


iPhone X home screen
Dedi Grigoroiu/Shutterstock.com Dedi Grigoroiu / Shutterstock.com

We use our phones for event tickets, reservations, insurance cards, and even driver’s licenses. But what happens when someone takes your unlocked iPhone out of view for a moment—what’s the risk? What’s the worst thing someone can do?

我们使用手机来购买活动门票,预订,保险卡,甚至是驾照。 但是,当有人暂时将未锁定的iPhone挡在视线之外时,会发生什么?这有什么风险? 某人最糟糕的事情是什么?

This is also relevant at international borders, where your unlocked phone might be taken from you—hopefully temporarily.


财务详细信息和密码是安全的 (Financial Details and Passwords Are Secure)

Face ID prompt for an online banking app on an iPhone.

Letting your iPhone out of your sight for a moment isn’t as risky as it seems. If you have an online banking or another financial app on your iPhone, the person with your phone probably can’t open it. Most of these apps use Face ID, Touch ID, or even a PIN to authenticate you. Someone with access to your unlocked phone can’t unlock your banking app—not without pointing it at your face to authenticate with Face ID, at least.

让您的iPhone暂时不在视线范围内看起来并不那么危险。 如果您的iPhone上有网上银行或其他金融应用程序,则手机用户可能无法打开它。 这些应用大多数都使用Face ID,Touch ID甚至PIN进行身份验证。 有权访问未锁定手机的人无法解锁银行应用程序-至少不将其对准您的脸部以使用Face ID进行身份验证。

Many other sensitive apps are secured with additional protection like this, too. Someone with your phone can’t buy apps on the App Store in password manager apps like LastPass and 1Password.

许多其他敏感的应用程序也受到类似这样的额外保护。 装有手机的人无法通过密码管理器应用程序(如LastPass和1Password)在App Store上购买应用程序

您的电子邮件,短信和照片可能会被监听 (Your Email, SMS, and Photos Could Be Snooped On)

If your phone is out of your view, it’s trivial for someone with it to look at your notifications, photos, SMS messages, and anything else you can tap. Anything you can access with your phone unlocked is accessible to them—and that’s a lot.

如果您的手机不在您的视线范围之内,那么与某人一起查看您的通知,照片,SMS消息以及您可以点击的其他任何东西都是微不足道的。 解锁手机时您可以访问的所有内容都可以被他们访问,这很多。

They could even open Messages, Mail, or Facebook and send messages as you. Someone who has it out for you could post an offensive message on social media or email your boss an insulting email. They could access your web browser, look at your browsing history, and use any website you’re logged into. All bets are off here.

他们甚至可以打开Messages,Mail或Facebook并像您一样发送消息。 有人为您解决了这个问题,您可以在社交媒体上发布令人反感的消息,也可以向您的老板发送侮辱性电子邮件。 他们可以访问您的Web浏览器,查看您的浏览历史记录,并使用您登录的任何网站。 所有赌注都在这里。

In fact, someone with access to your phone could even email or send themselves some of your photos or other messages.


In theory, someone with access to your phone could use SMS message verification to gain access to one of your accounts, too. They could reset the password on your account, use email or SMS to get a code, and then try to provide a new password.

从理论上讲,有权访问您电话的人也可以使用SMS消息验证来访问您的帐户之一。 他们可以重置您帐户的密码,使用电子邮件或SMS来获取代码,然后尝试提供新密码。

他们无法安装软件 (They Can’t Install Software)

Face ID prompt for installing an app on an iPhone XR.

Someone with your unlocked iPhone can’t install software, even if your iPhone is unlocked. You need to authenticate with Face ID or Touch ID to install a new app.

即使您的iPhone已解锁,拥有未锁定iPhone的人也无法安装软件。 您需要使用Face ID或Touch ID进行身份验证才能安装新应用。

Configuration profiles, which are intended for organizations and allow someone to force settings like a VPN on the iPhone, also can’t be installed without a PIN.


那么它有多危险? (So How Dangerous Is It?)

Someone with access to your phone can’t install software, open banking apps to perform financial transactions or snoop on the saved passwords in your password manager. That’s a relief.

有权访问您手机的人无法安装软件,打开银行应用程序以执行金融交易或窥探密码管理器中保存的密码。 那是一种解脱。

That matters—unlike with a PC, someone can’t install software that lays in the background and spies on you.


However, the person can look through your data at that moment, checking your photos, reading your messages, and digging through your emails. They can do whatever they want with your web browser and most apps on your system. That’s not great.

但是,此刻该人可以浏览您的数据,检查您的照片,阅读您的消息,并浏览您的电子邮件。 他们可以使用您的Web浏览器和系统上的大多数应用程序执行所需的任何操作。 那不是很好

If you’re concerned whether someone was messing with your phone, you might want to open the app switcher right after getting your phone back. Just swipe up from the bottom of the screen (on an iPhone X or newer) or double-click the Home button (on an iPhone 8 or older.) You’ll see the most recently used apps—unless the person closed the apps after using them, which is unlikely.

如果您担心有人在打扰您的手机,可以在取回手机后立即打开应用切换器。 只需从屏幕底部向上滑动(在iPhone X或更高版本上),或双击“主页”按钮(在iPhone 8或更高版本上。)您将看到最近使用的应用程序,除非此人在关闭后关闭了这些应用程序使用它们,这不太可能。

iPhone app switcher.

如何将某人锁定到单个应用程序 (How to Lock Someone to a Single App)

While leaving your unlocked iPhone with someone else isn’t as dangerous as it could be, it’s still not a great idea to give someone—whether it’s a ticket-taker at an event or a child in your home—access to your entire unlocked phone.

虽然将解锁的iPhone留给别人虽然没有那么危险,但让某人(无论是活动中的购票员还是家中的孩子)访问整个解锁的手机仍然不是一个好主意。 。

You can make things safer by using “Guided Access,” which lets you quickly lock your iPhone to a single app. Set this feature up ahead of time, and you can then quickly put an iPhone into “Guided Access” mode. This restricts it to a single app until you enter your PIN.

您可以使用“引导访问”来使事情变得更安全,它可以让您快速将iPhone锁定到单个应用程序。 提前设置此功能,然后您可以快速将iPhone置于“引导访问”模式。 这将其限制为单个应用程序,直到您输入PIN。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/435466/whats-the-worst-thing-someone-can-do-with-your-unlocked-iphone/






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