
Samsung packs its flagship phones with a slew of features—some are even better than stock Android. Either way, there are a lot of things on these phones that you may not be using. Here are some of the best.

包三星旗舰手机用的特性-有的甚至比普通的Android 。 无论哪种方式,这些电话上都有很多您可能没有使用的东西。 这里有一些最好的。

单手模式:用一只手管理手机的野兽 (One-Handed Mode: Manage that Beast of a Phone with One Hand)

Modern smartphones are big. Even if you opt for a “smaller” model—like the Galaxy S9—it can still be a challenge to do everything you need to do with a single hand. That’s where one-handed mode comes into play.

现代智能手机很大。 即使您选择“较小”的型号(例如Galaxy S9),单手完成所需的一切仍然是一个挑战。 那就是单手模式起作用的地方。

With a single gesture (a diagonal swipe from the bottom corner) or a triple-tap of the home button, you can shrink the display down to a usable size for one-handed operation. If you’re not already using this, it’s a game changer when you only have one hand available. You can find one-handed options at Settings > Advanced Features > One-Handed Mode.

只需单击一个手势(从底角向下滑动一个对角线)或按一下主屏幕按钮三下,您就可以将显示缩小到可用的大小,以便进行单手操作。 如果您尚未使用此功能,那么只有一只手可用时,它会改变游戏规则。 您可以在“设置”>“高级功能”>“单手模式”中找到单手选项。

游戏工具:有意义的调整,带来更好的游戏体验 (Game Tools: Meaningful Tweaks for a Better Gaming Experience)

If you play games on your phone, Samsung’s Game Tools menu is a great way to improve the experience. Any time a game is running, a new menu shows up that provides some pretty fun tweaks you might like when playing. With Game Tools, you can:

如果您在手机上玩游戏,三星的“游戏工具”菜单是改善游戏体验的好方法。 每当游戏运行时,都会出现一个新菜单,提供您在玩游戏时可能会进行的一些有趣的调整。 使用游戏工具,您可以:

  • Toggle fullscreen

  • Disable Alerts

  • Lock the home button hard-press

  • Lock the edge display touch area

  • Lock brightness

  • Lock navigation keys

  • Lock screen touches

  • Take a screenshot

  • Record a video


That’s all from a simple menu button that shows up just to the left of the back button in the navigation area. You can also edit the shortcut button on the right side of the navigation keys—by default, it’s a screen touch lock, but you can change it to other things by pressing the cog icon at the top of the menu.

全部来自一个简单的菜单按钮,该按钮仅显示在导航区域中后退按钮的左侧。 您还可以编辑导航键右侧的快捷方式按钮-默认情况下,它是屏幕触摸锁定,但是您可以通过按菜单顶部的cog图标将其更改为其他功能。

SOS消息:如果您遇到问题,请Swift让别人知道 (SOS Messages: Quickly Let Someone Know if You’re In Trouble)

Unlike the other convenience features we’re talking about here, SOS Messages is a potentially life-saving feature that can quickly send a message to up to four emergency contacts when you rapidly click the power button three times. It’s off by default, so we encourage everyone with a Galaxy smartphone to enable it now.

与我们在此讨论的其他便利功能不同,SOS消息是一种可能挽救生命的功能,当您快速单击电源按钮3次时,它可以将消息快速发送给多达四个紧急联系人。 默认情况下它处于关闭状态,因此我们鼓励所有拥有Galaxy智能手机的人立即启用它。

You can not only send a message, but optionally add a picture, five-second audio recording, or both. Once executed, your phone sends an SOS Message with the text “I need help!” and a map of your current location to your specific emergency contacts. If enabled, it also sends a video and picture in a separate message.

您不仅可以发送消息,还可以选择添加图片,五秒钟的录音或两者。 执行后,您的手机会发送一条SOS消息,内容为“我需要帮助!”。 以及您当前位置到特定紧急联系人的地图。 如果启用,它还会在单独的消息中发送视频和图片。

You can enable this feature in Settings > Advanced Features > Send SOS Messages.


智能锁:在某些情况下绕过锁屏 (Smart Lock: Bypass the Lock Screen in Certain Situations)

Okay, calling this a Samsung feature isn’t fair—it’s a feature built into Android. But the point still stands: if you’re not using it, you should be. It’s cool.

好的,称其为三星功能不公平-这是Android内置的功能。 但是问题仍然存在:如果您不使用它,应该使用它。 这个很酷。

Smart Lock lets you keep your device unlocked under particular situations: when the phone is connected to a particular Bluetooth device (this is great for smartwatch users), when it’s in your pocket, or when you’re in a specific location. While On-Body Detection (in your pocket) isn’t the best option, the other two are great.

Smart Lock可让您在特定情况下将设备保持解锁状态:当手机连接到特定的蓝牙设备(这对于SmartWatch用户来说非常有用),当您将其放在口袋中或当您在特定位置时。 虽然“随身携带检测”(不是放在口袋里)不是最好的选择,但其他两个都很棒。

When enabled, you can easily bypass the lock screen any time you meet the Smart Lock criteria. You can find these options in Settings > Lock Screen and Security > Smart Lock.

启用后,只要符合Smart Lock标准,您就可以轻松绕过锁定屏幕。 您可以在“设置”>“锁定屏幕”和“安全性”>“智能锁定”中找到这些选项。

自定义振动模式:轻松区分通话,短信甚至人 (Custom Vibration Patterns: Easily Differentiate Calls, Texts, and Even People)

You’ve been able to set custom ringtones for specific users or situations for a long time, but Samsung more recently added custom vibration patterns to the mix. These let you keep the phone silent but still be able to tell the difference between a call or text—you can even set custom vibration options for different contacts if you want.

您已经能够为特定用户或情况设置自定义铃声了很长时间,但是三星最近向混音中添加了自定义振动模式。 这些功能使您可以让手机保持静音,但仍然可以分辨出通话或发短信之间的区别,您甚至可以根据需要为不同的联系人设置自定义振动选项。

You can find general vibration options in Settings > Sounds and Vibrations, but you’ll need to set contact-specific vibration settings that contact’s card. Tap the “Edit” button, and then scroll down to the “View More” option. Vibration Pattern is at the very bottom.

您可以在“设置”>“声音和振动”中找到常规的振动选项,但是您需要设置联系人卡片的特定于联系人的振动设置。 点击“编辑”按钮,然后向下滚动到“查看更多”选项。 振动模式位于最底部。

无线充电:最便捷的充电方式 (Wireless Charging: The Most Convenient Way to Charge)

I’m always shocked to find out when a person has a phone that supports wireless charging but they haven’t tried it—this is by far one of the most convenient features on any device that offers it! While USB-C is easier to plug in than micro USB (since USB-C is a non-directional plug), it still doesn’t match the ease of use found in wireless charging—especially at night.

我总是很震惊地发现一个人何时拥有支持无线充电的电话,但他们还没有尝试过-这是迄今为止提供该功能的任何设备上最方便的功能之一! 尽管USB-C比微型USB更容易插入(因为USB-C是非定向插头),但它仍不符合无线充电的易用性,尤其是在夜间。

When you’ve been staring at your phone in bed and are ready to pass you, there’s nothing sweeter than rolling over and dropping the phone on a dock to start charging it. No fumbling with cables, just a super easy way to charge your phone. And in the morning, killing the alarm is equally as easy since you don’t have to deal with a cable attached to your phone.

当您一直躺在床上盯着手机准备通过时,没有什么比将手机翻滚并放到基座上开始充电更贴心的了。 无需费心电缆,这只是给手机充电的超级简便方法。 在早晨,消除警报同样容易,因为您无需处理电话上连接的电缆。

So do yourself a favor and pick up a wireless charger. You’ll be glad you did.

因此,请帮自己一个忙,拿起无线充电器。 您会很高兴的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/361885/the-best-samsung-galaxy-features-youre-probably-not-using/





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