


Lots of small businesses use their personal cellphones when making work related phone calls. Some may even be using old landlines for their calling needs. While it makes sense to use your cellphone, and it can be scary to make a change, owning a business in the 21st century may require an upgrade.

许多小型企业在拨打与工作相关的电话时会使用个人手机。 有些人甚至可能会使用旧的固定电话来满足他们的通话需求。 虽然使用手机很有意义,而且进行更改可能很吓人,但要在21世纪拥有一家公司,可能需要进行升级。

The alternative to personal cellphones and landlines is VoIP, or Voice over IP, which will give your company a more professional feel and a competitive edge. If you’re looking into separating your personal phone from work, but you aren’t sure if it’s the best decision, look no further. We’ll review some of the reasons why you’ve made the right choice.

VoIP或IP语音是个人手机和座机的替代产品,它将为您的公司带来更专业的感觉和竞争优势。 如果您打算将个人电话从工作中分离出来,但不确定是否是最佳决定,那就别无所求。 我们将回顾一些您做出正确选择的原因。

传统方式:分界线 (The Traditional Way: Get a Separate Line)

If you’ve decided to stop using your personal phone for your business, the traditional way to get a new number was to simply get a separate line. That means contacting the phone company, asking them to run a new line to your house (which usually includes a setup fee), and then paying extra every month for the new line—you’ll pay $20-30 per month on the low end for a residential line, and in the $60+ range per month for a business line. This is still an option, but the problem is that now your business phone number is tied to your house or office location, and can only be answered if you’re physically there. Even if you’re able to get a cheap landline, this option lacks convenience.

如果您决定停止使用个人电话进行业务,传统的获取新号码的方法就是简单地获得一条单独的电话。 这意味着要与电话公司联系,要求他们为您的房子开一条新线路(通常包括安装费),然后每月为新线路支付额外费用-您每月需要为低端线路支付20-30美元住宅用线,而商务用线则每月$ 60 +。 这仍然是一种选择,但是问题在于,现在您的公司电话号码已绑定到您的房屋或办公室位置,并且只有在您身在其中时才能接听。 即使您能够获得便宜的固定电话,此选项也缺乏便利。

Since it’s 2018 and more people have cell phones without even owning a land line, your second option is to simply get a second phone and carry that around with you. Tons of small business owners do this, carrying around two iPhones and constantly switching between them. This solution works, and allows you to answer the business phone line from anywhere, but it’s not very cheap. The cost of an expensive phone plus the money for the extra line adds up really fast—for instance, a $699 iPhone plus around $30 per month for an extra line ends up being over $1000 over a year. Not the best way to go.

由于是2018年,越来越多的人甚至没有座机就拥有手机,您的第二个选择是简单地拿起第二部手机随身携带。 大量的小企业主这样做,随身携带两部iPhone,并不断在它们之间进行切换。 该解决方案有效,并且允许您从任何地方接听商务电话,但这并不便宜。 昂贵的电话的成本加上额外线路的费用加起来非常快,例如,一部699美元的iPhone加每月30美元左右的额外线路,最终一年的费用就超过了1000美元。 不是最好的方法。

更好的方法:IP语音或VoIP (The Better Way: Voice over IP, or VoIP)

Now that we’re in the days of always-connected internet access from every device, you don’t need to use the traditional phone networks anymore. We can make phone calls over the internet that are not only cheaper and unlimited, but actually sound clearer than a traditional phone, so you can better understand what your customers are saying.

现在,我们处于每台设备始终连接互联网的时代,您不再需要使用传统的电话网络。 我们可以通过互联网拨打电话,这些电话不仅便宜而且无限制,而且实际上比传统电话更清晰,因此您可以更好地了解客户在说什么。

VoIP can not only be used to power physical phones sitting on your desk, but can also be used as an app on your current phone that allows you to place and receive calls from any existing phone, and all for a fraction of the cost.


Need more than one phone line for your business? It’s not a problem with VoIP, you just upgrade your plan and plug in extra phones into your network, or setup the apps on your computer or phone.

您的业​​务需要多个电话线吗? VoIP没问题,您只需升级计划并在网络中插入其他电话,或者在计算机或电话上设置应用即可。

And if you’re upgrading your business from a landline or cell phone number, you can usually port your current number to the VoIP system so your contacts will be able to reach you.


与传统电话相比,VoIP具有巨大优势 (VoIP Has Huge Advantages Over Traditional Phones)

The cost is the biggest reason that people choose to switch to VoIP, but it’s not the only thing to consider—there are also great features that will save you time and money, and simply aren’t possible with the traditional phone line options available for small businesses.


Large corporations have the budget to setup and maintain a complex PBX system with a receptionist and extensions for each desk. But you don’t need to bother with all that by using VoIP, which has those features and a lot more, built right in to a low monthly fee.

大型公司的预算是建立和维护一个复杂的PBX系统,该系统带有接待员和每张办公桌的分机。 但是,您无需使用VoIP来打扰所有事情,VoIP具有这些功能和更多功能,并且内置在低额的月租费中。

  • Call Forwarding can ring on all your devices, can ring on multiple phones at once, and you can set rules to forward calls only during certain hours.


  • Auto-Receptionists make your business sound more professional.


  • Automatic Call Recording can record all inbound and outbound calls.


  • Extensions let you use a single main number to reach everybody (there are still direct lines for each person).


  • Conferencing allows you to give your clients a number to call in so everybody can be on the same conference line easily.


  • Powerful Voicemail will send you emails with the voicemail, and can even transcribe them to text.


  • Internet Faxing just in case you need to deal with government or some other industry that hasn’t caught up with the times.


  • And literally dozens of other features and integrations into the rest of your business.


It’s 2018, everything is going to be in the cloud soon, so why not your business phone? VoIP isn’t just the best thing on the market right now, it’s the future of all phones.

到了2018年,一切都将很快在云中,所以为什么不使用商务电话呢? VoIP不仅是目前市场上最好的产品,而且是所有电话的未来。

如何选择商务电话套餐 (How to Choose a Business Phone Plan)

Now that you know all about the advantages of VoIP, it’s time to choose a business phone plan, and that’s where it gets tricky because there’s a lot of solutions out there, and none of them are necessarily right for everybody. But luckily we’ve got experience running a business, so here’s our recommendations based on what we know.

现在,您已经了解了VoIP的所有优势,是时候选择商务电话计划了,在这里就变得棘手了,因为那里有很多解决方案,而且都不是适合所有人的解决方案。 但幸运的是,我们有经营业务的经验,因此,以下是根据我们所了解的建议。

If you work for a very large corporation, you’re probably going to end up with a solution from a large company like Cisco or Avaya, but those systems don’t work for everybody, and certainly aren’t usually a good choice for a small business.


最佳总体奖: RingCentral Office (Best Overall: RingCentral Office)

If you’re looking for the best solution for the best price, RingCentral Office is definitely the one we’d pick. And, in fact, RingCentral is the phone system that we’ve used for years at How-To Geek HQ for our backend operations. It’s pretty rare that we directly recommend a service, but we use it.

如果您正在寻找价格最优惠的最佳解决方案, RingCentral Office绝对是我们的选择。 而且,实际上,RingCentral是我们在How-To Geek HQ多年来一直用于后端操作的电话系统。 我们很少直接推荐一项服务,但是我们会使用它。

One of the other benefits of RingCentral is that it is actually owned by Cisco and AT&T, which means that it isn’t some fly-by-night service that will disappear. They are here to stay.

RingCentral的另一个好处之一是,它实际上是由Cisco和AT&T拥有的,这意味着它不会消失。 他们在这里停留。

RingCentral has all of the features you’d expect from a phone service, including local numbers, unlimited calls and texts, mobile apps for iPhone and Android, voicemail to email, extensions, auto attendants, and every other feature that you might need.


And if you want to upgrade, you can even get an 800 number for your business, use high quality desk and conference room phones from Cisco and other vendors, or integrate with Microsoft, Dropbox, Google, Box, Salesforce, Zendesk, desk.com, and a lot more.


And with plans starting at $20 per month with a free trial, it’s even cheap enough for a business with only one person.


其他选择:商业用Vonage,eVoice和商业用Skype (The Other Choices: Vonage for Business, eVoice, and Skype for Business)

There are plenty of other VoIP providers to choose from, of course. Vonage for Business is a pretty solid alternate solution, although their pricing model is a little more confusing, and you’re going to need to get a consultation. They do have most of the same features that you’d need, and they are a recognizable brand name. We’ve used Vonage in the past and never had problems with the service.

当然,还有很多其他VoIP提供商可供选择。 Vonage for Business是一个非常可靠的替代解决方案,尽管他们的定价模型有些混乱,您将需要咨询。 它们确实具有您所需的大多数相同功能,并且是可识别的品牌名称。 我们过去使用过Vonage,但从未遇到过服务问题。

There’s also eVoice, which doesn’t have any hardware phone options and is actually more expensive to start with. They have a lot of the other features, like extensions, auto attendants, 800 numbers, and voicemail to email, but overall you’d be better off with RingCentral or Vonage for Business since those packages scale better and give you physical phones, rather than just a simple app on your phone.

还有eVoice,它没有任何硬件电话选项,并且实际上起价更高。 他们还有很多其他功能,例如分机,自动话务员,800个号码以及语音邮件到电子邮件,但总体而言,使用RingCentral或Vonage for Business会更好,因为这些软件包可以更好地扩展并为您提供物理电话,而不是只是手机上的一个简单应用。

Finally, you could try using Google Voice or Skype for Business, but these don’t have all of the features that you’d expect from a business phone system, and you’re left only using an app to make all of your calls. You lose the professional aspects of having an auto attendant, extensions, and scalability to a bunch of lines as your business grows.

最后,您可以尝试使用Google语音或Skype for Business,但是这些功能不具备商务电话系统所期望的全部功能,而您只能使用应用程序拨打所有电话。 随着业务的增长,您会失去一线服务,扩展和可伸缩性的专业方面。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/359944/the-best-way-to-get-a-phone-number-for-your-small-business/


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