET 2002和2003环境中编写并测 试驱动程序,并且通过使用Microsoft C++编译器与Microsoft DDK完全保持兼容。 在这个版本中,所有工具的功能都得到了加强并且让开发人员可以更容易的开发优 质的驱动程序,这个版本的DriverStudio包括下列工具: DriverWorks DriverNetworks Visual SoftICE SoftICE BoundsChecker Driver Edition TrueTime Driver Edition TrueCoverage Driver Edition DriverWorks和DriverNetworks是DriverStudio的两个主要框架工具,可以提高开发 驱动程序的速度。DriverWorks简化了开发NT和WDM驱动程序的工作;DriverNetworks 则帮助开发人员毫不费力的创建和定制网络驱动程序。目前的版本可以让驱动程序 开发人员来回切换开发工具而无需改变开发环境。 DriverWorks和DriverNetworks还都提供了全新的DriverWizard,可以用C语言来创建 Windows设备驱动程序。另外,DriverWorks和DriverNetworks还为Visual Studio .NET 提供了全新的菜单和工具条,让开发人员可以使用Windows DDK编译器和链接器来build 驱动程序。 DriverWorks的类库和实例现在已经支持开发虚拟COM端口的驱动程序了。 Visual SoftICE是一个双机的系统级调试器,提供了多窗口,可配置的图形化用户界面 来帮助开发人员调试核心级的驱动程序,应用程序甚至于整个操作系统。 Visual SoftICE的最新版本在性能,功能以及用户界面上都有很大提高,其他新特性还 包括: 完全支持AMD 64位的Opteron和Athlon64处理器所提供的10个新命令: SYMLINK, DEVMGR, DP, TDIR, TMKDIR, TMOVE, TRENAME, TRMDIR, TRMFILE和TVOL。 SoftICE支持单机,用串行线连接的双机或是通过TCP/IP连接的远程计算机上的核心 级和用户级的调试。在DriverStudio 3.1版本中,SoftICE可以: 支持VMware 4.0 在"DriverStudio Config"中提供了一个新的反编译选项页 符号加载器提供了改进后的新界面 BoundsChecker Driver Edition是一个错误侦测工具,可以实施分析和侦测设备驱动 程序的错误。开发人员可以马上发现并修正这些错误,不用像以前那样要在数小时后 才能完成。新增的改进还有: 开发人员修改程序设置之后无需重启计算机 让开发人员可以记录驱动程序中的user-written函数。开发人员可以清楚地看到开发 中驱动程序在运行时的情况 可以查看DriverWorkbench内置的事件页汇总信息,包括记录了多少错误和泄漏问题 提供SoftICE事件命令的新开关参数,用来标示BoundsChecker当前监视的驱动程序 改进的自旋锁(spinlock)错误侦测 TrueTime Driver Edition可以用来改善驱动程序的性能问题,它可以准确地指出导致 速度变慢的代码和性能瓶颈。在DriverStudio 3.1版本中,用户可以将两个或多个测试 数据文件合并为一个,用来比较不同条件下改变代码所带来的性能提高情况。新增的改 进还有: 从系统性能计数器中收集数据 全新的"Custom Chart"为所有的函数,IRP和性能数据提供了集成可定制的显示方式 在文件系统可用之前即可开始收集性能数据 显示的数据可以导出为以逗号分割的文本文件,以备后续处理 TrueCoverage Driver Edition是一个代码辅助工具,它可以在没有源代码和符号文件的 情况下收集代码的辅助信息。驱动开发人员可以以图形化的方式查看代码结构,另外: 同时支持NMS和PDB符号文件 可以获取以下辅助数据:每个线程的基本信息,符合条件的辅助信息和部分执行的代码




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