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You may have seen piles of video editing tools, but here we’ll show you a different one – VideoProc, developed by Digiarty Software, Inc. It is not a “standard” video editing program. Some consider VideoProc a complete toolbox also for video transcoding, but some insist that it a video converter with vivid video editing features. No matter what, it is definitely a less CPU-consuming video processing software application with the ultimate utilization of Intel, AMD or Nvidia GPU power for acceleration.

您可能已经看到了许多视频编辑工具,但是在这里,我们将向您展示另一种视频编辑工具–由Digiarty Software,Inc.开发的VideoProc。它不是“标准”视频编辑程序。 有些人认为VideoProc也是用于视频转码的完整工具箱,但有些人坚持认为它是具有生动的视频编辑功能的视频转换器。 不管怎样,它绝对是CPU消耗较少的视频处理软件应用程序,可以最终利用Intel,AMD或Nvidia GPU的强大功能来加速。

Disclaimer: This content was provided by our advertiser and has not been edited. It is in no way a reflection of How-To Geek’s writing or our editorial position.

免责声明:此内容由我们的广告客户提供,尚未编辑。 这绝不反映《 How-To Geek》的写作或我们的社论立场。

The current version of VideoProc might not for you to replace your Adobe Premiere Pro CC or Apple Final Cut Pro X, basically because it processes videos in a linear manner. It is an incremental solution and a good troubleshooter for many specific media problems, especially,

当前版本的VideoProc可能不适合您替换Adobe Premiere Pro CC或Apple Final Cut Pro X,主要是因为它以线性方式处理视频。 对于许多特定的媒体问题,它是一种增量解决方案和良好的疑难解答程序,尤其是,

  1. when your Premiere Pro fails to import or deal with 4K HEVC/VP9, GoPro 60fps or DJI MOV footages.

    当Premiere Pro无法导入或处理4K HEVC / VP9,GoPro 60fps或DJI MOV素材时。
  2. when your computer crashes frequently when opening large and lengthy video files.

  3. when your videos get highly compressed or out of sync when being edited through some apps.

  4. when you simply need to cut, crop, merge or resize the video without further ado.


The good news from the developer for Christmas 2019


All readers at How-to Geek can get a 7-day free trial and enjoy the full features now for Christmas and New Year.

How-to Geek的所有读者均可获得7天的免费试用,并享受圣诞节和新年的全部功能。

7-day free trial for Windows OS

Windows OS 7天免费试用

7-day free trial for macOS

macOS 7天免费试用

Now is also the chance to save 60% on VideoProc from the official Christmas Special Offer, with the coupon “XMAS-EXTRA“. If you need to know details on how to use the coupon, you can head over to https://www.videoproc.com/event/holiday-offer.htm

现在,您还可以使用优惠券“ XMAS-EXTRA ”从圣诞节特别优惠中节省VideoProc的60%。 如果您需要有关如何使用优惠券的详细信息,可以转到https://www.videoproc.com/event/holiday-offer.htm

Unique Features of VideoProc


VideoProc comes kitted with a video/audio/DVD converter, a video editor, a video/music downloader and a screen/webcam recorder. Therefore, your various multimedia recreation demands are covered within the single program. It has an edge over others in the following aspects:

VideoProc配备了视频/音频/ DVD转换器,视频编辑器,视频/音乐下载器和屏幕/网络摄像头。 因此,您的各种多媒体娱乐需求都包含在单个程序中。 在以下方面,它在其他方面具有优势:

  • VideoProc Is Born for HEVC and Uncommon Videos


Built-in with a set of decoders and encoders, VideoProc has stronger compatibility than most video editing apps. It is capable of handling virtually all types of videos, be it encoded by HEVC, VP9, or from an action cam, a DJI drone, a DSLR, a CCTV camera or a smartphone. Likewise, it has 470+ ready-made output formats and profiles to facilitate playback on different devices or uploading to YouTube, Facebook, etc.

VideoProc内置有一组解码器和编码器,比大多数视频编辑应用程序具有更强的兼容性。 它可以处理几乎所有类型的视频,无论是通过HEVC,VP9编码还是通过运动摄像头,DJI无人机,DSLR,CCTV摄像机或智能手机进行编码。 同样,它具有470多种现成的输出格式和配置文件,以方便在不同设备上播放或上传到YouTube,Facebook等。

  • Turbo Boosted Speed in Video Converting and Editing


For some people, VideoProc is just like a lifesaver for tweaking and rendering power-hungry videos like 4K ultra HD and raw videos. Radically, its unique Level-3 Hardware Acceleration Technology will automatically recognize and fully and reasonably utilize the GPU and CPU resources on your computer. Together with Hyper-threading and AMD 3DNow!, video converting speed can be 47x real-time faster, and the performance of both single and multithreaded processing are improved dramatically. You don’t have to install any other plugin or application to achieve this.

对于某些人来说,VideoProc就像是一个救生员,用于调整和渲染耗能巨大的视频,例如4K超高清和原始视频。 从根本上讲,其独特的3级硬件加速技术将自动识别并充分合理地利用计算机上的GPU和CPU资源。 结合超线程和AMD 3DNow !,视频转换速度可以快47倍,并且单线程和多线程处理的性能都得到了显着提高。 您无需安装任何其他插件或应用程序即可实现此目的。

  • High Fidelity & Up to 90% Compression Ratio


Developed in the new era and updated frequently, this software always utilizes the up-to-date codec and compression algorithm. Taking transcoding an H264 (AVC) to H265 (HEVC) video, for instance, the compression ratio can reach 90%, while still preserving high image quality. This is important when you want to just reduce the file size but not to sacrifice too much quality.

该软件开发于新时代,并经常更新,始终使用最新的编解码器和压缩算法。 以H264(AVC)到H265(HEVC)视频的转码为例,压缩率可以达到90%,同时仍然保持高图像质量。 当您只想减小文件大小而不牺牲太多质量时,这一点很重要。

  • Small Features, Big Roles


Some editing features of VideoProc are seemingly unremarkable, but they can meet most video editing demands. You may say almost every video editor can cut, crop, merge and rotate videos. But VideoProc just makes them ultimate and handy. Even if you know little about video editing or video conversion, you can pick a preset and achieve quick editing with satisfied results. The customizable settings can give you control over details at your free will.

VideoProc的某些编辑功能看似不起眼,但可以满足大多数视频编辑需求。 您可能会说几乎每个视频编辑器都可以剪切,裁剪,合并和旋转视频。 但是VideoProc只是使它们最终和方便。 即使您对视频编辑或视频转换了解甚少,也可以选择一个预设并以满意的结果实现快速编辑。 可自定义的设置可以让您随意控制细节。

No matter you are a beginner or a pro in video making, VideoProc will be a quick and easy option. It helps convert, edit and adjust all kinds of videos without the need to fiddle with the complicated timeline and hidden settings. If you don’t want to pay for any video editing or transcoding tool, the 7-day trial version is just for you.

无论您是视频制作的初学者还是专业人士,VideoProc都是一个快速简便的选择。 它有助于转换,编辑和调整各种视频,而无需费心处理复杂的时间轴和隐藏设置。 如果您不想为任何视频编辑或转码工具付费,那么7天试用版只适合您。

Read more about VideoProc: https://www.videoproc.com/

进一步了解VideoProc: https//www.videoproc.com/

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/451953/download-a-7-day-free-trial-or-buy-videoproc-with-60-off-coupon-sponsored-post/

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