geek_Ask How-To Geek:营救受感染的PC,安装无膨胀iTunes和驯服疯狂的触控板



You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we highlight how to save your computer if it’s so overrun by viruses and malware you can’t work from within Windows, install iTunes without all the bloat, and tame a hyper-sensitive trackpad.

您有问题,我们有答案。 今天,我们着重介绍了如何在计算机无法正常工作的情况下保存计算机,以免它们无法在Windows内运行,无法安装iTunes,并驯服高度敏感的触控板。

Once a week we dip into our mailbag and help readers solve their problems, sharing the useful solutions with you I the process. Read on to see our fixes for this week’s reader dilemmas.

每周一次,我们浸入我们的邮袋,并帮助读者解决他们的问题,并在过程中与您分享有用的解决方案。 请继续阅读以了解本周读者困境的修复方法。

使用可启动应急CD清洁受感染的PC (Clean an Infected PC with a Bootable Rescue CD)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve got a fever and, alas, the cure wasn’t more cowbell. My computer is infected with “System Tool 2011” malware and I’m in a bind. I can’t reboot into Safe Mode with Networking and I can’t (because of a previous incident that damaged it) use my system restore! My entire system is being held hostage at this point. What can I do?

我发烧了,可惜,治愈方法再没有牛铃了。 我的计算机感染了“ System Tool 2011”恶意软件,并且处于绑定状态。 我无法通过网络重新启动到安全模式,并且(由于先前的事件损坏了它)我无法使用系统还原! 此时,我的整个系统被扣为人质。 我能做什么?



Cowbells Can’t Fix Everything


Dear Cowbells,


A fever that can’t be cured by more cowbell is serious business and requires serious tools. You’re going to need access to a clean PC to create a boot CD. We’re going to outright circumvent the malware by loading an entire operating system—however lightweight—into your computer’s memory. With it we can work on the infected disk from a safe distance and without the hassle of the malware having any control over the system.  We have two guides you’ll want to check out. Start with our guide to making a bootable BitDefender rescue CD. If for some reason that fails you, check out this guide on creating a Kaspersky rescue CD. Good luck!

发烧,不能再用更多的铃铛治愈,这是严肃的事情,需要严肃的工具。 您将需要访问干净的PC才能创建启动CD。 我们将通过将整个操作系统(无论是轻量级的)加载到计算机的内存中,从而彻底避免恶意软件。 有了它,我们可以安全地在受感染的磁盘上工作,而无需担心恶意软件对系统的任何控制。 我们有两个指南供您参考。 从我们制作可启动BitDefender应急CD的指南开始。 如果由于某种原因使您无法使用,请查看有关创建卡巴斯基应急CD的本指南。 祝好运!

安装iTunes时不要大声疾呼 (Installing iTunes Without The Bloat)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

After years of being an Apple-free household this Christmas the long arm of Apple’s consumer electronics division will finally snag us. I bought my wife an iPad and I just found out my brother is getting me one of the new iPods.  This means I’ll be installing iTunes; I know there are alternative managers out there but for the sake of having something my wife can use without any hassle, I’ll be sticking with iTunes. Is there anyway to install it without all the crap? I want as little iTunes as possible while still making simple tasks like syncing music and creating playlists easy.

在这个圣诞节成为无苹果家庭数年之后,苹果消费电子部门的长臂终于将我们吸引住了。 我给妻子买了一台iPad,但我才发现哥哥正在为我买一台新的iPod。 这意味着我将安装iTunes。 我知道那里有其他经理人,但是为了让我的妻子可以轻松使用某些东西,我会坚持使用iTunes。 无论如何,有没有安装它的废话吗? 我想要尽可能少的iTunes,同时仍使同步音乐和创建播放列表等简单任务变得容易。



Cupertino Got Their Claws in Me


Dear Cupertino,


You’re in luck. After the advent of iTunes 10—the most bloated release of iTunes yet—we put together a guide to installing just the components you need. Check out our guide here and see how you can skip annoying bloat like the nearly useless iTunesHelper.exe. Should you find you need any of the tools in the future, you can always install them. While you’re checking stuff out you might want to take a peek at our massive list of iPad tips and tricks to get yourself familiar with what the iPad can do (and how you can fix some minor annoyances).

你真幸运。 iTunes 10出现之后(这是iTunes迄今为止最release肿的版本),我们汇总了一份指南,以指导您仅安装所需的组件。 在这里查看我们的指南,看看如何避免像几乎没有用的iTunesHelper.exe那样令人讨厌。 如果您发现将来需要任何工具,则可以随时安装它们。 当您检查资料时,您可能想看一看我们的大量iPad提示和技巧,以熟悉iPad的功能(以及如何解决一些小麻烦)。

键入时锁定触摸板 (Lock Down Your Touchpad While Typing)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

We recently got new laptops at work and the new ones have a totally smooth touchpad that is flush with the wrist rest. I find myself bumping it all the time and the stupid cursor jumps all over, often deleting parts of the email I was writing and doing another annoying things in the process. It’s driving me crazy! I need the trackpad (I don’t want to lug around a travel mouse with me everywhere) so disabling it completely is out of the question. What can I do?

我们最近有新的笔记本电脑在工作,新的笔记本电脑具有完全光滑的触摸板,与腕托齐平。 我发现自己一直在碰碰它,而愚蠢的光标却跳来跳去,经常删除我正在写的部分电子邮件,并在此过程中做另外一件令人讨厌的事情。 这让我疯狂! 我需要触控板(我不想随身携带旅行鼠标),因此完全禁用它是不可能的。 我能做什么?



Jittery Trackpad


Dear Jittery Trackpad,


We feel your pain, it seems like every year trackpads get more sensitive and ever easier to bump with your hands as you type. You’ve got a couple options for resolving your problem. You could use an application to disable the trackpad while you’re typing or you could decrease the sensitivity of the trackpad until it is low enough to not register small bumps while typing. Check out our guide here to see available software solutions and how to adjust the sensitivity. Also, you may want to check the documentation that came with your laptop. Many newer laptops have a little button near the hinge that, either through software on the laptop or through a hardware switch, allows you to turn off the trackpad temporarily.

我们感到您的痛苦,似乎每年触控板变得更加灵敏,并且在您打字时碰手变得更加容易。 您有几种解决问题的选择。 您可以在打字时使用应用程序禁用触控板,也可以降低触控板的灵敏度,直到其足够低而在打字时不会出现小颠簸。 在此处查看我们的指南,以查看可用的软件解决方案以及如何调整灵敏度。 另外,您可能需要检查笔记本电脑随附的文档。 许多较新的笔记本电脑在铰链附近都有一个小按钮,通过笔记本电脑上的软件或通过硬件开关,您可以暂时关闭触控板。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at
您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。







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