Ubuntu 12.10中的8个新功能,Quantal Quetzal


Ubuntu 12.10 has been released and you can download it now. From better integration with web apps and online services to improvements in Unity, there are quite a few changes – although none of them are huge or groundbreaking.

Ubuntu 12.10已发布,您可以立即下载。 从与Web应用程序和在线服务的更好集成到Unity的改进,虽然有很大的变化,但都没有很大的变化。

The list of new features may be more exciting next time around, with Mark Shuttleworth promising secret development of new “tada!” features that will be unveiled closer to Ubuntu 13.04’s release.

下次,新功能列表可能会更加令人兴奋,Mark Shuttleworth承诺秘密开发新的“ tada!”。 这些功能将在Ubuntu 13.04发行日之前发布。

网络应用集成 (Web App Integration)

Ubuntu 12.10 contains web app integration that aims to make web apps like Gmail first-class citizens of the Ubuntu desktop. Visit a supported website in Firefox or Chromium and you’ll see a prompt to install the web app. For example, you can use this feature to pin Gmail to your launcher – you’ll get a dedicated window for Gmail and see new email notifications in Ubuntu’s messaging menu.

Ubuntu 12.10包含Web应用程序集成,旨在使Gmail等Web应用程序成为Ubuntu桌面的一等公民。 在Firefox或Chromium中访问受支持的网站,您会看到安装Web应用程序的提示。 例如,您可以使用此功能将Gmail固定到启动器上-您将获得一个专用于Gmail的窗口,并在Ubuntu的消息菜单中查看新的电子邮件通知。

Visit our post about Ubuntu’s web app integration for more examples of how this feature works with different websites.

请访问我们有关Ubuntu Web应用程序集成的帖子,以获取有关此功能如何在不同网站上运行的更多示例。


网上账户 (Online Accounts)

The Online Accounts control panel allows you to add a variety of online accounts to Ubuntu in one place. Applications on your Ubuntu desktop can integrate with these accounts. For example, if you add a Flickr account here, you’ll be able to search for photos in your Flickr account and preview them from Ubuntu’s dash. Add a Twitter account and it will appear in Gwibber, or add an AIM account and it will appear in the Empathy instant messager.

在线帐户控制面板使您可以在一处将各种在线帐户添加到Ubuntu。 Ubuntu桌面上的应用程序可以与这些帐户集成。 例如,如果您在此处添加Flickr帐户,则可以在Flickr帐户中搜索照片并从Ubuntu的破折号中预览它们。 添加一个Twitter帐户,它将出现在Gwibber中,或者添加一个AIM帐户,它将出现在Empathy即时消息工具中。


短跑预览 (Dash Previews)

You can now right-click anything in Ubuntu’s dash to view a full-screen preview. For example, if you right-click an application icon, you’ll see information about the application along with a screenshot and an Uninstall button. Right-click an image or document and you’ll see a preview of it.

现在,您可以右键单击Ubuntu破折号中的任何内容以查看全屏预览。 例如,如果右键单击应用程序图标,您将看到有关该应用程序的信息以及屏幕截图和“卸载”按钮。 右键单击图像或文档,您将看到其预览。


轻松的全盘加密 (Easy Full-Disk Encryption)

Ubuntu 12.10 offers easy full-disk encryption setup. Just enable the Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security option while installing Ubuntu. Previously, this required using an alternative installation disc.

Ubuntu 12.10提供了简单的全盘加密设置。 在安装Ubuntu时,只需启用“加密新安装的Ubuntu安全性”选项即可。 以前,这需要使用备用安装光盘。

Unlike home folder encryption, this feature encrypts all files on your Ubuntu partition with a password – you’ll have to enter the password at boot time to use the system. This is a useful feature for laptops and other systems with sensitive data on them, but it does reduce performance.

与主文件夹加密不同,此功能使用密码加密Ubuntu分区上的所有文件-您必须在启动时输入密码才能使用系统。 对于笔记本电脑和其他带有敏感数据的系统,此功能很有用,但会降低性能。


统一统一 (A Unified Unity)

Ubuntu’s Unity desktop is now unified. Previously, two versions of Unity were available – the 3D-accelerated default named Unity and an alternative named Unity 2D for systems without 3D acceleration. While they looked similar, they were actually different desktops.

Ubuntu的Unity桌面现已统一。 以前,有两个版本的Unity:一个用于3D加速的默认名称Unity,另一个用于没有3D加速的系统Unity 2D。 尽管它们看上去很相似,但实际上它们是不同的台式机。

Unity 2D has now been removed and Unity is used by default on all systems. On systems that don’t support hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, Gallium3D LLVMpipe is used to render Unity’s 3D effects in software.

现在已删除Unity 2D,并且默认情况下在所有系统上使用Unity。 在不支持硬件加速3D图形的系统上,Gallium3D LLVMpipe用于在软件中渲染Unity的3D效果。


安全启动支持 (Secure Boot Support)

Ubuntu 12.10 includes a signed Grub 2 bootloader, allowing it to install on computers that use the UEFI Secure Boot feature – in other words, Windows 8 PCs. You won’t have to add any keys to your UEFI firmware or disable secure boot to install Ubuntu on these systems.

Ubuntu 12.10包含签名的Grub 2引导程序,可将其安装在使用UEFI安全引导功能的计算机上,即Windows 8 PC。 您无需在UEFI固件中添加任何密钥或禁用安全启动即可在这些系统上安装Ubuntu。

For more information about what exactly Secure Boot is, read HTG Explains: How Windows 8′s Secure Boot Feature Works & What It Means for Linux.

有关确切的安全启动的更多信息,请阅读《 HTG解释:Windows 8的安全启动功能的工作方式以及对Linux的含义》

驱动程序集成到软件源中 (Drivers Integrated into Software Sources)

This isn’t a huge new feature, but if you’re looking for the Drivers control panel to install closed-source drivers for your hardware, it’s no longer a separate application. You’ll find the Additional Drivers control panel integrated into the Software Sources application.

这不是一个巨大的新功能,但是,如果您正在寻找驱动程序控制面板来为您的硬件安装封闭源代码驱动程序,那么它将不再是一个单独的应用程序。 您会发现“其他驱动程序”控制面板已集成到“软件源”应用程序中。


软件更新 (Software Updates)

Of course, Ubuntu 12.10 also contains the usual updates for all the software on your system – the Linux kernel 3.5.4, GNOME 3.6, Firefox and Thunderbird 16, LibreOffice 3.6.2, and more.

当然,Ubuntu 12.10还包含系统上所有软件的常规更新-Linux内核3.5.4,GNOME 3.6,Firefox和Thunderbird 16,LibreOffice 3.6.2等。

One application that isn’t the latest version is the Nautilus file manager – Ubuntu is still using Nautilus 3.4, not Nautilus 3.6. The GNOME project made some controversial changes to Nautilus 3.6, removing a variety of features, including desktop icons.

不是最新版本的应用程序是Nautilus文件管理器-Ubuntu仍在使用Nautilus 3.4,而不是Nautilus 3.6。 GNOME项目对Nautilus 3.6进行了一些有争议的更改,删除了包括桌面图标在内的各种功能。


亚马逊搜索结果 (Amazon Search Results)

Amazon search results appear in the dash when you perform a search – so if you’re searching for Terminal to launch the terminal application, you’ll see results allowing you to buy the movie “The Terminal” on Amazon.com.

执行搜索时,Amazon搜索结果显示在短划线中-因此,如果您正在搜索Terminal以启动终端应用程序,则将看到结果,您可以在Amazon.com上购买电影“ The Terminal”。

If you don’t like this feature, we’ve got a guide to disabling the Amazon search results.


Have you noticed any other useful new features? Leave a comment and share them!

您是否注意到其他有用的新功能? 发表评论并分享!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127061/8-new-features-in-ubuntu-12.10-quantal-quetzal/





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