


An iPhone sitting on a wireless charger.
Kevin Parrish

Wireless charging means you can re-energize your phone’s battery without a physical tether. It also prevents possible damage to your phone’s charging port. Unfortunately, not all phones support wireless charging, but we’ll tell you which iPhone models do.

无线充电意味着您无需物理上的束缚即可为手机的电池重新充电。 它还可以防止损坏手机的充电端口。 不幸的是,并非所有手机都支持无线充电,但是我们会告诉您哪种iPhone型号可以。

为什么要无线充电? (Why Wireless Charging?)

When you recharge your iPhone’s battery without plugging a cord into it, this reduces wear and tear or possible damage to the Lightning port.


For example, if you recharge with a wired connection and your cat jumps onto the bedside table and knocks your phone off, leaving it dangling, this could damage the port. Ultimately, the less time your iPhone is physically tethered to a charger, the better.

例如,如果您通过有线连接充电,而猫跳到床头柜上并把手机摔下来,使其悬而未决,则可能会损坏端口。 最终,将您的iPhone实际拴在充电器上的时间越少越好。

A wireless charging setup typically consists of a circular pad wider than the width of your iPhone. You simply place your iPhone face-up on the pad, and the battery begins to charge. You can only charge an Apple Watch wirelessly via the packaged dock or a compatible third-party solution.

无线充电设置通常包括一个圆形的垫,其宽度大于iPhone的宽度。 您只需将iPhone正面朝上放在平板电脑上,电池就会开始充电。 您只能通过打包的底座或兼容的第三方解决方案为Apple Watch无线充电。

Technically, the power transfer process does require a cord—the power cord that connects the wireless charging pad to an electrical outlet. The energy passes from the power outlet through the cord and into the charging pad.

从技术上讲,电源传输过程确实需要一根电线,即将无线充电板连接到电源插座的电源线。 能量从电源插座通过电源线进入充电垫。

When your phone begins charging, the screen illuminates a circular animation, along with a “charging” message. A little lightning bolt also appears over the battery icon on the status bar. Meanwhile, the charging pad illuminates a single, multicolor LED, or a ring as a visual indicator of the current charging state.

当手机开始充电时,屏幕会显示圆形动画以及“正在充电”消息。 状态栏上的电池图标上方也会出现一个小的闪电。 同时,充电板会照亮单个多色LED或一个环,以作为当前充电状态的可视指示器。

iPhones that support wireless charging are based on the Qi open interface standard.


什么是气? (What Is Qi?)

A Samsung Wireless Charging Pad.
Kevin Parrish

Pronounced “chee,” Qi is a Chinese word that means “life energy.” In this case, the word refers to a wireless standard developed and maintained by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC). It defines energy transferred from one device to another without a physical cable.

Qi的发音是“ chee”,它是一个中文单词,意思是“生命能量”。 在这种情况下,该词是指由无线电源联盟(WPC)开发和维护的无线标准。 它定义了无需物理电缆即可从一台设备传输到另一台设备的能量。

An induction coil within the wireless charging pad station continuously receives small amounts of power to remain in a standby state until it detects the receiver coil located inside your iPhone. It then draws more power from the wall outlet.

无线充电板站中的感应线圈会不断接收少量电能,以保持待机状态,直到检测到iPhone内的接收线圈为止。 然后,它从墙上的插座中汲取更多能量。

When the two coils make contact, they create an alternating electromagnetic field. The iPhone’s receiver coil generates a current from this field that’s converted into direct current (electrical energy) used by the iPhone’s battery. The whole process is called magnetic induction.

当两个线圈接触时,它们会产生交变电磁场。 iPhone的接收器线圈从该场产生电流,该电流被转换为iPhone电池使用的直流电(电能)。 整个过程称为磁感应。

According to the WPC, there are over 3,700 Qi-certified products. If a product has Qi certification, you’ll see the logo on the product and its packaging. The consortium also provides a Qi-Certified product database, so you can find and purchase the correct wireless charging station for your iPhone.

据WPC称,有3,700多种经Qi认证的产品。 如果产品具有Qi认证,您将在产品及其包装上看到徽标。 该联盟还提供了Qi认证的产品数据库,因此您可以找到并购买适用于iPhone的正确无线充电站。

支持无线充电的iPhone (iPhones That Support Wireless Charging)

The iPhone models that support wireless charging feature glass backs, which enable their receiver coils to connect with a charging pad’s induction coil.


You can, however, install a protective cover on your iPhone and still take advantage of wireless charging. Avoid cases that store items with magnetic strips or RFID chips, like credit cards, passports, hotel keys, and so on, as the recharging process could damage their functionality. Either remove these items before you charge your phone or use a different protective cover.

但是,您可以在iPhone上安装保护盖,并且仍然可以利用无线充电功能。 避免存放带有磁条或RFID芯片的物品,例如信用卡,护照,旅馆钥匙等,因为充电过程可能会损坏其功能。 在给手机充电之前,请先移除这些物品,或使用其他保护套。

Thick cases and covers might also be problematic. If charging doesn’t start automatically, remove the case, and try again.

厚重的外壳和盖子可能也有问题。 如果无法自动开始充电,请取出手机壳,然后重试。

The following iPhones are compatible with wireless charging:


  • iPhone 11 Pro Max (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro Max(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 Pro (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 (2019)

    iPhone 11(2019年)
  • iPhone XR (2018)

    iPhone XR(2018)
  • iPhone XS Max (2018)

    iPhone XS Max(2018年)
  • iPhone XS (2018)

    iPhone XS(2018)
  • iPhone X (2017)

    iPhone X(2017年)
  • iPhone 8 Plus (2017)

    iPhone 8 Plus(2017年)
  • iPhone 8 (2017)

    iPhone 8(2017年)

Unless Apple introduces a new method of charging, future iPhones should also include wireless charging.


无线充电速度 (Wireless Charging Speeds)

A man's hand holding an Apple iPhone 11 Pro.
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

You might be wondering whether wireless charging is faster than wired. The iPhone models we listed above support both Fast Wireless Charging (iOS 11.2 and newer) and Fast Wired Charging. Wireless charging, however, is notably slower than wired, given air is less conductive than a wire.

您可能想知道无线充电是否比有线充电更快。 我们上面列出的iPhone型号同时支持快速无线充电(iOS 11.2和更高版本)和快速有线充电。 但是,鉴于空气的导电性不如电线,无线充电的速度明显比有线慢。

If you need a quick charge before you leave the house or office, a wired connection is the way to go. To charge up overnight or throughout the day while you work, though, a wireless charging station might be the better solution.

如果您在离开家或办公室之前需要快速充电,则可以使用有线连接。 不过,要在通宵工作或全天工作时充电,无线充电站可能是更好的解决方案。

The current Qi standard supports 5 (Baseline Power Profile) to 15 watts (Extended Power Profile). The higher the number, the faster the phone battery recharges. All compatible iPhones support up to 7.5 watts, although newer handsets support 10 watts.

当前的Qi标准支持5(基准功率曲线)到15瓦(扩展功率曲线)。 数字越高,手机电池充电越快。 所有兼容的iPhone最高支持7.5瓦,而较新的手机支持10瓦。

您的iPhone是否支持无线充电? (Does Your iPhone Support Wireless Charging?)

The easiest way to verify if your iPhone supports wireless charging is to check for a physical Home button. The iPhone X to 11 Pro and newer have edge-to-edge screens and don’t have a Home button. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are the only two models with a Home button that also support wireless charging.

验证iPhone是否支持无线充电的最简单方法是检查物理“主页”按钮。 iPhone X至11 Pro及更高版本的屏幕具有边缘到边缘的屏幕,并且没有“主页”按钮。 iPhone 8和8 Plus是仅有的两个带有“主页”按钮的机型,它们也支持无线充电。

Another way to verify is to check your iPhone’s model number. To find your model number on your device, tap Settings > General > About. Next, tap the part number listed to the right of “Model Number” to reveal it.

验证的另一种方法是检查iPhone的型号。 要在设备上查找型号,请点击设置>常规>关于。 接下来,点击“型号”右侧列出的零件号以显示它。

The iPhone model numbers capable of wireless charging are below:


  • iPhone 11 Pro Max: A2160 (Canada, U.S.), A2217 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao), and A2215 (other)

    iPhone 11 Pro Max: A2160(美国加拿大),A2217(中国大陆,香港,澳门)和A2215(其他)

  • iPhone 11 Pro: A2161 (Canada, U.S.), A2220 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao), and A2218 (other)

    iPhone 11 Pro: A2161(美国加拿大),A2220(中国大陆,香港,澳门)和A2218(其他)

  • iPhone 11: A2111 (Canada, U.S.), A2223 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao), and A2221 (other)

    iPhone 11: A2111(美国加拿大),A2223(中国大陆,香港,澳门)和A2221(其他)

  • iPhone XS Max: A1921, A2101, and A2102 (Japan); A2103 and A2104 (China mainland)

    iPhone XS Max: A1921,A2101和A2102(日本); A2103和A2104(中国大陆)

  • iPhone XS: A1920, A2097, and A2098 (Japan); A2099 and A2100 (China mainland)

    iPhone XS: A1920,A2097和A2098(日本); A2099和A2100(中国大陆)

  • iPhone XR: A1984, A2105, and A2106 (Japan); A2107 and A2108 (China mainland)

    iPhone XR: A1984,A2105和A2106(日本); A2107和A2108(中国大陆)

  • iPhone X: A1865, A1901, and A1902 (Japan)

    iPhone X: A1865,A1901和A1902(日本)

  • iPhone 8 Plus: A1864, A1897, and A1898 (Japan)

    iPhone 8 Plus: A1864,A1897和A1898(日本)

  • iPhone 8: A1863, A1905, and A1906 (Japan)

    iPhone 8: A1863,A1905和A1906(日本)

值得注意的技巧 (Notable Tips)

There are a few things to keep in mind when you use a wireless charger. First, your iPhone will not charge wirelessly if it’s physically connected to a charger or USB port. You can only charge it from one source or the other.

使用无线充电器时,需要牢记一些注意事项。 首先,如果您的iPhone物理连接到充电器或USB端口,则将无法进行无线充电。 您只能从一种来源或另一种来源进行充电。

Second, your iPhone might feel slightly warmer than usual when you wirelessly charge it due to unused energy that represents as heat. This tends to happen when the coils within the charging pad and phone are not lined up correctly, or if the battery isn’t fully collecting or storing energy.

其次,由于未使用的能量表示热量,因此当您进行无线充电时,iPhone可能会比平时略热。 当充电板和手机中的线圈未正确对齐,或者电池没有完全收集或存储能量时,会发生这种情况。

According to Apple, iOS might limit charging above 80 percent if the battery gets too warm. If this occurs, Apple suggests you move the phone and charger to a cooler location. When the temperature drops, your iPhone will charge normally.

根据苹果公司的说法,如果电池温度过高,iOS可能会将充电限制在80%以上。 如果发生这种情况,Apple建议您将手机和充电器移至凉爽的地方。 当温度下降时,您的iPhone将正常充电。

Vibrations might also extend the wireless charging time or even prevent your iPhone’s battery from wirelessly charging. Notifications, texts, and other alerts that use vibrations might shift your iPhone while it rests on the charger and stop the power transfer. To prevent this, simply put your iPhone in Do Not Disturb mode or turn off vibrations altogether when you charge it.

振动还可能会延长无线充电时间,甚至会阻止iPhone的电池进行无线充电。 当iPhone放在充电器上时,使用振动的通知,文本和其他警报可能会使您的iPhone移动并停止电源传输。 为防止这种情况,只需将iPhone置于“请勿打扰”模式或在充电时完全关闭振动即可。

Finally, putting your phone and charging pad next to your bed could be problematic if you tend to thrash around a lot while you sleep. Place them somewhere else in the room, so your iPhone can properly recharge, and you won’t be distracted by notification sounds.

最后,如果您在睡觉时经常不停rash打,将手机和充电板放在床旁可能会成问题。 将它们放置在房间的其他位置,以便您的iPhone能够正常充电,并且不会被通知声音所干扰。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449429/which-iphones-have-wireless-charging/


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